Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Mrs. Anna Bellwood Obituary

Death of Mrs. Bellwood

Mrs. Anna Bellwood, wife of Sherman Bellwood, one of the best known and best liked women in this community, died very suddenly at the family home in Turon, Monday morning at 1:30 o’clock.

While she has never been very strong, she appeared to be as well as usual just before the end came, and ate a hearty supper, but passed away quietly in bed of heart failure.  She is a sister of Vilas Slater, who took his own life last week while suffering from a temporary spell of insanity.  Mrs. Bellwood grieved much over his untimely death and it is thought that the grief and shock of her brother’s death hastened her own.

Mrs. Bellwood is a member of one of the pioneer families of Turon and was Miss Anna Slater, before her marriage a few years ago.  She was 51 years of age, and is survived by her husband, two sisters, Mrs. O. B. Seltzer of El Reno, Okla., and Mrs. Bradley Alexander of Council Grove, and a brother, r. O. Slater, of Nortonville, besides four step-children, Mrs. Clif Shanline and Mrs. Orville Evans, of Turon; Earl Bellwood, of Penalosa and Ollie Bellwood of Falls City, Idaho.

Mr. Bellwood is a contracter at Turon, and the family have the sympathy of the entire community in this sorrow, made doubly hard to bear by the recent tragic death of the brother of the deceased.

The funeral services were held in the M. E. Church, Wednesday, Feb. 23, at 2 O’clock.  Rev. Hoff and Rev. Hinshaw were the officiating clergymen.

The remains were laid to rest in the Turon cemetery.

Turon Weekly Press
Turon, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, February 24, 1916



Anna Slater was born in Kankakee, Ill., December 21, 1866.  Died in Turon, Kas., February 21, 1916.  Aged 49 years and two months.  With her parents she came to Reno county, Kansas, in 1877; was married to T. S. Bellwood January 17, 1912; with whom she lived until death – a real companion.  A great part of her life was spent in caring for her aged father and for others about her.  She was a member of the home department class of the United Brethren Sunday school at least one year.  She at different times expressed her readiness to die.  She had no fear.  The only thought that seemed to trouble her was that of leaving her husband.

The deceased was a member of the Order of Rebekas, where she will be missed, as she was much used by the order, having been sent at different times as delegate to the “General Assembly.”

She is survived by a husband, two sisters, one brother and two step-daughters of Turon, Kas.; on step-son of Penalosa, Kas.; and on step-son of Oakley, Idaho, who held their mother in high esteem.  Funeral services were held in the M. E. church in Turon February 23, 1916, conducted by Rev. W. L. Hinshaw, assisted by Rev. Hurst and Rev. Hoff, after which interment was made in the cemetery near Turon, Kansas.

Turon Weekly Press
Turon, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, March 2, 1916
page – front      coulum – 1


Submitted by
Rose Stout on February 14, 2005.

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