The census is put on this page as transcribed and proof read from the microfilm. (No corrections or additions have been made). Age in months is as follows--

1 month = .1
2 months = .2
3 months = .3
4 months = .3
5 months = .4
6 months = .5
7 months = .6
8 months = .7
9 months = .8
10 months = .8
11 months = .9

This article was taken from The Republican Citizen May 18, 1888 and thought you might find it interesting.

The Population of the County

We are indebted to County Clerk Mikesell for the statement of the population of Rawlins county on the first of March, 1888, as returned to his office by the assessors of the several townships. As usual it is manifestly defective, and gives the population of the county at only 7012, which is at least one thousand short of a fair estimate. For a convenient reference we publish the returns of each year since the organization of the county. The census of the county was taken thrice previous to 1882, the government census of 1880, taken by Rev. A.S. Thorne and Joseph A. Hewes, Esq., that of Rawlins township of Norton county, taken by W.R. Shirley as assessor in 1881, and that taken by S.H. Tindell a few months later in 1881, as preliminary to the organization of the county. The table here given will be found very convenient, and is worth preserving.

Townships 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888
Jefferson 246 214 166 340 470 186 239
Herndon 259 363 431 575 596 650 613
Celia 179 179 200 397 441 457 511
Atwood 726 631 649 731 673 751 531
Burntwood ---- ---- ---- ---- 312 438 531
Clinton ---- ---- ---- ---- 318 472 325
Driftwood ---- ---- ---- ---- 353 500 524
Grant ---- ---- ---- ---- 239 376 227
Laing ---- ---- ---- ---- 243 359 346
Ludell ---- ---- ---- ---- 430 659 732
Mirage ---- ---- ---- ---- 491 512 600
Achilles ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 231 318
Beaver ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 289 294
Logan ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 419
Arbor ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 192
Richland ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 411
Mikesell ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 196
Totals 1410 1387 1436 2043 4506 5863 7012

The territory embraced in the Atwood of 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885 now has a population of 3,443; that of the Celia of the same years has now 1,642; that of Herndon, giving it half the present population of Laing, has 1,197; and that of Jefferson, with half of Laing, has 730. The territory of Atwood of one year ago returns now 950, while the Herndon of last year has 1,024, showing that the latter township has increased more in population than any other in the county.


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Transcribed by Denise Maaske