In the 1850s, some of the first land in Miami (Lykins) County to open up was the land along the Missouri border that was on the outskirts of Wea Miami tribal common land in the northeastern part of Miami County. Similarly the fringe area of the Blackbob Shawnee tribal land was quickly settled just north of Wea in Johnson County.
The first land purchase in the Wea Community area was to George Wickline in Jul 1857, and other settlers such as the Vohs brothers, followed. These settlers became the founders of the Wea Cathoic Community. For a time the families were visited by a traveling minister, but as the families grew and more pioneers took up the land they had need for a church. In 1869 the Holy Rosary Church was erected and served the folks in the Wea Community, as well as those just 5 miles north in the Town of Aubry in Johnson County.
While the nearby own of Aubry, in Johnson County, Kansas, was ravaged during the Border Wars, and dwindled away by the late 1880s, the Wea Community grew stronger around the heart of their community, the Queen of the Holy Rosary Church.
You can find many of the early Wea and Aubry pioneers interred in the cemetery, located behind the church. Catholic members of both communities were interred in Wea, while non-Catholic members were often interred in Aubry Pioneer Cemetery. See our Biographies section for biographies and photos of these early pioneers to Miami County.
The cemetery is beautifully landscaped, well maintained and has not suffered neglect. Charting the death dates from the index of the gravestones is another testament to the growth and strength of this community since its beginning.
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