1901 History of Republic County Kansas

A History of Republic County, Kansas: Embracing a full and complete account of all the leading events in its history, from its first settlement down to June 1, '01 ... Also the topography of the County ... and other valuable information never before published. by I. O. Savage.; Illustrated. Published by Jones & Chubbic, Beloit, KS : 1901. 321 p. ill., plates, ports., fold. map ; 23 cm. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, July 2006.

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History of Republic County. 201


G. S. Dearborn, C. L. Shackelford,
James Lawrence, E. P. Michener,
W. J. Mitchell, F. D. Baker,
J. H. Lockwood.  


Rev. Freem the fore part of 1871
G. E. Nicholson latter part of 1871, to March, 1872
J. J. Walters March, 1872, to April, 1873
J .F. Shackelford April, 1873, to April, 1874
T. B. Gray April, 1874, to March, 1876
C. B. Crysler March, 1876, to March 1877
Geo. Winterborn March, 1877, to March, 1879
W. B. Holland March, 1879, to March, 1882
R. A. Hoffman March, 1882, to March, 1885
J. F. Shackelford March, 1885, to March, 1887
G. W. Wood March, 1887 to March, 1888
W. T. Robinson March, 1888, to August, 1888
C. T. Shackelford August, 1888, to March, 1891
W. H. Pierce March, 1891 to September, 1891
D. A. Allen October, 1891, to October, 1893
D. McGurk October, 1893, to March, 1894
O. L. Housel April, 1894, to April, 1895
W. L. Cannon April, 1895, to April, 1897
E. L. Hutchins April, 1897, to April, 1901


Situated on the southeast corner of section 25, Scandia township; was built in September, 1892, under somewhat peculiar circumstances, inasmuch as there was at that time, but one professional member of the Methodist church in the neighborhood, that being Mr. Henry Fulcomer, and it was through his suggestion the project of building a church was taken into consideration. Upon his interviewing the neighbors, it was found that although a large majority of them were members of no church, all of them were God-fearing men and women who readily acquiesced in his suggestion to erect a church, consequently a meeting was held at Red Top school house and all that were interested were invited to attend. Rev. Al-

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len, at that time the Methodist minister at Belleville, was consulted and readily offered his assistance, and was there to preside at the meeting, giving a preliminary discourse from the text found in John, 1-46: "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" He evidently thought that because there were no members in the vicinity, he was justified in making the comparison. After the sermon the business part was taken up and Mr. Fulcomer chose the present location, which was not objected to by any one. The site being on the southeast corner of Mr. Brady Bowling's farm, that gentleman arose and offered to donate one acre of ground as his share towards the church.

The site being thus secured, subscriptions were next in order, and before the meeting closed enough money and labor had been subscribed to insure it safe to go ahead and build. Thereupon a building committee composed of George Bowling, Mose Bushby and Henry Fulcomer was chosen and instructed to proceed to collect the money and have the building erected, which was done without delay, at a cost of $1,020; 600 of which was collected in cash, the balance in labor and material. As soon as it was finished Rev. Allen notified Presiding Elder Michener of the Concordia district that it was ready for dedication, whereupon the Elder came up and conducted the dedicatory services, assisted by Rev. Allen, who also made arrangements with the Elder to have it attached to the Scandia circuit. Rev. Ryan having charge of that circuit at that time, was the first to hold regular services in the chapel, but was removed from Scandia the following spring and Rev. Jenkins assigned to the charge. He proved to be a good sermonizer and was held in high esteem by the Chapel people, and through his instrumentality several converts were added to the one mentioned at the beginning. However, Rev. Jenkins only remained at Scandia one year and was followed by J. I. Osman, who did some hard work both at the Chapel and at Scandia, and was successful in adding some fifteen or twenty converts, besides six or

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eight who joined by letter, giving them a membership of twenty-five or thirty, who, strange as it may seem, every one of them have remained steadfast in the faith up to the present time. Rev. Osman remained on the circuit two years, and was succeeded by Rev. J. E. ElwelI, a bright young man, an elegant speaker, and, although a good sermonizer and an earnest worker while in the pulpit, his social life was not up to what some of his members deemed the standard, consequently he was removed from Scandia at the end of his first year. Several members were added to the organization through his efforts at the Chapel.

Next came Rev. Nichols a stranger who had just been transferred to this conference, but proved to be a failure as a minister of the gospel and gave up the appointment before the first year expired. W. W. Wells, now of Belleville, was our next minister, and gave fair satisfaction, and won the respect and admiration of the Chapel people for his kind disposition, largeness of heart, ready to do good at every opportunity. He, too, at his own request, remained on the charge but one year, and was followed by Rev. James Kerr, a man of considerable experience, having passed the middle mile stone of life, but still retains a strong, loud voice while speaking from the pulpit. He always seems to have words at his command. This makes his third year on this charge. The organization at the Chapel now consists of forty or more members in good standing who have one of the best attended Sunday Schools in the county, the old people as well as the young attending regularly the year around. They also have preaching every Sunday alternately morning and evening. Providence Chapel is now known far and wide and its people have the reputation of being courteous, well behaved, and under all circumstances maintaining perfect order, even when crowded to its utmost capacity. Miss Howard, county superintendent, has held several commencement exercises at the Chapel and made the statement at the last one, May 7. 1901, that of all the ex-

204 History of Republic County.

ercises she has held in the county, better order has bene maintained at the Chapel than at any other place in the county.

So it seems after all, that some good did really come out of Nazareth, and if Rev. Allen should ever visit the Chapel neighborhood, he will find a nice little band of humble followers of the lowly Nazarene.


A church was built by subscription at Kackley in 1892, at a cost of about $700, and was dedicated by the Pentecost. This church has recently passed into the hands and under the control of the Methodists, and forms a part of the Courtland charge. Preaching once in two weeks.


The Agenda M. E. church was chartered August 29th, 1891, with A. R. Dillehay, W. J. Clark, M. Kenney, Geo. W. Smith and Stephen Bradley as charter members. The first pastor of this church was Rev. D. A. Allen, before the present building was erected and while the meetings were being held in the school house. The church was built the latter part of 1892 and the spring of 1893, at a cost of about $1,800. Was dedicated in July, 1893, by Rev. E. P. Michener. Sunday school every Sunday and preaching, once in two weeks.


In the spring of 1892 the Spring Hill Society of the M. E. church, which had regularly held services in the Spring Hill School House (District No. 43) since 1873, decided to build a church. Accordingly, a regular organization was eected, a charter procured and a society incorporated. A subscription paper was circulated, the community generously responded and in a short time a sufficient amount was subscribed to erect a commodious church. A site was selected on the southwest corner of

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A. M. Bond's farm, on the SW 1/4 of section eleven, Freedom township. In December the building was completed and dedicated, with Rev. M. J. Baily as pastor and Rev. E. P. Michener as presiding elder. The cost of the church was about $1,300. Services have been held weekly since the erection of the church, and the present pastor is Rev. M. O. Moyer.


The Bethel M. E. church at Munden, was commenced in the fall of 1884, and finished early in the winter of that year. The house is 28x45 feet with a 20-foot ceiling, and cost $2,000. It stood on the southwest corner of the SE 1/4 of section three, town two south, range two west, land owned by Joseph Northrup, a pioneer settler of that township, and to whose untiring and well-directed efforts the building of this church was made possible, he having contributed in time, labor and money, far more than any person connected with it. At the time it was built, it was probably the best house of worship in Republic county. The building was dedicated December 28th, 1884, by Rev. B. D. Fisher, assisted by Rev. C. L. Shackelford and Rev. J. H. Lockwood. The house was moved to Munden in the summer of 1888, and a parsonage built soon after. Rev. M. J. Bailey was the first resident pastor. The following have been pastors of this church: A. N. See, S. Brooks, George Winterborn, J. W. H. Williams, Don A. Allen, Joseph. M. Ryan, B. F. Rhoades, M. J. Bailey, G. W. Burch, W. Vandervoort and M. O. Moyer, the latter being the present pastor. The present membership is forty-four.


The Methodist Episcopal church, of Courtland, Kansas, was organized in the year 1888, on the 25th day of November, by James Flowers, who at that time lived at White Rock. The class began with a small membership and, like all churches, has had its time of adversity and also of prosperity. In the year 1893 the present house of

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worship was erected. It is a neat and commodious building, conveniently located on the west side of Main street. The entire cost, including the furnishing, was about $2,200. The first class leader was Nathan Pilcher, better known as Father Pilcher, who, after a faithful service of two years, went to his reward. The church has been served in succession by the following pastors: James Flowers, George T. Rarick, W. S. Sedore, S. A. Greene, M. J. Bailey, James Flowers, Rev. Wright, J. Ramsey, B. F. Hutchins, J. H. Brown and W. A. Pierce, the last named being the present pastor. The present membership of the class at Courtland is forty-five. It has had at different times the following outlying classes attached to it: White Rock, Lincoln and Kackley. The last two named belong to the Courtland charge at the present time.


In the spring of 1890, the annual conference of the M. E. church decided to take up Cuba as a work, and a class was accordingly organized there under the ministry of D. A. Allen, who continued as its pastor until October, 1891, when he was transferred to Belleville. Rev. E. G. Alderman was appointed to fill out the unexpired term. Since that time G. L. Rarick, E. Price, W. E. Jenkins, L. B. Tremain, and N. S. Ragle have successively served as its pastors, Rev. N. S. Ragle being the pastor present. While D. A. Allen was pastor, a lot was purchased and a house erected for use as a parsonage, which, however, was not entirely cleared of debt until 1898. Rev. L. B. Tremain served the longest pastorate—four years. During his service the old Free Will Baptist church was bought and repaired and made free of debt. It was made ready for use January 1, 1899, at which time also our first Sunday school was organized, which is still prospering, with a membership of about seventy-five. Among the first members of this class were Mr. and Mrs. John Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingham, who are still mem-

History of Republic County.

Methodist Church, Scandia, Kansas.

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bers of the same. The present membership is about thirty.


In the summer of 1892 it came into the hearts of the Methodist people of the Beauchamp and Star classes to unite and by their joint efforts erect a suitable house of worship, these two classes belonging to the Mundell charge which forms a part of the Northwest Kansas Conference. The church building was dedicated to the Lord February 26, 1893, by Rev. E. P. Michener, Presiding Elder. The Rev. M. J. Bailey was the pastor at the time the church was built and dedicated. The cost of the building was $2400. The following are the trustees: D. A. Zech, President; R.M. Vaughn, Secretary; John Mosshart, Treasurer: Wm. E. Whitney, Welden Worrel, C. C. Ball, G. S. Wells, E. C. Carson, C. L. Porter.


Owing to the fact that the records of the Methodist church at this place were lost a few years ago, it is impossible to give a complete history. The church was organized in 1883. The trustees were, C. G. Bulkley, S. Albro, W. O. Boots and two others. Dr. J. H. Lockwood, who was Presiding Elder at that time writes as follows:

"It would be impossible for me to write a correct sketch of the Scandia church. It has been too long, and I have no record to refer to. I think Bro. Albro could come as near giving you the facts as any man I know of. I was the Presiding Elder when the appointment was really established. I have a very distinct recollection of Bro. Albro, who then as now was upon the streets with his dray, stopping me on the streets as I was driving through from Beloit to Belleville and saying, as he held my horses by the bits, 'When are you going to send us a preacher?' I sent Bro. Hollen. G. H. Woodward followed him. While Bro. Wodward was pastor, the church was bought from old Father Marks, of Reynolds, Neb. I

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met him on the road between Scandia and Belleville. We did not know each other, but we introduced ourselves and I bought the church before we parted, and Brother Woodward completed the contract. The church was enlarged while Bro. J. O. Osman was pastor. I dedicated the church. I cannot give you all the pastors during these years. Before the church was bought we held our services in the Presbyterian church when it was on the hill."

The church was rebuilt and enlarged to its present handsome proportions in 1894. This was the year that Rev. Henry Williams conducted his celebrated revival here. The meetings were held at first in the old church, but speedily outgrew the room and were transferred to the city hall. Since the church was enlarged the pastors have been: 1894-5, Rev. J. O. Osman; 1896, Rev. C. S. Elwell; 1897, Rev. W. W. Wells; 1898, Rev. A. A. Nichols; 1899, Rev. James Kerr, who is now in the pulpit.


The Narka M. E. church was organized in the District school house in 1881, with twelve members. Organized by D. A. Allen. Church was built in 1893 and dedicated in February, 1894, by Rev. E. P. Michener, assisted by Rev. Sedore, the pastor. The cost of the church building was $2,250. The present membership is about eighty. The present pastor is G. P. Miller. Sunday school organized about the same time and has been kept up continuously ever since, and is well attended.


The Swedish M. E. church at Wayne, was organized May 17th, 1878. A house of worship was built on the southeast corner of the SW 1/4 of section 9, town 4, range 2, in 1882. The church site contains one and one-half acres of land. Rose Hill cemetery, belonging to this church, comprising about two acres of land, is located in section 17, in the same township. Services have been held regularly once a week until the present season.

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Preaching only once a month now, Rev. Oscar J. Shaw pastor; membership forty.


The Methodist Protestant church in Richland township is located near the southeast corner of the SE 1/4 of section 25. The house was built during the winter of 1900 and 1901, is 26x36 feet and cost $500. It was dedicated in January, 1901, by Rev. Shepherd, assisted by Rev. Green, the pastor. Preaching every two weeks. A Sunday school has been organized in connection with the church which is doing well. The congregation is made up of members from both Washington and Republic counties. The church membership is not large, but the meetings are well attended.


The first Presbyterian church of Belleville was organized in May 1873. The foundation of the church building was laid by William Phelps of Prairie Home in September and October 1874. I. O. Savage was treasurer of the board of trustees until the completion and dedication of the house. The Belleville Town Site company donated the society the south half of block No. 15 on which to erect a building. Among those who contributed largely in labor I mention Mr. James Taylor, Capt. W. W. Wait and S. T. Collins. Caleb E. Jones was the first pastor and preached during the spring and early summer of 1875 in the M. E. church in Belleville, also had regular appointments at Scotch Plains during that time.

At a Congregational meeting held June 20th the following church officers were elected: W. W. Wait, ruling elder, S. T. Collins, deacon and Mrs. Charlotte A. Taylor, Mrs. Mary Lawton and Miss Chryssie Kindt as deaconesses. The first sermon preached in the house was on August 17th, 1875, by Rev. Jones. The house was dedicated August 25th by Rev. T. Hill, ably assisted by Rev. Jones, pastor, who served the church three years, was succeeded

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by Rev. Laughlin for one year, Rev. Moffatt three years, Rev. Smith one year, Rev. Abram Steed nine and a half years, Rev. Gane one year and the present pastor now in his third year.


"Oh that men should praise the Lord for His goodness, and His wonderful works to the children of men. Let them exalt Him, also in the congregation of the people, and praise Him in the assembly of the Elders."

The Presbytery of Solomon met at Concordia, April 26, 27 and 28, 1877, appointed the following committee to visit the field and organize a church at Scandia: Rev. A. D. Laughlin and H. Falbright and Elder A. Doctor. On June 10th, 1877, the committee proceeded to organize a church, consisting of the following members, viz., James Kelley, Mary Kelley, Joseph T. Cooper, Nancy J. Cooper, Mrs. Louisa Whitney, Mrs. Elizabeth F. Laughlin, Ellen F. Laughlin, and Mr. Charley M. Laughlin. James Kelley was chosen elder. Services were held in the school house in the western part of town until a church building was erected on the hill in the eastern part of town, adjoining the present residence of H. S. Cooper. This house of worship was dedicated January 25th, 1880. "For the Lord has chosen the vine." He has desired it for his habitation. In the year 1888 the church building was removed to present situation on Fourth street and improved. Improvement committee was Messrs Hunter, Caldwell, Bulkley, Wilson and Mesdames Louisa Whitney, Caldwell, Donaldson, Bulkley, Kelly, Laughlin, Kerr and McGillivary. The records show that the above named committee was very faithful and zealous, and performed a great amount of work before their labor was finally crowned with success, and the house of worship improved and furnished to meet the requirements of the congregation.

"And let the beauty of the Lord, our God, be upon us; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us. Yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."

History of Republic County.

Presbyterian Church, Scandia, Kansas.

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