Gleanings from Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1937 newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- January 14, 1937
-- With last week�s issue, The Sentinel Republican passed into its forty-ninth year of service to the city and community of Lincoln county. The first issue, of which none seems to have been saved, appeared early in the year of 1888, and it has been uninterruptedly published each week since that time, a period of 48 years. The Sentinel, so far as can be learned, is one of the oldest business institituions in Lincoln. The Republican, however, which was consolidated with The Sentinel in 1923, was even older, having been established in 1886, a continuation of the Lincoln News established in 1874, and the Lincoln Banner established in 1884. A rich heritage of association with the community since �71 has thus become a part of The Sentinel�s history.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Edward HAMILTON are the proud parents of a son born Saturday, Jan. 9, at their home. They have given him the name Robert Edward.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- January 21, 1937
-- Martin Johnson, famous explorer who was injured fatally in an air crash near Los Angeles, Calif., last Tuesday, will be buried at Chanute, Kansas, according to an announcement made Saturday by his sister, Mrs. J.R. CRITTS who lives in Enid, Okla. � An infant brother of the world famous explorer is buried in the Lincoln Cemetery, having died while the family lived here, more than 40 years ago. Martin Johnson�s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. JOHNSON, are buried in the Independence, Kan., cemetery, the family home for many years after they left this community.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- January 28, 1937
-- This community lost one of its best known and most useful citizens in the death of A.R. HALL at his home last Thursday morning, Jan. 21. Mr. HALL was the son of the late Dr. Henry M. HALL, one of Lincoln�s most beloved citizens, a veritable grand old man, who came with his family from Toulon, Ill., in 1886.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- January 28, 1937
-- Elkhorn: Mr. and Mrs. Alva WEBB are the proud parents of a baby girl born Monday morning. Mother and baby are doing fine and Alva stepping high. They have given her the name Thala. The wedding bells were ringing over in this nook last week when Mrs. Lizzie RATLIFF became the bridge of Mr. Tom BLACK.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- February 4, 1937
-- Ice, nearly a quarter of an inch thick, covered the trees, houses, roads, walks and everything on earth in Kansas again this weekend following a rain which froze as it fell. The storm was even worse than the one of the previous week as the ice was much thicker. � Tom HOWARD fractured his right arm Saturday when he fell as he stepped from Orval SHEETS� car. � Wayne HOWARD was also slightly injured the same evening when struck by Orval�s car. � E.M. BIRD fractured his left wrist. � John MURPHY has been unable to return to work since he fell and broke three ribs� Orville LAUDERBAUGH painfully injured his left arm. � Mr. and Mrs. Art HUTCHISON escaped with bruises and minor injuries when their auto skidded from the road. � H.A. DIERS, driving his gasoline transport truck, figured in an accident at Culver Monday.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- February 11, 1937
-- Miss Pearl LEWICK left for Arlington, Calif., last week where she has been employed as a registered nurse there. Miss LEWICK, who was formerly nurse in the Arkansas City hospital, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewick Jr.
-- Gilbert D. PAYNE, 23 years old, of Westfall, who was injured in a motor car accident Dec. 23, 1934, died Monday at the University of Kansas hospital, Kansas City, Kan., from complications resulting from a factured vertebra suffered in the accident on highway 14.
-- Mr. and Mrs. George CONNER, among the oldest residents of Lincoln county, will celebrate the golden anniversary of their wedding Tuesday, Feb. 16. In honor of the occasion the Congregational Christian Church, of which Mr. and Mrs. CONNER are members, will hold a fellowship supper in the basement.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- March 4, 1937
-- Dr. George W. RYAN was checked in as postmaster of the Lincoln post office March 1 after serving for six months as acting postmaster.
-- The Rexall Store has received a beautiful new soda fountain which will be installed within the next few days. The fountain is larger than the present one and will enable Mr. FREVELE to give his patrons even better service.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- March 11, 1937
-- The city of Lincoln�s share of the proposed WPA park will be between $1,600 and $1,900. The plans and estimates worked out in the office of the county engineer do not include a swimming pool. (A lily pond, wading pool, croquet court and band shell were in the proposal.) For the time being the matter of a pool has been dropped. Present water supplies would not justify the building of a pool.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- March 25, 1937
-- F.W. DILL, shoemaker in Lincoln for many years, passed away Sunday afternoon at his home in Lincoln after a week�s illness. He was 76 years of age.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- April 1, 1937
-- Will DeVINNEY, editor of the Barnard Bee for manyyears and then editor of the Lincoln Republican, died Sunday morning at 3 o�clock in the home of his son, Dr. DeVINNEY at Downs, Mo., after an illness of several months.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- May 13, 1937
-- Owing to the prevalence of scarlet fever in the community, the Sylvan Grove schools, both public and parochial, were closed Monday of this week and have been dismissed for the term. Churches and other public gathering places have also been discontinued for at least one week. � While none of the cases are severe and there are only five families under quarantine in Sylvan Grove city, Dr. B.A. HIGGENS, county health officer, considered the quarantine of the community advisable to check the disease before the epidemic became serious.
-- Westfall: O.E. LESSENDEN and Forest drove over 60 miles Friday looking for five of their bucket calves. They found them near the Ed WILEY home about three miles away.
-- Nine men from the WPA rolls in Lincoln were assigned to work Tuesday morning on the sidewalk project. A supervisor from Salina is in charge of the construction of the cement walks ... Work started at the residences of Mrs. C.M. LOUSNBURY and Mrs. Alice BAKER, and after residential districts are complete, walks will be laid in the business section. M.J. REES, city superintendent, plans to lay heavy electric cable along Lincoln Avenue before the walks are put in so that white way poles may be installed easily should property owners and tax payers ever request them. A new WPA project was instituted in Lincoln this week when Mrs. Stella PLASMYER was assigned to duty as matron of the ladies rest room in the city hall.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- May 20, 1937
-- Photographer G.W. PHEGLEY has installed a new photo machine in his studio, one of the instant picture type. As soon as a few gadgets have been completely installed, Mr. PHEGLEY will begin taking photos of the "stamp" variety, giving patrons their pictures only a few minutes after they have been posed.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- May 27, 1937
-- Rapid progress is being made on the WPA project in Lincoln, calling for the laying of concrete sidewalks where ever landowners have petitioned for them and posted their share of the expense. This week the workmen are laying walks in the business district and the improvement is almost beyond believe.
-- Fifty members of the BPW Club met at the Star Café Sunday afternoon for installation with Mrs. Edith MARKLEY as installing officer. The officers wre Miss Lucretia SCHOLER, pres.; Miss Frances SHEPARD, v.p.; Mrs. Catherine CROMWELL, corr. Sec.; Miss Virginia LYSTER, treas.; and Miss Catharine ZINK, parliamentarian. Miss Margaret BAKER who was elected recording sec was unable to be present.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- June 1, 1937
-- Denmark: Baseball practice was cut short Sunday afternoon by the boys taking a sudden notion to go swimming instead.
-- Westfall: Here are some of the lineups with teachers and schools: Madison, Grace TAYLOR; Freedom, Edith INGHAM; Sunrise, Dan CANNON; Lone Star, Mary Agnes HEALY; Westfall, Luray BOLTE.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- June 17, 1937
-- The municipal band, under the direction of Wayne PERRILL, school music supervisor, will present the first in a series of summer concerts Saturday evening. The band will play at the SNYDER corner on Lincoln Avenue beginning at 7:30. This is a temporary location for the concerts until the band shell at the City park, east of the filter plant, can be made ready for use.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- June 24, 1937
-- To E.T. ADAMSON goes the honor of being the first to start cutting his 1937 wheat.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- July 1, 1937
-- Population for the county as of March 1 was 8,722. Lincoln population was given at 1,714; Sylvan Grove 507; Barnard 358; and Beverly 328. Decreases in tangible property are noted in livestock, there being only 4,160 horses of all kinds this year and 4,609 in 1936, 501 mules compared with 632 last year; 24,252 cattle and milk cows of all classes and 31,120 last year; only 725 hogs were listed with the assessors this year while 1,312 were given in 1936. �there are, however, more chickens, sheep and goats in 1937.
-- Lewis "Cy" Starks, farmer of the Westfall communty, was badly burned early Monday morning when gasoline he was pouring into his tractor caught fire � He was removed to the hospital where he is reported to be in serious condition.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- July 8, 1937
-- The City hospital in Lincoln, closed since last fall due to the illness and death of Dr. Malcolm NEWLON, is to be re-opened. Dr. C.A. FOSSUM, physician and surgeon, lcoating here for the practice of medicine and surgery. A graduate of Loyola Medical college in Chicago, Dr. FOSSUM is a native of Minnesota � he will be assisted at the City hospital by his wife who is a registered nurse.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- July 15, 1937
-- Streets in Lincoln and highways near here were fairly alive this Wednesday morning with grasshoppers, screen doors of business houses were covered with the insects. The pests were identified as of the migratory variety, quite different from the local species which has been feasting on growing vegetables for the past two months. It is said that the migrants will remain here only a few days, or even a few hours, going in droves to other feeding grounds. The local hoppers will remain.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- July 22, 1937
-- First applications from the needy for assistance will be accepted by the new State Social Welfare Board next week, following conferences with county staffs in the headquarter cities of each of the six districts in Kansas.
-- Miss Tillie STEARNS began work Monday morning at the STITES Grocery as clerk and bookkeeper, taking the place of Mrs. Beryl KNOCH, who resigned.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- July 29, 1937
-- The thrill of riding high in the sky over the prairies which they first saw from a covered wagon in 1873 came to George DAVIS, 85, and his sister, Mrs. Martha MARSHALL, 75, last Friday morning when through the generosity of a neighbor, they were taken for an airplane ride in a cabin plane which was here for two days.
-- H.A. DIERS last week purchased full ownership of the Midwest Transport company at Sylvan Grove and is now operating it under the name Diers Oil Company.
-- Complimentary to Mrs. Joe VAUGHN who before her marriage Sunday, July 18, was Miss Jewel BARINGER, Mrs. S.C. PAGE and Mrs. Margaret MILLER were hostesses at a lawn party and miscellaneous shower at the PAGE home Thursday evening.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- August 11, 1937
-- Miss Belle KING of Barnard began work last week at the ideal Beauty Shop in Lincoln as assistant to Miss Alma SMITH.
-- The Star Café is closed to customers this week while the proprietor, Mrs. Alice BAKER, and her assistants are busy cleaning and scrubbing the interior. The walls are to be newly papers and there wil be fresh paint for the woodwork.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican -- August 26, 1937
-- Dedication services for the new Presbyterian church at Westfall will be Sunday, Sept. 5.

Lincoln Sentinel-Republican --- Aug. 1937
---A very beautiful wedding was solemnized Sunday, August 15, in the Congregational Christian church at the close of the morning worship when Miss Birdie Ruth Hobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hobb, became the bride of Mr. Christian Conrad Veh, JR., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Veh, Sr., of Natoma.

Immediately following the church service, Miss Eva Whiteside, pianist, began playing, "I Love You Truly" and Mr. John Smith of Natoma sant the words. Then, as Miss Whiteside played the Bridal Chorus from "Lehengrin," the bridal party entered the church, taking their places at the front of the church which had been artistically decorated in pink and white. An arch was formed over the altar, and a gateway opened onto the platform where the background was a latticework of pink and white. Bouquets of white lilies and pink gladioli were used to further the decorative scheme and on either side of the altar were bouquets of zinnias and potted fern. The Rev. B. S. Barton, pastor of the church, performed the single ring ceremony.
The bride, who was attended by her sister, Miss Oneida Hobb, wore a floor-length dress of white satin-striped celanese over satin. The dress had cape sleeves and a shoulder ruffle. She carried a shower bouquet of pink roses and gladioli and wore a head band of tiny pink rose buds.
The bridesmaid's gown was of icy blue celanese taffeta, made floor-length with full skirt, lantern sleeves and corded hem and collar. Her corsage bouquet was of pink roses.
Mr. John Veh acted as best man for his brother.
A reception at the church followed the ceremony, after which a wedding dinner was held in the home of the bride's parents. Covers were laid for the immediate relatives, including Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Veh, Sr., John, Paul and Helen Veh, all of Natoma, Miss Tillie Veh, of Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Boxberger of Russell, John Smith of Natoma, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hobb and family, Mrs. Alice Strange and Helen Strange, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Conrad Veh, Jr.
The bride and groom left Tuesday morning for Natoma and will be at home after September 1 on their farm seven miles south of Natoma. Both have been prominent in Christian Endeavor work in the west central district and they have a host of friends over the entire district who will join friends in both Lincoln and Natoma in extending congratulations and best wishes.

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.