Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Charles N. Payne Obituary

Veteran Insurance Man, Charles N. Payne, Dead

His Sudden Death, Following an Operation Came as a Shock to Community.

The death yesterday morning of Charles N. Payne, the well known insurance man, came as a distinct shock to his many friends in Hutchinson and surrounding towns. It was only a few days ago that he was down town and among his business associates and the news of his death was most unexpected. He was taken to the hospital last week and underwent an operation and it was at first thought that he would be able to survive the shock.

During the many years of his life in Hutchinson, Mr. Payne had been identified with the different activities to upbuild the town.

Funeral This Afternoon

The funeral was held this afternoon at 3 o’clock form the home at 619 Sherman street east, with Rev. Frank Neff in charge and burial was in the family plot in Eastside cemetery.

Charles Newton Payne was born near Plymouth, Marshall county, Indiana, February 26, 1866. He was the son of Rev. John W. and Polly J. Payne, who for many years resided at 422 Avenue B east, in Hutchinson.

When a small child his parents moved to McLean county, Illinois, and later to Chariton, Iowa, and in 1878 came to Reno county, where he grew to manhood, and where he has lived ever since.

He was married to Minnie M. Myers, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Myers, Reno county pioneers on October 1st 1894, and she, with on daughter, Mildred, survives him.

He is also survived by one brother, Walter Payne of Hutchinson, and six sisters, Laura A. Payne, Nella P. Cowen, Shirley M. Payne and Pearl S. Payne, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mrs. Martha J. Glover of Halstead, and Mrs. Cora B. Abbott of Los Angeles, Calif.

Prominent Insurance Man

Mr. Payne was for about twenty years, a leading real estate man of Hutchinson, and for the past five years he was secretary and manager of the Hutchinson Mutual Fire Insurance Company and The Farmers’ Hail Insurance company, which he had through his successful management, brought to a prominent position in state insurance circles.

Mr. Payne was of a genial disposition and has a host of friends, not only in the city of Hutchinson, but throughout the whole state, who will miss him sadly. He was a member of the A.O.U.W., the Knight Templars and the Knights of Pythias.

The Hutchinson News
December 27, 1920

Submitted by
Rose Stout on December 30, 2004.

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