Gleanings from Lincoln County Kansas newspapers

from 1896
Lincoln County Kansas

(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1896. If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.

Lincoln Sentinel -- January 4, 1896
-- The Rev. Henry BRADBURY drove out to the residence of Mr. LEWIS in Vesper township Wednesday where he united in marriage, at high noon, W.W. TROUP and Miss S. Annette LEWIS, both of Vesper township.
-- Beverly: George LITTLE is threshing cane, kaffir corn, etc. this week. His charges are reasonable. Geo. is quite a rustler.

Lincoln Sentinel -- January 9, 1896
-- The seven-year-old son of Leonard BIRD, who resides seven miles northwest of Lincoln, died Monday and was buried Thuesday.
-- Pleasant Valley: R.L. GRAVENER disturbed a pole cat�s meditation one night last week, which resulted in quite a stink.
-- Rosette: The Union Sunday School elected officers last Sunday. Frank FOUTS, superintendent; Cin. WOLBACH, asst. supt.; W.M. GRIMM, sec.; Lizzie WOLBACK, treas., and E. THEATE is cash collector. The Mount Washington Cemetery association held their annual meeting last Saturday evening and elected a new board with the exception of the secretary: J.A. PECK, W.M. GRIMM, J.G. CRIST, C.E. PECK, I.B. SCHMELTZER.
-- The seven-year-old son of Leonard BIRD, who resides seven miles northwest of Lincoln, died Monday and was buried Tuesday.

Lincoln Sentinel -- January 23, 1896
-- P. CORNELIUS, Lincoln County�s coal miner, was on the streets Saturday.
-- Tom GARITY, becoming tired of the monotony of Lincoln county, has taken his departure and gone to Cripple Creek, Colo. He will, no doubt, find it more interesting in the wild west than in this light of civilization.

Lincoln Sentinel -- January 30, 1896
-- Probate Judge VICTOR this week issued marriage licenses to John H. BOLTE, of Colbert, and Lizzie MURPHY, of Lincoln; and to Bert TRASK and Dessa CARR, both of Lincoln county.
-- Peter ZIER, one of Lincoln county�s most prosperous farmers, purchased a quarter section of land known as the old J.C. WALLS place, one day last week. A.M. NIMMONS made the sale.

Lincoln Sentinel -- February 6, 1896
-- Cholera is raging among the hogs all over Kansas, according to the press dispatches. Unfortunately, it has not yet attacked the political swine.
-- Logan: John REED�s young folks went to lyceum and by fast driving had the good luck to break the wagon axle. Young folks should drive slow. ... Dan RUNNALDS had a steer break a leg while running.
-- The last few days have been remarkable principally for the number of breakages of human bones. Last Thursday evening Earl GOFF was thrown from a horse while riding in the vicinity of the public school grounds, sustaining a broken leg. Drs. CLARK and MAYFIELD set the injured member. ... Scott BEARD, a young man whose home is near Vesper, was thrown from a farm wagon by a runaway team Friday evening last. A dislocated shoulder was the serious result of this accident, and it was put in place by Drs. SHERRICK and NEWTON. Monday noon of this week, while James and John McREYNOLDS, sons of Co. Treasurer McREYNOLDS, were attempting to break a mule to drive, James was thrown to the ground by the mule, sustaining a dislocated shoulder. It was a forward dislocation, and was consequently a very painful injury. The member was related by Drs. SHERRICK and CLARK.

Lincoln Sentinel -- February 13, 1896
-- Dr. PICKERELL reports the birth of a fine girl to Mr. and Mrs. Charles PERCIVAL of Beverly; born Friday, Feb. 8th. Weight 9� pounds.
-- A marriage license was Tuesday issued to Fred JANSEN of Sylvan and Carrie PANKAU of Vesper. It is understood the marriage will not occur till someday next week. The young people started out right: they procured the marriage license and then went to A.R. HALL and bought their furniture.

Lincoln Sentinel -- February 27, 1896
-- Logan Pickings: Old lady BELL is getting better, except she has no use of her limbs.
-- The young people of the Methodist church have raised $20 for missions. Grandma DODSON of this city is supporting a missionary of the Methodist church in India. Her method of doing so is rather unique. She appeals to the eastern people for patches, and then devotes her time to making fancy or crazy quilts. These she sells and then forwards the money to her protégé in India.
-- Rev. E.F. GOULDEN, aged 27 years, died at the home of his parents in Scott township Thursday of last week. He was the victim of consumption, and only arrived home from Colorado a week before his demise. His father is the regular pastor of the Methodist church at Barnard.
-- Rosette: C. NAGLEY had a hay party last week, to bring his hay down from the old homestead to Mr. SCHANTZ�s place, where they intend to move by March 2nd. � H.V. JEFFERS has rented the Martin PECK farm, where he intends to locate after his school is closed at Sylvan Grove. He wil engage in the chicken business, and expects to raise some artificial roosters.

Lincoln Sentinel -- March 6, 1896
-- Cruel darts aimed at Lincoln: From the Kansas City World � "Lincolnites will have to endure a local �Uncle Tom� play." And "The girls are listing the marriageable men in Lincoln, and lively times may be expected before the ice cream season. The new bustle reached Lincoln ahead of the new woman."

Lincoln Sentinel -- March 19, 1896
-- Luther FULTON, from up near Vesper, is making a dugout on John McCALL�s farm and intends to keep bachelor�s hall this spring.
-- Beverly: Eli WERTZ said the grasshoppers completely destroyed his wheat last fall.

Lincoln Sentinel -- March 26, 1896 -- Rosette: Mr. JERRET�s horse has not yet become accustomed to country life, so he broke loose last Monday evening and ran up to town. No damage was done. � E. THEATE started to work again Monday for Mr. FOUTS after being laid up for two weeks. While he was hauling rock the crow-bar slipped into the wheel and came around struck him with such force as to knock him from the wagon. He lay with his head in front of the wheel and if the team had not stopped at once it would have killed him.
-- If we were a leap year damsel, yearning for a proposal, we�d look up Charley Lohmann. He is young, handsome and well-fixed, and keeps his subscription to The Sentinel paid up.
-- Abe MARSHALL is back from the "wild and woolly" west.

Lincoln Sentinel -- April 16, 1896
-- The wife of T.E. SCOTT of Tescott died last week after a long illness. She was well known to a number of Lincoln people. [Note: Tescott is east of Lincoln and just over the Ottawa County line. The town of Tescott was named for T.E. Scott.]

Lincoln Sentinel -- April 23, 1896
-- Old man PONTIUS of Lone Walnut is preparing to erect a small blacksmith shop.
-- John STEINHOUSE of Chicago is here visiting with his brothers. Mr. Steinhouse was here in the early days and became disgusted with the country and went back to Chicago, where he has since resided.
-- The sheriff lost the combination to the door of the county jail and at last reports had not been able to open it.
-- Two eggs a week will buy the Lincoln Sentinel for one year.
-- Judge SMITH granted the following marriage licenses this week: On April 20, B.F. GILKISON of Lincoln and Jocie WEBB of Beverly; Harry H. LAWSON and Carrie BELL, both of Sylvan Grove; Esrom VONADA of Rosette and Anna M. WEAVER of Lincoln; Charles H. KRUGG of Lincoln and Daisy E. SMITH of Victor.
-- Born, April 4, to Ben and Lottie SEYMOUR, a daughter. Mother and child are reported as doing well, but fears are entertained as to Ben�s recovery.

Lincoln Beacon, April 23, 1896
---Marine Private Owen Mulloy and Gen. Uncle Tim Kine last Saturday night blowed up and got quarrelsome and proceeded to maul each other according to all known rules - from Queensbury to cat-fight. Kine was badly worsted. Both spent Saturday night and part of Sunday in the city bastile. The affair cost Kine $15 and Mulloy $18.
---In the Lincoln Beacon we notice a cast of characters for the drama "The Emigrants," and see the name of J.D. Brockett as "Richard Baxley." Is your part anything like hiding a hand-car on Halloween, Jim? -- Kirwin Independent

Lincoln Sentinel -- April 30, 1896
-- There were twenty-five immersions in Wolf Creek Sunday. Rev. A.L. CRISS officiating.
-- L.V. MINX and Edward CROWE came home from New Mexico the first of the week, bringing with them a train of 16 carloads of cattle. A portion of them � those which are the property to A.W. ELGIN � were unloaded at Lyons, and herded across the country to the pasture lands in this county.
-- The house of Chas. POSTON, who lives on his homestead 12 miles northwest of this city, was totally destroyed by fire Saturday night while the family was absent from the premises. The loss and inconvenience to Mr. POSTON is especially severe, as he has not yet "proved up" on his homestead.

Lincoln Sentinel -- May 7, 1896
-- Beverly: Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert HANCOCK, a bouncing baby girl, arriving on the 4th. � The writer and family took dinner a week ago with the Widow JAMIESON and Miss Mollie THOMPSON, who are the oldest people now residing in this part of Lincoln county. Their ages are 89 and 78 respectively. Mrs. JAMIESON came to Kansas a great many years ago, and can tell you a great deal of grasshoppers, prairie fires, and also of some of the horrible crimes commited by Quantrill and his band of desperadoes. Her own house was burned by them. Mrs. JAMIESON has a sister living in Ottawa county who is 93 years old. The two ladies are quite strong and look as if they might live a great many years yet.
-- Pleasant Valley: G.W. KOONTZ traded his buggy to Ben ADAMSON for a mowing machine. That is one of those trades that you read about where both parties are beat.

Lincoln Sentinel -- May 14, 1896
-- Barnard: Quite a number of Barnard citizens went to Lincoln Monday, May 11, and were caught in the storm. Among them were Postmaster TATUM and his daughter Nora, Mrs. A.M. JOSEPH and her daughter Emma, Julia TATUM, Marguerite EDWARDS and J.H. JOSEPH.
-- Rosette: Mrs. H.T. OWEN says the men in her part of the country are wearing sun bonnets, and the next will be the exchange of dress.
-- Sylvan will have a big horse race Saturday under the auspices of Crate FRANCIS, though Bill BRUMBAUGH and Mike SMILEY are abettors.
-- Rev. H.C. BRADBURY left yesterday afternoon for New York City where he goes to attend the reunion of the class of 1872 of the Union Theological seminary of which he is a member. He will be absent a half dozen weeks.
-- L.P. MOSS thinks of calling his hotel the Pennsylvania House. Ten former Pennsylvanians took dinner at his hotel one day last week.
-- Charley LOHMANN and Henry WOLTING Sunday surprised seven young gray wolves in their den on the Monroe Flats south of town. They saw several old ones, too, but could not get near enough to effect their capture. Charles brought the trophies to County Clerk BOOKS and secured a bounty for each scalp.
-- Peter McKAN and Lizzie FANCHER will be married Memorial Day.
-- Probate Court: Ephriam TAYLOR and Emma TEACH, both of Bacon, were married by Judge SMITH the 11th. Licenses to marry were granted to S.W. BLOOMHART and Sarah E. MANLEY of Beverly; T.J. HANCOCK of Beverly and Emma Lee BOWEN of Isadors, Mo.; Frank AUFDEMBERGE and Laura EARHARDT of Lincoln.

Lincoln Sentinel -- May 21, 1896
-- Pottersburg: Miss Anna ERREBO is taking music lessons of Mrs. Minnie SMITH. � Henry LEAF and some hunters killed 20 young wolves in the hills of Spillman.
-- A man put up a sign on an east side sandy lot: "This Lot for Sail." The wind came along the other day, and the lot sailed. It pays to advertise.

Lincoln Sentinel -- May 28, 1896
-- Samuel ASKEY has the slowest buggy team we ever saw. It is just the thing for young people, as they like a slow team, or a road a long way around
-- Barnard; Born to Thomas WALLACE and wife, May 18, a fifteen pound son.

Lincoln Beacon, May 28, 1896
---Mrs. Timothy Kine, one of the very oldest settlers of Lincoln county (coming here about 1868) was last week adjudged insane and was taken to the asylum Monday last. Mrs. Kine's mind has been unbalanced for several years.

Lincoln Sentinel -- June 4, 1896
-- Beverly: B.J. SKINNER had a hog badly torn up by vicious dogs and had to kill it. � The cellars were liberally patronized by the citizens during the storm. Most of the men went because their wives did. ... The commerce club of Kansas City visited Beverly on their excursion train April 22 and received a hearty welcome from the enterprising and wide awake business men of this modest little burg. No one could be prevailed upon to deliver an address of welcome to the distinguished visitors, and the inclemency of the weather prevented the ladies of Beverly, far famed for their beauty and grace, from being present, but the little girls were on hand to distribute beautiful bouquets of fragrant flowers to the visitors as priceless mementoes on memory�s page.
-- The annual convention of the Lincoln County Sunday School Union met in the Presbyterian church at Lincoln May 28 at 2:30 p.m. The convention was called to order by J.M. BRUNT, acting president. The devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. J.A. WOODY. Owing to the absence of Capt. TUCKER, the first topic, "The Early History of Lincoln County," was omitted. Our present blessings were discussed by J.S. STRANGE, T.J. McMICHAEL, J.A. WOODY and others. The street meeting at 7 p.m. conducted by Revs. BARTON and T.M. STRANGE was fairly well attended. The 8 p.m. service was in charge of the young people�s societies of the county. The leaders were Nellie WEEKS, Walter ANDERSON and Irwin YENSER.

Lincoln Sentinel -- June 11, 1896
-- Rosette: The hail, wind and rain storm Saturday night was the worst of the season. The hail was not quite as plentiful as the last storm, but it came at the rate of five miles a minute. � The wind was rather a twister, and did considerable damage. It took J. PECK�s, C.E. PECK�s, T.N.KRESSLEY�s and W. MILLER�s windmills, but as J.B. SCHMETZER�s only had two wings, it left his standing. W. OPPLINGER�s mill shaft is bent but can work yet. N. MILLER�S barn, being in line, started east, leaving nothing but splinters behind. Very little lumber can be used again. A part of the roof of A. VONADA�S house left for parts unknown. Part of C.E. PECK�s shed roof was taken off.

Lincoln Sentinel -- June 18, 1896
-- Bullfoot: A new stone bridge is being built near Henry HUHL�s place. Mr. KRUGER, the road boss, found the old crossing to be very dangerous. Chas. GRIMM is doing the mason work.
-- It is reported that Hankey Mohn of Spring Valley has planted a bushel of hail with the intent of raising ice plants.
-- Rosette: Herman PETERFISH, who went out of Colorado last spring and took up a claim, has struck a gold mine. He used to mine coal here at SPEAR�s coal bank.

Lincoln Sentinel -- June 18, 1896
-- Monday morning Geo. McALAVY, while intending to feed his cattle with corn from the end of a shot gun, and when capping the gun it was accidentally dischanged. The load missed the remainder of the family and scattered the seed sack which was near the bed. Another way to get the family out of bed quick.
-- From the Sylvan Alert: On Monday morning Ed Pugh brough in a wagon load of the hail that fell Saturday which he distributed among our people in town, who made ice cream with it. The hail was the size of walnuts when brought into town; they must have been as large as goose eggs when they dropped.
-- John KISTLER, while taking a trip on his bicycle last Saturday afternoon, took pity on the poor thing and exchanged places. All of which goes to prove that he is a kind hearted young man.

Lincoln Beacon, June 25, 1896
---Jos. Haley wishes to inform our readers that the Jos. Haley who recently secured a marriage license in Ottawa county is not Joseph Haley of Section 8, Town 12 Range 8 west, Indiana township, Lincoln county, not by any means.

Lincoln Sentinel -- July 2, 1896
-- The suits for the fire department came Monday. They consist of a fine navy blue cap, blue flannel shirt with white vest, and a brilliant red belt. The aggregate cost of each suit, which includes its apportionment of express charges, is about $4.90.
-- Beverly: Miss Libbie HICKMAN and little sister started out for a ride in a cart, when the horse shied at something along the roadway, kicking Libbie�s foot sufficiently severely to break several of the bones.
-- Saturday two old citizens of Lincoln county passed to the Great Beyond. Both men have lived in Lincoln county for almost a quarter of a century and both were well-known and highly respected of their fellow men. We refer to the deaths of Jacob D. MIDDLEKAUFF Sr. of near Vesper (who died of congestion of the lungs at age 54 years) and E.H. ELLIS, who made his home at diverse abodes in this city for nine or ten years, and who died at the Lincoln House at 8 o�clock Saturday evening of last week.

Lincoln Sentinel -- July 9, 1896
-- Mrs. BURDICK wrapped a rope around her cow�s neck after taking her to pasture and the cow put her hind foot through the rope and hung herself.
-- John NEALE has returned from the far west where he has been employed some time, and is building a stone house on his farm in Madison township. James LITTLE is the builder, well-known for his skill in masonry. This insures John a safe dwelling against the winds of Kansas.

Lincoln Sentinel -- July 16, 1896
-- Madison: Laurence MEYERS is contemplating a trip to the Rockies. He is fond of adventure and can�t be contented here. The sick of this corner are mending slowly. Dr. PICKEREL is reaping a better harvest than we. But we must pay well to keep such a good doctor in our midst.
-- West End: The happiest man in our community is H.V. JEFFERS, his happiness is caused by a little girl arriving at his home last Thursday, which adds much joy to the home circle. � The colored people of this and four joining counties will celebrate their annual jubilee in LAUNSBURY and PORTER�s grove a half mile east of Cedron on August 4. A great time is expected and plenty of amusements will be furnished for the occasion. Everybody is invited to come and enjoy a good time.

Lincoln Sentinel -- July 23, 1896
-- Pleasant Valley: Harvesting is still in progress. Lightning kiled two cows for Chas. HILDEBRANT the 20th. No insurance. An eye witness says that FARQUHARSON�s duck pond makes a fine bathing place.
-- There was a gentleman from Elkhorn visiting with W.H. BISHOP last Sunday. We would not tell his name, but he can eat more chicken than any living mortal we ever saw. He at six legs for his dinner.

Lincoln Sentinel -- July 30, 1896
-- J.W. MEEK will sell a good team of young horses, a good harness and wagon, nearly new.
-- Henry RAHMEIER and H.B. HARRIS represented Lincoln at the populist appellate judicial convention at Concordia last week.
-- John DUEWELL moves into town Saturday.
-- Mrs. John RYAN of the South Side is reportedly dangerously ill.

Lincoln Beacon, Aug. 6, 1896
---N.B. DeArmond and family will go in a couple of weeks to Manhattan to make their home there. Their primary object in removing is to give their "young folks" extra educational advantages. William and Miss Minta will at once enter the Agricultural College there. William attended the College last year. During all the 21 years they have resided here the DeArmonds have been good neighbors and excellent citizens in general.

Lincoln Sentinel -- August 13, 1896
-- A young married Lincoln man who took his wife�s advice for cleaning his straw hat will buy a new one. The old one will be used for a hen�s nest this winter.
-- Sylvan: While Mr. Gus THRUN was holding his only child, which was four days old, by a window Sunday, a sharp flash of lightning occurred during a shower of rain, the current of electricity was so strong as to kill the child in his arms immediately. He had a father pillow under the child and it is supposed the feathers drew the electricity. Mr. THRUN had no signs of the current on him.
-- Will REINERT and Lena BERNEIN were married at the German church south of Town Tuesday afternoon, Rev. HAHN officiating. The groom is a prosperous young farmer of the South Side, the bride�s parents reside in Indiana township.
-- Married at Lincoln August 10th by H.C. Bradbury, minister of the gospel, George W. SPENCER of Sylvan Grove and Clara A WALTER of Yorktown. The groom is a son of John B. SPENCER of Rosette and has been farming and driving the mail that runs north from Sylvan Grove. They wil make their home in the north corner of Lincoln county. May God ever shower down upon them his richest blessings.

Lincoln Beacon, Aug. 13, 1896
---Wednesday last week, Aug. 5, in company with 80 other people, we attended the 25th anniversary of the marriage of Thos. M. Strange and wife (formerly Miss Sarah Bird), at their home in Lincoln. A large proportion of the guests were old settlers, some of whom have been friends of Mr. and Mrs. Strange during all the years they have traveled through life together. A splendid dinner was spread, and the day will always be a memorable one to those who value an expression of honest and unaffected friendship. We hope that in company with the rest of the guests of this occasion we will help celebrate the 50th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Strange's marriage. To this worthy couple have been born 15 children, 10 of whom are in this life. It is a most worthy and highly respected family from father and mother to the least in years. Sterling integrity in all things is the family trait. A large number of appropriate, useful and beautiful presents were left with Mr. and Mrs. Strange as everyday tokens of kindly regard and concern.

Sylvan Alert, Sylvan Grove, Kansas --- August 20, 1896
---(News from Rosette): Robert OEHLER left Friday for the eastern part of Nebraska. He ways he has enough of Kansas and will try that state awhile.
---(News from Rosette): The Rosette school board met Saturday night and to decide whom they should have as teacher. They employed F. P. FOUTS at $30 a month.
---(News from Rosette): Mr. Don VONADA came up from Bull Foot(?) Saturday and visited with his brother over Sunday.
---(News from Vesper): Miss Lydia BLOUD from the Brush Creek neighborhood will teach the Old Vesper school this winter, at $30 per month.
---(News from Dry Hollow): During the electric storm Friday night two horses belinging to Mr. IDE were struck by lightning in Bert BLYTHE's pasture; one was killed. A horse belonging to Frank SHANELEC was also killed at his place the same night.
---(News from Round Top): Mr. Jacob BIRCHER says he is pappa again, it is a girl.
---(News from Round Top): Miss Mary MICKLEY intends to teach the Green Valley School.
---(News from Round Top): Berdella COOVER is going to teach the Mt. Pleasant School.
---(News from Round Top): Wm COOVER has some corn twelve feet high. How's that for Kansas?
---(News from Round Top): Mr. George PUGH intends to teach school at the Pugh school house.
---(News from Round Top): Miss Katie ESHE has gone to Topeka. Mrs. Will ESHE has returned to her husband in Colorado [Not sure if the state or township in Lincoln County is meant here].
---"GEYER-MITCHELL" A charming home wedding took place Monday evening at the residence of A. T. MITCHELL, pastor of the M. E. church of this place; when Miss Eda MITCHELL of Sylvan and Mr. Edwin M. GEYER of Bremen, Indiana, were married by the bride's father, Rev. A. T. MITCHELL. The bride... was attended by her sister, Miss Flora MITCHELL and Irvin R. McADAMS acting as best man.... The groom is a nephew of Mrs. P. BERGER of this town and while his stay among us has been brief he has made acquaintance with many who are pleased to congratulate. [This is a summary of a long article]
---Fred PANKAU came nearly being disabled for life by a bucking horse last week.
---Wm. ERREBO will ring the bell this winter at Fairview Dist. No. 55.
---Mrs. W. H. McADAM[S] and her sons, Johnnie and Lontie will arrive home today from a four days visit with Dorrance friends.
---Johnnie McADAMS is enjoying a week's vacation at present. He has resigned his position at Raffety & Nesmith's and accepted the clerkship at Berger Bros., at an advanced salary.
---While working at a cylinder of a thrasing machine last week, Charlie PANKAU had his ha[n]d badly cut up to such an extent that he will be unable to use it for several months. Steam in the steam chest of the engine caused the cylinder to revolve backwards and caught Charlie's hand tearing a hole through the palm of it. Dr. SIMPSON dressed the hand and Charlie is getting along fine.
---Mr. J. P. GRIM contemplates plastering the upstairs of the parsonage, preparitory to Mr. Arthur ARTMAN moving into one part of the building. Mr. ARTMAN is from Lincoln and has been engaged as principal of the Sylvan school. He contemplates making this town his home and we will gladly welcome him and his family.

Lincoln Beacon, Aug. 20, 1896
---Elias Rees and J.D. Brockett are in Salina attending the state bicycle meet. Mr. Rees has entered four races.
---Claude Fisk of Atchison, a nephew of J.D. Brockett, has been visiting in Lincoln.

Sylvan Alert, Sylvan Grove, Kansas --- August 27, 1896
---(Orbitell local news): Mr. C. IMKE and family and Miss Toney NADJE was up from Lincoln and spent Sunday with his mother.
---(Orbitel local news): Mrs. E. YEAGLE has sold his farm and will leave us this fall.
---(Vesper local news): J.B. MARSHALL moved from Lincoln to A. W. LEWIS' farm today. HIs school will commence the 1st of September at New Vesper.
---(Vesper local news): S. R. HOLMAN has begun a new stone house on his farm three miles north of Vesper. The place where he now lives has been sold to B. B. McCALL.
---(Vepser local news): Mr. and Mrs. Ed DOUGHTY of Alva, OK., visited in Vesper on day last week. Mrs. DOUGHTY was formerly Miss Anna MATTHEWS of Orbitello.
---(Vesper local news): Pete NOON has been remodeling his house one mile east of Vesper Station and will move into it soon.
---(Bacon local news): Jas. FINKENBINDER has moved on the English farm upon which D. C.
LANGLEY has been farming. D. C. expects to start for Kansas City soon; we dislike very much to see him go.
---M.J. PEASE and wife are to be congratulated upon the arrival of a new boy at their home on Friday morning. Mart feels as he were walking on air ever since. He set up cigars while in town Saturday and he did not forget to treat the editor.
---Mr. E. M GEYER who was employed at HERGER's store started Monday for his home in Indiana where he will teach school. Mrs. GEYER, his wife, will stay among us for some time and teach the Dry Hollow School this winter.

Lincoln Sentinel -- August 27, 1896
-- J.W. BOOS of Cedron, and Maggie L. HURLBUT of Sylvan Grove, were licensed to be wed by Probate Judge SMITH Tuesday.
-- The picnic at Baird�s grove Saturday wil be talked to by C.B. DAUGHTERS and E.S. BOWERS. Now, if there is not a big attendance, whose fault will it be?
-- There were quite a number of ladies and gentlemen out on main street parading on their bicycles last night.

Lincoln Beacon, Sept. 10, 1896
---Thos. Crowe of Fayette county, Iowa, is here visiting his nieces, Mesdames Walls, Elgin, Day and Marshall and his nephew, Ed. Crowe. Mr. Crowe is 70 years of age and yesterday, for the first time in his life saw a peach upon a tree. He has traveled considerable, but his part of Iowa is not adapted to peaches, and he never ran across them elsewhere on the parent stalk.

Lincoln Beacon, Sept. 17, 1896
---At Lincoln, Sept. 15, 1896, by H.C. Bradbury, minister of the gospel, Samuel H. Seirer and Alvina R. Pankau, both of Sylvan Grove. Samuel is the son of John Seirer of Sylvan, and is a strong young blacksmith and farmer. His wife is a German and is a great worker. May God ever send them heaven's richest blessings.
---A son was born to Jas. Kerr and wife of this place Sept. 14.

Lincoln Beacon, Sept. 24, 1896
---To John Lewick and wife of Indiana township, a son [Alvin B.] was born Sept. 20.< p> Lincoln Beacon, Nov. 26, 1896
---Patrick Flaherty has lately come on from Pittsburgh, Pa., to make his home with his aunt, Mrs. Foley, of Indiana township. Mr. Flaherty is a cousin of Mrs. Nicholas Whalen of this place.

Lincoln Beacon, Dec. 3 , 1896
---Benjamin Walters and Miss Lina Von Fange, both of Bashan, were married Nov. 29, 1896, at the German Lutheran church south of Lincoln, Rev. John M. Hahn officiating.

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.