Reno County,
Kansas |
Mary Morgan Obituary
This Morning.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Morgan, the wife of Joseph P. Morgan, 302 Avenue A
east, was held this morning at 9 o’clock at the St. Teresa’s Catholic church.
Rev. William Farrell preached the funeral sermon. The burial was in Eastside
Mrs. Mary Morgan died Sunday evening at 4 o’clock, when her two baby girls,
twins, were but one hour old.
She was born at Listowell county, Dublin, Ireland, September 25, 1887, and came
to this country in 1907. She was married to Joseph Morgan in April, 1913
To those who knew Mary Morgan, her death was a sad one. A friend said “Mary
Morgan was regarded as one who scatters sunshine in her everyday life. She was
as good as she was beautiful and it is sad to see her called in her early
Besides her husband and her two babies, she is survived by her father, mother
and three sisters.
The Hutchinson News
Tuesday, May 11, 1915
page – 12 column - 7
Submitted by
Rose Stout on
February 1, 2005.
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