Altland, Ceorge Mead-B.Mar.25,1880 D.Dec.5,1888(son of Lewis & Mary)
Armistead, Addie Rae-- 1891 to 1964
Armistead, Ed Harrison-- 1891 to 1969
Armistead, Dale Edwin-B.Apr.23,1916 D.Sept.4,1978
Armistead, John William-- 1925 to 1926
Armstrong, Jacob E.-B.June 29,1862 D.Sept.29,1906
Armstrong, Jessie H.-B.Oct.1,1891 D.Aug.22,1900
Baker, Amy Pearl-- 1908 to 1953
Bale, Violet-B.Aug.4,1899 D.Oct.1,1907
Ball, E.A.-- 1841 to 1941
Ball, Sarah-- 1858 to 1940
Ball, Synthia A.-- 1848 to 1926
Barker, Mabel-B.Dec.1,1860 D.Feb.17,1907
Benham, John W.-- 1824 to 1895
Benham, Mellissae-B.1926
Bentley, Clara A.-- 1898 to 1962
Bentley, Nelson-- 1880 to 1957
Berdsell, Clara Means-D.1922
Blackwelder, Orlena-- 1858 to 1942
Blackwelder, Ralph A.-B.1893(son of S.R. & Orlena)
Blackwelder, Samuel R.-- 1856 to 1928
Blackwelder, Charles-- 1886 to 1951(husband to Jennie)
Blackwelder, Jennie-B.1889
Blackwelder, William C.-B.Jan.16,1892 D.Apr.26,1968
Blair, Mabel A.-B.Sept.6,1890 D.1891
Blair, Geneva-B.May 16,1856 D.May 20,1941
Blair, Byron-B.Aug.28,1887 D.Feb.21,1974
Blair, Infant-D.Dec.7,1893(dau of George & Geneva)
Belden, George W.-B.1906 D.Apr.30,1969
Bockoven, Ernest G.-B.May 25,1882 D.Sept.10,1887
Bohannon, Js. Henry-- 1902 to 1925
Bohannon, Elmer E.-- 1875 to 1952
Bohannon, Mattie O.-- 1885 to 1965
Borolds, Joseph P.-B.1881 D.June 5,1970
Bowlds, Joseph P-B.1881
Bowlds, Mary L.-- 1887 to 1963
Bowlds, Merle Paul-- 1916 to 1942
Brant, Ara E.-D.Apr.11,1975
Brant, Bette Merlene-D.July 12,1946(Dau of John & Bette Brant)
Brant, David W.-B.Feb.17,1856 D.Feb.25,1946
Brant, John-B.Nov.29,1882 D.May 9,1923(Son of David W. & Eliza Brant)
Brant, Mary Eliza-B.May 31,1862 D.Jan.20,1???
Brant, Obe-B.Dec.18,1884 D.May 9,1923(husband of Ara E. Brant)
Brant, Chas. C.-- 1889 to 1962
Brant, Zoe D.-B.1891 D.Dec.18,1972(wife of Chas. C.)
Briggs, Alameda-- 1846 to 1938
Briggs, Chas. A.-- 1878 to 1919
Briggs, John A.-- 1872 to 1934
Briggs, Nelson-- 1843 to 1908
Briggs, Wm. H.L.-- 1869 to 1946
Brown, Otto E.-B.1895 D.Dec.14,1975
Buck, Bert Brenton-- 1886 to 1943
Brubaker, Dana P.-D.Sept.5,1912
Brubaker, Iva B.-D.1895(Infant dau of M.F.)
Brubaker, Maude-- 1876 to 1946
Brubaker, Scott-- 1913 to 1914
Brubaker, Silas-- 1883 to 1939
Brubaker, Wilbur-- 1874 to 1956
Bucklin, Chas. E.-B.July 4,1866 D.Aug.20,1930
Bucklin, Margaret-B.July 28,1875 D.Aug.20,1962
Butler, Anna L.-- 1842 to 1897
Carlin, Columbia-B.Jan.16,1874 D.Oct.14,1904(Wife of T.S. Carlin)
Carlisle, Clara A.-- 1858 to 1946
Carlisle, James-- 1885 to 1951
Carlisle, James C.-- 1858 to 1940
Carter, Bardell L.-- 1889 to 1947
Carter, Elizabeth-B.Dec.5,1929 D.Dec.8,1929
Carter, Charles C.-B.Apr.5,1886 D.Sept.11,1887
Carter, Maggie O.-B.Nov.4,1892 D.Nov.4,1892
Carter, Mortimer H.-- 1854 to 1951
Carter, Rebecca Davis-- 1812 to 1892
Carter, Richard S.-- 1809 to 1880
Carter, Sue C.-- 1850 to 1936
Cherry, Sarah J.-B.May 6,1846 D.Dec.13,1917
Chitwood, Infant-- no dates
Churchill, Mary-- 1842 to 1913(wife of Truman)
Churchill, Truman-- 1824 to 1901
Clark, Carlisle-B.Dec.4,1890 D.1908
Clark, Frank-B.Sept.25,1895 D.Aug.28,1906
Clark, Gary Gene-- 1945 to 1952
Clark, Fred A.-- 1892 to 1971
Clark, Elizabeth-- 1857 to 1933
Clark, Rosalie-B.Sept.22,1868 D.Oct.24,1902(wife of W.E. Clark)
Clark, Kate Hudson-B.Mar.29,1891 D.June 23,1939
Clark, George R.-- 1851 to 1910
Clark, Wm. E.-B.Mar.19,1865 D.Dec.30,1914
Clayton, Eula Denny--(dau of W.N. Denny)
Clifton, Harriett-B.Aug.8,1924
Combs, Edith M.-- 1876 to 1966
Combs, John W.-- 1854 to 1941
Combs, Infant-- 1894 to 1894
Combs, Nancy-- 1855 to 1945
Combs, Wm. Elza-- 1875 to 1943
Corrigan, Katie Elliott-B.July 8,1902 D.Feb.15,1927
Cromer, Douglas Bret-B.Feb.22,1964 D.Apr.17,1964
Cromer, Ralph S.-- 1907 to 1925
Cromer, Jessie K.-D.Dec.10,1967
Cromer, Samuel D.-B.1883 D.June 7,1967
Crum, Florence-- 1878 to 1892
Crum, Martin J.-- 1840 to 1921
Crum, Nelle E.-- 1890 to 1977
Crum, Sabrina J.-- 1853 to 1940
Curry, Chas. W.-D.1895
Curry, D.H.-- 1828 to 1895
Curry, Fielding Thomas-- 1866 to 1942
Curry, Infant son--D.1895
Curry, James L.-- 1862 to 1899
Curry, Mary Ella-- 1870 to 1934
Curry, Minetta Faye-- 1877 to 1964
Curry, Roy Lewis--D.1893
Dalyrmple, Minnie B.-B.Aug.12,1869 D.Aug.19,1900
Daniels, John A.-- 1836 to 1891
Daniels, Mary Ella-- 1875 to 1932
Darnall, Eveline-B.Apr.12,1847 D.Mar.20,1907
Darnall, James J.-B.Mar.14,1846 D.May 20,1920
Dauner, Eunice J.-B.Feb.5,1887 D.Feb.22,1967
Dauner, Phillip B.-B.Dec.27,1913 D.Mar.8,1915
Dauner, Phillip C.-B.Jan.13,1884 D.Jan.3,1962
Dauner, Wm. T.-B.Feb.21,1893 D.May 4,1964
Davis, Isabel M.-B.Mar.11,1916 D.Aug.14,1971
Davis, Edmund A.-- 1879 to 1960
Davis, Gideon S.-- 1852 to 1908
Davis, Guy E.-B.Oct.9,1891 D.Dec.1891
Davis, Harriett L.-- 1854 to 1934
Denney, Elizabeth-- 1850 to 1937
Denney, 2 Infants-- no dates
Denney, Nellie Pearl-- 1890 to 1939
Denney, W.N.(ashes returned in 1960 & put in grave of dau Eula Clayton Denney)
Dillon, Ollie(dau of L. Dillon)
Dinkins, Barney H.-- 1886 to 1968
Dinkins, Edwin L.-B.Apr.12,1906 D.May 3,1969(son of Elmer & Lenore)
Dinkins, Henry E.-- 1859 to 1933
Dinkins, lenore Long-B.Sept.8,1881 D.June 27,1948(born in Barry C. Mo.)
Dinkins, Mary E.-- 1861 to 1947
Dinkins, Ola Jane-- 1890 to 1951
Dinkins, Wm. Elmer-B.June 29,1881 D.Mar.18,1964
Douthart, Lillian Lee-B.Feb.2,1894 D.Mar.13,1914
Eden, Infant-- no dates
Eden, Edward H.-D.Nov.8,1900 age 12 yrs 8 mos 21 dys
Edwards, Glen-D.1893(infant son of anna Edwards)
Elliott, Geo. William-B.Apr.7,1872 D.Nov.18,1909
Elrod, Joseph J.-D.1892
Farmer, Zella-- 1873 to 1958
Flory, Anna V.-B.Feb.10,1869 D.June 11,1956
Flory, Bobbie Royll-B.Nov.27,1930 D.Nov.27,1930
Flory, Chas. E.-- 1892 to 1957
Flory, Esther D.-- 1897 to 19??(wife of Charley E.)
Flory, Samuel E.-- 1899 to 1943
Flory, Walter H.-D.Feb.27,1905(age 1 yr 25 dys)
Flory, William-B.Aug.13,1868 D.Dec.27,1954
Fly, Samuel M.-- 1862 to 1945
Frame, Clarence-- 1877 to 1949
Frame, Frank-B.Dec.28,1876 D.July 4,1972
Frame, Glenn Clifford-- 1914 to 1922
Frame, Georgia-- 1855 to 1925
Frame, Louis-- 1852 to 1919
Frost, Mrs. W.C.-- no dates
Fuller, M.F.-- 1826 to 1906
Fuller, Janice T.-- 1828 to 1908
Fuller, Chas H.-- 1828 to 1908
Fuller, Chas-- 1856 to 1916
Gaither, Almena-B.Jan.27,1842 D.Jan.13,1905
Gaither, Charles M.-- 1870 to 1958
Gaither, J.H.R.-B.Mar.12,1837 D.Dec.1,1906(C.C. 66th Ind. Inf. Civil War)
Gaither, Nell L.-- 1879 to 1953
Gaither, Nettie M.-- 1872 to 1957
Gaither, Melville W.-- 1868 to 1941
Gannon, Infant son-D.1891
Geller, elmer Leo-B.July 23,1891 D.Nov.22,1891
Gillett, Frank W.-B.Feb.2,1853 D.Sept.3,1945
Gillett, Inf. son-B.May 16,1903 D.May 17,1903
Gillett, Joseph E.-D.Aug.4,1899 age 18 yrs 10 mos
Gillett, Maude-B.July21,1881 D.June 29,1952
Gillett, Wilbur F.-B.Mar.9,1879 D.May 9,1957
Gillett, Mary J.-B.Nov.6,1859 D.Mar.7,1951
Gilpin, Charles E.-- 1866 to 1936
Gilpin, Talitha-B.Nov.27,1886 D.Sept.22,1960
Gilpin, Flora-- 1867 to 1921(wife of Chas. Gilpin)
Gilpin, Franklin C.-B.1893 D.Sept.9,1970
Gilpin, Robert H.-- 1903 to 1923
Gilpin, Rufus M.-B.1878 D.June 12,1970
Glaze, Glenn--D.1966
Glenn, Curtis D.-B.1896 D.Oct.13,1965
Glenn, Darrel W.-B.1918 D.Apr.28,1970
Glenn, Levi A.-- 1878 to 1959
Glenn, Nina B.-B.1883 D.Nov.17,1966
Glick, Lucinda-D.May 11,1890 age 35 yrs6 mos 10 dys
Goodway, Basil F.-- 1900 to 1973
Gordon, Arline Kay-D.July 12,1942
Gore, Anna-- 1833 to 1903
Gore, Corp. Mannor-no info(Co. F. 40th Mo. Inf.)
Gore, Ellen A.-B.June 26,1866 D.Apr.22,1904
Gore, James S.-B.Feb.16,1885 D.Feb.21,1965
Gore, James-B.-no dates (son of A.M. Gore)
Graves, Arch-- 1856 to 1911
Gray, Cora V.-B.June 25,1898 D.Oct.17,1945
Gray, Euphanie-- 1861 to 1926
Gray, Jacob Z.-- 1867 to 1934
Gray, J.S.-B.Oct.12,1863 D.Nov.11,1961
Gray, J.W.-- 1863 to 1961
Greenbecker, Albert-(infant son of Adolph Greenbecker)
Guthrie, Wilbur-B.Feb.22,1910 D.Oct.18,1974
Gurley, Baby son-D.Aug.22,1918(son of Oscar & Mabel)
Gurley, Baby dau-D.Mar.17,1919(dau of Oscar & Mabel)
Gurley, Bertha E.-B.Dec.9,1877 D.June 28,1968
Gurley, Mabel-B.1895 D.Sept.10,1975
Gurley, J.M.-- 1866 to 1932
Gurley, Margaret E.-- 1868 to 1905
Gurley, Winfred Leo-D.Nov.6,1902(age 7 yrs 8 mos 26 dys)
Gurley, Oscar-D.1855
Guthrie, James-- no dates
Hamm, John McHenry-B.May 7,1947 (infant)
Hamm, Mary-- 1903 to 1958
Haney, Rose B.-- 1896 to 1963
Hannawald, John Q.-B.Mar.8,1950 D.Sept.29,1978
Harrington, Infant-B.Feb.16,1910 D.Feb.19,1910
Harrington, Chester-- 1871 to 1935
Harrington, Edwin-- 1867 to 1943
Harrington, Maud-- 1871 to 1933
Haney, Lester W.-- 1896 to 1970
Harp, Russell-D.1970
Harrell, Charlie-- 1875 to 1963
Harrell, Della Keyes-B.Oct.1879 D.Dec.17,1970
Hayes, Albert Melvin-- 1917 to 1978
Hayes, Helen Dauner-B.Mar.11,1917 D.Mar.23,1972
Hearn, Annie Elliott-B.Oct.7,1878 D.Apr.14,1941
Hearn, Infant-(son of James Hearn)
Hearn, Mathew W.-D.1958
Hearn, Marvin L.-B.June 28,1951 D.May 31,1970
Henderson, Iona Gillett-- 1891 to 1948
Henderson, William D.-- 1886 to 1943
Herdman, Josephine-- 1928 to 1930
Highfill, Ina F.-- 1902 to 1957
Highfill, Jefferson Dewey-D.1971
Holder, Irie L.-B.Apr.22,1894 D.Apr.14,1895(son of Eva & E.E. Holder)
Holder, Everett T.-B.Aug.13,1894 D.June 11,1899
Holder, Eva Cecelia France-B.1875 D.Apr.23,1897
Holder, Eldon E.-B.May 24,1900 D.Mar.13,1972
Holder, Connie Lou-- 1927 to 1929(dau of J.W. & C.A.)
Holder, Cora-no dates (child of J.W. & C.A.)
Holder, Jesse-- no info
Holder, Howard Lee-D.Feb.20,1930(son of Mr & Mrs E.E.)
Holder, Milton-B.Dec.6,1837 D.Mar.7,1890(Civil war Vet. Co. G. 5th Ind. Inf.)
Holder, Otto J.-B.June 10, 1902 D.Oct.21,1911
Herrington, Chas. M.-- 1911 to 1955
Horned, Infant-D.1894
Howerton, Clarence J.-B.Jan.12,1879 D.Mar.26,1898
Howerton, Fred S.-B.1904 D.Sept.11,1969
Howerton, Hattie B.-B.Feb.7,1879 D.Nov.17,1956
Howerton, John C.-B.Feb.22,1870 D.Jan.27,1966
Howerton, Marion E.-- 1873 to 1914
Houghtaling, Ethel May-- 1909 to 1935
Houghtaling, Ivan J.-- 1932 to 1963
Houghtaling, Infants-D.Apr.11,1954(twin sons of Mr & Mrs Joe Houghtaling)
Houghtaling, Virgil N.-- 1905 to 1939
Humble, Cora A.-- 1880 to 1963
Humble, Deanna Lyn-B.Dec. D.Dec.13,1954(infant)
Humble, Joseph Leslie-B.May 30 D.June 4,1954(infant)
Humble, Holbert B.-B.1880 D.July 18,1967
Humble, Hallie E.-B.July 31,1889 D.Sept.1,1890
Humble, Jane M.-- 1949 to 1978
Humble, Mary S.-B.1820 D.July 4,1908
Humble, Milford K.-B.Jan.12,1906 D.May 15,1972
Humble, Luke D.-- 1854 to 1947
Humble, Sophia J.-- 1855 to 1938
Humble, William P.-B.1811 D.May 14,1890
Humble, Leslie Luke-- 1894 to 1962 (WWI Vet.)
Jackson, C.L.-B.July 4,1870 D.Nov.27,1950
Jackson, Mary Ann-B.Feb.4,1879 D.Jan.25,1955
Johnson, Asher Dennis-B.Dec.14,1907 D.May 26,1908
Johnson, Hulda J.-- 1881 to 1957
Johnson, Robert J.-- 1917 to 1918(son of Clarence)
Johnson, William L.-- 1866 to 1938
Jones, David M.-B.Oct.15,1859 D.Mar.29,1916
Jones, Fannie-- no dates
Justice, Edwin J.-- 1857 to 1922
Justice, Mary E.-- 1859 to 1896(wife of Edwin)
Justice, Mary Widup-- 1856 to 1943
Kazie, Art G.-- 1889 to 1966
Keever, Sherry Lynn-D.1950
Keller, Chas. S.-B.Nov.20,1871 D.Aug.14,1939
Keller, Chris-- 1845 to 1900
Keller, Elizabeth-- 1848 to 1928
Keller, Infant-D.May 29,1895(dau of Chas. Keller)
Keller, Minnie-B.June 11,1867 D.Oct.22,1934
Keller, Willie-- 1894 to 1909
Keyes, John F.-- 1847 to 1925
Keyes, Joseph L.-B.1877 D.Dec.19,1971
Keyes, Kathryn J.-B.May 31,1918 D.Dec.3,1973
Keyes, Melissa J.-- 1858 to 1946
Keyes, Nellie M.-- 1890 to 1933
Keyes, Robert A.-- 1854 to 1924
Kinzer, Norma Louise-B.Dec.17,1935 D.June 23,1946
Knee, Evelyn-- 1916 to 1977(dau of E.E. Young)
Knowles, Robert L.-B.May 3,1881 D.Dec.17,1918
Kocher, Twins-- no dates
Kocher, Florence-- 1895 to 1943
Kocher, Infant-- no dates
Korzon, William-- 1889 to 1956(WWI Vet.)
Kumberg, Dismark-- 1889 to 1936
Kumberg, Corlene-- 1856 to 1940
Kumberg, Gust-B.Jan.27,1887 D.Aug.23,1959
Kumberg, Herman, A.-B.Jan.4,1918 D.Aug.16,1970
Kumberg, Sadie-B.Sept.2,1892 D.July 7,1969
Kumberg, William Frank-- 1846 to 1933
Landress, Harry E.-- 1899 to 1961
Laverich, Troy E.-- 1890 to 1957
Laverich, Infant-- no dates
Larrison, Morris W.-B.1905 D.July 3,1971
Lee, Eva L.-B.1889 D.Feb.8,1976
Lee, Grover E.-- 1889 to 1970
Lee, Leon Edsel-- 1921 to 1944 (WWII)
Lee, Marvin Bryan-- 1925 to 1956
Lee, Ruth Marcella-- 1920 to 1935
Levens, Adelbert D.-B.1890 D.May 8,1971
Levens, John-- 1917 to 1935
Levens, Lela M.-B.May 31,1884 D.July 27,1948
Levens, Lyman-- 1888 to 1978
Levens, Sylvia-- 1891 to 1933
Levens, Virginia Belle-B.1895 D.Apr.3,1969
Long, Emeline S.-- 1855 to 1941
Long, Infant-D.1895 (son of M.T. Long)
Long, George-- 1814 to 1899
Long, George W.-- 1853 to 1924
Long, Nora Shaffer-- 1904 to 1926(wife of Lavern Long)
Long, Susan C.-- 1847 to 1896
Lynch, Anna-- 1873 to 1911
Lynch, Betty-- 1849 to 1936
Lynch, Chloe-- 1882 to 1957
Lynch, George W.-- 1875 to 1932
Lynch, William Mardin-- 1849 to 1932
Mack, Elizabeth S.-- 1872 to 1956
Mack, Maggie A.-D.1887 age 1 yr 4 mos 12 dys
Mack, Ninen R.-- 1869 to 1954
Marhead, Infant Dau.--unmarked(sister of Mortimer Carter)
Martin, Eva May-B.1894
Martin, William H.-- 1870 to 1956
Manning, Andrew J.-- 1871 to 1936(Brother of Eliza Brant)
Massoni, Curt C.-- 1891 to 1965
Means, Alexander-- 1848 to 1917
Means, Ida M.-- 1858 to 1904
Means, Orpha J.-- 1891 to 1929(mother of Harry Means)
Means, Clarence A.-- no dates
Merriman, Dean-- 1922 to 1936
Merriman, Allen P.-B.Mar.3,1874 D.Sept.15,1954
Merriman, Alan Porter-- 1879 to 1954
Merriman, Ethel L. Keyes-B.Feb.20,1886 D.Feb.12,1968
McBride, Alfred-- 1847 to 1931
McBride, John Manley-- 1850 to 1925
McBride, Nancy A.-- 1856 to 1936
McBride, Ruth J.-- 1879 to 1936
McBride, William Thomas-- 1876 to 1947
McConnell, Infant son-- no dates
McCoy, Joseph A.-- 1850 to 1929
McCoy, Mary E.-- 1856 to 1909
McKim, Barney-- 1902 to 1978
Meador, W. Broyce-B.July 20,1904 D.Mar.23,1913
McFall, Bernice M.-B.Feb.2,1895 D.Nov.19,1898
McFall, Ruby M.-Oct.17,1887 D.Apr.5,1895
McFall, Susan C.-B.Sept.25,1856 D.Feb.11,1944(wife of Perry McFall)
McFall, William A.-B.Apr.24,1891 D.Apr.5,1895
McFall, William Perry-B.Sept.5,1851 D.Nov.29,1917
McFall, Harold E.-B.1923 D.Sept.15,1967
McHenry, Harry-B.Oct.22,1857 D.Sept.11,1928
McHenry, Henry-- 1828 to 1919
McHenry, Infant-- no dates
McHenry, Kathryn-- 1858 to 1921(wife of Henry McHenry)
McHenry, Willie W.-B.May 26,1877 D.Sept.4,1891
McHenry, S.T.-B.Dec.12,1833 D.Oct.26,1899
Miller, Christopher-- 1882 to 1937
Miller, Emma C.-- 1855 to 1926
Miller, George-B.1856
Miller, Henry T.-- 1833 to 1889
Miller, John W.-- 1874 to 1900
Miller, Jonathan-D.Sept.6,1892 (infant)
Miller, Margaret-- 1911 to 1976
Miller, Martha-- 1865 to 1910
Miller, Orpha-- 1882 to 1939
Moore, Rose L. Keyes-- 1888 to 1976(sister of J.L. Keyes)
Morrison, Charlie-- no info
Morrison, Elizabeth-- 1858 to 1946
Morrison, Minerva G.-- 1844 to 1926
Morrison, Robert M.-- 1840 to 1924(Sgt. Co. E. Ill Cav.)
Morse, Chas. F.-- 1861 to 1897
Mosburg, Freda Joan Smart-- 1936 to 1962
Mosburg, Mikel Ward-B.Feb.4,1957 D.Feb.4,1957
Mowrey, Jennie Russ-- 1889 to 1954
Mowrey, Samuel B.-- 1871 to 1935
McReynolds, James F.-- 1873 to 1963
McReynolds, Martha F.-- 1872 to 1956(dau of Geo. Long)
Mueller, Boyd-B.Oct.24,1911 D.Oct.26,1911
Mueller, Ferdinand-- 1863 to 1944
Mueller, Henry J.-- 1902 to 1977
Mueller, Julia A.-B.July 2,1907 D.Jan.9,1908
Mueller, James D.-D.Apr.10,1948(4 mos)
Mueller, Lloyd-B.Oct.24,1911 D.1911
Mueller, Margaret-B.1911 D.Mar.4,1976
Nile, Mary J.-D.Sept.10,1894(mother inlaw of Simon Combs)
Nossaman, Clifford H.-D.Dec.24,1906 D.July 21,1972
Oliver, George-- 1869 to 1948
Oliver, Wife-- 1887 to 1924
Oliver, Sarah Briggs
Onstott, Ella N.-- B.1875 D.Jan.5,1969
Onstott, Robert W.-- 1862 to 1950
Overstreet, Helen Maxine-D.1930(Gr. Dau of Clarence Frame)
Perley, Maggie-(related to Gaithers)
Perley, Nathaniel W.
Perrine, Ralph-B.Dec.30,1905 D.July 16,1906
Petrie, Corbley L.-- 1896 to 1969
Petrie, Earl D.-- 1911 to 1969
Petrie, Ida Fidelis-- 1872 to 1921
Petrie, Infant-D.June 29,1907(son of James & Fidelis Petrie)
Petrie, James Dayton-- 1867 to 1950
Petrie, Infant-D.1909
Petrie, Reasin A.-- 1879 to 1969
Petrie, Rose Anna-- 1886 to 1965
Platt, Alma E.-- 1867 to 1927
Platt, Delos-- 1864 to 1931
Platt, Wilbur C.-- 1897 to 1966
Powers, Edith C.-B.1900 D.Nov.12,1967
Powers, Henry-- 1886 to 1961
Powers, Henry S.
Powers, Josephine
Prescott, Augusta-- 1851 to 19?8--3-4 or 5
Pride, Gladys D.-B.Oct.21,1903 D.Oct.12,1911
Pride, J.W.-B.Mar.7,1849 D.Feb.8,1920
Pride, Jessie V.-B.Feb.11,1885 D.Mar.30,1967
Pride, Infant-B.May 1,1895(son of J.M. & O.L.)
Pride, Orah L.-B.Aug.16,1860 D.Oct.6,1919
Pride, Pearl E.-B.Jan.22,1884 D.Jan.26,1948
Pride, Samuel-B.1820 D.Apr.9,1900
Pride, Vern G.-B.Feb.18,1892 D.Sept.20,1919
Pusey, Albert-- 1815 to 1902
Pusey, Caroline A.-D.1889
Pusey, Eliza-- 1813 to 1905
Pusey, Fredrick-- 1863 to 1888
Raleigh, Edward-- 1856 to 1915
Raleigh, Ricka-- 1865 to 1928
Raleigh, Samuel R.-B.Mar.28,1900 D.Aug.11,1974
Raleigh, Viva-B.Mar.31,1905 D.Jan.28,1967
Randall, Amos-B.Aug.9,1880 D.June 2,1961
Randall, John O.-B.July 17,1920 D.Dec.31,1968
Readshaw, Ancel C.-- 1873 to 1936
Readshaw, Chas. W.-- 1841 to 1930
Readshaw, Edith Wood-- 1879 to 19??
Readshaw, Mary A.-- 1841 to 1914
Reather, Mabel P.
Reather, Effa P.(daughters of August Reather)
Reeves, Infant son (C.N.Reeves)
Renner, Bert Byron-D.Feb.8,1903(age 18 yrs 2 mos)
Renner, J.T.-- 1849 to 1911
Renner, Mary E.-- 1859 to 1940
Rhea, Edna G.-- 1885 to 1938
Rhea, Francis L.-- 1859 to 1927
Rhea, Lee-- 1888 to 1939
Rhea, Louise F.-- 1861 to 1945
Rhea, Wilf W.-- 1897 to 1957
Rhea, John M.-B.Feb.29,1892 D.Feb.8,1973
Riffey, James Allen-D.1945(son of Walter )
Riffey, Marhorie-- 1922 to 1945(wife of Walter)
Robbins, William M.-- 1853 to 1928
Roberts, Donald E.-B.Sept.26,1932 D.Mar.13,1973
Roots, Benj. C.-- 1849 to 1931
Roots, Elizabeth A.-- 1851 to 1927
Roots, Estella-B.Oct.18,1875 D.July 22,1906
Roots, George-D.1901
Roots, Phoebe-B.June 8,1850 D.Jan.29,1927
Roots, Samuel P.-B.Jan.22,1847 D.Oct.21,1905
Roots, Stella-- 1839 to 1902(wife of George)
Rose, Archie Woodson-B.Jan.7,1900 D.Feb.26,1907
Rose, Bertha L. Combs-B.Feb.14,1895 D.June 17,1967
Rose, Edward G.-- 1881 to 1922
Rose, LeRoy-B.Mar.14,1879 D.Feb.26,1852
Rose, Infant-- son of Roy Rose
Rose, Leonard G.-- 1885 to 1958
Rose, Minnie L.-- 1885 to 1957
Rose, Olive N.-B.July 7,1860 D.Mar.3,1916
Rose, Rudolph E.-- 1905 to 1973
Russelle, Mama Norma-B.Nov.19,1897 D.Dec.10,1897
Selvage, Susan K.-D.1892(dau of C.N. Selvage-3 mos)
Selleck, James T.-B.Aug.6,1904(age 42 yrs 9 mos 26 dys)
Shrader, Chas. Alexander-- 1882 to 1926
Shrader, Grace R.-- 1888 to 1961
Sims, Clarence A.-B.1887
Sims, Delbert C.-- 1917 to 1943
Sims, Hazel
Sims, Infant-- 2 infants
Sims, Norma A.
Smart, Hazel-- 1891 to 1962
Smart, James-- 1886 to 1956
Smith, Earl G.-- 1884 to 1950
Smith, Edith B.-- 1890 to 1952
Smith, Elizabeth Harrington-- 1845 to 1928
Smith, Emily S.-B.July 2,1830
Smith, J.B.-- 1827 to 1908
Smith, Robert H.-B.Dec.4,1817 D.Sept.18,1895
Smith, Sarah J.-- 1836 to 1923
Silver, Ada E.-- 1897 to 1909
Sooter, Nancy E.-B.Nov.8,1879 D.Aug.4,1884(dau of W.J. Sooter)
Spain, Ceacel-- 1895 to 1951(Pvt. 69th Inf. 10 Div.)
Spain, Ella-- no dates
Spain, Claude
Spain, Everett
Spain, George
Spain, Mary
Spain, Robert
Spain, Viva
Sparks, Emmett L.-B.July 1894 D.Aug.1894(son of E.L.)
Sparks, Emmett-D.1894 infant
Sparks, Emmett L. -- Aug.3,1870 to Aug.18,1894
Spicer, Beryl Zane-B.Apr.6,1925 D.Aug.7,1967
Spicer, Chester-B.Oct.30,1905 D.July 29,1939
Spicer, Zorah N.-B.Jan.18,1883 D.Oct.1,1955
Stephens, Grace-- 1880 to 1954
Stephens, J.E.-- 1877 to 1945
Stoops, George
Stoops, Martha
Stoops, Mildred Louise-B.July 4,1937 D.Feb.8,1941
Stoops, William R.-- 1861 to 1945
Strother, Marion E.-D.1887(Dro. To M.M. Strother)
Swonger, Carol F.-- 1932 to 1936
Swonger, Dale G.-- 1922 to 1945
Swonger, F. Jane-- 1899 to 1973
Swonger, James B.-- 1867 to 1929
Swonger, James T.-- 1925 to 1932
Swonger, Nellie-- 1869 to 1957
Swonger, Peggy-- 1923 to 1924
Swonger, Stella A.-B.Oct.12,1890 D.Dec.10,1918
Swonger, Winfred Jr.-B.Dec.7,1915(on stone with Stella)
Swonger,Ernest-- 1899 to 1952
Thomas, Clarence M.-B.June 19,1888 D.Aug.8,1964
Thomas, Everett L.-- 1897 to 1964
Thomas, Elmer Lee-- 1888 to 1964
Thomas, John H.-- 1864 to 1937
Thomas, Rebecca E.-- 1868 to 1912
Thornton, Grace M.-D.Mar.27,1904
Thornton, Holly-B.July 16,1861 D.Sept.6,1917
Thornton, William A.
Thornton, Morton
Tillotson, Donald F.-- 1830 to 1936
Tillotson, Edna-- 1887 to 1946
Tillotson, Joseph M.-- 1881 to 1953
Tiry, Theresa-- 1967 to 1967
Toff, George W.-B.July 28,1907 D.1907 age 13 mos 23 dys
Towns, Elizabeth-B.Apr.25,1885
Tregallas-(grandson Samuel Cromer
Trillingham, Fred C.-- 1861 to 1923
Trillingham, Pearl P.-- 1880 to 1931
Uhe, Grace Frame-- 1890 to 1968
Vanderplas, Edria Spicer-B.Mar.21,1909 D.1936
Wait, Arthur P.-B.July 23,1869 D.Sept.10,1949
Wait, Bessie-- 1880 to 1936
Wait, Edmund R.-B.Apr.3,1839 D.Jan.11,1917
Wait, Florence Mary-B.Sept.24,1922 D.Apg.9,1925
Wait, Isa-0- 1913 to 1921
Wait, Katie R.-B.Jan.18,1885 D.Sept.1,1947
Wait, Mary-B.July 17,1843 D.Mar.15,1910
Wait, Ruby-- 1933 to 1939
Wait, Taylor-B.Oct.27,1905 D.July 30,1906
Wait, William
Walker, John V.-- 1867 to 1951
Walker, Infant
Walker, Sylvia-- 1880 to 1962
Webber, George V.-- 1880 to 1963
Webber, Nannie B.-B.1886
Webber, Carl C.-- 1883 to 1937
Webber, Chas. M.-- 1889 to 1961
Webber, Morton
Webber, George M.-- 1832 to 1919
Webber, Mariah J.-- 1843 to 1936
Wehling, Fredrick C.-B.Jan.21,1902 D.Oct.1974
Wehling, Loyd-- 1927 to 1929
Weigner, Alberta I.-B.Nov.23,1893 D.Jan.20,1919(Red Cross Nurse- died in service in Fort Riley)
Weigner, Edward J.
Weigner, Ida-- 1873 to 1944
Whaley, Barbara Jean-B.July 17,1927 D.Sept.9,1935
Whaley, Dora Mae-B.Jan.28,1887 D.June 14,1969
Whaley, George W.-B.Sept.5,1862 D.July 9,1930
Wheatley, Alma G.-- 1883 to 1946
Wheatley, Claude C.-B.1889 D.May 16,1973
Wheatley, John R.-- 1856 to 1946
Wheatley, Laura-- 1836 to 1922
Wheatley, Lulu Faye-- 1891 to 1971
Wheatley, Rosa-- 1859 to 1937
Wheatley, Soloman -- 1833 to 1912
White, Jerry Lee-D.1958 (9 days)
Whitfield, George W.-- 1893 to 1950
Whitfield, Glenn E.-B.Oct.31,1926 D.June 29,1967
Whitfield, Infant-- 1927 to 1929(son of George H. & Lula)
Whitfield, Lawrence N.-B.Sept.11,1913 D.Apr.6,1974
Whitfield, Lula M.-- 1893 to 1974
Whitmore, Nettie-- 1883 to 1947
Wilcox, Curry J.-B.Feb.7,1878 D.Feb.17,1962
Wilcox, Clara-- 1883 to 1977
Wiley, Charlotte L.-B.Apr.6,1844 D.July 21,1897
Wiley, Lt. A.E.-(Co. C 54 Ind. Inf.)
Williams, Daniel Andrew-B.Oct.29,1866 D.May 2,1943
Williams, A.-- no dates
Williams, Elizabeth S.-- 1867 to 1954
Williams, George L.-- 1910 to 1961
Williams, Ollie May-- 1889 to 1925
Williams, Robert F.-- 1866 to 1942
Williams, Viola-- 1874 to 1955
Wilmot, James W.-- 1844 to 1913
Wilmot, Guy-- 1881 to 1930
Wilmot, Melissa-- 1854 to 19??
Wilmot, Roy N.-- 1886 to 1927
Wehlford, Wayne Darwyn-B.Mar.14,1915 D.Apr.5,1915
Womble, Alma J.-- 1883 to 1946
Womble, Arthur-B.May 15,1907 D.1907
Womble, Horace E.-B.Oct.21,1879 D.1969
Womble, John
Womble, John R.-- 1856 to 1946
Womble, Frances--D.1914 (infant)
Womble, Rose L.-- 1859 to 1937
Wysong, Martha-- 1857 to 1940
Wysong, Serge D.-- 1884 to 1914
Wysong, Opal Fern--(age 11)
Wysong, Sylvester-- 1852 to 1918
Wreath, David Roger-B.Sept.26,1963 D.June 22,1965(Gr. Grandson of E.H. Armstrong)
Wright, Della O.
Wynkoop, Opal Fern(11 mos)
Young, Abraham-- 1865 to 1945
Young, Agnes-D.1903 (infant)
Young, Anna L.-- 1867 to 1938
Young, Bertha A.-- 1901 to 1903
Young, Clara L.-B.1910 D.Mar.13,1972
Young, Children-(children of S.L. & Jane Young)
Young, Bernice-- 1910 to 1961
Young, E.E.-D.1967
Young, Ernest E.-- 1898 to 1971
Young, Eric L.-- 1894 to 1967
Young, Farrel-- 1910 to 1946
Young, Forest-B.Nov.28,1909 D.Mar.8,1928
Young, Irl-B.Dec.1,1896 D.Mar.4,1899
Young, Jennie-D.1946
Young, J.M.-- 1862 to 1921
Young, Joy S.-B.June 8,1933 D.Mar.26,1937
Young, John S.-- 1868 to 1920
Young, Kenneth Leon-- 1935 to 1937
Young, Loral-B.Mar.2,1914 D.Aug.2,1914
Young, Mabel S.-- 1896 to 1926
Young, Marcus L.-- 1881 to 1960
Young, Marion-D.1909 (infant)
Young, Mary J. Long-B.1891
Young, M.J.(Bud)-- 1918 to 1973
Young, Mary Jane-B.Oct.10,1846 D.July 5,1913
Young, Infant-D.1909
Young, Miley S.-- 1881 to 1906
Young, Myrta-- 1878 to 1931
Young, Nina-- 1918 to 1919
Young, Nora E.-- 1883 to 1960
Young, Orville R.-B.Oct.20,1902 D.Sept.4,1955
Young, Simon W.-- 1871 to 1938
Young, Singleton L.-B.May 12,1833 D.Apr.24,1917
Young, Ralph C.-- 1904 to 1908
Young, Violet E.-- 1907 to 1935
Young, William T.-D.1892
Young, Sarah E.-- no info
Young, unmarked grave
Ziller, Morris M.-- 1877 to 1947
Ziller, Rose M.-- 1882 to 1965
Zumbro, Fannie-D.May 21,1904 (age 46 yrs 3 mos 11 dys)
Contributed 1976 by Russell Miracle
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