Cemeteries - Reno County Kansas
Eastside Cemetery - Hutchinson - Clay Township

Eastside Cemetery is the oldest cemetery in Hutchinson with tombstones dating back to the 1800's; the cemetery is still active. According to the caretakers there are approximately 12,000 graves in this cemetery with about 6,000 tombstones markers. Over the years some or most all inscription on some tombstones has been lost do to weather and time.

Eastside Cemetery is located between east/west streets D Avenue and F Avenue and between north/south streets Cleveland and Severance.

Article: Eastside Cemetery will be filled within five years
Hutchinson News, August 11, 1910

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Tombstone Notes and Helpful Notes:

Helpful Notes, in paraenthesis, are included where they may apply. The information entered between these marks ( ) are the helpful notes from the transcriber's observation of the tombstone or marker locations and from the names that are listed on each. It is up to the researcher to determine the connections if any. Any other notes listed have been copied from the individual tombstone.

Abbreviations & (Helpful Notes )

yrs - years

dau - daughter

(child) - buried in one of the baby sections

m - months

d/o - daughter of

n: or near - (buried near or close to)

d - days

s/o - son of

next to - (buried next to)

m: - married

ch/o - children of

nxt: (buried next to)

b: - born

fth/ - father of

ossw/ - (on same stone with)

lrg - large

srn - surname

nls - (near large marble stone)

w/ - with

F - father

dsw/ - (double stone with)

M - mother

rft: (refer to)

sa/ - (in same area as)

hst - headstone

nwis: (near with identical headstones)

lms - (large surname marble headstone)

al-hv-id-hst (all have identical headstones) id-hst (identical headstones)

Please feel free to submit any corrections, or any burials that might have missed, additional burials, headstone photos or obituaries that you would like to add to this cemetery transcription.

Submitted by - Rose Stout and Dorothy Capps, May 2004. Updated December 2004.

**Photos and partial transcription submitted by Gale Wall on September 28, 2003, Phyllis Long, and Jean Feaster on July 2, 2005.

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