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Mrs. W. S. Clark Obituary
Arlington Enterprise, Arlington, KS Friday April 2,
1920, PG. 6
Mrs. W. S. Clark died at her home. She came to Kansas with her husband in 1884,
and settled on a farm near Arlington. Here she lived until Jan, 1919, when the
family came to Arlington.
In her early life, Mrs. Clark united with the church of Christ, of which body
she remained a faithful and devoted member. In her life religion was a vital
force, shaping her character as wife, mother, neighbor, and friend. Helpful in
sickness and sympathetic in sorrow, she ministered to all with grateful touch.
Her last months were marked with patient suffering, and sustaining faith. Now,
her longing to depart is gratified, and she has entered the joy of our Lord.
The message by Rev. Evans of the Presbyterian church was delivered at the home.
The message from Rev. 14:13; "Blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord"
Submitted by Donna Barnes Clark on
September 6, 2003.
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