Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Mrs. George Pew Obituary

Accidently knocked down by the car being driven by her son, Loren Pew.
May 25, 1919, probably Hutchison, Ks newspaper:
Mrs. George Pew Dies As Result of Injuries Received in Accident Saturday Night
Saturday night about 10 o'clock a short distance from Partridge occured a peculiar accident which resulted in the death of Mrs. George Pew, wife of a well known farmer of Plevna township.  Mrs. and Mrs. Pew had been to Manhattan and returned on a Rock Island train.  from Partridge, where they got off the train, they telephoned to their home for Loren Pew, a son, asking him to come to Partridge after them in the motor car.
Due to the storm which arose about that time Mr. and Mrs. Pew started out to walk; hoping to save that much time by meeting the motor car.  Driving the motor car toward town young Pew did not see the couple walking in the road due tot he wind storm and rain and in turn they did not see the car.  The motor car was not running more than 20 miles an hour, but both turned to the left, the car striking the couple.
In an inavoidable accident, Mrs. Pew was injured so severely that she died before reaching  her home, and Mr. Pew was badly injured but will live.  He suffered several broken ribs and was stunned by the fall.  Mr. Johnson of Stafford arrived about five minutes after the accident occurred and took the family home.
Funeral services for Mrs. Pew will be held from the Congregational church in Plevna Tuesday, afternoon at 2 o'clock with internment in Haven cemetery."

Submitted by
Marilyn Hudson on June 3, 2004.

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