Welcome To Marshall County Kansas
My name is Alice Allen, and I am the coordinator for Marshall County, Kansas. I was born in Oregon, but my mother was a native of Marshall County, as was her mother and her mother's mother. The first of my Kansas ancestors came to Marshall County in the mid 1850's. Others followed in the 1860's and early 1870's, so my Kansas roots go back a long way. My love for genealogy, and my Marshall County roots, have prompted me to help others in this way.
This page will grow as we go, but in order for it to grow, I need your help! If you have any records pertaining to Marshall County, won't you please let me know? We need non-copyrighted records (census indexes, cemetary, marriage, wills, etc.) to put on these pages to assist others in their search. If you can help in these or other ways, please email me at dcaallen@pacifier.com.
If your interest lie in another county in Kansas and you would be interested in helping it grow by either adopting it or contributing to the database, please contact Tom & Carolyn WARD. You may also subscribe to the KsGenWeb mailing list by sending your email request to majordomo@sirius.dsenter.com. In the body of the message (not the subject line) put "subscribe ksgen-l" (that's "el," not "one"). This is where the discussion of building KsGenWeb takes place.
Kansas GenWeb Links
- Kansas Main Page & County Index
- Kansas Links.
- The Kansas Collection Books, articles, etc. online for and about Kansas
- Kansas Vital Records
- Kansas Archives on Skyways
- USGW Project's Kansas Archives
- Kansas Newspapers held by the KS State Historical Society
The database for finding Kansas newspapers on microfilm. This database replaced the old typed lists on the KSHS website. It can be searched by city, title word or county. You can also limit your search by date ranges.
- Kansas Surname List
- Kansas State Historical Society
- Kansas Dept of Commerce & Housing Page. Visit this page for travel tips and ideas.
- Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies
- Migrations Page for Kansas Visit this page to see if your ancestors are listed. If they are not, you can also submit them through this site.
- Kansas Telephone and City Directories
- Kansas Plat & County Atlases
Useful in locating property ownership in Kansas counties. Those atlases appearing with an LM (number) call number are available on microfilm and probably on interlibrary loan.
- Kansas Census: Federal & State, 1855-1930
How to access them, including the ones which are online
- Soldiers in Kansas
A variety of sources can be found in this section with links to their files. Included is the G.A.R. necrology, Civil War Regimental Synonyms list showing variety names for Kansas Civil War units, and later eras to Vietnam.
- A Standard History of Kansas and Kansas, Vol. 4, 1919 includes some Marshall Co. names
- Kansas Native American Genealogy
- Skyways Search Engine
There are two boxes at that site, open the left selection box by clicking on the down button at the right end of the left box. There will be a selection there for GENEALOGY ONLY, use it. Now go to the right box and type in
whatever you want to search for (a Surname, Community, etc), then press the GO button.
- Kansas Library Catalog
Online catalog for hundreds of Kansas Libraries.
- Kansas Veterinarians List, 1941
- Student List, Kansas State School for the Blind
Covers the years 1878-1894
- Census Online--Links to Online Census Records
- City Directory Page for Kansas
Marshall Co. has several City Directories listed here. If you are aware of others, please submit that information through this web site.
- 1912 Kansas
A cyclopedia of Kansas events, state history, etc.
- Penny Postcards from Kansas
- Index to Volumes 1-10 of "Forgotten Settlers program
- Kansas Pioneers Project
- Wichita Children's Home
- Kansas Education and School Information for Genealogists
- Kansas Funeral Home Listings
- Tombstone Project-Kansas Page
- Kansas Family Group Sheet Project
New project, see submitted Family Group Sheets and submit your own
- Territorial Kansas Online, 1854-1861
Geared for students and teachers, still an interesting site to learn about the history of Kansas
- 1883 Kansas Pensioners list
Marshall County Links
Queries and Lookups Links
- New Query Page
New queries received from May 2002 posted here. More "user friendly," as queries will be emailed to me and I will add them to the page, usually within 48 hours of receiving them.
- Skyways Automated Query System and queries posted since April 7, 1998. You will need to "register" if you're a first-time user of this site. Subsequent visits will require that you sign in with user name & password.
- Marshall County Queries, 1996-1998
View queries submitted until April 7th, 1998, when the Autobot query system went online.
- 1996-1998 Queries With Invalid Addresses
Queries from Sept. 1996-April 1998 where checked. This page contains those which "bounced." If your query is on this page, let me know. I will either update the email address & move it to Marshall County Queries 1996-1998, or update or remove the query, your choice.
- Rootsweb's Marshall County Query Board
- Marshall Co. Lookup Volunteer Page
Miscellaneous Marshall County Links
Includes Families, Diaries, Marriage page, Wills, Obituaries, links to personal web pages, etc.
Marshall County Families Stories of our Pioneer families can be found on this page.
Autobiography of John Baptist Neumayer and other descendants.
Diary of Anna Mary Johnson, from May 11, 1896
Marshall County Marriages , submitted by you, the researcher.
Marshall Co. Wills
Marshall Co. Obituaries Index
Obituaries A - F
Obituaries G - L
Obituaries M - R
Obituaries S - Z
Marshall Co. Cemeteries, submitted by you, the researcher.
Currently contains selected listings for Salem Lutheran Church Cemetery, Mission Covenant Cemetery, and Rosehill Cemetery.
Partial 1900 Census for Noble Township USGenWeb Tombstone Project--Marshall Co.Cemeteries
Marshall Co. Libraries and their materials.
Index to 1922 Atlas of Marshall County-- Richland
Index to 1922 Atlas of Marshall County-- St. Bridget
Index to 1922 Atlas of Marshall County--Vermillion
Vermillion Cemetery Plot Map
Address no longer valid, am checking for an updated address.
Vermillion Cemetery Names List
Address no longer valid, checking for an updated address.
Wells Family Cemetery
Richard C. Wells has provided a copy of this cemetery. No other record is known to exist. Surnames include WEBSTER, VOTIS, NESTER, HAMILTON, RODGES, MCCONCHIE, BENNETT, RINEHART, WARREN, FAIRCHILD, PADDEN, CAPOOT
Irving, Kansas page
Some Antioch Cemetery Burials
Cutler's History of Marshall County
Index to Emma Forter's History of Marshall Co.
Please note that I do not have a copy of this book. Contact the Marshall Co. Historical Society, whose email address is listed below, for more information.
Origin of place names in Marshall County
Reflections from the Prairie
a booklet transcribed by Rosana Whitenight for the University of Kansas online collection.
St. Bridget Historical Society page
Coates History Webpage
Immanual Lutheran Church at Hermansberg
Sanderson's Baptists of Marshall Center
Personal Web Pages of Marshall County Researchers
Skyways' Marshall County Page
Blue Rapids Web page
Summerfield, Marshall Co., Kansas
Mina, a Ghost Town Today
A history, including pictures, of Mina, Marshall Co., Kansas
Selected Birth & Death records from the Marshall County Courthouse compiled by Geraldine Holle of the Marshall Co. Historical Society.
Class of 1920 of the Common Schools of Marshall County 19th Annual Commencement
Includes class list and commencement program. Compiled by Nancy Welshimer Fincham.
Marshall County Photo Gallery
Merrimac School Souvenir Postcard
Danish Emigration, 1872-1905
1855 Territorial Census, 11th District, Marshall County
Barrett Cemetery Through 1996
TrakWest by Dale Morrow
Tracing families from the East (Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia) to the Midwest, including Marshall County, Kansas. Click on the link to "Family Groups By State/County to see Marshall County Families
Photo and Biography of Thomas Ryan
Contributed by Jeff Scism
Waiting for new link--this one does not work
General Genealogy Links
The following links are for your convenience, and are not related just to Kansas Genealogy:
Click on the following link: KSMARSHA-REQUEST@rootsweb.com
This should bring up an email form. Type the word "subscribe" (without the " "'s), in the subject line and message body, then send it on its way.
If you would rather receive your Marshall Co. mail in digest form (several messages linked together in one), click on this link instead:
KSMARSHA-D-REQUEST@rootsweb.com, and follow the same steps as above.
1207 Broadway,
Marysville, Kansas 66508
Telephone 785-562-5012.
Email Address: mchs@bluevalley.net
The MCHS Webpage
Genealogical research library and museum.
Hours: Monday - Friday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
The Wheat background is copyrighted for the exclusive use of the KSGenWeb Project for display only on official KSGenWeb Pages.
These pages last updated on April 3, 2011
Home Page for Kansas