Reminiscences of the
first class at the
Lincoln Grade School

I was a member of the first class of Kindergarteners in this new school. During the summer I was worried that they wouldn't get "my school" built in time!

Even after all of my anticipating the opening of school I only got to go a couple of weeks or so then there was a huge flood and the water covered the bridges so we could not get to school for about a week. I was so disappointed.

There weren't enough buses the year I was in kindergarten so I had to wait an hour after school for the bus to take one load of students home, then come back and take us home. The high school students would walk down from the high school, sit on the front steps, and wait for the bus. I was so shy that I was afraid of them. If I was inside the classroom, I would not go past them to play on the playground. And if I was outside playing on the playground, I would not sit too close to them.

Then on the bus ride home, I was the last one to get off the bus so I had to ride about an hour on the bus before I got home.

We had a milk break during the day and many children paid for the milk to be delivered. My Mom had me bring milk from home since we had a milk cow and I am sure that was less expensive than paying for milk. And my folks thought it didn't make sense to have to buy more milk, when we had lots of milk at home.

Teachers who continued to teach from the old school to the new school that I remember were: Mrs. Atwood who was my 2nd grade teacher and I think Mrs. Hayden was still a first grade teacher, although I had Miss Lowe.

Miss Hyde was my kindergarten teacher.

June P. Bryan Henderson