Grade school class (1900?)
The teacher of this class was Cornelia Weeks. Two years are written on the back,
1900 and 1903. Names are listed on the back but it doesn't appear they are in
order by rows. Mrs. Weeks gave the photo to Floyd C. Turner. The names are
Ferris Askey, Jack Rees, Harry Zink, Fred Stein [?], Al Van Alstine, Autie Beck,
Oril Tarner, Grace Smith, Grace Hendrickson, Julia Haley, Dee Simpson, Lydia
Smith, Mabel Linker, Glenn Anderson, Blanche Minx, Marjorie Lyon, Bertie
Beaumont, Rachel Marshall, Roy and Ray Adamson, Pearl Smith, Nula [?] Kerr,
Della Bogh, Maude Kyser[?], Laurie Anderson, Harry Minx, Amanda Lundstrom, Louie
Baker, Carlton Troup, Clarence Smith, Vera Woody, Ethel Kerr, Luray Baker, Pearl
Luff, Dagmar Peterson, Esther Bradbury, Everson and Adrian Woody, Nellie Moss,
Charlie Shafer, Willie Cecil, Orin Newton. [Photo courtesy Vern Turner.]