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Mrs. Fanny Roy Legally Adopts the Baby Left At Her House


The Waif Adopted.


Mrs. Fanny Roy Legally Adopts the baby Left At Her House.


The boy baby who was left several weeks ago on Mrs. Fanny Roy’s doorstep, has been legally adopted by her and in future will bear the name of Charles Cunningham Roy.  The youngster is about seven months old and apparently is a bright child.  Since the baby was found in the basket at the above mentioned place, some trouble has been taken to find out who left it there and whose child it was.  These things were duly discovered before the child’s adoption.  The child was deserted by its mother, Minnie Self, who, with her sister, left here the night upon which the child was found by Fannie Roy.  The Self girls are young and several months ago were left alone here by their father.  Their mother died in this city about two years ago.  When the girls concluded to leave here Minnie determined to get rid of her fatherless child, and accordingly it was left as stated above.  A few weeks later the Self girls returned to this city.  By this time it was learned that the child belonged to Minnie.  In the meantime Mrs. Roy had taken a fancy to the baby and had determined to adopt him.  This was legally done in the probate court.  Minnie Self was present and signed the necessary papers, giving all claim upon the child to Mrs. Roy.


Hutchinson News
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, January 27, 1898
page – 6 *** column – 5


Submitted by Rose Stout on March 10, 2007.


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