Dedication of Lincoln's New High School

From the Lincoln Sentinel, June 22, 1922

Lincoln�s new $140,000 fire-proof high school building was dedicated Thursday evening, June 15. The storm which came up while the program was being given somewhat interfered with the service as a number of the people left.

The overture, "Morning, Noon and Night" by Suppe, played by the Snyder orchestra, opened the program. After the presentation of the portrait of Abraham Lincoln, painted by Frank Cooper of the Class of �22, by H.R. Bryson and the acceptance by Supt. E.S. Johnson, a girl�s chorus under the direction of Mrs. L.V. Minx sang "Morning is Nigh," arranged from the "Blue Danube."

Pres. Lewis of the Ft. Hays Normal, gave the address of the evening. The people of Lincoln, he said, did not build this new high school in order to boat that they had a better building and that it cost more than similar buildings in surrounding towns, but they did built it in order to give their boys and girls better opportunities than they themselves had had. These children, he continued, must show their appreciation by making the most of their school life.

Prof. Lewis sees the need for more idealism in our everyday life. That we are becoming more idealistic is proved by the fact that we show more consideration for our poets and painters than we did in years gone by. The people of the present day, he said, have lowered their moral and social standards, and he expressed the wish that they would return to their former standard of Morals.

In conclusion the speaker siad he hoped that this building would ever be "a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of flame by night, and ever serve as a beacon-light for every young man and every young woman in the community."

Following the program the ladies of the Civic Club served punch and wafers in the Domestic Science department.

The building is one of the most modern in this part of Kansas. In the basement are the manual training rooms, the furnace and coal rooms. The gymnasium, on the first floor, is one of the finest rooms in the building. It is 70 feet long and about 35 feet wide. A large balcony surrounds it.

The superintendent�s and principal�s offices, the study hall, library and several class rooms, including those for the commercial department, are also on the floor.

The domestic science department, consisting of four rooms � kitchen, dining room, fitting room and sewing room � so that it is possible to throw this section into one large room if necessary. The auditorium, balcony, stage and dressing rooms take up a large portion of this floor. The scenery for the stage is very attractive. The front drop is a painting of Shakespeare�s home, Stratford-on-Avon. The stage is equipped with both outdoor and indoor scenery.

In the hallways are long lines of lockers in which the students will leave their books and wraps. Drinking fountains are also conveniently located on each floor. Inclined passageways take the place of stairways in the building.