Gleanings from Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1911 newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.

Lincoln Sentinel -- September 7, 1911
-- The Misses MENOHER entertained a number of their young friends last Monday evening in the form of a Hobo party. There were about twenty there and many comical costumes were worn.
-- While delivering milk last Thursday evening, the horse of Francis HEALY became frightened at a team of mules and ran away breaking thirteen bottles of milk, which he was delivering to his regular customers. It caused his customers some inconvenience whenthey had to take their coffee black for breakfast, but he made a delivery early in the morning and everything was alright again.

Lincoln Sentinel -- October 5, 1911
-- Lincoln can not grow properly without a good live commercial club, a club which would take hold of and promote every necessary enterprise. There are a hundred and one things that the town needs and unless it gets them it will not get out of the country town class - (It) needs better roads leading into the town-a new bridge across the river-another railroad or better service. The park proposition: It is to be hoped that this town will not try to go without a city park for another quarter of a century; the sooner the trees are planted the sooner they will give sufficient shade to insure a city party. (The town needs) an opera house on the ground floor � and the tearing down of the old useless buildings that stand on streets for no other purpose than spoiling the appearance of our town.
-- Married at the home of the officiating minister, H.C. BRADBURY, Lincoln, September 20, 1911, Charles B. MABRY and Katie M. HAMBLIN, both of Lincoln. They go to housekeeping on a farm two miles north of Lincoln.
-- The "Princess Theatre," SHERMAN and WICKER, proprietors, was opened Wednesday evening with a moving picture show. The theatre is a very pretty one and will be appreciated by Lincoln people.

Lincoln Sentinel -- October 12, 1911
-- Hiram J. HAMMER, one of the earliest settlers of Lincoln County, died at his home ten miles south of Lincoln October 7 in his 84th year of age. Mr. HAMMER was a native of Ohio.
-- Miss Frankie GOODEKOONTZ of Hunter, visited her sister, Miss Alice, who is a student in high school.
-- Lost Creek: Billy NIELSEN lost one of his best cows the other day from eating second growth kaffir corn. � Dr. SONGER, the vet from Lincoln, was called the see some sick horses for C.H. PECKHAM last Sunday morning. They were foundered from eating dry wheat from a wagon. He left them better before returning home.

Lincoln Sentinel -- October 19, 1911
-- Wm. LEAF has been in our vicinity the past week looking after his interests. He is going to do some improvements to the buildings on his ranch, commencing this week.
-- Sophia JORGENSON returned home last week from Mt. Hope, where she has been the past two months. Sophia will help Mr. Adolph MORGENSON of Vesper with her work for a short time.

Lincoln Sentinel -- October 26, 1911
-- Mr. SHAFFER leased the room recently vacated by Jim BEADLE and will move his bowling alley in there.
-- Joe WALKER who lives over in the southeast part of this county brought to town and sold to the Windsor hotel a wagon load of fine apples that he had raised on his farm.
-- It is an actual fact that we are to have a bakery and it will start in the building formerly occupied by the Bell Springs Creamery by Frank KEARN. He expects to commence business the last of this week.

Lincoln Sentinel -- November 2, 1911
-- Five Lincoln boys were lucky in the Gregory, S.D., land drawing contest. Ray RANKIN was the lucky one, he drew number 43 and Blaine HERMAN received number 393. Other winners were I.L. HOLMES 4,325, Will LONG 5,614, and Geo. TAYLOR 6,486.
-- Frank KRUGER�s house, fourteen miles from here in the Liberty district, was entirely destroyed by fire Monday evening about five o�clock. Their furniture and clothing were saved.
-- Pottersburg: Sid LAWSON bought his sheep out from Sylvan to H.C. SMITH�s last week.

Lincoln Sentinel -- November 20, 1911
-- J.D. BROCKETT and wife are the proud parents of a baby girl [Haddie], born Sunday night, Nov. 4.
-- The whole county is in sympathy with brother Rev. BRADBURY and family, in the death of their daughter Eunice who died in Topeka Thursday morning. She leaves a loving husband and four small children. The Lord knows best.
-- Colbert: Herman STEINHOUSE is sporting a new buggy. ... P.A. NELSON is building a new barn. ... John RICKETT is building a new chicken house. ... Mr. GEYER sold some hogs last week. Mr. CHANDLER has a sick horse.
-- Vesper: Don FELDKAMP, who was hurt two weeks ago by falling from a horse (concussion of the brain) is still in a critical condition, but hopes are entertained for his recovery. ... Peter HUTCHISON is learning the art of putting mule jewelry together in Paul KOHLER�S harness shop.

Lincoln Sentinel -- November 16, 1911
-- Mrs. John P. RUPPENTHAL lost a diamond in town some place. The finder will greatly oblige her by leaving it at the Farmers National Bank.
-- Fred RATHBUN left the COLE sanitarium last Saturday. You remember he had an operation recently and it was very successfully performed so that he could go home in pretty good shape. We are surely very glad.
-- Lost Creek: Thos. CRAWFORD has completed his barn, much to his enjoyment and his stock�s benefit and comfort.
-- Joe CRAWFORD is in receipt of a birthday card weighing one pound. It was highly decorated with tin horse shoes, and was sent to him by his brother, William of Williamsport, Penn.

Lincoln Sentinel -- December 14, 1911
-- Geo. CLEAVER, north of Beverly, was in town Thursday to meet Mr. SHERMAN of Topeka, who is the president of the Orphans Home of that city. He was passing through Lincoln with several children taking them to new homes and had a boy for Mr. and Mrs. CLEAVER. Mr. SHERMAN is certainly doing commendable work.
-- The literary [society] is progressing right along with a crowded house every Friday night. The question discussed last Friday night was that women had a greater influence in the upbuilding of a nation than men. The affirmative won.
-- Coleman TOOLE, of Vesper, was in our city last Friday on business and while here made our office a pleasant call. Mr. TOOLE is one of Lincoln county�s oldest settlers, and we enjoyed his relating some of the early experiences in this section of the country.

Lincoln Sentinel -- December 21, 1911
-- The basket ball between the Lincoln boys team and Denmark boys last Friday evening played at the Rink here in Lincoln was a good game. The final score was 23 to 15 in favor of the home boys. Players for Lincoln: Frank HALL, Joe RYAN, Carlye WATSON, Normie FRY, Glen ANDERSON and Donald TENNEY. Frank HALL and Glen ANDERSON changed off in the last half. The Denmark boys are Eddie LARSON, George ERREBO, Albert MATSON, John ERREBO and Adolf LARSON.
-- Several from Yorktown are compelled to haul water as there has been no wind to run the mills.
-- Sylvan Grove: The work on the city water works is progressing nicely. It is rumored that the electric Lights will be turned on Christmas. We doubt it.

Lincoln Sentinel -- December 28, 1911
-- Miss Sylvia TURNER who is teaching District 8 gave a box supper on the 16th of December which was a great success. Miss TURNER is getting along nicely with her school work and her pupils are making good progress.
-- Mrs. W. WATTS bought the SW � of sec. 19 for $4,600. A good many buyers were trying to get it but Mrs. WATTS was the successful competitor.

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.