Welcome To Reno County, Kansas
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Reno County Courthouse

Photo taken by Jacia Humiston

Reno county was organized by the Kansas Legislature on 26 Feb 1867. The county was named in memory of Major General Jesse L. Reno (1823-1862), who had been stationed at Fort Leavenworth. He was killed at the Battle of South Mountain, Maryland on 14 Sept 1862. The town of Hutchinson was named the county seat.

The Mennonites came from Russia to Reno County in 1874 but decided to not settle there. They went east to Harvey County, settling in the Newton and Florence areas. However, ten years later, some of the Mennonites returned to Reno County and set up farms in the southern and northeastern sections of the county. Using the hard Red Turkey wheat brought with them from Russia, the Mennonites established a long-standing farming tradition for the state of Kansas.

Sources: Stucky, Tim. "Reno County: The Early Years." North Newton, KS: Mennonite Press, 1985.

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Thank you to Past RenoCoKS CC Cindy Koegel for updating the site from 2002-2024.

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