County, Kansas |
Overton (Doc) Hickman
Obituary.......OVERTON (DOC) HICKMAN
Overton (Doc) Hickman, 1018 North Maple, died at 6:45 a.m. Sunday at Grace
hospital after a short illness.
Mr. Hickman had been a resident of Hutchinson 46
years. He was born in Oak Hill. W. Va., Oct 23, 1874, and as a boy lived near
Sterling. He was a member of the Congregational church.
He formerly operated the Farmers and Merchants
cafe and at one time managed the Stamey coffee shop. He also served as Reno
county treasurer from 1914 to 1918.
Surviving are the widow, Anna; three daughters, Mrs. Clarice Bonnell, 419 East
16th; Mrs. Loren J. Brown, 610 East 10th, and Mrs. Norma Wooldridge,
Harrisonville, Mo., two stepsons, Robert E. Wyatt, Sterling, and Henry Wyatt,
Sacramento, Calif; one sister, Mrs. Anna Chappell, 114 East 9th, and three
Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at
Johnson and Sons chapel with Rev. J. Henry Hornung officiating. Burial will be
in Memorial Park cemetery.
Submitted by
Phyllis Long on
October 15, 2003.
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