Norton County

Densmore, Kansas 
Chasing ghostly figures

a collection of historical information
to remember the ghost town where I grew up

Early history and pioneers
Sumner Smith
Thomas J.  Densmore
The Conarty family
Other early settlers
Article from Norton County News, Historical Edition, 1916
Post Offices


Timeline of Densmore Events

1888,  June - Densmore News established

1888, 28 June - Ed and Joe Conarty arrested for shooting Byron F. Sedbruck
            A. M. Manville has lots in Densmore for sale - cheap!
            Frank & Leonard George were acquitted of the charge of assaulting Byron F. Sedbruck
            Last week Felix Metz's team ran away with the trunk wagon.  Two of his little girls were
                slightly injured.
            G. W. Harris was re-elected clerk of School District No. 22.  Nine months school was voted.
                The assessed valuation of property in the district is: Personal - $3331, Real - $9799,
                Railroad - $10,935.84.  Fifteen mills were voted for school purposes.  A motion to hire
                a male teacher was voted down.  The meeting voted to build a brick chimney.
            The people of the usually quiet and peaceable town of Densmore were greatly excited on
                the night of the third inst., over the shooting of Byron F. Sedbruck.  Two young men of
                the town got into a dispute over a horse race which finally resulted in a difference of opinion
                as to their manhood.  Both being men of genuine mettle they concluded to settle their
                differences by the pugilistic code.  Unfortunately in this instance both had warm friends
                and bitter enemies who interfered and the result was as stated, the shooting of Byron
                F. Sedbruck.  He was shot with a revolver the ball entering the body under the right
                arm passing through the right lung came out near the spinal column.  Dr. Miller thinks
                with proper care the wound will not prove fatal.  Densmore News

1909  - Farmers State Bank, Densmore was chartered.  Almena Plaindealer, 16 Jul 1936

1909, 11 August - Sam Bauguess kills Tom Mullen, then commits suicide.
                Inquest held August 8, 1909.

1909, 22 December - Missouri Pacific runs a freight train only every other day.
            Dance held at the new C. E. (Charlie) Campbell store.
            Mr. & Mrs. Roy Brady leaving for future home in Washington.  Mrs. Brady will be remembered
                as Miss Bertha Smith.
            Mr. & Mrs. N. Jasperson left this week for the home of his father at Oakley, where he expects
                to make his future home.  Mr. Jasperson was the man who cut the rock for the new
                school house at this place.
            Mr. Driggs sold his place east of town to a brother-in-law of Mr. Reiman from Illinois for
                $6000.  We haven't yet heard what Mr. Driggs expects to do yet.
            Orley Archer was checked in as Missouri Pacific agent last Thursday.
                Norton Daily Telegram, p. 2

1909, 29 December 29 - Carl Davis, one of Bow Creek's oldest settlers passed away Saturday
                morning.  He leaves a wife and seven children.  He was a stockholder in the Farmers'
                and Merchants' State Bank of Densmore.
              The masquerade dance at Densmore Christmas night was well attended and all report
                an enjoyable time.  George Campbell and Chloa Lyons won the prize as being the
                best masked couple.
            Miss Effie Reedy is home from a Salina business college, as is also Ralph Kendrick, to
                spend holidays with the home folks.
            Another boy at W. M. Donley's  Norton Daily Telegram, p. 4

1909 -  New Missouri Pacific depot built at Densmore
           Norton Daily Telegram, January 5, 1910 - copied from (Topeka) Daily Capital of December 29

1910, 26 January - The old school house was sold at public auction January 15.   Mr. Koeker
                our harness man, purchased the school house for $285, and Harry Archer purchased
                the lots at $45.
            School begins Monday, January 17, in the new school house.
            The Mann Mercantile Company opened their doors for business Saturday morning.
                They have quite a nice store.
            Born to R. D. Bauguess and wife on January 9, a daughter.
            Born to B. F. Glenn and wife on January 11, a son.
            Funeral of William Martindale at Edmond on January 13.
            Singing school instructed by Mr. Thomas and his sister, Miss Abbie.
            Mrs. Mamie Mullen is the newly elected cashier at the Densmore State Bank.
              Norton Daily Telegram p.2

1910, 23 February - A large crowd attended the G. W. Booth sale the 11th.
            The Free Methodist quarterly conference was held at Densmore.
            F. E. Stephenson left Tuesday for California.
            Cain Brunt sold his house and lot to Sam Kendrick.
            Mrs. Koekler has torn down the old school house and will rebuild on some other lots
                making a modern harness shop of it.  Norton Daily Telegram p. 5

1910, March 2 - W. M. Driggs and family expect to move on their newly purchased farm, the
                Henry M. Kibbe farm five miles east of town.
            Wm. Bailey and family are back again after a winter in Colorado.
            Nellie Loomis and daughter Dorothy expect to leave Tuesday for Stratton, Colorado
                where Mr. Loomis has a homestead.
            The new harness shop is rapidly nearing completion.  It is being built on the lots across
                the street south from the hotel.
                    Norton Daily Telegram, p. 2

1910, March 9 - Wm. Bailey is going to rent the Hotel Densmore.
            Deck Thornton has rented Jesse Bauguess new house and will take possession soon.
            I. P. Williams talks of renting his farm and go west to grow up with the country.
            Geo. Booth, son and daughter will live in Logan for the present.
            Mode Reedy expects to have a public sale on the 9th.
            Densmore is steadily advancing in the line of new buildings.  A new barber shop and harness
                shop in one month, and that the shortest in the year.  Norton Daily Telegram, p. 4

 1910, May 18 - Dick Bauguess is the new agent at the Continental creamery station here now.
            Dan Palmer's are going to have a sale Saturday of their household goods after which
                they will move to Colorado.

1924, 20 February - Nellie Nicholas married to Joseph Graham at the home of her parents,
                Mr. & Mrs. C. T. Nicholas.  Mr. Graham was the son of Mr. J. F. Graham, also of

1924, 15 May -  Chas. H. Sullivan was the barber in Densmore.  He also advertised cleaning
                and pressing for ladies or men.

1933, February 20 - Moderate earthquake felt in Norton & Decatur counties in Kansas and in
            Harlan and Furnas counties in Nebraska.  Buildings and houses swayed, dishes and
            windows rattled; people ran out of their houses. [source: National Earthquake Information Center]

1936, 10 July - Densmore Bank Quits Business
            The Farmers State Bank at Densmore, chartered in 1909, voluntarily ceased operations
            on Friday, July 10.  The bank was capitalized at $25,000 and for over a quarter of a
            century had been a credit to its community, filling a distinct need for Densmore and
            vicinity.  The drouth of the present season undoubtedly had something to do with the
            decision of the board of directors to discontinue business.  All depositors will be paid
            in full.  The deposits were $56,000 and had loans $61,000 on April 6.  The officers were
            Louis Voss, president; directors were Alvah Archer, Henry M. Voss, G. J. Archer,
            Joseph Archer, H. N. Underwood, Peter E. Voss, the late Garret Voss, Henry
            Glennemeier and E. P. Griffith.  Almena Plaindealer, 16 Jul 1936, p. 1

1944 - consolidation of Districts 48, 37 and 21 into Densmore Schools

1947,  28 October - first sod turned for new Catholic Church building

1947 - 1948  - Damewood fire (further research needed)

1948, 19 February - meteor seen in western Kansas

1948, 16 September  - The OPTIMIST [school newspaper] revived after a dormancy since the early 1930's.

1948, 20 October - dedication of new Catholic Church building

1949, September - Consolidation of school districts 48, 37 and 7 into Densmore Schools

1949, June - Raymond Bower, curator of the Norton County Museum and son, Dick, recently discovered
            a fish skeleton near Densmore which exceeds 16 feet in length.

1950 - during the past 4 years three school busses were purchased for transporting students

1950, March/April - $12,500 bond issue approved for repairs and improvements to joint
            Rural High School District No. 1, Graham and Norton Counties, Kansas

1950, March/April - Lincoln Schoolhouse was remodeled for use as a bus barn with
            funds from the bond issue

1951, June 23 - death of J. Y. "Jess" Baugess, rural mail carrier for 40 years; constructed many
        homes and businesses in Densmore, including the high school.

1951, 17 September - Johnnie Stenger killed in Korea

1951, 09 October - memorial services held for Johnnie Stenger

1952, 10 January - funeral services held for John F. Stenger, Class of 1947, who died in
            the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge, Korea

1952, 19 January - funeral services held for Ralph Stutzman, husband of alumna, Margaret Mullen

1952, 24 January - death of John Kitzke

1952, 01 March - Nora Mullen, postmistress, retires

1952, 01 September - School opens.  High School enrollment 36.  Largest since 1927.

1961, 13 April - Intensity V earthquake felt in about the same area as the 1933 earthquake
        [source: National Earthquake Information Center]

Densmore Rural High School
Densmore Grade School


Densmore Photos

Contributed by Doyle & Lois Archer, from the collection of Carrie Archer Thompson, unless otherwise noted.  
Estimated dates are 1915-1920.

Please click on small photo to view a larger image.  Thanks!


Farmers State Bank (later the Post Office)

Alvah Archer in front of Farmers State Bank (from collection of Paul Frederick)

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From left to right: Farmers State Bank, Barber Shop?, Kitzke house.  This is on the north side of the main street, which was actually named Kansas Avenue, though I've never heard anyone call it that.  It looks like the middle building must be a Barber Shop, judging by the pole out front.  I heard that the building was once a restaurant, and that it burned down. If you have any additional information,  please let me know.

Alvah Archer, in lobby area, Farmers State Bank

Behind the counter, Farmers State Bank.  This photo must have been taken from the doorway to the vault.

Advertisement from Logan Republican, 
29 February 1912 (contributed by 
Ardie Grimes)


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Farmers State Bank Statement of financial condition, 02 April 1912 (contributed by Ardie Grimes)
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Tractors in front of bank; unidentified women

Main Street Scenes

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Densmore main street. Here you can see cars parked in front of the businesses on the south side of the street.  Notice the utility poles for power - Pete Bruinekool had a generator for electricity.   Notice the men talking near the lumber yard office.  Does anyone know what was in the building between the lumber yard and the hardware store?  Is the building with the "Prince.." advertisement on the front the general store, or is that another building between the hardware store and the general store?

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Densmore main street - from left: hardware store,  general store, Farmers State Bank (later the post office).  George Stepper owned the hardware store at one time, the general store was owned by Eugene Mann & the Kitzke family.

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A view of the general store (later the Kitzke store).  The building to its left was the hardware store in the 1950's.  The building behind (north) of  the general store was once a creamery.  The house north across the road from the creamery was the George Stepper house.  Be sure to note the lion in the cage - Doyle says the story goes it was from a circus that was passing through. 

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postcard interior of Kitzke store, date unknown.  Contributed by Delbert Nicholas, whose grandmother Ada Lyon (Mrs. Seigle) Nicholas worked at the store.

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Refinished spool cabinet that came from Kitzke store.  Contributed by Delbert Nicholas.

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The south side of Densmore main street.  According to Doyle, this building with the outside stairs was across the street from the bank, on the lot where St. Mary's Catholic Church is now located.  At one time it was a grocery store operated by Asbury & Emmaline Archer.  Later there was a creamery operated there by William Lincicome.  William died in April 1924, so the creamery & grocery store would have been there before that date. 

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Another view of the grocery store / creamery.  The building to the right (west) was once a grocery store operated by Freeman and Augusta Archer. 

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The east end of Kansas Avenue - from left:  Bank, Kitzke house, Densmore Garage, Hotel

Other Businesses

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This was identified as a barber shop.  Judging by the bank of the railroad cut behind the building, this was probably located in Block 2 of the Original Town, or on the Pete Bruinekool property identified on the 1917 Plat Map

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Freeman & Augusta Archer grocery store closing out sale.

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Freeman & Augusta Archer grocery store closing out sale.

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on back of this photo:  from Ruth Jones, 1919 crop at elevator in Spring of 1920.  This is probably the old elevator located west of the depot.  If you know who Ruth Jones is, please let me know.

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Filling Station - Walters Oil Company, owned by Ray Walters from about 1935 until it closed

Densmore Garage
Farmers Union Cooperative Association

St. Mary's Catholic Church history

Free Methodist Church history
Free Methodist Church (photos)

Archer family photos
Glennemeier family photos
King Family photos

Calvary Cemetery
Densmore Cemetery

West Union Cemetery

1917 Densmore plat map

Design by Templates in Time
This page was last updated 07/10/2024