Reno County KSGenWeb Project
H F Hull, Skipper Hull

Source: The Hutchinson News Herald - October 1961

H F “Skipper” Hull, plant operator #1 at Hutchinson power plant, retires after 41 years with the Company.

A native of McPherson, he farmed outside of the town before joining the United Gas and Electric Company in March, 1917. Skipper was with the Company until October of that year when he joined the U.S. Navy. He returned to United Gas and Electric in 1920 and has been with KPL since that time. In his many years with the Company, Skipper has worked every job in the plant on maintenance and operation. He has never had a lost time accident, and went over 11 years without a day off sick.

He is a member of the American Legion, Elks Lodge, Masons and Eastern Star. Skipper and his wife, Evelyn, are members of the United Presbyterian Church

Submitted by Phyllis Long on November 16, 2003

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