Reno County KSGenWeb Project
Earl Byrd

Jun 20, 1918 -
Earl S Byrd discharge paper WWI. He was sent back home when trying to join because he was too short and under weight.

The Hutchinson News - June 1925

Mrs Cora Byrd entertained at dinner yesterday at her home, 306 West Sherman Street complimenting her son and his bride, Mr. And Mrs. Earl Byrd, whose marriage was solemnized Friday at Alva, Okla., by the groom’s brother, Rev. Carl Byrd. The bride was formerly Miss Mae Humiston of this city. The color scheme for the diner party, blue and white was effectively carried out in garden flowers.

The guests were:

Messrs and Mesdames: George Parks, Harmon Harrison, Homer Hull, John Todd

Mesdames: Iceial Wilson, Phiullip Parks, Miss Carrie Humiston

Messrs: W W Meeks, William Tuttle, O L Battin, Newton & Pauline Wilson, Willard Wilson, Lulu Burchette, Elizabeth Joan Harrison, Gladys Todd, Charles Todd

The Hutchinson News - June 1950

Celebrate Anniversary

Guests of Mr. And Mrs. Earl S. Byrd, 318 North Plum, on their silver wedding anniversary today are Mr. Byrd’s brother, Rev Carl D Byrd, and Mrs Byrd of Newburg, Oregon. Rev Byrd officiated at the wedding of his brother and sister-in-law 25 years ago. He has been attending National Friends’ Evangelical conference in Wichita, and preached at United Presbyterian church here Sunday. Mrs. Byrd sang a solo at the morning service.

The Hutchinson News - June 1950

Oregon Pastor In Local Church Sunday

Rev Carl D Byrd, pastor of Friends church, Newberg, Oregon, will preach at the United Presbyterian church here at the 11 am service Sunday.

He is in Kansas attending the National Friends Evangelical conference in Wichita. He is a brother of Earl S Byrd, 318 North Plum. Byrd is an elder in the local church.

The Hutchinson News - Jun 1975

Anniversary Celebrations

Former Hutchinson residents, Mr and Mrs Earl Byrd of Mesa, AZ, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at a reception from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday in Forest Park United Presbyterian Church.

Serving as hosts for the occasion will be their children, Dean and Ruby Byrd, Albuquerque, NM, and Phyllis and David Long, Washburn, MO. Assisting will be Mrs Byrd’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Hod Humiston, 833 East B S

The Byrds have two grandchildren.

Submitted by Phyllis Long on November 16, 2003

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