This is a photocopy of a letter
from Robert L. Bland of Weston, West
Virginia to Judge W. T. Bland of Kansas
City, Missouri. The letter is dated July
1911. The body of the letter concerns
the BLAND family in England.
At the end of the letter is a note
addressed to Mrs. Lillie Brown of St.
Joseph, Missouri. This note gives some
information on the BLAND family in
Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri.

St. Joseph, MO
Mrs. Lillie
1619 Savannah
Dear Sister,
In compliance
with your
request I
enclose you a
copy of the
letter addressed
to Judge W. T.
Bland,and a part
of our own
History as
written to me by
Mr. Bland,
The History he
has deals with
the English
House of Blands
hardly embrace
the American
descendants ,he
to the Blands in
this country,
and has promist
to write me more
fully in regard
to my special
line of decent.
James Bland ,a
lineal decendant
of the brance of
settled in
Stafford County
Virginia, and
died in 1708,he
had a sone John
who married
Osborne,John and
Marguret Osborn
Bland, moved to
Kentuckey ,one
of their
children was
Bland,and his
wife was
capitured by the
indians and
their baby
murdered and
it's blood
smeared in the
mother face.He
was kept bound
but his wife was
unfettered and
he told her to
try to escape
this she
did,living for
two weeks before
she reached the
settlement'S on
parched corn,
and herbs,he was
exchanged and
the wife and
husband were
William Bland a
brother of
Bland,borned in
1777,in Prince
William County,
to Kentuckey in
1784, married
Bland had a son
married Corilla
Willet, Eli
Bland,a son of
Osborne Bland
settled in
Sarah Anderson,
and died in New
Orleans in 1826,
Mathew M.
Bland,a son of
Bland,settled in
Platt County
Mary Burnes
Turner,of Mason
County Kentuckey
in1845, born
died July the
Robert L. Bland,
a son of Matthew
M. Bland,
born in Platt
County Missouri
June the
July Ist, 1911.
Robert L. Bland Attorney and counsellor at law, Weston, West Virginia.
Judge W.T. Bland,
Kansas City Mo
Dear Will;
Referring further to your letter of June 24th,and the letter addressed to you by Hon. James H. H ull,under date of June 23rd.
I beg to suggest that I do-not incline to look with favor upon the suggestion that there is an estate in Germany ,in which the Blands are interested.Of course I know nothing about the facts are circumstances upon which Mr. Hull bases his conclusions.
I do know ,however,that the Bland family is pure English.
In 1826,Nicholas Carlisle published a very comprehensive work which he called "A History of the Ancient family of Blands",and dedicated it to his friend, Michael Bland,Esquire,F.R.S.,F.S.A.,ect. This book was limited at the time of publication to an edition of one hundres. So far as I have ever been able to ascertain there are but three in the United States.One is in the congressional library at Washington, another is owned by John Randolph Bland of Baltimore,ant the third I have.
It is regarded as an accepted authority in relation to the Bland pedigree. The author does the family credit to say that it is of very high antiquity and may not hestitate to copare the virtues and renown of it's several branches with those of the proudest gentry of the kingdom.
The Bland family derives it's name from the original seat, a place called Bland, in the Parish of Sedburgh, Yorkshire.
In 1337, a branch of the line of Sedburgh settled at Gibard, in the Parish of Orton, Westmoreland.
Edward Bland of Burghfield, a younger branch of the Gibard, family died at the time of Edward IV,and from him descended Rogder Bland,of Orton,who had AdamBland, of London, Sergant Skinner to Queen Elizabeth,married about 1549 Joan dauther of William Atkyna Bland.
Thedorick Bland, the immigrant of Westover,Virginia, is a decendant of said Adam Bland, Prior to coming to america, he was a merchant at St.Luca,Span, but came to Virginia about the year 1654,and settled as Westover on the James River,in Charles City County.He was one of the Kings council "and of as good repute for circumstances,and understanding as any man of his time therein".
The family of Bland by the marriage of Samuel Bland, Esquire, to Elizaeth third daughter of Sir.Edward Longueville,Bart, was intitled to a fellowship in All Soul's College,Oxford,by virtue of their consanguinity to Arch Bishop Chichele,the founder .--Stemmata Chicheleana,No354,Page 55.
Carlisle in referring to the family of Blands observes that few families of private gentry had spread more widely are flourished farier than this well allied house".But several stout branches ', he proceeds ": have perished like the original stock whilst some trace their blood without hereditary posessions . Of the younger sons,who were slenderly provided for by life annuities and small monied portions,it may be difficult to connect there desendants , though all must be presumed to bare a distant kindred to the old family tree,who have the honor to have the name".
It is possible that some of the Blands may have settled in Germany,and that Barbar Bland,may have inter-married with Louis Fisher.
I have been able to trace them in the principality of Wales and Kingdom of Ireland, and have had very extensive correspondence with persons bearing the name in this country.
I confess,however,my inability to establish any connection with the family of Louis Fisher,and Barbara Bland his wife.
The name Barbara Bland is occasionally found in the study of the History of the English Family.
You have perhaps knowledge of Nathaniel Bland, LLD, the second son of the very Reverned James Bland.Dean of Ardfort. Who was an emminent civilian and held the metropitan seal ,and sat as judge in the preogrative Court at Dublin.
Francis Christopher Bland, of Derryquinn Castle,was a near kinsman of Nathanial Bland.
He married in 1797,Lucy third daughter of Arthur Herbert , of Brusterfield, his second wife was Barbara Ash.
It is possible she may have survived her husband and married Louis Fisher,but at this point I observe that Louis Fisher, and Barbara Bland,his wife,are supposed to have come to Culpepper, Virginia,between 1728,and 1832.
Then there was Henry Bland,of the city of London,wjose will bore date July 11th,1726,and was proved on the third of January 1729.Whereby he gave to his wife ,Barbara Bland,certain property. This Barbara Bland, may have inter-married with Louis Fisher.
I might continue in this way to mention members of the family who bore the name of Barbara. I think,however,that the Blands of Weston Missouri,who are interested in this estate would porbably make most headway by commencing their investigation at Culpepper Virginia.
If I can be of any service you need not hesitate to call upon me.
I am rather interested in the fact that there is a man by the name of Bland who bears my own initials residing at Weston Missouri. I should like to know more about him, and his family line.
With best wishes, believe me,
Yours very truly,
Robert L. Bland.