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Norton County News


Historical Number 1870 - 1916



Norton County Pioneers


Alas! 'twas but a few short years, it seems,
There trod me only beast and savage band
When in my idle days, and in my dreams
I hungered for the touch of white man's hand;
And then you came, a gallant sturdy crew,
Who builded homes upon my barren plain,
And there, your wives, so brave and strong and true
Bore untold hardships - shared your loss and pain.


I did not welcome you with wine or feast -
I did not want you here, you might have thought -
I knew you were not savages or beast,
I felt your purpose, knew the goal you sought
I knew you did not come to find, but make,
And so I let my hidden treasures lie
'Till by your labor you should earn and take
It from my burdened bosom, by and by.


You, all undaunted by my barren plain,
By pests or dangers, drouth or winter drear,
You, great of muscle, courage, heart and brain,
Took up the burden of the pioneer.
You brought no evil or dishonesty;
The flag of right you planted and unfurled.
You gave the best of all your life to me
And made of me the Garden of the World.


You opened up my boundless treasure store,
My bosom yielded to your earnest quest;
The tempting harvest that your labors bore
Brought mankind flocking to the "Golden West."
All were not loyal, strong and clean as you,
Inspired by purpose lofty and sincere,
Yet I am measured not by what they do,
But by the labors of my pioneer.

      - Caroline Coler.



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