Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

George Hirst Obituary

George Hirst Dead
An Early Settler of Reno County Passes Away at an Advanced Age.
There will be unusual regret in the city and county over the news of the death of George Hirst of Lincoln township.
Mr. Hirst passed away last night at his home.  He had just returned from a trip to Missouri, where himself and wife had spent a month visiting their daughter.  The deceased was the father of Samuel Hirst of this city and was one of the early settlers of Reno county, having come here in 1873.
The funeral arrangements had not been made this morning on account of waiting to hear from the daughter in Missouri who has been wired the sad news.
Hutchinson Daily News
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
page  5 *** column  3

Submitted by
Rose Stout on April 28, 2006.

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