Rawlins County Kansas Birth Announcements 1879 -- 1890

Birth Announcements Rawlins County Kansas

1879 -- 1890

The following birth announcements come from Rawlins County newspapers:

A son was born to A.M. and Ollie ALDRICH on Wednesday last week, at Blakeman, to which place they moved some two weeks ago.
McDonald Times -- May 29, 1890

Quincy ALEXANDER is rejoicing over the arrival of a fine girl at his home last Saturday.--[Bird City News.]
McDonald Times -- September 4, 1890

Clell ALLEY has a boy, Pa says he is up all night and the boy is boss.
Rawlins County Democrat -- March 23, 1887

Born November 18th, unto Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BAKER, a son. All are doing well and Billy is happy.
Ludell Gazette -- December 3, 1887

Credit Wm. BANKER with another bouncing baby boy, born Tuesday morning. Child well pleased with his parents, and parents delighted with their baby.
Celia Enterprise -- October 20, 1887

William BANKER looked awfully pleased when in town Friday, but he said never a word as to the cause thereof. Since then we learn that he found another daughter in his family that morning when he counted them.
McDonald Times -- February 7, 1889

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. BARTHOLOMEW, last week, a bouncing girl of average weight.
Rawlins County Democrat -- June 13, 1888

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry BAUMFALK, Thursday March 14th, 1889, a daughter. We learn to-day that Mrs. Baumfalk is quite dangerously ill, and that slight hopes are entertained of her recovery.
Ludell Gazette -- March 16, 1889

A new girl in town and Jack BELFORD is smiling and happy in consequence:, ten pounds and arrived last Tuesday night.
Rawlins County Pioneer -- January 7, 1882

A strange Bird lit on Monday evening near Beaverton. He had hair on his head instead of feathers--looks just like his father, and, in this instance, the woman's husband is the man the youngster resembles. All concerned are doing well, especially the father, Alexander BIRD.
Atwood Pioneer -- November 6, 1879

A daughter was born to Roe BLACK and wife Monday night.
McDonald Times -- October 3, 1889

Mrs. August BLUME, wife of the chairman of the board of county commissioners, gave birth last Sunday to a girl baby which weighed 18 pounds. The infant did not live.
Rawlins County Pioneer -- January 6, 1886

A little girl at the house of Lyman BORNT on the 4th.
Ludell Settler -- May 6, 1885

On Sunday a little girl arrived at the residence of Frank BOUDA.
Ludell Settler -- March 4, 1885.

Born, to the father and mother of I.M. BOWER, a fine boy, weight five pounds.
Atwood Journal -- July 25, 1888

Born, on Sunday the 22d, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BOYER, a boy, standard weight. The first birth in Herndon, we believe.
Herndon Courant -- April 27, 1888

Born, on Tuesday, September 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Benj. BOYER, a girl, weight 9 1/2 pounds.
Herndon Courant -- September 20, 1889

Born to Mr. and Mrs. W.M. BRADSHAW, Mar. 18th, a 10 pound girl.
Ludell Settler -- April 14, 1886

C.C. BRANSON is surely on the grin this week: Mrs. Branson presented him with a lusty son Monday morning.
Rawlins County Democrat -- June 20, 1888

O.L. BRANSON is a happy man. Both mother and boy are doing well.
Rawlins County Democrat -- February 17, 1886

Born on Friday morning, April 18, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. BRANSON, a son of the regulation weight and business ability.
Blakeman Register -- April 24, 1890

Born on Saturday, June 15th, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. J.F. BRIGHT, a 4 1/2 pound boy.
Herndon Courant -- June 21, 1889

A son was born to J.H. BRINEY and wife, nee Caddie Chadwick, on Saturday.
McDonald Times -- December 26, 1889

Born, on May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BROWN, an eight pound boy.
Blakeman Register -- May 9, 1889

Mrs. M. BRUMMETT presented her husband with a nine pound boy last week.
Rawlins County Democrat -- February 15, 1888

Born to Mr. and Mrs. W.E. BURRESS, Sept. 13, a girl. Father happy, mother well and baby grows to beat the world.
Ludell Settler -- September 30, 1886

Mr. Malone and Mr. BUSHNELL have each been blessed with a bouncing baby. Mr. Malone takes it as if it were an every day occurence but Mr. BUSHNELL is the proudest man on earth.
Rawlins County Democrat -- June 8, 1887

Dr. Matthews reports a young Catlett at Sam CATLETT's, north of Blakeman.
McDonald Times -- January 16, 1890

Just arrived, alive and kicking, a 12 pound boy, at G.L. CHAMBERLIN'S, Sunday night.
Rawlins County Democrat -- September 8, 1886

Dr. Matthews reports three new arrivals this week. J.M. CREEKPAUM has a boy, C.B. LeBarron a boy, and John Gillan's, make up the list.
Celia Enterprise -- February 23, 1888

Born to Mr. and Mrs. A.J. CHESSMORE, Aug. 27, a boy.
Ludell Settler -- September 2, 1886

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. CHESSMORE, August 16, a girl. All doing well.
Ludell Gazette -- August 23, 1890

Frank CHIPPERFIELD and wife, nee Miss Zoa Cowden, are the parents of a fine boy baby, born last night.
McDonald Times -- November 14, 1889

Born to Mr. and Mrs. CONSTABLE on Tuesday Feb. 16, a ten pound girl. The event was kept so quiet that our citizens would have know nothing about the little daughters appearance in this neighborhood, had they not saw her a week later following her little brother Theopolis around in the yard.
Ludell Settler -- February 24, 1886

A daughter was born to Milt COWDEN and wife, north-west of town, last week.
McDonald Times -- October 24, 1889

Tom DANIELS and wife of Gladstone are the much pleased parents of a girl, born Friday night.
McDonald Times -- November 28, 1889

Born, June 15, 1885, to Mr. and Mrs. E. DAVIS, a handsome little daughter.
Ludell Settler -- June 17, 1885

The child is born and it is a girl. Since Monday morning Charley and Clara DAVIS are an unusually happy pair.
McDonald Times -- November 8, 1888

"A babe in a house is a well-spring of pleasure." This line from Tupper is the unanimous sentiment of J.F. DE HART and wife since Monday night, when a bouncing nine-pound boy made his apperance. Mother and child getting along nicely.
McDonald Times -- March 7, 1889

Born to Mr. and Mrs. William DENKER, a son of usual weight. This being the first, William steps high.
Rawlins County Democrat -- March 28, 1888

We supposed of course that Frank DENMARK was smiling over some Christmas present, but a son born last Thursday was what pleased him.
Celia Enterprise -- December 29, 1887

Handsome little girl at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. DIMMICK. Father happy, mother prospering, baby saucy.
Ludell Settler -- August 19, 1885

There was a lusty young deacon at S. DITZELL'S house. He arrived last Monday afternoon. Mother and child doing well. And Ditz by carefull nursing may pull through himself.
Rawlins County Democrat -- September 14, 1887

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Willis P. DOLE, of the north divide, Wednesday, February 5, 1890, a son. All are well.
Ludell Gazette -- February 8, 1890

DUFFEK reports an addition to his family. Frank is proud of his young progeny. Both mother and child doing well.
McDonald Times -- November 29, 1888

Born on Sunday morning, to Mr. and Mrs. DUGEN, a son.
Blakeman Register -- April 4, 1889

George DULL and his wife have a new daughter. She took her place in the family without any particular stir, and had been settled down a full week before the neighbors, or even the family physician, knew of her arrival.
McDonald Times -- February 7, 1889

Dr. Matthews reports the arrival of a son at Mr. DUNGAN's, of South Divide, on Tuesday.
Celia Enterprise -- March 24, 1887

James H. EDIE and wife were greeted by a new boy on Thursday. Dr. Matthews performed the ceremony of introduction.
McDonald Times -- March 7, 1889

C.M. EGGLESTON and wife of South Beaver are the very proud parents of twins, a boy and a girl. Saturday night is announced by Dr. Matthews as the date of their arrival.
McDonald Times -- February 21, 1889

Dr. Matthews reports a new daughter at C.M. EGGLESTON's, near Beaverton.
McDonald Times -- May 22, 1890

A fine girl was born to John S. Elder and wife Tuesday morning.
McDonald Times -- September 12, 1889

There is a two week old baby up at ELLISON's but in the absence of any reliable statistics, we must confess ignorance as to it's name, age, weight, sex, lung power, etc.
Blakeman Register -- July 5, 1888

J.B. EPPERSON of south divide has a baby boy.
Celiea Enterprise -- May 19, 1887

John H. EVANS is the happy father of a boy. One by one the republican party is increasing. It is time for the democrats to wake up.
Rawlins County Democrat -- February 14, 1890

Judge FALLIS, of Mirage, reports a bouncing young democrat arrival in the family.
Rawlins County Democrat -- March 1, 1889

E.A. Whipple is now grandpa, his son-in-law, Mr. FARREL, being the proud father of a Sunday morning baby.
Celia Enterprise -- August 11, 1887

Doctor Matthews reports the arrival of a fine young son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will FILLMER Monday night.
McDonald Times -- June 13, 1889

Born, to W.H. FISCHER and wife, on Wednesday last week, a son; regulation weight, parents proud, congratulations in plenty, all doing well, etc.
McDonald Times -- April 10, 1890

Lemly FLETCHER's wife had a baby one day last week.
Celia Enterprise -- August 16, 1888

Born, Friday August 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Zack FLETCHER, a son.
Celia Enterprise -- August 23, 1888.

Simpson FLINN is wearing a very broad smile. It is a boy, both mother and son doing well and we are still waiting for Sim to come around with the smokes.
Rawlins County Democrat --November 14, 1890

An eight-pound daughter was born to Mrs. Paulina FRANKLIN on Monday. Mother and daughter doing well.
Celia Enterprise -- March 10, 1887

Born, on Friday, October 12th, 1888, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe FRENCH, a 7 1/2 pound girl. Mother and child doing well, but Joe is sick-a-bed, and he have heard express doubts of his recovery. A.J. Dawson, his father-in-law, however, informs that he thinks Joe will come out all right in time.
Herndon Courant -- October 19, 1888

A boy came to John FULK'S home last week. Standard weight.
Rawlins County Democrat -- Mar 23, 1887

Hitting the first of last week there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank FULLER of this place (Laing), a son. All doing nicely.
Rawlins County Democrat -- January 4, 1888

Taylor GAINES and wife have a 10 pound boy. Arrived last week.
McDonald Times -- January 9, 1890

A daughter was born to James GALBREATH and wife on Saturday, Dr. Matthews officiating.
McDonald Times -- July 11, 1889

Born on Tuesday, July 8, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. GEISKE, twins, a boy and girl. It rather looks as if this broke the record so far; eight children in an experience of eight years.
Blakeman Register -- July 10, 1890

We rise to remark that I.N. GEORGE is the happiest man in Rawlins County. Nothing less than the arrival of a ten pound son could possibly have caused this, which occurred on Thursday, June 6th. We are glad to note that both mother and son are doing nicely.
Herndon Courant -- June 7, 1889

Born to Mr. and Mrs. William GIERHART, of Driftwood, Sunday, February 23d, 1890, a son. All are well.
Ludell Gazette -- March 1, 1890

Mrs. Daniel GIFFORD gave birth to a son and daughter last Sunday April 26. The little boy lived till Wednesday. Mrs. Fuller, of Dakota Territory, Mrs. Gifford's mother, arrived just a few minutes after the little one had passed away.
Rawlins County Democrat -- May 4, 1887

George GILLIAN had an addition to his family one day last week, sex unkown.
Celia Enterprise -- December 18, 1886

Dr. Matthews reports three new arrivals this week. J.M. Creekpaum has a boy, C.B. LeBarron a boy, and John GILLAN's, make up the list.
Celia Enterprise -- February 23, 1888

W.H. GIRTON has a two weeks old boy at his house. The absence of a school house does not interfere with the school population increasing.
Rawlins County Democrat -- August 24, 1887

George GORDON had a baby boy presented to him last week by his wife, and he never even mentioned it to the editor. Such unobtrusiveness is seldom excelled.
Celia Enterprise -- April 26, 1888

John M. Gould and wife are almost frantic with pride over the arrival of a baby daughter, which jolly event happened Friday night.
Celia Enterprise -- October 6, 1887

A daughter was born to William Troop and wife on Tuesday of last week; a similar good fortune happened to William GRAHAM and wife on Friday.
Celia Enterprise -- February 10, 1887

Mrs. Lula GRANLEE presented her husband with a bouncing 10 pound boy last Thursday. Grandpa MIKESELL feels almost jubilant over the event, as he did to hear that Cleveland was elected. The Democrat sends congratulations, for if there is anything we love it is a fat boy baby.
Rawlins County Democrat -- April 13, 1887

Another daughter gladdens the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. John GRANLEE. It arrived Sunday night.
McDonald Times -- December 6, 1888

Mrs. Wes. GRANLEE presented her husband with a 11-pound boy last Thursday, 7inst. All concerned are doing well.
Rawlins County Democrat -- February 6, 1889

Tom GRASSLEY of near Gladstone has a newly born boy.
Celia Enterprise -- January 26, 1888

There is joy in the house of Joe GREEN in the shape of a ten-pound boy. We are authorized to state officially by the boy's grandfather, C.J. Chamberlain, that there is nothing green about the boy but the name.
Republican Citizen -- June 29, 1883

Joe GREEN has got a new girl at his house. The young lady got along Sunday night. Dr. Jones officiating.
Rawlins County Democrat -- August 8, 1887

Mr. and Mrs. John GREILL are the happy parents of a bouncing boy, born on Thursday of last week.
Herndon Courant -- August 2, 1889

Jack GRITES rejoices over the advent of a new son dating from last Thursday.
Celia Enterprise -- July 28, 1887

"A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure," sang Tupper, and D.L. GRUVER echoes the sentiment since Thursday night last, when a son and heir was born into "the house of GRUVER." All getting along nicely, even D.L. himself.
McDonald Times -- July 17, 1890

Mathias HAM has a little Ham at his house in shape of a 10-pound boy. Mother and son doing well.
Celia Enterprise -- April 18, 1887

There is a perfectly new twelve and a half pound boy out at the HANNIGAN place.
Blakeman Register -- July 25, 1889

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. HARROLD on Jan. 18th, an 11 pound girl. Joe is the happiest man in the world, and appears several inches taller than formerly.
Ludell Settler -- January 27, 1887

Born on Wednesday, May 21, 1890 to Mr. and Mrs. A.C. HEADRICK, of Burntwood, a son.
Blakeman Register -- May 29, 1890

Born, July 6th, to W.E. and Margret HEDRICK, a girl; of standard weight. Both doing well. We smoked on the occasion.
Rawlins County Democrat -- July 11, 1890

Dodge HEMMING, Gazette typo, has a bran new baby at his house. Thus do printers prosper.
Rawlins County Democrat -- February 8, 1888

James HIGHT and wife of Gladstone rejoice in the apperance of a daughter at their home.
McDonald Times -- August 14, 1890

William HOFFA is father of a handsome daughter born Tuesday. The family are well and pleased.
McDonald Times -- November 22, 1888

We failed last week to note the arrival of a fine girl baby born to Mr. and Mrs. E.R. HOLMES. E.R. was properly proud, of course, and accompanied the information with a cigar.
Atwood Journal -- March 21, 1889

Mr. HORN has had a streak of good luck in the shape of a fine boy. We wish the happy parents much joy and long life and good health to the little stranger.
Atwood Pioneer -- October 7, 1880

G.F. HOWARD has an addition to his family in the shape of a girl. Daughter and father are very glad to see each other.
Celia Enterprise -- August 4, 1887

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren HOWLAND, on the night of September 24th, a son, of usual weight. All parties are reported as doing well.
Ludell Gazette -- September 27, 1890

It is a girl -- and the first one on the list -- at H.W. HOYT's. No wonder Wat has been smiling the past few days. Long live the little queen that weight ten pounds.
Celia Enterprise -- June 23, 1887

A daughter was born to Wat HOYT and wife on Sunday.
McDonald Times -- March 13, 1890

A brand new boy out at Clark HUMPHREY's
Blakeman Register -- July 26, 1888

Born on Tuesday evening, October 28th to Mr. and Mrs. S.W. HUMPHREY's, a son.
Blakeman Register -- October 30, 1890

Born to Mr. and Mrs. S.C. HUNT, a girl. Mother and babe doing nicely. We are expecting the dad at any moment with cigars.
Rawlins County Democrat -- July 18, 1890

On last Friday night Mrs. A.A. JACKSON presented Lon with a fine ten pound girl. Mother and child doing well, and with good care Lon may pull through.
Atwood Journal -- July 25, 1888

Mr. JOHNSON has been given by the usual method a boy; standard weight.
Rawlins County Democrat -- July 6, 1887

There arrived at the home of James JOHNSON, Friday night, a daughter; standard weight.
Rawlins County Democrat -- October 19, 1887

Mrs. Dr. Frank JONES presented her husband with a daughter last Saturday, regulation weight. Mother and baby are doing finely.
Rawlins County Pioneer -- January 6, 1886

John JORDAN numbers his sons by one more since last Wednesday. He will make a bigger man than John if he grows "long" enough.
Celia Enterprise -- July 26, 1888

Mrs. Herman KASE, of Blakeman, presented her husband with a bouncing daughter last Thursday.
Rawlins County Democrat -- August 17, 1887

Herman KASE has a new 12-pound boy at his house
Rawlins County Democrat -- September 25, 1889

Born, on Thursday evening, September 18th, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman KASE, a son.
Blakeman Register -- September 1889

Mr. and Mrs. KAY are rejoicing over that little new settler - a ten pound boy, born yesterday. We are not certain about the weight of the young gentleman, but he will weigh ten pounds before long, anyway.
Celia Enterprise -- February 20, 1886

Dr. Matthews reports a birth at Willard KELLEY's, in the very south-west corner of the county.
Celia Enterprise -- December 1, 1887

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob KESSELRING, Friday, February 14th, 1890, a son and heir. Jake was able to get to town the first of the week and is about the only recipient of a Valentine, in this community, who is not mad.
Ludell Gazette -- February 22, 1890

A new boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus KLEBER last Sunday night.
Herndon Courant -- November 7, 1890

George KNIGHT and wife, south of town, rejoice in the birth of a boy.
McDonald Times -- December 5, 1889

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.H. KRIDER, on Thursday, May 31st, 1888, a nine pound boy. Mother and child are doing nicely.
Herndon Courant -- June 1, 1888

Dr. Matthews reports three new arrivals this week. J.M. Creekpaum has a boy, C.B. LEBARRON a boy, and John Gillan's, make up the list.
Celia Enterprise -- February 23, 1888

A daughter was born to Grant and Mamie LOGAN Tuesday morning. The little one lived but a few hours.
McDonald Times -- August 8, 1889

Born on Monday, the 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. John LONGENECKER, a daughter.
Blakeman Register -- October 17, 1889

We learn of the arrival of a girl baby at the home of Mr. LOVEJOY.
Rawlins County Democrat -- March 9, 1887

James O. LOVEJOY annouces the arrival of a new girl at his place, of regulation weight and in good health. We smoked on the event.
Rawlins County Democrat -- June 6, 1890

Henry LOVELACE smiles from ear to ear. It is a girl, weight 7 pounds. Wife and child doing well. Henry as well as could be expected.
Atwood Journal -- May 2, 1888

Born to Mr. and Mrs. E.S. LYON, Wednesday evening, October 15th, 1890, a girl, of standard weight and uncommon beauty, etc. All are reported as getting along nicely.
Ludell Gazette -- October 18, 1890

A 10 pound girl came to the home of M.M. MACK before the new year came in. All parties doing nicely.
Rawlins County Democrat -- January 12, 1887

Dr. Matthews reports the arrival of a little lady stranger at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cy MAJOR.
McDonald Times -- March 21, 1889

Daniel MAHONEY and wife are the pround parents of a bouncing boy. Dan came around with cigars of course.
Herndon Courant -- November 29, 1889

Born, on Friday July 19, to Mr. and Mrs. N.W. MAIN, a twelve pound boy.
Herdon Courant -- July 19, 1889

Mr. MALONE and Mr. Bushnell have each been blessed with a bouncing baby. Mr. MALONE takes it as if it were an every day occurence but Mr. Bushnell is the proudest man on earth.
Rawlins County Democrat -- June 8, 1997

Mr. and Mrs. MARSHALL are rejoicing over the arrival of another daughter, who was born last Friday.
Blakeman Register -- August 9, 1888

Born, on Tuesday, July 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. D.C. MATHER, a nine pound son. The Courant extends congratulations, and is more than pleased to know that this last recruit to the republican party is for Decker first, last and all the time.
Herndon Courant -- July 19, 1889

A nine-pound boy arrived at the home of S.E. MATTHEWS Sunday night. Father, mother and son are doing well, and the first two are very proud.
McDonald Times -- December 13, 1888

A new arrival greeted the MCFADDENS Monday morning. It was a boy; standard weight. John is jubilant and happy over the new comer.
Rawlins County Democrat -- October 17, 1888

Mrs. Emery MCMILLEN presented her husband with a bouncing daughter Monday morning.
Rawlins County Democrat -- July 28, 1886

A nine pound boy arrived at Emory MCMILLEN's on Friday morning.
Blakeman Register -- August 15, 1889

A son was born to John W. MEANS and wife on Friday. All doing well and all proud.
McDonald Times -- June 26, 1890

J.F. MINER has a bouncing new girl at his house and he is all smiles.
Rawlins County Democrat -- September 18, 1889

John MINOR and wife, east of Gladstone, are the proud parents of a new daughter.
McDonald Times -- September 5, 1889

Fred MOCK of South Divide is father of a pretty girl, so says Dr. Matthews.
Celia Enterprise -- January 19, 1888

The family of Thomas MONTGOMERY rejoices in the arrival Friday night of a bouncing young lady; standard weight. Mother and daughter doing well.
Rawlins County Democrat -- June 1, 1887

W.S. MUNN has a baby boy at his house. The little fellow arrived Tuesday.
Celia Enterprise -- June 14, 1888

Report says that there is a newly arrived baby out at L.W. MYERS.
Blakeman Register -- December 4, 1890

J.W. NEEDLES, of Mirage, was in town the other day. A ten-pound boy walked into his house on the 6th, sachel in hand, and said he was going to stay. Since then J.W. has had to toe the mark and long marches after night in scant uniform are beginning to make him look weary. He's happy, though, and dead stuck on Kansas.
Celia Enterprise -- November 20, 1886

Dr. Matthew reports a son born to William NIDA and wife.
McDonald Times -- July 25, 1889

A new baby in town. Dr. Newsome was setting up the cigars this morning in a very liberal and generous manner at the expense of County Treasurer OBERT--who was not able to be about. Mr. and Mrs. OBERT are the happy parents of the prettiest little girl in town. Mrs. Obert is getting along nicely and Mr. Obert is doing fairly well.
Atwood Journal -- June 13, 1889

Dr. Matthews reports a new son at John O'BRIEN's, on South Beaver.
Celia Enterprise -- December 8, 1887

Born to Mr. and Mrs. O'LAREY, a new plow boy. Weight, 14 pounds.
Ludell Settler -- January 20, 1886.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Osborn, of Blakeman, on August 11th, a girl. Both mother and child doing well.
Ludell Gazette -- August 16, 1890

A.J. OSBORN is the happy father of a fine girl baby who arrived Monday.
Blakeman RegisterAugust 14, 1890

Born to Mr. and Mrs. PAIN of this city, a boy. Mother and child doing well.
Rawlins County Democrat -- July 18, 1890.

Mrs. E.O. PHILLIPS of Laing presented her husband with a ten pound girl last Friday. Ed was so flattered with his success as a husbandman that he forgot to say "Cigars?"
Rawlins County Democrat -- October 26, 1887

Another boy, born one day last week, is "hitting the pike" at PIKE's.
Celia Enterprise -- December 29, 1887

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. POLAND, August 7th, a boy. All doing well.
Ludell Gazette -- August 11, 1890

Born on Tuesday, July 23, 1889 to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wurm and Mr. and Mrs. Matt PORTCHY, standard weight boys.
Herndon Courant -- July 26, 1889

Born on Thursday, November 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Gene PORTNER, a daughter.
Blakeman Register -- November 28, 1889

Mr. Joseph PROSTMAN is not an adventist but there was an advent at this home Sunday the 16th; it was a boy, and Joe feels as proud as any man, whose baby does not weigh more than his.
Rawlins County Democrat -- September 26, 1888

Born on Wednesday, April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. A.D. RATER, a daughter.
Blakeman Register -- May 2, 1889

A beautiful specimen of femininity arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack REILEY on last Sunday. Jack refuses to respond with the cigars because it is a girl.
Herndon Courant -- August 22, 1890

A 12 pound daughter was born to C.M. REMINGTON and wife Sunday night. No one told us so, but Charley's broad smile meant that and nothing else.
McDonald Times -- July 17, 1890

John REPP came to town yesterday morning, wearing a broad smile, and announced the arrival of a seven pound boy at his house Wednesday night.
Herndon Courant -- September 27, 1889

A son and heir was born to Frank RICHARDS Monday.
McDonald Times -- March 27, 1890

Mr. William E. ROBBINS of T. 4, R 32, was presented with a fine ten pound boy on the first day of this month.
Atwood Pioneer -- February 19, 1880

Ed. ROBBINS wears a smile this week that would make Geo. Folsome blush, and as a grinner George has few if any equals. The cause of Ed's pleased countenance is the arrival, a short time ago, of a 14-pound boy.
Rawlins County Democrat -- March 27, 1889

J.J. ROBISON was presented with a lusty son last Sunday.
Rawlins County Democrat -- Mary 23, 1887

Born to Mr. and Mrs. F.E. ROBINSON, a boy.
Atwood Journal -- October 19, 1889

Jerry ROBSON and wife are parents of a jolly boy baby, born Tuesday. All doing well.
McDonald Times -- January 30, 1890

J.B. RUBERSON was passing around the cigars to-day. A ten pound democrat at his house was the cause of this display of anti-economy; mother and boy doing well.
Rawlins County Democrat -- February 15, 1888

Dr. Matthews reports the arrival of a son at Lawrence RULE's home Tuesday night.
McDonald Times -- April 25, 1889

B.W. RUSH of T. 4, R 31, was presented with a fine 7 1/2 pound girl
Atwood Pioneer -- March 25, 1880

Born on Sunday May 4, '90, to Matt SCHISLER and wife, a fine baby girl of regulation weight. Matt says to his friends, "Do you Smoke?"
Ludell Gazette -- May 10, 1890

H.C. SEVEY has a daughter at his house that weighs several pounds--at least ten. Monday was her birthday.
Celia Enterprise -- July 26, 1888

John SEYBOLD is in possession of a Harrison lad, born Friday morning. The baby boy is crowing considerably over the result of the election and the parents are cooing considerably over the baby boy.
McDonald Times -- November 15, 1888

Sanders SHUCK has a new girl baby, born last week.
McDonald Times -- September 19, 1889

Born to Mr. and Mrs. SISKEY a bright little girl.
Ludell Settler -- January 20, 1886

Born to Mr. and Mrs. C.A. SMITH, a girl.
Atwood Journal -- October 19, 1889

Born-June 14th; to Mr. and Mrs. Alex SMITH, an eight pound girl. Mother and daughter are doing well, and Alex--well he is several inches taller than last week.
Rawlins County Democrat -- June 20, 1890

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.A. SMITH, a boy. At last accounts father, mother and son doing well.
Ludell Settler -- September 24, 1886

July 7th, born to J.B. and Ella SMITH, of Laing township, a boy; of standard weight. Boy and mother both doing well. We smoked with the happy father.
Rawlins County Democrat -- July 11, 1890

Will SMITH and wife are proud parents. A son was born on Wednesday night last week.
McDonald Times -- April 24, 1890

A new arrival is reported at David STAMM's, of the feminine gender.
McDonald Times -- May 22, 1890

Born on Wednesday, Sept. 17th, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. S.L. STANDISH, a son.
Blakeman Register -- September 25, 1890

Lafayette STARCHER and wife, a boy. Dr. Matthews officiating.
McDonald Times -- February 28, 1889

There is young STODDARD at John's, near Mirage.
Celia Enterprise -- December 1, 1887

Born on Sunday, January 13th, 1889, to Mr. and Mrs. J.J. STORM, a girl.
Blakeman Register -- January 24, 1889

A daughter was born to Dave Storm and wife, near Gladstone, the first of the week.
McDonald Times -- August 15, 1889

Dr. Matthews reports the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John STUBBS on Thursday night. All parties are doing well.
Celia Enterprise -- Dec 18, 1886

Frank STUDER'S home was brightened by the arrival of a bright 12 pound girl.
Rawlins County Democrat -- August 31, 1887

Born unto Sheriff TAYLOR and wife, November 17, another sheriff--that is a son. Mr. Taylor's face is wreathed in smiles.
Ludell Gazette -- December 3, 188

Mr. and Mrs. M. THERINGER, living south of town, are happy parents of a bouncing pair of twins, boy and girl, born last week. The Courant feels proud of the fact that the first birth it is called upon to chronicle is a double header.
Herndon Courant -- March 16, 1888

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomas - a nine pounder. A boy.
Celia Enterprise -- July 17, 1886

Born to Mr. and Mrs. R.S. THOMAS one more plow boy; all doing well
Blakeman Register -- November 10, 1887

George TILLET has a young boy at his house. He arrived last week and tipped the scales at eight pounds.
Rawlins County Democrat -- June 5, 1889

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph TONGISH, on Sunday, the 17th, a girl, standard weight. Joe is undoubted the happiest man in Herndon township.
Herndon Courant -- February 22, 1889

Born on Tuesday evening, December 25th, '88, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry TRAIR, a son.
Blakeman Register -- December 27, 1888

A daughter was born to William TROOP and wife on Tuesday of last week; a similar good fortune happened to William Graham and wife on Friday.
Celia Enterprise -- February 10, 1887

T.A. TROUP has a new boy at his house; arrived Monday.
Celia Enterprise -- July 24, 1886

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alf TROUP, January 14, a nine pound boy, so says Dr. Matthews.
Celia Enterprise -- January 19, 1888

Mrs. John TROUT presented her husband with a fine girl yesterday. Mother and child doing well.
Rawlins County Democrat -- October 16, 1889

Mr. J.J. VAN METER of T. 4, R31, was on the seventeenth of this month presented with a 11 1/2 pound boy. Can the Beaver beat that?
Atwood Pioneer -- February 19, 1880

A girl baby was born to Antoine VANOUSE and wife on Tuesday morning.
McDonald Times -- May 9, 1889

John Storm and James Tannyhill of Driftwood called Monday. Jim informed us that Prof. W.E. VAUGHN was the proud father of a 13 pound boy. Mother and child doing well.
Rawlins County Democrat -- December 26, 1890

George WALKER's folk are rejoicing over the arrival of a very new boy baby who came to live with them on Saturday morning.
Blakeman Register -- December 25, 1890

Mr. WARHNKE of South Divide has a little Warhnke girl at his house, born Saturday.
McDonald Times -- September 27, 1888

L.C. WARNER has a new border at his house who arrived Tuesday. The little gentleman weighs about ten pounds we suppose.
Celia Enterprise -- April 24, 1886

Born to Mr. and Mrs. August WEICHMAN, a girl.
Ludell Settler -- January 6, 1887

Dan WHITFIELD is stepping decidedly light there days, but he says the boy weighs about 50 pounds.
Rawlins County Democrat -- June 22, 1887

Mrs. Art WILLIAMS presented her husband with a two pound daughter last Saturday.
Rawlins County Democrat -- July 20, 1887

July 4, to Charley WILLIAMS and wife, an eight pound boy. This is the most patriotic item we have yet had occasion to chronicle.
McDonald Times -- July 11, 1889

Mrs. J.L. WILLIAMS presented her husband with a bouncing boy on last Friday morning.
McDonald Times -- March 28, 1889

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles WILSON Monday morning, Dr. Rollins Officiating.
Rawlins County Democrat -- January 23, 1889

James WILSON has a big bouncing boy baby at his house. Mother doing well and father happy.
Celia Enterprise -- August 28, 1886

Mrs. WILSON presented her husband with another heir last Tuesday. M.A. is not entirely satisfied but accepts the situation. He was very anxious for one out of which he could make a lawyer. This one ain't built that way. There is now eight girls in Mr. Wilson's household.
Atwood Journal -- August 1, 1889

Bron on Tuesday, July 23, 1889 to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew WURM and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Portchy, standard weight boys.
Herndon Courant -- July 26, 1889

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. YOUNG, of Herndon, on Tuesday the 18th, a boy. Standard weight.
Herndon Courant -- September 21, 1888

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