Reno County KSGenWeb Project
School Index
Fairview School

Dear Pupil,

        As you grow older, you will look back upon your school days as the happiest time of your life. May you never have cause to regret that you did not make the best of them. My sincerest wish is that the past year will be a bright page in the tablet of your memory.

                    Your Teacher

Enterprise Twp., Reno Co., Kansas
District No. 51


Glenn O. Seaton, Teacher
S. P. Rowland, Co. Supt.


                      J. H. Detter

      R. C. Kellams

Chas. Slifer




Clifford Green Lester Green
Conrad Hackworth  Mary King
Lewis Hackworth  Oscar Dixon
Wallace Kellams  Bertha Wyatt
Harold Geist  Hallie Hackworth
Cleo Snodgrass  Dorothy Snodgrass
Harold Detter  Clara Kittle
Harry Hackworth  John Hackworth
Archie King  Bernice Mitchell
Earl Mitchell  Clarence Hackworth
Lloyd Hackworth  Perry King
Clyde Hackworth  Everett Geist
Chas. Webster  William King
Howard Mitchell  Kennith Snodgrass
Edith Detter  Margaret Detter
Rosie Seitz  Katie Seitz
Francis Kittle  Lydia Seitz
Lloyd Kellams  Mabel Schardein
Elva Snodgrass  Stacey Kittle

The School is out, vacation’s come,
The bell has ceased to sound,
The old School House has lost its hum,
And silence broods around.


At School Close

The time has come to say farewell!
For now our term is through;
To sound the present school days’ knell.
And bid you a kind adieu.

For months together we have met
And conned our lessons o’er,
And done the best to know and get,
A part of learning’s store.

Thro’ all the days I’ve labored hard,
And often during the night;
Your progress was my sole reward,
Your well-fare my delight.

And thanks for all your favors shown,
For cheer, which toil beguiles;
For roses in my pathway strewn,
For all your love and smiles.

Most fondly do I wish you well,
And hope you each may be,
An ornament where e’er you dwell,
And from all vices free.

In cities and in villages, in county
Districts scattered wide,
Above the schoolhouse door it floats –
A thing of beauty and of pride;
The poorest child, the richest heir –
‘Tis theirs in common to adore,
For ‘tis their flag that proudly floats –
The flag above the schoolhouse door.


Never be afraid of what is good;
The good is always the road
to what is true


"Kindness is the noblest weapon to conquer with"

"Education is the chief defense of nations"

"Acquire not only learning but the habit of learning"

Submitted by Darren Green on October 13, 2002.

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