Kathryn Nielsen (mnielsen@wtciweb.com) 30 June 2007
Just looking for the gravesite of this woman who was married to
my great uncle. Thanks.
Cheryl Hoffman (cyh@sbcglobal.net) 30 June 2007
Trying to locate info on these families...from Marion County
Jeffry Jones (jeffry@mindspring.com)
23 June 2007
I am looking for any information about the SCHACHT family of
Clear Creek Township. My grandfather, Edward SCHACHT was born in Lincolnville
in 1882-83 and had at least one brother, I think Henry. They went to school in
Elk (Chase County), now non-existent. There is a Charles SCHACHT in Clear creek
in the 1880 and 1900 census who must be related if not my great-grandfather.
Edward SCHACHT was killed in a drilling accident in Council Grove around 1933.
Tom Boelen (tomboelen@gmail.com) 23 June 2007
Cornelis Neal BOELEN born in the Netherlands (Nieuwkuijk)
died in Pilsen Kansas USA in 1926 was married to Mary Anna LANGER born 1890 died
Where is
Cornelis buried and when and where did he die, the same for Mary
Hope anyone
can help me I'm a Dutch relative living in Voorburg Holland.
Karen Suderman
(jlsuderman@earthlink.net) 7 June 2007
Death and census records for Peter Frantz and his son, Heinrich
Frantz, both in the 1870's and 1880's.
Young (rnyoung@pld.com) 6 May 2007
I'm looking for information about James Richard HICKOK's birth.
I think he was born in Marion County, KS in 1924
Wilma Trueman (jctrueman@comcast.net)
5 May 2007
I am trying to locate a copy of
my mother and stepfather's marriage
certificate: Lilly FRIESEN to John Albert GRANT, 1930's.
Bob Snell (csiwest@pacbell.net) 2 May 2007
Clarence Irvin Kelsey was born on April 19, 1919 in Marion.
Passed away Jun 4 1994 in Wichita, Kansas. Believe to be buried in Marion
Cemetery but can not find listing of cemeteries or persons buried there.
Heidi Bennett (bennetthp@gmail.com) 16 April 2007
I am trying to find a marriage
date for Oceola FITCH (b. 1841) and Nancy A. BROWN (b. 1850). On the 1880 census
they were living in Fairplay Township, Marion County, Kansas. Oceola was a
farmer. They may not have been married in Kansas, but I'd appreciate any
obituaries, birth/marriage notices for their children if available, or even
land/farming records.
Dean Johnson (djcreations@verizon.net)
15 April 2007
Looking for general
information on the MEHL families that lived in Marion Co., from the late 1800's
forward. Phillip, James, David, Johns others.
(donabrwn@aol.com) 15 April 2007
I am looking for where Wilma
CLOUTIER (died 07 Apr 2003) and Marland CLOUTIER (died 25 Jan 1996) were buried.
Any help will be appreciated.
William Philips (slowpoke46@yahoo.com)
14 April 2007
Looking for A.W. (Albert Winfield) PHILIPS in Grant Township, Marion KS in 1900
census. Not found in 1910 census, where did he go?
William Phillips (slowpoke46@yahoo.com) 25 February 2007
Seeking info on Lemuel Oscar
PHILIPS who lived in Marion County in the 1890's.
Pearl Ellis (ellis@giantcomm.net) 22 February 2007
Looking for any information on George HUENERGARDT married to Mary Marie Dies;
and Fred HUENERGARDT married to Elizabeth (Lizzie) DIES. Both couples
married in Marion County and are still in Marion county in the 1910 census. Both
couples married between 1900-1907, possibly in a Lutheran Church. Looking for
dates and place of marriages (copy of marriage certificate would be great).
George was my Great-Grandfather, Fred was my Great-Uncle.
Lani Davis (davis.lani@gmail.com) 6 February 2007
I am looking for more
information on Filena PIERCE 1811-1878. She is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery,
Florence, Marion co near some other Pierces. I am trying to find a connection
between her and Filena (PIERCE) PERRY who lived in Marion Co between 1875 and
the 1880s with her husband Austin PERRY.
Jeff Pierce (nehemiah57@yahoo.com) 30 January 2007
I'm looking for information on
Ollie Melvina PIERCE who married Ralph Wilson BRAKE on 1 Feb 1923, probably in
Marion County. Ralph was born in Florence. Ollie is the daughter of Samuel
Elsworth PIERCE and Melvina JOHNSON. Ollie was 17 at the time of their marriage,
so a consent should have been required. They had one son that I know of, Robert
W. BRAKE who married Irene LAMBERT. Ralph died 25 Jan 1990 in Augusta, Butler
County, but there may have been an obit published in Marion County. I don't have
a death date for Ollie. Any assistance will be most appreciated!
Beth McCall (bpooh@lvnworth.com) 30 January 2007
Looking for descendants of
Joseph LONGFELLOW and Marietta STITES, that includes Laura (LONGFELLOW) BRUBAKER
and Mary Josephine (LONGFELLOW) WANER. I am descendant of Cora Alice LONGFELLOW.
Genevieve Leavitt (gleavitt@prodigy.net) 20 January 2007
Looking for information on the
family of Tillman CRAGAN. His daughter Sylvia CRAGAN was born in Marion in
Charles Hosler
(charliemiraflor@hotmail.com) 10 January 2007
Searching for Harry COGGESHALL,
born about 1880 in Grant, Marion County, Kansas. Later moved to Colorado.
His father was Charles COGGESHALL and mother was Phoebe BYRAM.
Jarrod Flaming (jflaming@gmail.com) 8 January 2007
I am looking for any
information regarding my FLAMING family as they relate to the family surnames
I've listed. My grandfather was Jacob Brandt FLAMING, primarily from
Hutchinson and Inman, Kansas. Thank you for your help.
skay1912@wmconnect.com 4
January 2007
I need someone to check the
Marriage Records in Marion County for THOMAS, Earl and WARD, Martha G. Who
were married abt 1911-1913. Looking for a marriage date for them. Your help will
be greatly appreciated. Martha's parents were Elwood P. WARD and Anna I. HEATH.
For Comments and/or Suggestions please contact
Last update:
Saturday, February 11, 2023 21:01:20
