Gleanings from 1870's Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1870's newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.

Lincoln County News (Lincoln, KS) ---March 5, 1873
---Corn sells in Salina at 15 cents per bushel. In Lincoln Center it readily brings 20 and 25 cents. We raise stock up here.
---Died on Sabbath morning, Feb. 23, Mrs. Martha J. REED, aged 35 years, at the resident of her husband on Spillman creek in this county.
---Some of the Lincoln county farmers were plowing the middle of February. Let our eastern cousins put that in their pipes and smoke it.

Lincoln County News (Lincoln, KS) ---March 13, 1873
---Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners at a Special Session held March 10 for the purpose of considering the propriety of submitting to a vote of the qualified electors of the county a proposition to issue bonds to build a courthouse in Lincoln county Officers present were: Hon. John S. STRANGE, chairman; Hon. Orlando WEED and Hon. J.B. WALLS, commissioners; and A.S. POTTER, clerk It was then ordered by the board that a proposition to issue bonds of Lincoln county in the amount of $4,000 should be submitted to a vote of the legal electors at the next general election to be held the first day of April.
---Mr. MARSH has left a couple of very large hen s eggs at this office, to see what we think of them. Our opinion is that if the hens can stand it, he ought to feel satisfied.
---We learn that a new bed of coal has been discovered on Spillman creek, this county, which promises to yield an article superior to any which has heretofore been opened up. The vein is about ten inches thick, improves in quality and thickness the farther it is penetrated. There is one certainty that those who settle in Lincoln county can depend upon, that they or their grandchildren will never freeze to death for want of good and cheap fuel.
---A man in Kansas whose front name is John, tried a new experiment for cleaning soot out of chimneys the other day. He wrapped a lot of powder, some pound more or less, in a paper and put it in the stove, and in order to compel it to up the pipe, shut the door, and placing his feel against it, heroically awaited the result, like a mule with a howitzer strapped on his back. In due time it went off, and so did John. It was an even race to the door, but outside the powder was ahead. Whether it was disgusted at the vile uses to which it had been put, or whether the soot was too compact to be moved, it is not know. At any rate, as a cleansing method, John thinks it is a failure.
---(from editor D.W. Henderson s column):

Would it not be advisable for our citizens to move in the matter of selecting a site and laying out of a cemetery, wherein we may lay us down "under the shadow of the roses" when we are called to answer for our good deeds?

At a special meeting of the commissioners this week, they approved a petition asking for the division of Elkhorn township, and a new township, called Valley, was set off from the west end of Elkhorn.

The board of county commissioners voted to submit to the voters of the county at the next general election, a proposal to issue bonds in the amount of $4,000, to build a temporary court house. This is to be a stone building on a business lot, two stories in height, with rooms for various departments of county government and a hall for court, to be converted into a store or business establishment when the county desires to build a court house "such as we would not be ashamed of five or six years hence The need of a court house is universally felt. The building now occupied by the public offices is too small for either convenience or respectability, is a shackly wooden concern, liable at any moment to take fire and burn up, together with the books and other effects of the county. Besides, it does not belong to the county, and the rent paid for it would pay the interest on the proposed bonds.
Lincoln County News --- July 11, 1873
---We understand that a traveling church will be along this way. The advance agent who called on us Monday, styled it a sort of preaching circus, services being held under a large canvass, and after they have done all the good possible in one locality, "fold their tents and silently steal away." They are sent out and their expenses paid by the Sabbath schools of New York. At present they are trying to save Minneapolis, and it is not at all certain what time they will get along here. [This is likely the tent meeting organized by Rev. Bradbury, which first brought him to Lincoln County.] Lincoln County News --- July 24, 1873
---Mr. Ed. M. Harris called on us last Tuesday, and informed us that Mr. Bloomheart of Colorado township, while fishing that morning in the Saline river, caught a catfish that measured four feet and one-half inch in length, and weighed 48 pounds.


Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday April 19, 1876
---O. N. GREEN is always good natured but on last Monday we thought he wore a broader smile than usual-- cause why, big, fine centennial boy at his house, weighing nine pounds.
---Charlie ROSS has been found at last. Read an account on page one of this issue. [A long article about the kidnapped boy appears on page one of the newspaper].
---John KLEPPER says he will have his new blacksmith in full blast in ten days.

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday May 3, 1876
---Mrs. D. E. COOLBAUGH has gone to Kansas City on a visit to her friends and acquaintances.
---H. C. ANGEL is finishing a convenient addition to his residence.
---C. L. PIERCE has his house about completed.
---B. C. McCLELLAND of Monroe, has a fine lot of Osage hedge plants for sale.
---H. S. BUZICK will break 300 acres of prairie on his mammouth farm of 3000 acres the coming season.
---C. L. PIERCE is as spry as a cricket and as sociable as a grasshopper all on account of his new baby girl which weighs just nine pounds and a half, down weight.
---R. M. ROGERS of Colorado Township left at our office one day last week a fine sample of his raising of tobacco, which good judges say, compares favorably with grown in Kentucky and Tennessee.
---Mrs. A. C. WAIT commenced her select school on Monday last.
---Mr. A. S. POTTER, one of the earliest pioneers of this county, and who has been at his old home in Illinois for the past year returned to his old friends in the west on last Thursday. ... He first came to our county in 1870 and was the first county clerk we ever had, being reelected and serving two terms.
---Notice is hereby given that Bridget FLAHERTY, a minor, by James FLAHERTY, her next friend, has this day filed her petition in the office of the clerk of the District Court in and for Lincoln County, Kansas, praying that she may be empowered to exercise the rights of majority for the purpose of homesteading and building a homestead on government land. Dated April 18, 1876. Signed by Bridget FLAHERTY. By James FLAHERTY, her next friend.

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday May 10, 1876
---Rev. H. C. BRADBURY and wife have moved to this place. They occupy a portion of the residence of J. C. PARKER. He preaches every Sabbath at the Courthouse.
---J. S. SPRINGER is getting his lumber in the ground for a residence.
---Wm BURGESS, who has been chopping in the timber for Dr. VERNON during the past week, made a misslick on Friday afternoon, completely severing the big toe from the foot...
---A. S. POTTER, one of the best workmen on watches and clocks in the country is now on hand to do all work in this line.
---Some villains entered the storeroom of Elias REES on Saturday night last and carried away goods of different kinds to the amount of several hundred dollars.
---The following is the list of Jurors drawn for the May term of our district court which convenes on the 15th: W. McBRIDE, H. W. GRAHAM, Samuel DONELLY, Judson FARNSWORTH, H. R. STEWART, James ASKEY, Jas. S. GAYLORD, J. AUSTIN, C. S. GAYLOR, W. O. HOLMBURG, J. C. PARKER and James WILDE. --T. A. WALLS, sheriff.
---[A long article about a concert given Thursday evening last at the court house. Performers listed: C. L. PIERCE, A. C. SPRINGER, Dennis SPRINGER, Miss Nannie TIBBY, Miss Dosia HENDERSON, W. H. HENDERSON, Mrs. TANNYHILL, Miss Martha HENDERSON, Miss Dena HENDERSON, Miss Minnie WALL, Miss Belle GREEN, Master Harrie WELLMAN, Miss Belle CLARK, Johnny SCOTT, Johnny HENDERSON, "Little" Blanche WELLMAN and Mr. CAUDLE.]
---Married on Tuesday morning, May 2nd, at the residence of the bride's parents in Lincoln Center, by Judge Wm HEDRICK, Mr. M. N. ADAMS and Miss Carrie Belle ROBINSON, both of this county.

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday May 17, 1876
---J. M. SMITH of Pottersburg has 125 acres of fall wheat and rye to harvest, all looking first rate

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday May 24, 1876
---W. W. DAVIS has traded his town property for the BATES farm north of town and moved on the same.
---J. S. STRANGE is finishing up his fine large stone house on his farm, one mile west of town.
---Messrs. DUNHAM and BOHRER, late from Nebraska have settled in our midst.
---Born of the 16th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. R. PARKER a little girl of nine pounds weight.
---John KLEPPER is the gentleman we [the editor] wish to thank for a fine string of catfish.
---A specimen of fall wheat shown as by Mr. DeARMOND, and pulled from the field of Mr. John BALL measures just 42 inches in length.
--Some person, either accidentally or on purpose, shot through the hind leg of a fine young mare belonging to J. W. OTIS of Vesper a few days ago.
---Dr. VERNON performed a delicate and difficult operation on Mrs. BLOOMBART, quite an old lady, living down the river, a few days ago, removing from the right breast a cancer of long standing and of large size. The patient is doing well.

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday May 31, 1876
---We [the editor] acknowledge a call from Mr. GARVER from Maryland, who just

settled in the vicinity of Vesper.
---Miss Mary WHITEHEAD of Kansas City is here visiting with her sister, Mrs. D. E.
---Mr. A. ST. JOHN, having sold his farm at Ingalls, has, with his family, removed to Franklin County, this state.
---District Court Proceedings:
---State of Kansas vs. Joseph HEALEY, guilty of assault and battery.
---State of Kansas vs. Thomas McAULIFF, case dismissed at the cost of the county.
---State of Kansas vs. Julia ENGLISH, judgement of lower court affirmed.
---State of Kansas vs. Wm McNAIR, petition in error, overruled and judgement of Justice
of the Peace affirmed.
---State of Kansas vs. Timothy KINE, guilty of assault and battery.
---Fletcher VIOLOTT vs. Wm. GILLMORE, verdict and judgement of $66 for plaintiff.
replevin [sic!] of saw mill, verdict for plaintiffs.
---Patrick ENGLISH vs. P. LYDEN, administrator of the estate of John LYDEN,
deceased. Continued to next term by agreement.
---Ellen McINNERY vs. John B. WALLS and Patrick LYDEN, administrators of
the estate of John LYDEN, deceased, judgement for plaintiff.
---J. C. and C. N. PARK vs H. GRAHAM, petition in error, overruled.
---Jacob RUGH vs Wm GILLMORE, continued for service.
---Josiah EGNER vs BENHAM & McDOWELL, verdict for the plaintiff, 72 cents.
---Thos. WATSON vs R. F. BRYANT and H. VERNON, verdict against the
defendent VERNON, $22.77 and verdict against plaintiff, WATSON, in favor of
defendent, BRYANT for $1.50
---W. S. WAIT vs Patrick ENGLISH, judgement in favor of plaintiff for $15.50

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday June 7, 1876
---J. H. RACKERBY, Esq., has been appointed postmaster at Battle Creek, this county.
---Married: on Saturday morning, May 28th at the residence of the the bride's parents, Ellsworth County, Kansas, by H. C. BRADBURY, F. M. BROWN of Lincoln County, to Ruby M. THOMPSON.
---M. E. SLOAN, formerly of this place was buried in Salina on Monday.

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday June 14, 1876
---W. W. BROWN, attorney at law, and his son, H. Clark BROWN, disciple of Faust, of Belfonte, Pennsylvania, arrived in our place on Friday. They come with a view of settling permanently... [note: we are unsure of the term, "disciple of Faust." but that's what was written].
---John S. STRANGE killed two fine antelope one day last week.
---N.B. REES is making improvements on his picture gallery building.
---Born, on June 2d, 1876, to Charles and L. Gertrude METCALF, a boy. Weight, eight pounds. The little fellow has settled among one of the best classes of people in the west, and we hope his life may be as bright as are the present prospects of his native state.
---W.C. BUZICK has been quite sick for some days past, and at one time serious apprehensions were felt for his recovery. We believe he is a little better now, although he is not considered out of danger.
---Dr. J. K. OSBORN of Ottawa County shed the light of his countenance on us for a few moments Thursday morning. He thinks some of settling in our town.
---Our fellow townsman and most excellent Sherriff, T. A. WALLS, has just recently received his appointment as Deputy U. S. Marshall for this district.
---We hear that the wife of Mr. David JOHNSON, living near Harshbarger, this county, was seriously injured by lightning a few days since. Mr. JOHNSON and Mr. A. E. DOOLITTLE being severely schecked at the same time.
---The following Misses were selected to represent the thirteen states [in the upcoming July 4th centennial celebration in Lincoln]: Mary RUSSELL, Mary GUNN, Belle WALLS, Nettie HENDERSON, Blanche WELLMAN, Anna HOLCOMB, Lizzie GREEN, Ida DAVIS, Carrie PERRY, Theresa BROWN, Clara BRYANT, Gertie SPRINGER and Josie MALONE. Miss Belle CLARK to act as Goddess of Liberty.
---Seven distinct and brilliant water spouts were plainly visible, seemingly but a few miles south and southeast of town on Wednesday afternoon last ...... Mr. David PONTIUS of this place, mail contractor on the Ellsworth route was caught on the prairie about four miles this side of Ellsworth, and badly injured about the head, and having some of his ribs broken. His hack was badly used up. The wagon with him in it was picked up and played with as if it were a feather ...... Reports also come to us that great damage was done on Mulberry Creek a few miles this side of Salina. The house of Mr. EMNET and also that of Mr. WHITNEY were torn to atems [sic!] and the inmates badly injured. [Note... The preceding selections come from a long article concerning the appearance of several tornadoes in the Lincoln area].

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday June 21, 1876
---Road Supervisor, W. H. PARKER is doing a good job of work on the streets of the town.
---Hon Washington SMITH is preparing a historical sketch of our county which will shortly be published in the Register.
---Mr. Elias REES, accompanied by his two daughters, Miss Mollie and Miss Ella, left Monday for a visit in Illinois and Pennsylvania. They will take in the Centennial on their rounds and return some time in the fall.
---Mr. D.H. GARVER is breaking two hundred acres on his thousand acre farm, in the Maryland settlement, near Vesper.
---Geo W. WEEKS and family left here a few days ago for their old home in Ohio. They leave many friends in this county, who wish them all manner of good luck and prosperity.
---J.C. RYAN has finished shearing his flock of 430 sheep.
---Mr. Timothy KINE, who owns the hotel property has just got through making some good improvements on the inside of the same--plastering, painting, etc.
---A.E. DOOLITTLE has sold one of his farms on Spring Creek to Messers. TWISS and WOOLBERT, lately of Iowa.
---T.C. SMALES will be himself again in a few days. His new boy baby makes him feel a little above common folks just now.
---The person who, during court week, borrowed the overcoat from A.C. JACKSON will please return the same at once.

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday June 28, 1876
---O. N. GREEN has made a comfortable addition to his house on his desirable farm near town.
---Mr. Geo STITES has over fifty stong, clear, cold springs on his farm in Valley Township.
---Jno Z. SPRINGER has moved to town, and will hereafter be our assistant postmaster. Good appointment.
---A farmer lost his pocketbook on our streets last Friday, but it happened to be picked up by the honest hands of Chan. INGHAM, who restored it to the thankful owner. It contained upwards of fifty dollars.
---John DOWNS has just finished shearing his sheep and returns the best figures of any yet heard from.
---A private letter received here a few days ago, says I.W. RUSSELL, C. E. RUSSELL and W.E. JACKSON, who left here in March for the Black Hills, where they have been for some time, are now on the road home and may be expected in a few days.
---H.S. MERRIMAN who is building one of the best flouring mills in this part of the state on the Upper Saline about fifteen miles west of twon, dropped in a few minutes Saturday, and reports that he is progressing rapidly with his building and dam.
---Mr. CONNOR and family and also Mr. WETMORE and family with several good teams and a fine herd of cattle, have just settled near town. They came from Nebraska and are old neighbors of Mr. H. HOLCOMB and Mr. C.L. PIERCE.
---That gray-bearded Patriarch, Mr. H. S. WOODEN, is in the city.

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday July 5, 1876
---[A long article on the early history of Lincoln County, written by Hon. Washington SMITH, appears on page 1 of the newspaper.]
---[Complete text to an article on the previous day's Fourth of July Celebration can be found on the Lincoln County Stories page]
---Hon. Volney BALL has a steam threshing machine.
---M. N. ADAMS has broke two hundred acres of prairie this season.
---A.S. SUTTON is building a fine stone residence on his beautiful farm near Vesper.
---The new stone church in the Denmark neighborhood is progessing finely.
---Jos. CHENEY has given his residence a new coat of paint changing its color from cream to rose.
---J.E. WELTY was proatrated with the heat one day last week and has not yet entirely recovered from its effects.
---Capt. WAIT shot a rattlesnake one day last week, that measured four feet ten inches in length.
---Mr. Wm. ESTES who has been confined to the house for the past two months, has so far recovered as to be about again.
---H.S. BUZICK has gone to Kansas City with another lot of fat cattle. He is accompanied by W.C. BUZICK, who goes to the same place for medical treatment.
---Dr. BRYANT has finished and moved into his new stone house.
---Ira W. RUSSELL and C.E. RUSSELL arrived home on Tuesday evening last from the Black Hills looking hale and hearty. They made the trip home in just three weeks. We are promised a full history of that country, which will be interesting from the fact that it will be reliable.

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday July 19, 1876
---Hot, Very hot, Outrageous hot.
---C. E. RUSSELL and family have left us and gone to Kirwin.
---Ed OTIS, another of the Black Hills adventurers, has returned home, satisfied that Lincoln County is good enough.
---A pleasant entertainment was given by Mr. and Mrs. D.B. DAY at their residence on Thursday evening last.
---Messrs. WILLIAMS & CONRAD, of Pottersburg, have just introduced a new threshing machine, the Eclipse.
---Our Monroe correspondent informs us that everybody is busy in his neighborhood; that Rev. I. McDOWELL is growing more and more popular; that a very pleasant time was had with the little folks at Mr. PAGE's grove, last Sunday week, and that Volney BALL's steam thresher is shelling out all the grain in that part of the county. The Monroe settlement is one of the best in the county.
---H.W. GRAHAM, at the Rocky Hill MIlls, makes more good flour out of a bushel of wheat than any other man.
---The Republican primary meeting of Indiana Township was called to order at 10 o'clock a.m. on Saturday the 15th by G.M. WELLMAN. H.C. ANGEL was elected chairman and G.M. WELLMAN secretary. The following persons were then unanimously elected as delegates to the county convention to be held on next Saturday, the 22d at 2 p.m.: C.L. PIERCE, H.C. ANGEL, N.B. REES, G.M. WELLMAN and Thos. BRANN. There being no other business the meeting adjourned.
The following are the delegates elected in other townships:

Colorado: V. BALL, J.P. WEBB, R.E. BROWN, R.B. CLARK.



Salt Creek: James HALL, H.P. LeROY, J.L. HARPER, O.S. MILLS.

Valley: Jas ASKEY, Jno HIZER, S.O. HINDS

Battle Creek: V.P. DILLINGHAM

Vesper: A.S. SUTTON

In Union the following delegates were elected: R.S. WILMARTH, E.B. BISHOP, Len

ALLISON, M.N. STEARNS, and Jno MEDCRAFT. They were unanymously elected
by acclamation.

Pleasant: not heard from.

Saline Valley Register -- Aug. 16, 1876
---The rattlesnake that came into the Vesper school house, on last Sunday, to hear Rev. Mr. Bradbury preach, lost his life. He had nine rattles on the end of his narrative. Saline Valley Register -- Sept. 20, 1876
---Hiram Williams "drove" 40 shoes last Thursday afternoon, and didn't call it much of a day for horseshoeing, either.

---Mrs. J.B. Goff, wife of our ex-Representative, has, in addition to doing her own housework, just completed drilling in 60 acres of wheat and 10 acres of rye for her husband, driving the team with her own hands.
Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) --- Dec. 6, 1876
---On Wednesday, Nov. 29th, 1876, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. Medcraft, Mr. Curtis Shaffer and Miss Lina Green, daughter of Smiley Green, both of this county. Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) --- Dec. 13, 1876
---(Cemetery Meeting). Organized by calling D.E. Coolbaugh to the chair. Upon motion R.F. Bryant was made Secretary. Report of Committee on permanent organization was read and upon motion adopted. Upon motion Stock Books were opened and placed in hands of Secretary, with insructions to keep them open until Dec. 23d, 1876.
Upon motion the Secretary was instructed to have the minutes of this meeting, together with report of committee on permanent organization, published in Saline Valley Register.
Upon motion meeting adjourned to Dec. 23d, 1876, at the School House, in Lincoln Center. -R.F. Bryant, Sec.


Saline Valley Register -- March 7, 1877
---Sallie Haley, insane, who was sent to the Asylum from this place, a few months ago, is reported as rapidly improving. Saline Valley Register -- March 28, 1877
---In the Probate Court on Wednesday last, David G. Bacon was adjudged insane on the subject of christianity, and a Guardian of his estate and person appointed. Saline Valley Register -- April 11, 1877
---Notice has been given that Sallie Haley has entirely recovered from her insanity, and will be home in a few days. Saline Valley Register -- Aug. 8, 1877
---Rev. Father Buzick, who has been spending a portion of the summer here with his sons W.C. and H.S., left on Monday morning for his home in Iowa, being accompanied by his granddaughter, Miss Alice Buzick, who goes to make a visit with her relatives. Father Buzick made an army of friends during his short stay with us, all of whom wish him a safe trip to his home, and a pleasant journey through the remaining days of his declining years. Saline Valley Register -- Aug. 22, 1877
---The new bridge just erected at Rees' mill was washed away by the freshet on Friday morning, the river rising very rapidly and to a great height from the heavy rain up the river on Thursday afternoon.


Saline Valley Register -- April 3, 1878
---We understand a colony of 120 families will soon settle in the southwestern part of this county. They are of the denomination known as Dunkers. Saline Valley Register -- June 5, 1878
---A child of P.D. Reed, who lives near Denmark post office, was bitten by a rattlesnake last Thursday. At last report the child was still living. Saline Valley Register -- Sept. 4, 1878
---Sixteen children have died here during the past month, with diptheria. Saline Valley Register --- Oct. 30, 1878
---We are sorry to learn that Hon. Volney Ball lost his only son a few days ago. The little one was bitten by a rattlesnake in the afternoon and died in a few hours afterwards.
---Mr. J.C. WALLS buried one of his little boys last Saturday, and Mr. A. SHRINER buried his little daughter Lulu, a sweet little girl about seven years old on the same day.
---Dr. John S. WRIGHT has permanently located in Lincoln Center and can be found at all times at the Pioneer House, when not professionally absent. All calls promptly answered and all diseases treated with true Homeopathic remedies. Dr. Wright comes among us with the best of credentials, and is a practioner of many years experience.
---[Vesper] Candidates for office flying around the country like grand-daddy long legs on a hot stove plate. Give us a rest.

Saline Valley Register --- Dec. 11, 1878
---The name of our post office has been changed from Lincoln Center to Lincoln, dropping the Center. Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday December 18, 1878
[The following two notices appear next to one another]

NOTICE... My husband, J.D. YOUNG, has left me without cause and I wish to warn all persons that he is a married man. His family live in Lincoln Center, Kansas. In mind he is not right. Mrs. A.M. YOUNG, K. C. Times.
NOTICE... All persons are hereby warned not to deal or trade with my wife, Mrs. Annie M. YOUNG on account as I will not pay any bills of her contracting from date. J. D. YOUNG.
---Mr. HALDERMAN in the stone house opposite the bank came near being burned out last Saturday morn early... Be careful and see that your flues are in safe condition.
---N. B. REES has opened his stand in the post office where he is ready to do all kinds of work in the watch and clock line.
---"Christmas Tree Entertainment": [An article about an upcoming celebration on Christmas Eve to consist of "Christmas Tree, music and literary exercises." Names mentioned in the article as members of the planning/performance/food committees: L. A. MINX, E. S. PIERCE, C. T. PICKETT, Mrs. COOLBAUGH, Miss QUINBY, Mrs. GRAGG, S. O. HINDS, Geo WILSON, Jr., John CRAWFORD, Miss Nettie MILLER, Miss Nettie CROWE, J. F. KIME, M. J. WATSON, George HAWKINS, G. M. LUTES, Miss Minnie PIERCE, Miss GILKISON, Miss Maudie DAVIS, Miss Hester HOLCOMB, Miss Della QUINBY, Miss Annie CRAWFORD, Miss Dena HENDERSON, Mrs. D. H. MALONE, Mrs. HOLCOMB, Mrs. WELLMAN, Mrs. DOOLITTLE, Mrs. PIERCE, Mrs. J. T. BARNHART, Mrs. C. W. PERKINS, Cora DAVIS, Nettie HENDERSON, Mary RUSSELL, Mary MEDCRAFT and Josie MALONE].

Saline Valley Register (Lincoln Center, KS) ---Wednesday December 25, 1878
---Married Tuesday evening, December 17, 1878, by Judge WELLMAN, Mrs. Stephen D. KING and Miss Francis [sic] H. ROGERS.
---S. M. WRIGHT was a visitor at the newspaper office within the previous week.
---J. H. TRACY of Lake City, Colorado, is home again to spend the winter. He says things are a little slow just now in the mining regions.
---Mrs. Mary JOHNSON will shortly build a new stone residence just on the north line of the town site, having purchased ten acres of ground of Ira W. RUSSELL.
---A sharp wind sprang up suddenly on Saturday morning leveling to the ground the framework of the new blacksmith shop of RUNNELLS and KIEPER.
---Professor ANDERSON's concert last Friday night was one of the best entertainments ever given here ... Mr. ANDERSON was ably assisted by Professor PICKETT, J. L. CARPENTER, Mrs. MAY, and Miss Zoe GILKISON.
---For sale -- A fresh milch cow. Enquire of J. E. CHESSHER, three miles southeast of Rocky Hill.
---(From Elkhorn local news section) Mr. Edwin BLAKE wants it distinctly understood that there will be no quail hunting on his premises.


Saline Valley Register, July 17, 1879
---A stabbing affray is reported as occurring in Ellsworth last week between Gilmore a person well known in this place and who has of late been tending bar over the Golden Belt livery stable, and Jack McCoy alias Texas Jack a noted character of that place. Gilmore was accused of hiding a violin belonging to McCoy, denying it, McCoy lunged at him with a jack knife, cutting him in the side so that he was obliged to give up business. McCoy was taken before the Justice and bound over to appear at the October term of court under bonds of $1000. Gilmore will recover.

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.