Donna Walters
(dart3941@yahoo.com) 17 November 2008
I am looking for Elizabeth Wright HALL's family.
Elizabeth HALL
Ernie D. HALL
Charley D. HALL
Ervin D. HALL
married and divorced William Henry HALL for New Hampshire. They had 5
children and lived in Peabody, KS at the time of her father's( David Wright
b in NJ and died in Wilton, IA) death. She was still living in 1930. I am
hoping that someone is still out there and wants to know more about their
family history.
Francene Gwin
(violetangelflame@hotmail.com) 19 October 2008
I am looking for the dates of births and deaths of the Rienhold
C. KELOSEL and Anna Wilhemiena JUHNKE family. Their children: Walter, Fred,
Celia, Adelia, Jenny, Hilda, Ann, Bud, Elsie, and Martha. Also if anyone knows
who they married and someone I could contact from their family.
Gardner (carole.gardner@comcast.net) 7 October 2008
Elizabeth Cordelia PIERCE married Ephraim
Chalmers QUICK. She is in the 1885 Kansas Census at Florence, age 55, a
widow. (Mrs. Chalmers E. QUICK) I want to find out if
she died there, when and where she was buried. She came there in about 1872,
and story goes that she ran a coffee shop near the railroad. Not sure if
this was a separate coffee shop from the Clinton Hotel, which was a Harvey
Keith Hart
(owlhart@verizon.net) 27 September 2008
Looking for any information on Harry Henry
Nelson and Lula Mae Nelson
Jerry Knipfel
(knipfel@yourlink.ca) 19 September 2008
I am looking for my great grandparents family and descendents
who lived in Gale township in the 1880 period and may still have family in
that area.
Blanche Softley
(bdsoftley@juno.com) 11 September 2008
I am looking for Ernst or Ernest D. KOEHN
and his son Cornelius E. KOEHN. I have a plat map in the book "The Helpless
Poles," and it shows 3 Cornelius KOEHNs in the 1890 plat map of McPherson
County, but all our information says they moved from Marion County to
Oklahoma in 1890 or thereabouts. So, am trying to figure it all out.
If you could help me, I would really appreciate it. If you can't but have
some ideas where I could go, that would be appreciated as well.
Daniela Moneta
(dmoneta@cox.net) 26 August 2008
I am researching David H. PUGH who appeared last on the 1920
census in Tampa, Marion County, Kansas, living with his elder sister Malinda
(PUGH) LIVERSAY, and his youngest daughter Nora or Lora. David and Malinda
were born in Grayson County, Virginia. I have not been able to find David on
the 1930 census and wonder if anyone knew anything about this PUGH family.
Rosemarie Schmidt
(rschm466@comcast.net) 11 August 2008
The following lived in Durham Township approx 1880-1905;
German immigrants from Russia; moved to California
Peter John SCHMIDT
Dianne Green
(diannergreen@comcast.net) 11 August 2008
Any info on these families would be
helpful to my genealogy research.
Helen Boydston
(hboydston1@sbcglobal.net) 7 August 2008
Seeking date of death and place of burial
for Thomas J. MERRITT, born Dec 1848 in Morgan County, Ohio and his wife
Rebecca J. Unknown MERRITT, born Abt 1853 in Iowa (parents born in TN).
Their children, all born in Marion Co, Kansas, were Mamie, born Apr 1881,
Pearl J. born Jan 1883, Bessie R., born May 1885, Lura M., born Dec 1887 and
Cecil Leroy, born Mar 1896. Any help would be appreciated.
Viola Boulware
(vib@consolidated.net) 3 August 2008
I would like to know who has the platt of
where people are buried in the Prairie Lawn Cemetery at Peabody and the
Lincolnville Cemetery at Lincolnville? We came to Marion County last weekend and
stop at the Prairie Lawn Cemetery at Peabody to look for my grandparents graves,
which we did not find. My grandparents were Harry L. REED and Mary Jane
(GLASSINGER) REED. Also could not find my aunt that is buried in the
Lincolnville Cemetery, her name is Martha KUGLER. I found some of my SCHMIDT
relatives that are buried in the Lincolnville Cemetery, but could not find hers.
If there is anyone that knows where these graves are located in the cemeteries I
would appreciated hearing form you. Thanks in advance.
J Brown (jbrownpv@aol.com)
18 July 2008
I am seeking information concerning the wife
and children of my great-uncle, John A. BRINDLEY, born in Ohio in 1857 and died
in Colorado about 1920. His parents, Hugh BRINDLEY and Mary (OSBURN) BRINDLEY,
lived near Walton in the 1870's and moved into Peabody in the 1880's. His
wife (name unknown) was born in Ohio in 1860. Their children were Bessie, born
1884; Gertrude, born 1886 and died about 1904; and "baby" born 1892. I
would like to find the name of his wife and information on the children. I
think John may have deserted his family in the 1890's and moved to Colorado.
Thank you very much for any ideas or assistance you can provide.
Daniela Moneta
(dmoneta@cox.net) 17 July 2008
I am researching David H. PUGH and wife
Celia E. YOUNG who were born in Grayson County, Virginia and settled in
Marion County, Kansas and appeared on the 1900 census with their family:
Rosey, Bell, Caudy, Effey, Edney, and baby Carl or Karl as he appeared on
the 1910 census. In 1920, David appears to be a widower living with
his daughter Lora L. PUGH age 16 and his elder sister Malina LIVESAY. What
happened to David and his wife Celia and his sister Malinda and David and
Celia's children? Thanks for your help!
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Saturday, February 11, 2023 21:01:24
