Gleanings from Lincoln County Kansas newspapers


Lincoln County Kansas
Newspapers(Harvested by Bill and Diana Sowers, Tracee Hamilton and others)


..... The gleanings below come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click
HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.
Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. What follows are gleanings from Lincoln County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc. from 1890's newspapers If you are looking for death notices or obituaries please go to our Lincoln County Obituaries page.
An important note... the places, Colorado and Indiana, sometimes refer to locations (i.e. townships) within Lincoln County, not the states... We have tried to indicate this when those names show up.


Lincoln Beacon --- Jan. 9, 1890
---Married: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1890, at the Catholic church in Lincoln, Kansas, W.C. Chandler, of Lincoln, with Miss Milley Habegar of Salina; Rev. C. Maujay officiating.
---Married: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1890, at the Catholic church in Lincoln, Kansas, Thos. Mulloy of Lincoln with Miss Maggie Barrett of Lincoln; Rev. C. Maujay officiating.

Lincoln County Beacon --- February 6, 1890
---Mrs. Ella PORTER has rented her farm, securing a certificate and is ready to enter the teachers ranks again. Any district board in need of a first-class teacher will find one in her and will assist a most worthy widow in maintaining her family.
---J.S. BURT on Jan. 29 found a lively grasshopper, nearly grown, sunning itself on Main street and brought it to this office. He was captured but 10 days after the mercury had registered 6 degrees below zero.
---Assistant Attorney General DOWNEY and Deputy Sheriff SMiTH were in Barnard last Wednesday trying to find where so much drunkenness comes from . We hope that the people of Barnard will assist our officers all they can in the execution of the law and drive grog shops out of this part of the country.

Lincoln County Beacon --- February 13, 1890
---Miss Rosa L. SMITH s riding horse fell with her one day last week and badly crushed her foot.
---The boys are about to take Barnard. On Sunday Frank MURPHY s first-born son became a fixture in the family; on Tuesday Ben Harrison WOODY became a member of the family of Aaron W. WOODY; and on Thursday morn there came a similar visit to the family of Eli WALKER, who resides over on the north side of the creek.

Lincoln County Beacon --- February 20, 1890
---Barnard: There are some wild colts of the genus homo who need stabling and currying down with ten dollar bills. Not content with their old practice of running horses on the street on Sunday evenings after divine service, indulging in yelling and loud profanity, they have improved upon their nocturnal sports by tampering with the carriages of those who come to attend the services, either binding the wheels together with wire or shifting the hind wheels to the front.

---Born: January 1890, in Washington State, a son, to Emerson and Belle Hammer.
---Born: Feb. 14, 1890, to William and Augusta Wise, a daughter.

Lincoln Beacon --- March 6, 1890
---Born: To J. Brockett and wife, of Lincoln, March 2, 1890, a daughter.
---Born: Feb. 24, 1890, to Frank Shoemaker and wife, of Lincoln, a son.
---Born: Feb. 27, 1890, to J.A. Johnson and wife, of Lincoln, a son.

Lincoln County Beacon --- April 3, 1890
---Denmark was thrown into excitement on Friday last. First, Ms. H. SORENSEN died very suddenly. Next, Mrs. KREISER, of our store, in passing from her room into the store room, made a misstep and fell into the cellar under the store, breaking a small bone near the ankle joint. Dr. COGSWELL was called and the limb set but the old lady feels very bad at this writing. She did not get hurt otherwise, however. The funeral of Mrs. SORENSON took place on Sat. the 26th. Her maiden name was Rose LEAF. She was a sister of W.H. LEAF of Pottersburg. She leaves a husband and six children. The oldest is about 12 years of age and the youngest about two weeks .A new stone residence is nearing completion for Mr. SORENSON and family. Mrs. SORENSON did not live to have her fond hopes realized. (Transcriber s note: The item spells Sorensen two ways.)

Lincoln Beacon --- April 10, 1890
---Monday last Jesse WRIGHT and Dora WEBB of Beverly were at the farm of Wm. SHRAEDER, in Logan township, making a boring in the bottom of Mr. Shraeder s dug well, which was already 36 feet deep. At about 3 o clock in the afternoon, Mr. Shraeder descended into the well, using the rough wall for a ladder. As he did not come to the top when expected, the other men, among whom was Randolph THEWS, looked into the well and saw him lying on the bottom. Thews immediately went into the well, using the wall as a ladder. Ten or 12 feet from the top he was overcome by Fire-damp and fell to the bottom. Lon MILLS was then let into the wall by a rope, which he fastened to Thews who was badly cut and bruised by the fall. Thews was drawn out semi-conscious and for some time was delirious. Mills then fasted the rope to himself and 15 feet further along the rope tied it to Shraeder, and both were drawn out. Shraeder gasped once after being taken out. He was in the well about half an hour and Thews about half that length of time . Wm. Shraeder was about 30 years of age, hard-working, honest and thrifty. He was a bachelor and his two brothers, Edward and Jacob, lived near him. He was the man who was attacked by a two-year-old bull last fall and had a half hour s struggle for his life, being rescued by Harry HINCKLEY. Mills reports that there was no damps at the bottom of the well, and it is thought that the fall might have been partly the cause of Shraeder s death, though he was not much injured externally. Thews has entirely recovered from the effects of the damps, which lay in strata across the well, about eight feel from its top.

Lincoln Beacon --- April 24, 1890
---Miss Beryl HANCOCK, 14 years of age, daughter of Waldo Hancock of Beverly, made the best average at the examination for graduation, standing 95.8. We have examined more than a thousand manuscripts in our time and have seen one that for good writing, neatness and completeness of answers exceeded this one. Miss Lizzie STANLEY of Allamead comes in second best and Orson HARLOW of Pottersburg, third. Supt. A.T. BIGGS.

Lincoln Beacon --- May 8, 1890
---Married: At the Presbyterian parsonage in Lincoln, Kansas, by Rev. B.F. McMillan, on the 4th day of May, 1890, Mr. John C. Phelps of Ellsworth county, Kansas, and Miss Clara Walters, of Lincoln county, Kansas. These two young people are well and favorably known in Lincoln and Ellsworth counties. They will establish a happy home for themselves in Ellsworth county. The best wishes of many friends go with them through life.

Lincoln County Sentinel, June 19, 1890
---Stumbf-Kolb - By Rev. A.J. Engler, at Rosette, Lincoln county, June 14, 1890, John Stumbf, of Wilson, to Miss Elizabeth Kolb, of Orbitello.

Lincoln Beacon --- July 3, 1890
---Wm. GARRITY, living south of here, was one of the many farmers that got hit by the hail storm a week yesterday and had a total loss with $36 per acre insurance on it. Lincoln Beacon, July 10, 1890
---It was 105 in the shade Monday There is a land that is hotter than this, but we don t believe they try to raise corn and cabbage there.
---Married: At Lincoln, Kansas, June 26, 1890, by H.C. Bradbury, minster of the gospel, Eugene G. Doggett of Lincoln and Miss Sophronia R. Myers of Scott township.

Lincoln Beacon --- July 10, 1890
---Married: Jno. Whalen, now of Kansas City, and Miss Maggie Gallagher of Lincoln were united in marriage Tuesday, July 8, 1890, at the Catholic church in Lincoln, Kansas, Rev. C. Maujay officiating.

Lincoln Beacon --- July 24, 1890
---Mrs. BROCKETT returned Monday morning from an extended visit in Iowa.

Lincoln Beacon --- July 31, 1890
---Henry LEAF, of Pottersburg, has just completed one of the largest barns in the county.
---One evening last week when A.M. NIMMONS and family, James LOGAN and family and Mr. BROCKETT and family were returning from the river south of town, they met with what might have proved a very serious accident. The party numbering 11 persons had just reached the north end of the bridge across the railroad near the creamery when the horses shied off to one side and went down the steep embankment into the wire fence. It was all done so quick that no one seemed to know just how it had been done. When the vehicle stopped its mad plunge and came to a standstill, it was right side up and the tongue pointing toward the road and nobody lost out. It had evidently been upset, as the top was reduced to kindling rood. With the exception of thorough scares and a few small scratches, no one was hurt.

Lincoln Beacon --- Aug. 14, 1890
---Married: On Aug. 3, 1890, at the residence of the bride's parents - J.A. Jones' in Battle Creek - Leonard S. English and Miss Anna Fisk, Rev. J.H. Laird officiating.
---Married: At Lincoln, Kansas, Aug. 9, 1890, by H.C. Bradbury, minister of the gospel, Henry Jones and Avis M. Price, both of Tescott.

Lincoln Beacon --- Oct. 23, 1890
---Born: To H.C. bradbury and wife, Oct. 15, a daughter was born.
---Married: E.S. Bower of Lincoln and Miss Ella Bradley, of Emporia, were united in marriage Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1890, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Emporia, Rev. Busser of Topeka officiating.

Lincoln Beacon --- November 6, 1890
---Married: Stover-Titus. At the home of Wm. P. Baker, Lincoln, on Thursday evening, Oct. 28, 1890, by Rev. Henry BRADBURY, minister of the gospel, William STOVER and Mary S. TITUS, both from the neighborhood of Beverly.
---Robinson-Latto. At Lincoln, on the 2nd day of November 1890, by the Rev. B.F. McMILLAN, Mr. C.E. ROBINSON of Sylvan Grove, Kan., and Miss Jennie LATTO of Lincoln.

Lincoln Beacon --- November 13, 1890
---Milo: George MASTELLAR buried a little child about three days old, Sunday, Nov. 2. Lincoln Beacon, Dec. 11, 1890
---Last Friday a company of the good neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Tim RYAN planned and executed a complete surprise and capture of the house and premised of that worthy couple. The weapons of the besieging party, while carnal, were nothing more dangerous than bushels and bushels of the choicest victuals, and 25 yards of nice rag carpet, into which were stitched and woven who can estimate the amount of good will and neighborly interest? Besides the leading spirits of the affair, Mrs. M.L. HAMMOND and Mrs. A.E. DOOLITTLE, the party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Martin MOSS, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley FINCH, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. DOOLITTLE, Mrs. GARRITY, Mrs. Maggie SHAFER, Mrs. John RYAN and Judson FARNSWORTH. Other contributed who were not present. Mr. Ryan s farm was swept clean of everything inflammable by the awful prairie fire of last March, and this is another of the many helps given them by their neighbors to aid in repairing the loss they sustained. It is such manifestations of Christian love that impress us with the truth that the choicest of blessings cannot be bought with money.

Lincoln County Farmer --- Friday, December 12, 1890
---Charles STITES and Arie STOVER were married at the residence of the bride's parents in this city on Thursday evening, December 4, the Rev. TOBIAS officiating.
---A. W. LEWIS took charge of the Grand Central last Monday. Mr. LEWIS is an experienced hotel man and will run a first calss hotel.

Lincoln County Farmer --- Friday, December 19, 1890
---Married on Wednesday evening, December 17, 1890, at the home of the bride in Lincoln, Kansas, by H. C. BRADBURY, Edgar D. SLAUGHTER of Salina and Valeria WEIRBAUGH.

Lincoln Beacon --- December 25, 1890
---Mr. A.C. ANDERSON has been conspicuously absent from our meetings of late. Upon inquiry we find the cause and a good cause at that which might be set down as follows: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, a first baby. As yet we know not whether it is male or female; but it is a Dane.
---Thaddeus KRESSLY, Rosette, has hired himself for next year to H. LEAF.


Lincoln Beacon --- Jan. 22, 1891
---Born: To E.T. Skinner and wife, of Beverly, a son, January 4, 1891
---Born: To Enos and Maggie Mathews, a son, January 8, 1891.

Lincoln Republican, Jan. 29, 1891
---Our colored population, Harvey Reed, was arrested and bound over to court on a serious charge.

Lincoln Republican, Feb. 5, 1891
---John Linker, Owen Mulloy were arrested Monday evening for selling beer. The cases will probably come up in the district court this term. If we are not mistaken the ladies of the W.C.T.U. are looking up the cases. The county attorney is prosecuting. Henry Zink is named in the complaint, but Henry is in Texas and will not be back in time.

Lincoln Republican, Feb. 12, 1891
---During an evening session of the district court last Friday evening Louis Titsworth and Harvey Reed escaped from the county jail. The sheriff, deputy sheriff, two or three bailiffs and two guards being in the court room at the time. The officers were more interested in the prospect of securing a new inmate for their cage than in retaining those already there. James Lovin, the other inmate, would not avail himself of the opportunity to escape, but was too good natured to inform on the other boys until they had a fair start of the officers. Their whereabouts is still unknown.

Lincoln Republican, March 12, 1891
---The postmaster at Milo notifies us that Hon. Charles Saunders does not want The Republican any longer. We are sorry for this as we have a "working" interest in the gentleman of $10.65 created by his reading the paper for the past seven years without paying for it. We hope Mr. S. may become wealthy some day and remember us with the amount of his indebtedness. Perhaps he has gone to join Alex. Saunders who owes us $15.00 on subscription.

Lincoln Republican, March 19, 1891
---At Pleasant Valley, Lincoln county Kansas, March 4, 1891, by H.C. Bradbury, minister of the Gospel, Louis R. Marsh and Minnie E. Lewick. The above parties are well known. They were raised in Lincoln county. We wish them a happy life of prosperity. - H.C.B.

---Tuesday was St. Patrick's Day. No demonstrations were indulged by our Irish American citizens.

Lincoln Republican, April 2, 1891
---Mrs. Charles Walters was taken to the asylum, Monday, to try if anything could be done for her. She has been ill for some months and has lost her mind entirely within the past two months.

Lincoln Republican, April 9, 1891
---J.D. Brockett received 203 votes for city council, ninth of the 10 candidates.

Lincoln Republican, April 16, 1891
---Married on the 8th day of April, 1891, at the residence of the bride's parents near Vesper, Lincoln county, Ks., Martin J. Pease and Miss Mary E. Lewis. These two young people are well worthy each the other and will perform their part in their new home in Salina county. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis and is highly loved and respected by all. She was one of Lincoln county's best teachers and will be missed in the public schools as well as in the community of Vesper.
---Divorced - Clara Dougherty from George Dougherty, by Judge Eastland, April 8. Divorce to become absolute six months from above date. If either party married again within six months from April 8 it will be bigamous and a penalty of from one to three years will attach. This will be embarrassing.
---The Minneapolis Messenger says: "Advertise for a girl to do general housework and the chances are many that you will get no responses; but advertise for a lady to clerk in a store or an office and you will be overwhelmed with applicants." Now that is where that paper is off. We advertised for a girl for general housework and within three days as many as a dozen applicants were made for the place, and all of them strong, healthy, rosy-cheeked young women who thought work was honorable, whether it be in the kitchen, shop or store. Kansas girls are not like their sisters of the east. They do well that which their hands find to do, whether it be to vote cook, wash, sell dry goods or teach.

Lincoln Republican, April 23, 1891
---The Lincoln public schools are in a very flourishing condition. While there will be no graduating class this year, there will be about 45 to promote to the high school grade, so we may look for large graduating classes in the future.

Lincoln Republican, April 30, 1891
---H.S. Buzick started for Missouri last Saturday to visit his son-in-law there who is quite low with consumption.
---Lon Buzick's little boy is quite sick. It started with La grippe and has since become complicated in a manner to cause alarm.
---Mose Shire had a little run-a-way last Monday evening which came near ending with serious results. He and J.D. Brockett had gone to the river near Reeses mill fishing, and when they started home their pony began to act ugly and it was with difficulty that they got him started with when once in motion he determined to work off his bad humor in that way. When near the school house he began to buck and run sideways and soon became unmanageable, near the Republican office one side of the buggy ran upon the walk and both Shire and Brockett were thrown to the ground, the former receiving several scratches and bruises about the face, and one hand considerably hurt. Mr. Brockett was not hurt. The pony seeming to be satisfied with his job, stopped without further damage.

Lincoln Republican, May 7, 1891
---H.G. Allen one of the hotel men of the state was billed to open the Windsor Tuesday. He will make the old Windsor a point on the route and no mistake.
---Mr. Pierce, a prominent young farmer of Colorado township, was up Saturday to arrange for having his section surveyed. He will put out a lot of stone post and wire fencing this spring. In the past five months there has been nearly eight hundred miles of this kind of fencing put up in this county.

Lincoln Republican, May 14, 1891
---Miss Emma Strawn left last Thursday for a two months visit with Pennsylvania friends. Miss Emma has earned her vacation and The Republican hopes she will enjoy it. She has worked for this paper the past six years and is today one of the best girl printers in the state - doing job work, making up forms, attending to the business department of the paper, with equal skill.

Lincoln Republican, May 28, 1891
---Tom Walls says the late floods in his township was worth $500 to the farmers for every dollar that it damaged them. The wheat is all right out there.

Lincoln Republican, June 18, 1891
---Riley Strange is a peculiar fisherman. He ties fish hooks to his arm and goes down under the water and hunts up the fish after the style of a muskrat. When one is found the hook is made fast and Riley makes for the nearest bank.

Lincoln Republican, June 25, 1891
---Father Fogarty, the first Catholic priest in charge of this station, and in the Saline Valley, came over from Ellis Saturday to visit with old friends. He had a big reception Sunday.

Lincoln Republican, July 2, 1891
---Rettie Montgomery, the little daughter of Will Montgomery, was riding on a weed cutter, in the field one day last week and accidentally fell to the ground; and one of the knives caught her ankle near the joint, cutting it quite severely. Being only a flesh wound she will soon recover.

Lincoln Republican, July 16, 1891
---Hiram Deeds, who lives near Rocky Hill, is quite sick.

Lincoln Republican, July 30, 1891
---Emancipation day will be duly celebrated Aug. 4, at Brusters grove. Good speakers will be there, and ample facilities for amusements of all kinds. A good time will be had by all who attend. Lincoln Republican, Aug. 6, 1891
---The Lincoln orchestra went to Bruster's grove Tuesday to assist in the celebration � Our colored brethren had a very pleasant day for their celebration, on the 4th, at Bruster's grove.
---There was a good crowd at the emancipation picnic Tuesday but they were there for fun, and did not care for speaking. Mr. Baker and several other speakers were there, but the dance, swing, ice cream stand etc. were so attractive that it was impossible to secure the attention of a sufficient number of justify the orators in drawing the cork. All present had a good time, however.

Lincoln Republican, Aug. 20, 1891
---Tom Walls, Tom Bonham, A.C. Foy and half dozen other boys are putting themselves in the track of the Alliance wagon which carried with it the nomination for sheriff.
---Mrs. McIlvaine and John Lewick were married Sunday by the probate judge. They are receiving the congratulation of friends in a becoming manner.

Lincoln Republican, Aug. 27, 1891
---On Monday the 31st of August, the Catholic cemetery south of the old town site, and one and a half miles from the Catholic church, will be blessed by the very Rev. Father Maurer of Salina at 11:30 a.m. The Rev. Father Hayden of Solomon City will assist on the occasion, and will also preach in the evening at 7:30. "Blessing of the cross," at the church. Everybody invited. C. Maujay, Pastor.

Lincoln Republican, Sept. 3, 1891
---The dilapidated condition of that awning in front of The Republican office was occasioned by our local of "mighty muscle" pitching a delinquent subscriber through it, last week.

Lincoln Republican, Sept. 17, 1891
---Cupid that cute little god of love with bow and quiver, in alliance with that other god of nuptial bliss, hymen the son of Bachus and Venus, both of mythical lore, have been creating a ripple on the otherwise placid social surface of our city by invading the silver gray element thereof, and taking captive two couples of our most esteemed elderly people. Mr. Amos Kerr and Mrs. Thew on Wednesday evening Sept. 10, and Mr. Wm. Gilpin and Mrs. Thorp on Thursday, Sept. 11.
---One of the happy events of the season, was the wedding which took place at the hall of the I.O.O.F. last Wednesday night, at the hour of nine o'clock. Mr. Amos Kerr and Mrs. A.M. Thew, both highly respected citizens of Lincoln, were united in marriage by Rev. W.L. Cannon. Nearly one hundred and fifty persons were present and witnessed the ceremony. The ladies of the W.R.C. had charge of the exercises and furnished the refreshments. Prof. Wilson, Mr. Thompson and Miss Springer furnished the instrumental music which was excellent. After all present had partaken of refreshments and an hour or two was spent in social intercourse, and the singing of patriotic songs, the crowd dispersed feeling that it was an occasion never to be forgotten.

Lincoln Republican, Oct. 15, 1891
---Mr. [John B.] Walls who a short time since returned from Iowa has purchased property on Elm street from S. Metzger, and will remain in Lincoln as a permanent resident.

Lincoln Republican, Dec. 17, 1891
---Ed Crow is to have another trial by Bashan Alliance Thursday night of this week. It has seen the error of its way and given Mr. Crow due notice of the trial. It gave it by a posse of five or six men, between the hour of 11 and 12 o'clock at night.

1892 and 1893

No gleanings for these years as yet.

All of the above articles come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can view a listing of Lincoln County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE. (Note: The numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page.