1883 List of Pensioners -- Coffey County Contributed by Marcia Philbrick Jan. 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non- commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1883 List of Pensioners Coffey County, KS Number Surname First MI Location Disability Pd Date 113,841 Whitaker Jno P. Agricola var. veins l. leg $6 136,942 Likens William Agricola incised wd. r. foot $6 163,857 Gregory Nathan Agricola dis. of lungs $6 Dec. 1879 138,884 Baker Wm Avon g.s.w. r. arm $6 Apr 1875 85,736 Barker Tim Avon injury to abdomen $10 15,065 Errett Henry Bangor g.s.w. r. leg $14 113,824 David Rob't G. Barry opacity corner r. eye $8 Sept 1871 115,072 Miller Isaiah Burlington g.s.w. r. shr & thigh $8 204,453 Ball Jas. W.E Burlington dis. of lungs $6 Mar 1880 206,862 Rudolph Sam'l K. Burlington dis. of liv $6 Apr 1882 34,071 Lansdell Jno Burlington g.s.w. r. thigh $24 Oct 1864 93,896 Fish Sam'l Burlington inj. l. leg & side $6 Nov 1868 145,873 Reed Austin Burlington wd. r. shr. $8 June 1877 9,752 Kent Jos. H. Burlington shell wd. l. foot $3 104,489 Wilson Henry Burlington amp. l. arm $18 32,260 Martin Epophroditu Burlington wd. r. forearm $14 185,451 Kidder Charlotte Burlington mother $8 Sept. 1879 179,932 Friday Simon Burlington chr. dir. & dis. of abd. vis $6 Dec 1880 45,267 Ferguson Braselton Burlington g.s.w.r. arm 44,451 Shemberger Samuel Burlington g.s.w.r. leg $8 183,868 Thomas Adams S. Burlington dis. eyes $8 Mar 1881 133,675 Welch George W. Burlington shell wd. l. knee $2 Apr 1875 29,399 Wood Guilford A. Burlington var. veins, ulcers on both legs $10 266,801 Sloan Jas. P. Burlington bronch & asthma 9,715 Sheehan Jno Burlington inj. l. shr. $6 209,041 Redmond Jas Burlington chr. diar $6 May 1882 12,911 Rees Richard Burlington wd. r. arm $16 158,468 Sullivan Dan'l Burlington inj. r. leg & g.s.w. r. hand $4 Mar 1879 29,919 Stone Henry B. Burlington cannon-ball wd. l. thigh $8 22,796 Wood Wm. H. Burlington amp. r. arm above elb $24 78.466 Jones Matilda Burlington widow $8 29,230 Sumption Anny Burlington widow 1812 $8 Apr 1880 13,462 Irish Clarissa Burlington widow 1812 $8 Dec 1878 185,846 Mayes Eliz Burlington mother $8 Oct 1879 221,369 Hale Sam'l Burlington sore eyes, fhr. diar & dis. of abdominal viscera $6 Nov 1882 6,226 Jackson Andrew Burlington chr. diar. & pleuritic adhesion $8 170,801 Joles Geo. W. Burlington g.s.w. 3d fing l. hand $1 june 1880 210,877 Jones Henry F. Burlington shell wd. r. hand $6 June 1882 70,825 King Chas. W. Burlington g.s.wd l. heel $8 219,584 Denny Geo Burlington inj. l. hip $6 Oct 1882 Fields Chambers Burlington g.s.w. l. shr. $4 Jan 1875 166,141 Fitch Jno Burlington dis. eyes $8 179,442 Foster Lewis Burlington g.s.w. l. knee, ch. diar, & rheu $6 Dec 1880 159,385 Majors Archibald C Burlington dis. eyes $2 Apr 1879 78,562 Watkins Jno A. Burlington g.s.w.l. thigh $6 118,066 Stevens Carrie M. Burlington widow $17 137,713 Manson Mahlon P. Burlington g.s.w.l. arm $4 Feb 1876 165,596 Lock Jno Burlington injury to abdomen $12 Mar 1880 183,940 Watrous Jas H. Burlington frac. l. elbow $6 Mar 1881 119,886 Dansey Henrietta Burlington widow $8 Oct 1868 66,281 Porenmire Jno A. Burlington g.s.w.r. side $6 118,782 Porter Hugh R. Burlington injury to abdomen $12 180,957 Pearce Geo Burlington g.s.w.r. thigh $4 Jan 1881 36,041 McDonald Wesley A. Burlington g.s.w.l. leg $8 108,280 Weigand Jacob J. Burlington g.s.w.l. thigh $4 Mar 1879 22,274 Adair Rob't Burlington loss r. leg above knee $24 143,163 Courtney Jas. M. Burlington g.s.w.l. arm $2 Jan 1877 163,494 Bear Wm. H. Burlington part. deaf $2 Nov 1879 39,953 Gray Wm M. Burlington loss l. arm above elbow $24 33,534 Beaughton Rob't Burlington g.s.w.r. forearm $4 174,766 Harlan Jno Burlington chr. diar. $4 79,058 Henderson Jno W. Burlington ophthalmia $4 Mar 1867 209,953 Crabb Benj. F. Burlington dis. r. leg $ May 1882 55,897 Dyke Logan I Burlington amp. l. arm $24 Aug 1874 188,090 Stowell Graham R.C.Burlington inj. spine & paral r. leg $14 May 1881 160,701 Stark Wm. D. Hall's Summit Inj. l. hip & ank $6 30,934 Roberds Elias Hall's Summit g.s.w.r. thigh $10 209,736 Burnett Jno. W. LeRoy inj. to r. arm & forearm $4 May 1882 15,302 Miller Eliz W. LeRoy widow 1812 $8 Jan 1879 217,039 Wallibery Jno LeRoy injury to abdomen $4 Aug 1882 11,696 Beall Rebecca LeRoy widow $8 93,126 Short Jas. W. LeRoy dis. of eyes $18 124,922 Stinebaugh Jacob B. LeRoy g.s.w. of spine $8 183,112 Smith Jos. D. LeRoy dis. of abdominal viscera $14 76,028 Thompson David LeRoy g.s.w.l. forearm, l. leg & r. thigh $8 41,541 Blake Nathaniel LeRoy g.s.w. neck & l. thigh $8 213,340 Boyle Jos. R. LeRoy diss. of heart $6 June 1882 175,742 Guincy John C LeRoy dis. lungs $4 Oct 1880 169,476 Brown Jos. D. LeRoy bronch $4 30,930 Holloway Margaret LeRoy widow 1812 $8 Dec 1880 25,332 Jones Abel LeRoy amp. r. arm above elbow $24 217,539 Johnson Thos E. LeRoy chr rheum 44 Aug 1882 191,933 Winpigler Manuel LeRoy chr. diar $2 June 1881 187,290 Thompson Laura LeRoy widow $14 Dec 1880 191,971 Wilson Thos. L. LeRoy pist. wd. l. thigh $4 June 1881 54,158 Rogers Adrian LeRoy wd. r. shr $6 Dec 1865 187,738 Phillips Aaron W. LeRoy g.s.w. of head $2 Apr 1881 123,898 Gillespie Jno D. LeRoy g.s.w. side $2 July 1873 117,571 Hall Hiram C. LeRoy g.s.w. l. hnd, loss mid fing $2 June 1872 38,222 Rudruff Wm. H. Ottumwa amp. l. leg 44,761 Browning Jno M. Ottumwa g.s.w.l. thigh $18 48,466 Foster Eliz Ottumwa widow $8 165,175 Jones Jacob F. Ottumwa dis. of eyes $6 153,349 Jones Jno F. Ottumwa dis. of lungs $8 113,545 Thayer Josh B. Ottumwa father $8 May 1868 159,214 McCormich Jno W. Ottumwa dis. of eyes $6 123,893 Browning Sam'l W. Ottumwa g.s.w.l. thigh & leg $5 July 1873 110,288 Britton Alex H. Section g.s.w. of head $4 185,834 Lane Emily Section mother $8 Oct 1879 23,505 Robertson Anthony Section g.s.w.l. foot $6 23,303 Hurst Anthony W. Strawn wd. l. hand $8 177,100 Newton Jas. Strawn chr. diarr. dyspep., & dis. of heart $8 May 1881 206,250 Amy Geo W. Strawn dis. feet & legs, resit. frostbite, dis. of eyes $8 Apr 1882 4,004 Leabo Isaac S. Strawn g.s.w.r. leg $4 165,259 Stumpf Geo. W. Strawn inj. to spinal cord, causing locomotor ataxia $8 Mar 1880 220,993 Monroe Andrew J. Strawn dis. of heart $6 Nov 1882 198,257 Mauck Farleigh S. Strawn g.s.w. of abd $6 Nov 1881 31,867 Corwin Jas. W. Waverly wd. r. hnd $8 11,320 Truett Jas C. Waverly wd. r. leg $8 139,821 Hawkins Wm A. Waverly chr. diar $8 14,394 Seely Lydia Waverly widow $8 15,063 Springer Martha J. Waverly widow $8 207,632 McAtee Harrison J. Waverly catarrh of head $2 Apr. 1882 214,804 Tuttle Geo. W. Waverly dis. of abdominal viscera $4 June 1882 106,871 Burr Jas. H. Waverly g.s.w.r. shr., neck & lower jaw $8 106,840 Hill Sam'l Waverly shell wd. l. thigh $6 215,935 Hutchison Wm. G. Waverly injy to back, g.s.w. of r. shr. & l. arm $4 July 1882 117,864 Donnell Harvey P. Waverly g.s.w. r. ank $2 July 1872 181,325 Donnell Thos Waverly chr. diar. & dyspep $4 Jan 1881 119,909 Malone Jas Waverly g.s.w.l. thigh $6 Nov 1872 18,762 Greenwood Julia A. Waverly widow $8 96,523 Peck Clarence M. Waverly g.s.w.l. arm $2 Mar 1869 205,967 Hays Isaac N. Waverly injuyr to abdomen $4 Apr 1882