Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Julius Bandhauer Obituary

Obituary from Kingman Journal, Friday October 26, 1928:  “Julius Bandhauer”

   “Bringing to a close a life devoted to the happiness of those in his home and a life dedicated to his Christ, Julius Bandhauer passed away early last Thursday morning.
   “Julius Bandhauer was born near Berlin, Germany, July 7, 1842, and when a boy 14 years old, came to America with his father and mother, who migrated to this country duing the days of revolutionary strife in Germany. They made their home in America at Canton, Mo.
   “In 1867, Julius Bandhauer was married to Amelia Yust, of Canton, a girl of German birth, who, with her parents, also had come to America to live. To this union nine children were born, five of whom preceded their father in death.
   “Those surviving are: Robert, Anna and Bertha, and Mrs. Lulu Johnson, all of Kingman, and Mrs. Catherine Ray, of Los Angeles; six grandchildren and one brother,  Robert Bandhauer, of Becker, Colo., also survive.
    “Mr. and Mrs. Bandhauer lived in Canton, Mo., until in the early ‘80s, when they came to Kansas and settled on a school quarter in Reno county. Mr. Bandhauer farmed, and followed the trade of shoemaking, a trade he had learned when a boy.
    “After living in Reno county for several years, the family moved to Kingfisher, Okla., living there until in 1909, when they came to Kingman, moving on the place which has since been their home. Mr. Bandauer continued to do truck farming, and for several years was also associated with John Gilchrist in a shoe shop, and after the death of
Mr. Gilchrist worked there for some time, later confining his work, however, solely to gardening.
    “It is difficult ot think of a man more devoted to his church, and as long as he was able, attended the church services regularly. During the time the Bandhauer family resided in Oklahoma, there was no church near enough for them to attend, and Mr. Bandhauer, with his family, took part in the services of the Salvation Army, and was for a time a worker with them.
   “He had joined the Lutheran church early in life, but later affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal church, retaining his membership in that denomination until his death.
   “Mr. Bandhauer had been an active, strong man until in 1920, when he was seized with an attack of the flu, after which he remained in a state of failing health.
   “He was always appreciative of the ministrations of his friends, even though his impaired hearing made communication with them very nearly impossible.
   “Funeral services were held at the Methodist church, with Rev. N.S. Gardner in charge, Monday afternoon at two o’clock. Interment was made close to his wife and one of their children in the little cemetery, seven miles north of Sylvia, near the family church, and within a mile of the old homestead.”

Submitted by
Robert Richardson on January 23, 2005.

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