Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

William A. Stewart Obituary

William A. Stewart
William A. Stewart was born in Perry County, Indiana, February 19, 1846, and died near Turon, Kansas, March 2, 1913, aged 67 years 1 month and 3 days.
His mother died when he was a small child.  His childhood with his father was spent in Mt. Vernon, Indiana, where he grew to manhood.  And when a young man answered his countrys call to arms by offering his service as a volunteer and served in Co. F. 25th Ind., during the civil war.  After being mustered out of service and his father dying during his absence, and no home ties to turn him to his former home, he turned his attentions elsewhere and seeing opportunities in the timber land of Arkansas and Texas, he began his labors and operations first in Arkansas and afterward in Texas and became a contractor and furnished lumber for several lumber companies.
He was married in Shawnee-town, Illinois, July 16, 1879, and to this union were born eight children, 6 sons and 2 daughters.  The daughters and two sons died in infancy.  A short time after his marriage he moved to Mt. Vernon, Indiana, residing there three years and then moved to Perry Grove, Arkansas, remaining there for two years and then coming to Kansas in 1885 and settled as a homesteader in Stevens county, and after proving up on his claim he came to the more central part of the state in the vicinity of Turon and in a few years afterward took up his residence at his late home, making this his permanent home the past nineteen years.
Mr. Stewart was converted in 1878 and has since stood for the principles and works of Christ.  His heart has always been centered in his family, looking to their interest and welfare.  He was an honest, patriotic citizen standing for what he believed to be just and right and was respected by them who knew him.
There remain to mourn his death the widow and four sons, Arthur, Homer, Albert and Harry, all residing at home except Arthur who lately moved to the village of Turon.
The funeral services were held at his late home Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. Byers and the remains laid to rest in the Turon cemetery to await the final summons for the resurrection morn.
Turon Weekly Press
Turon, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, march 27, 1913
page  front *** column - 2

Submitted by
Rose Stout on March 30, 2006.

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