Bo?ford, Olive-D.Sept.22,1884 age 29 yrs 8 mos 7 dys
Bowers, Minnie-B.Nov.18,1872 D.Aug.31,1890
Bright, Infant-D.Sept.3,1898(dau of Zed & Belle)
Bright, Maria B.-B.Mar.6,1880 D.Jan.14,1894(dau of Zed & Belle)
Dickason, Mrs. D.H.-B.Oct.29,1847 D.Feb.21,1887
Dodd, Margaret E.-D.Aug.2,1891 age 33 yrs 8 mos 18 dys(wife of S.E. Dodd)
Dodd, Nellie-D.Sept.5,1891 age 1 mo 27 dys(dau of S.E. & M.E. Dodd)
Dodd, Maudie-D.Aug.30,1890 age 4 mos 21 dys(dau of S.E. & M.E. Dodd)
Eisenhour, Lizzie E.-B.Oct.10,1850 D.Jan.19,1895
Finan, John E.-D.Sept.29,1885 age 23 yrs 6 mos(son of T. & A. Finan)
Fletcher, Infants-D.Apr.11,1883 age 7 dys(daughters of S.D. & A.M. Fletcher)
Fletcher, Winnie-B.Jan.2,1886(dau of S.D. & A.M. Fletcher)
Gibbons, Irwin-D.Sept.20,1885 Age 2 mos 18 dys(son of S.W. & M.E. Gibbons)
Gabbell, Lillie-D.May 15,1892 age 26 yrs 7 mos 7 dys
Galbreath, Harry-B.Aug.15,1888 D.May 10,1889(son of Mr. & Mrs. J.O. Galbreath)
Gillmore, Edward R.-B.Feb.6,1871 D.Jan.23,1887(son of G.D. & E.J. Gillmore)
Grier, Lizzie-B.Aug.15,1882 D.July 13,1883(dau of M. & C.W. Grier)
Hoagland, Eugene L.-D.June 22,1886 age 19 yrs(son of J.V. & M.C. Hoagland)
Kimberling, Harry-B.Aug.16,1905 D.Nov.19,1905(son of Charles & Georgia Kimberling)
Lowe, Mary Kate-D.Dec.1893 age 90 (many colored people thought she was a witch)
Lowe, Johnnie-D.Apr.26,1897 age 4 yrs 2 mos 21 dys
Martin, Jane-D.May 19,1912 age 78 yrs(wife of W.M. Martin)
Miles, Emma-B.May 6,1864 D.Mar.29,1887(wife of James J. Miles)
Nichelson, Parthenia-D.Sept.15,1887 age 46 yrs 11 mos 20 dys(wife of John Nichelson)
Stipe, Eliza-- 1811 to 1892
Scantilin, Floyd-D.Apr.21,1900 age 8 yrs 7 mos 16 dys(son of Jesse & Mar. Scantilin)
Temple, Fannie-D.Mar.2,1886 age 11 dys(dau of J.A. & C.J. Temple)
Thornton, Della C.-D.Aug.2,1885 age 20 yrs(wife of Frank M. Thornton)
Williams, Allie-D.June 11,1887 age 8 mos(son of T.A. & Mattie Williams)
Contributed 1976 by Russell Miracle
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