Lincoln High School Senior Chronicles, 1908

Lincoln High School
Senior Chronicles

From the Lincoln High School Senior Chronicles, 1908

(transcribed by Jenni Shimp)

Editor-in-Chief - - - Vera Woody
Business Manager - Chas. Shaver
Associate Editor - Nellie Crawford

R. E. Long -- Superintendent
M. B. Nelson -- Principal
Helen H. Poor -- Asst. Principal

School Board
President -- W. E. Lyon
Clerk -- E. A. McFarland
Treasurer -- A. Marshall

Senior Class
Grace Smith --- Bee Simpson --- Vera Woody
Margia Lyon --- Charles Shaver --- Nellie Crawford
Pearl Shaver --- Glen Anderson --- Arta Briggs
Lydia Smith --- Julia Healy --- Elsie Coyle
Sylvia Anderson --- Lawrence Anderson --- Klyda Chapman

Junior Class
Guy Stanley --- Anna Murphy --- Winifred Jennings
Evan Coyle --- Ruth King --- Blanche Minx
Howard Brunt --- Essie Shirk --- Mabel Dunton
Tomas Mulloy --- Grace Parker --- Ivine Overman
Harold McFarland --- Edith Holingsworth --- Margaret Hutchison
Michael Healy --- Mildred Holingsworth --- Murial Baker

Sophomore Class
Harviot Beck --- Edna Hawkins --- Joe Ryan
John Boyer --- Ella Hawkins --- Helen Smith
Inez Brann --- John Hutchison --- Caryl Watson
Stanley Conner --- Addie Hill --- Frances Watson
Stella Conner --- Helen Lyon --- Flossie Woody
Martha Cruson --- Frank Mulloy --- Blanche Webb
Lulu Farquharson --- Arlie Overman --- Donald Tenney
Bert Fyre --- Anna Ryan --- Sylvia Turner
Floyd Turner --- Florence Rutherford

Freshman Class
Ben Achterberg --- Harold Fisk --- Mary Adair
Henry Wicker --- Ward Stanley --- Frieda Knoch
Fred King --- Floyd Pratt --- Myrtle Miller
Clarence Stevenson --- Clayton Abbott --- Mildred Murphy
Charles Gravner --- Jennie Bishop --- Ella Linker
Martin Wilson --- Normie Frye --- Frank Stoner
Bertha Lovin --- Clara Mohr --- Clay Simpson
Grace Wakefield --- Mary Whalen --- Alfred Hendrickson
Leona Kufus --- Ruby Marshall --- Paul Grimes

We are expecting a fine Freshman Class next year. The 8th grade is being worked so that each one who enters the High school will have a county diploma. Next year it is hoped that that will be the absolute requirement. The following is the roll of the 8th grand [sic] and it is to be hoped that with out the loss of one and with the addition of many next fall it will enter the High School. Is your name among them? We are looking for a large class next year.

George Linker --- June Maderia --- Frances Ha?ey
Harry Minx --- Emerson Hastings --- Joseph Healy
Ivan Lyon --- Ethel Lyster --- Clinton Crawford
Lee Montgomery --- Faith Newlon --- Marjorie Smith
Stanley Mohr --- Nellie Baker --- Nellye Shaver
Gertrude Fitzgerald --- Wave Coyle --- James Simpson
Bernita Elgin --- Margaret Watson --- Pete Hutchison
Helen Bower --- Rhoda Mason --- Clara Skiles
Mamie McCanles --- Stella Yenser --- Arthur Anderson
Alma Linker --- Bessie Whalen --- Mildred Robinson
Clara Morton --- Harlow Dick --- Herbert Jackson --- Paul Maher