Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Rev. John W. Payne Obituary

Funeral Tomorrow Afternoon

Rev. John W. Payne Passed Away at His Home in the City this Morning

The death of Rev. John W. Wayne occurred at 2 o’clock this morning at his home on Avenue B east, at No. 422. The members of his family, with one exception, were all here watching through the last hours, as it has been known for a week past that his life was near its close. Yesterday it was thought that his condition showed a temporary improvement, and one of his sons, Professor Eli Payne, went to Emporia Expecting to return in a day or two. In the night a sudden turn for the worse came and death followed speedily.

John W. Payne was born October 25, 1829, near Bloomington, Ind. He was married early in life, on November 7, 1850, to Polly J. Gray, who survives him. Much of his after life was spent in religious work. He was converted at Old Town Chapel, McLean county, Illinois, February 8, 1858, and was licensed to preach at Williamsburg, Johnson County, Indiana, August 30, 1862. He was ordained at Hutchinson, March 16, 1879. On June 19, 1884, at Holden, Mo., he was badly crippled by a fall and from that time on was never able to walk without the aid of his crutches. In spite of this physical infirmity he continued active in his work for many years. In his religious work he was vigerous and uncompromising declaring his convictions whether popular or unpopular with his auditors. In politics he was a Republican and he always expressed his political views with the same vim and disregard to the opinions of others, that characterized his speech upon religious matters.

He was the father of nine children, three sons and six daughters, all of whom are now living active and useful lives and most of whom have been identified with history of Reno county, some of them are educators in the schools. The members of the family are: Miss Pearl Payne, now at home here; Miss May Payne, who is bookkeeper at the P. Martin & Co. store; Miss Laura Payne, teacher of the ninth grade in the High School building; Mrs. Abbott and Mrs. Glover, now of this county, and Chas. N. Payne, who is in business here; Professor Eli Payne of the state normal faculty and Walter Payne of Wichita.

The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 O’clock from the First M. E. church of which he was a member. It was his wish that Rev. Dr. J. C. Hall of Wellington should preach his funeral and Dr. Hall has been sent for and will arrive tonight. At his request, too, the sermon will be preached from the 13th verse of the third chapter of Proverbs.

Hutchinson Daily News
No. 86 Vol. XVIL
Monday, March 10, 1902
page - 5 column - 4

Submitted by
Rose Stout on January 4, 2005.

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