Other cemeteries

Other Cemeteries

Rawlins County, Kansas


This cemetery was located three miles east of the present site of McDonald on the NE1/4 13-3-36 on the north side of the railroad tracks. After the town of McDonald was established and the residents of Celia had moved into McDonald, the cemetery was also moved to the site of the McDonald Cemetery. The bodies of Cleo and Caroline Reichman, Vernon Stamm and an army officer named Woods were moved by the late Will Horton. Frank Reichman identified the graves.


Frank and Gracian Chleborad, brothers for Czechoslovakia, settled in Rawlins County about one and one-half miles south of Atwood in 1880. In 1883 they returned to their native country to bring their family back with them. Their mother, Frantiska, died the first year of sun stroke. The family had its own cemetery in Section 22-3-33. The eldest brother Frank was among those buried there. A large iron cross marked his grave and the Chleborad cemetery. Besides family members, two members of the Kaskie family were buried in this cemetery. In 1948 all the graves from this site were moved to Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery, west of Atwood. The iron cross was moved to its present location in a pasture south of Atwood. The cemetery was located about one-half miles southeast of where the cross now stands.


Jack Dewey was buried on the Dewey Ranch, which is located in Section 11-5-36. He was born July 28, 1954 and he died March 24, 1987.


Buried in the Egelston Family Cemetery are three children: twins Bertie and Mertie, born February 15, 1889 and died on March 26 and March 30, 1889. Clara Amelia born May 17 1890, and died June 18 1890. The cemetery was located north of Martin Egelston's house in Section 26-4-35.


The Faber Cemetery is located on the private property of the Faber family located at the home of John M. Faber and his family at the SE1/4, Sec. 23-6-36. Buried in the cemetery are: Jennifer Renee Faber, born August 13, 1976 and died October 12, 1979; John H. Faber, born October 13, 1905 and died October 9, 1982; and Alfred Thibault, father of Renee Faber.


This burial site is the resting place of three men who were killed by Indians on October 1, 1878. They were Egnac Janousek, Peter Janousek, and Rudolph Springler. A monument was erected in their memory in 1900 and is located in the southeast quarter of Section 15-2-32.


The Indian boy monument stands on top of a quartzite cliff 4 miles east of Ludell, one-half mile south of the railroad and about one-half mile west of the section line (SE 22-2-32). He was wounded in the Last Indian Raid, 1878, and had lived in the rocks for about six weeks before being killed on November 15 by Abbott and Harney who were herding cows. According to an account written by F.S. Miller and published in The Citizen Patriot, August 1955, Mr. Blume and Mr. Bouda found the body and started to Oberlin with it to deliver it to the Army authorities who were stationed there. Mr. Bouda became concerned that the authorities would hold them responsible for the boy's death and refused to go farther. Since the wagon and team belonged to him there was nothing Mr. Blume could do but return. They unloaded the corpse and hid it in the bunch grass. Mr. Blume got some other people to help him a few days later but were unable to find the corpse. It is believed that the coyotes had gotten it or that the Indians had followed and removed it. The monument was erected through the efforts of Charles E. Perkins who was the president of the C.B.& Q. railroad at that time. It is standing on the place where the Indian boy was killed.

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