Gleanings from Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1912 newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.

Lincoln Sentinel -- January 4, 1912
-- Prairie Grove: Mr. Henry WILL is "batching" on Clarence BROBERG�s place during Clarence�s vacation.

Lincoln Sentinel -- January 11, 1912
-- Vesper: After suffering so long from being thrown from a horse, Dan FELDKAMP has about entirely regained his usual health. His many friends rejoice to hear the same. Frank KEATING and Miss Sina STOVER of Barnard were married in Lincoln last week.
-- Rex and Harry STEVENS LEFT Monday morning of Salina. They are attending school at the Wesleyan. Robert PARKER Jr. also went to take up his studies Monday morning.
-- Pottersburg: A baby boy came to Andrew WALTERS and wife as a Christmas present; Andrew is stepping lively this cold weather to keep the new boy warm.

Lincoln Sentinel -- January 18, 1912
-- Abel GOURLEY, one of the oldest settlers in this section of the state, died at Siloam Springs last Jan. 13 at the age of 74 years.
-- Miss Bessie ABBOTT who has been working at the Eagle Store for some time has quit working there. Miss Edith HOLLINGSWORTH has taken her place.
-- Yorktown: Marion WELL�s family moved in to the Methodist parsonage at Ash Grove.

Lincoln Sentinel -- January 25, 1912
-- Lost Creek: Everybody is beginning to fear for the sufficiency of feed. All are trying hard to extend their supply by feeding straw. A.E. STRANGE deserted his buggy and is now seen strolling around on horse back. He claims his horse that has served him some 17 years is the most reliable yet in these snow drifts. � D.L. RUGGLES must have hibernated for the winter as we have not seen or heard of him for some two months, but to do so one must be well supplied with coal and grub.

Lincoln Sentinel -- February 1, 1912
-- Colbert: Jesse and Philander GOURLEY are here from Oklahoma visiting their sister, Mrs. Milt WEBB.

Lincoln Sentinel -- February 8, 1912
-- Alvin LEWICK went to Vesper Friday to visit his sister, Mrs. Sadie HEALY.
-- Dr. LOUGHRIDGE, as he goes off to a warmer climate, lets his mantle fall on Bro. BRADBURY. His mantle is a big warm fur coat; so that hereafter the Elder will have no excuse for staying at home on the coldest days. He must fill appointments and calls.
-- Coleman TOOLE began the erection of a new house in Vesper, Monday, just north of the depot.
-- The Tacky part which was given at the home of N. FRYE�s last Friday evening was well attended. Prizes were awarded to Marjorie SMITH and Tom STEVENSON for the tackiest man and lady. Fruit was served and the event was a delightful one.
-- Frank CROMWELL and wife of Vesper are the happy parents of a baby girl born Sunday morning.

Lincoln Sentinel -- February 29, 1912
-- M.D. BELL was in town Wednesday morning getting his affairs here all fixed up with the people. He sold his store at Colbert last Saturday to Oscar VonSTROHE who will conduct the business at the old stand. The BELLs will leave for Oklahoma in a few days where they have bought some land.

Lincoln Sentinel -- March 7, 1912
-- Roy LOVITT will erect a beautiful resident this psring in the Bower addition.
-- Earl MAXWELL passed the twentieth milestone on life�s journey last Sunday. He celebrated the event by mapping out a real cute little mustache.
-- Last Sunday�s Kansas City Star contained a half-page writeup of the Denmark Hall with illustrations. The Denmark neighborhood certainly has a right to be proud of this achievement. Not many rural communities can boast of as fine a place of amusement and to hold othe rpublic meetings.

Lincoln Sentinel -- March 14, 1912
-- Wick and V.N. BLOMFIELD came down from Yorktown [by sleigh] to get flour and groceries for the Yorktown store Friday and were snowed on. They started on their return trip Sunday morning accompanied by a team, wagon and men to help break the road and shovel snow.
-- Married at the home of the bride�s parents in Velley Township, Lincoln county, Kansas by Henry C. BRADBURY, minister of the gospel, Olen F. ECKHART and Anna HAYWOOD, both of Lincoln.

Lincoln Sentinel -- March 21, 1912
-- The old soldiers are leaving us very fast. One by one they must meet their last enemy. God help us all to overcome through Christ. Abraham MICHAEL was born in Crawford county, Penn., July 9, 1832, and died at Lincoln, Kansas March 14, 1912, aged near 80 years.
-- The storm of last Thursday was one of the severest this section of the county ever experienced. The oldest settlers all agree to that.
-- Yorktown: R. BEAN and family have moved onto one of John TWIBELL�s farms. PREEO Bros. Are still taking care of J. BUNKER�s cattle; owing to the deep snow he was unable to take them home.

Lincoln Sentinel -- March 28, 1912
-- The Vesper School district and about three or four other adjoining districts are talking consolidation. This is a good thing and we hope they will do it.
-- Mary Ellen LEASE is again in the lime light. Some of you will remember that Mary Ellen advised Kansas farmers, during the time of the populist supremacy, to raise less corn and more hell. Now Mary Ellen is in the Roosevelt garden cultivating her favorite crop and is ably assisted in her noble work by her chief, who has always been an expert in raising hell.
-- West End: Wheeler METTLEN had the misfortune of losing one of his two-year-old colts. There is an old cellar on the old MILLER place where his horses were turned in which was partly drifted shut with snow and it is supposed it fell in and broke its neck.

Lincoln Sentinel -- April 3, 1912
-- J.C. MORGENSON and wife of Denmark are the happy parents of a baby girl born Sunday, March 31.
-- Ross CURTIS went to Beverly Tuesday to deliver a "Ford" to Waldo HANCOCK.
-- A very pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride�s parents, Chris HANSEN, on Sunday evening March 24th, when Miss Kristina HANSEN became the wife of Mr. Marius PETERSON.

Lincoln Sentinel -- April 18, 1912
-- Mrs. James MASON is laying the foundation for a handsome new residence one block north of the Windsor hotel.
-- T.C. GARRITY has a contract for a new cement walk around the Hall drug store. This will be a fine improvement for that corner.
-- Miss Minnie MEIER and Mr. Ed TROEGER were united in marriage last April 14 at the German Lutheran Church south of Lincoln.

Lincoln Sentinel -- May 2, 1912
-- Volany Ball, one of the oldest settlers of central Kansas, died at his home in Brookville last week. He formerly lived at Beverly. The town was named after his old home town in Virginia. He was the first treasurer of this county and later represented it in the legislature. Only a few years ago he removed to Saline county where he died.
-- Louis LINSBORG has dug a ditch across his place changing the creek course and thereby saving some of his valley farm land. Ed JOHNSON assisted him.

Lincoln Sentinel -- May 9, 1912
-- J.W. TIPTON of Beverly has decided to locate in Lincoln. We welcome him in our community.
-- Sunnyside: Will BERKYPILE lost a fine mare and colt Sunday night. Ed BERKEYPILE is taking in cattle in his new pasture. Ed is a rustler. � Several of the ladies went and helped Mrs. MUSSELMAN quilt Wednesday.
-- Wm. KIRCHNER is driving his auto again after a vacation of two weeks or more while getting some new tires.

Lincoln Sentinel -- May 16, 1912
-- Willie MARSHALL, the oldest son of Jim MARSHALL, had a misfortune of getting his right arm caught in a grinder and had it mashed so badly that the entire hand had to be amputated. His is a young man f about seventeen years of age which makes it a very sad accident.

Lincoln Sentinel -- May 23, 1912
-- Pottersburg: Wm. VanLEEWEN is laid up with a very bad sprained back. Andrew HELLER and family were visiting at Wm. MAHONEY�s Friday eve. Work has begun on the bridge to be built across the Spillman near R.N. WILCOX�s.
-- Mrs. Margaret Hill McCarter�s book, The Price of the Prairie, was in rehearsal to be presented as a play at Lincoln, and a "whole lot" of people of the town were "doing hard work" to ready the presentation. The cast included M.J. HEALY, J.J. McCURDY, Stanley CONNER, J.S. STOVER, Ed M. PEPPER, James RYAN, Joseph RYAN, Blaine HERMAN, Harold WOODY, Glen ANDERSON, Norman FRYE Jr., Pete HUTCHISON, John MULOY, Clinton CRAWFORD, Frank MULLOY, Clarissa GREENE, Marjorie LYON, Nellie CRAWFORD, June MADERIA, Margaret HUTCHISON, Christine HEIM, Blanche MINZ, Mrs. E.M. PEPPER and Caryl WATSON.

Lincoln Sentinel -- June 5, 1912
-- Early Wednesday morning Miss Mae Joslin and Mr. M.J. HEALY were happily married at the St. Patrick�s church in the city, Rev. FATHER FITZGERALD performing the ceremony.
-- Married: At the home of the bride�s uncle, Andres J. WILBECK, four miles northwest of Denmark, Sunday afternoon, June 2, by H.C. BRADBURY, minister of the gospel, Geo. W. SORENSEN and Mariane B.H. WILBECK, both of Vesper. Uncle WILBECK�S home is in the wods near the creek, a romantic spot. The wedding guests were the nearest and best friends and relatives. All nature had on its richest garb of great waving fields of wheat, lovely pastures, and such comfortable homes, birds and roses. The wedding feast was of the best fruits and good cheer. Tom YOHE was there with his auto to bring the preacher and Scott PLASMYER, the photographer who tried to take a lasting picture of the happy scene. Tom took the bride and groom out for an auto ride, also others who never had traveled in an auto before�. George and Mariane will go to housekeeping on the farm of the groom�s parents who are now in the old country.

Lincoln Sentinel -- June 13, 1912
-- W.D. MIDDLEKAUFF and others have bought a horse for Brother BRADBURY, and will present it to him. There is nothing he needs as much as a horse. We believe the Lord helps those that help themselves.
-- Dewdrop: Louis LESSOR is pretty proud the last few days, the reason why, a son came to make his home with him last Sunday morning.

Lincoln Sentinel -- June 20, 1912
-- E.P. LOSO has a fine live pelican John ANDERSON caught last Saturday on the right of way. It was been crippled some way and could not fly. It is not on exhibition in LOSO�s shoe store.

Lincoln Sentinel -- June 27, 1896
-- C.H. SIX, our band leader, now has the management of a cream station. He has passed sufficient examination to permit him to manage one and is now employed in this capacity.
-- Colbert: Born to Mr. and Mrs Marsh WEBB on June 22nd a baby boy.
-- Dewdrop: General GOTTBERG visited with Capt. LYSTER last Sunday.
-- Sylvan Grove: Henry BUZICK�s new house on 1st street and Kentucky Ave. is under roof and will soon be ready for occupancy. � This little city has reached the autmobile craze � not less than 18 are in use. Postmaster SHILLING is the latest.

Lincoln Sentinel -- July 4, 1912
-- Vesper: Born to John REED and wife, a harvest hand weighing nine pounds.
-- We were sorry to hear that Ed COIL of Sylvan Grove had the misfortune to lose one of his horses. They ran away, and one horse got its leg broken and had to be killed. Mr. Coil runs the mail route and could ill afford to lose it.
Lincoln Sentinel -- July 11, 1912
-- Will ANDERSON brought in the first load of new wheat last Saturday and sold it to the Lincoln Roller Mills. The wheat is of fine quality, tested sixty two pounds and the price paid for it was 90 cents.
-- Prof. and Mrs. HEALY went to Beverly Wednesday morning where they commenced the art of housekeeping.

Lincoln Sentinel -- July 18, 1912
-- Vesper: Louis JENSEN and wife now occupy the Frank BLAZER property. Mary SWISHER is assisting Mrs. SCHNELL at the Hotel for a few days. The farmers are all very busy now, both the house wives and the land lords. Fruit canning and threshing being in order. Laura STRANGE is in Vesper helping care for the new clerk who arrived Thursday at the home of Maurie CROMWELL Jr. and wife. The little one weighed nine pounds Both mother and baby are doing nicely.

Lincoln Sentinel -- July 25, 1912
-- Lost: somewhere in Lincoln, two silver dollars, two half dollars and two quarters tied in embroidery handkerchief. Belle SHAFER.
-- Dolph STRAWN has blocked out a very near and pretty moustache. We hope the improvement may add a little to his stature.
-- J.W. McREYNOLDS went to Salina Tuesday to hear J.R. GARFIELD at the chautauqua.

Lincoln Sentinel -- August 8, 1912
-- Vesper. Wm. FLAHERTY is now installed in the telephone business here. His family moved in last week.
-- Dew Drop: Fred SAVIN gave an ice cream party to the young folks of Dew Drop. They all had a good time and went away hoping Fred would give another soon.
-- Maurice CROMWELL went to Salina the latter part of the week, intending to return home the same day, but his watch being ten minutes slow he missed the train.
-- The LHS girls suffrage club will meet with Miss Hester JACKSON next Monday evening. Presenting a suffrage play in the near future will be considered.

Lincoln Sentinel -- August 15, 1912
-- Vesper: Vesper now has a doctor. We understand he came here highly recommended. He moved in last week occupying the house vacated by Dr. NEWLON. We certainly welcome Dr. HEDRICK and family to town.
-- On last Sunday the Chris JEPSEN family were enjoying a spin over the country in a new auto.

Lincoln Sentinel -- August 22, 1912
-- E.R. FROEBENIUS, our marble man, erected a very fine monument in memory of Mrs. Joe JACKSON in our cemetery. He is putting up a fine Bedford coping around the lot. When complete, Mr. JACKSON will have one of the nicest lots in our cemetery.
-- E.J. RYAN bought a fine bunch of 3-year-old steers from Thomas FEAKES Tuesday. The price paid for them was $54.25 a head. Mr. RYAN says that he will keep them for spring market.
-- Pottersburg: Lee BROWN is sporting a new buggy. It is a dandy and Zella VanLEEWEN says it rides nicer than an auto.

Lincoln Sentinel -- August 23, 1912
-- L.T. HOLLINGSWORTH came Friday evening from his Idaho trip. Bert FRYE took a load of travelingmen to Tipton Friday evening.
-- Born: To Grant CRAWFORD and wife of Lincoln, a daughter, the last of the week.
-- The train struck Mr. MEDCRAFT�s horse Saturday evening, which died the first of this week. He had it staked out near the track.

Lincoln Sentinel --- Vol. 28, No. 15 (April 1915)
---At Beulah in Lincoln county, Sunday April 4th, 1915, at high noon by Rev. O. W. J. Jones, Miss Helen L. Bird, daughter of Mrs. A. N. Bird, and Mr. Alfred E. Strange.

After the Easter services to a crowded house the bride and groom appeared and the officiating minister, met them at the door and they followed him to the alter and took their place under a beautiful arch of evergreens, where the minister pronounced them husband and wife.
A bountiful repast was provided at the brides home where about thirty of their friends were present to do justice to the occasion. - contributed

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.