History of Republic County. | 291 |
Effie S. Waite, chaplain, Frank Doutey, I. W., Mary Perry, organist. | Mary Nealeigh. conductor, W. M. Hubbard, sentry, |
Courtland Council, No. 327, F. A. A., was organized May 27th, 1897, by C. M. Polly, Topeka, Kansas, with 30 charter members, 22 beneficiary and 8 honorary members. The officers were at that time:
Wm. Bateman, P. P., Ellen Elliott, vice president, J. E. Tucker, treasurer, Emma A. Litsinger, chaplain, C. H. H. Squire, observer, Mrs. J. E. Tucker, trustee, M. McGregor, trustee. | C. N. Elliott, president, J. C. Clark, secretary, W. W. Stewart, M. Ex., John E. Wurth, guide, John Oliver, sentinel, Wm. Bateman, Trustee, |
Membership in good standing, August 15th, 1901, 70. The present officers are:
Harrison H. Johnson, P. P., John H. Bower, vice pres., J. E. Tucker, treasurer, S. J. Snider. M. Ex., Jennie Elliott, guide, Samuel Malcome, sentinel, Harrison H. Johnson, trustee, | John E. Wurth, president, Joe A. Litsinger, secretary, R. A. Stewart, M. Ex., Arvina Bower, chaplain, Geo. Malcome, observer, John. H. Bower, trustee. C. N. Elliott, trustee. |
Since the organization of Courtland Council, No. 327, it has lost four members by death, Dr. W. W. Stewart, December 6th, 1897; L. McGregor, June 27th, 1898; Chas. Sallmon, 1900; James A. Pilcher, April 1st, 1901. Amount beneficiary certificates: W. W. Stewart, $2,000; L. McGregor, $3,000; Chas. Sallmon, $1,000; J. A. Pilcher, $2,000.
On April 19th, 1894, twenty persons met at Deal's hall and were called to order
by M. E. Ellinwood, deputy of the Knights and Ladies of Security, and proceeded
to make a permanent organization. The officers elected were:
Chauncey Perry, president, George Nelson, 2d V. P., John A. Jacobs, Cor. Sec., Mrs. A. E. McKeen, Fin. Sec., G. B. Freeman, sentinel, R. I. Jellison, treasurer, J. H. Yale, trustee, | Mrs. R. A. Evans, 1st V. P., Mrs. S. E. Robinson, prelate, Mary J. Billingsley, conductor, Jacob Hollenbeck, guard, Dr. J. S. Billingsley, Med. Ex., W. W. Evans, trustee, John L. Daniels, trustee. |
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Of the 25 present at its organization, the following have died: Chauncey Perry, W. T. Humphrey, Wm. Alexander, A. O. Baldwin. The order now has 152 beneficiary and 40 social members.
Munden Council, No. 883, Knights and Ladies of Security, was instituted January
2d, 1901, by Major H. N. Boyd, and the following officers were elected and
Chas. Ramsey, president, Lorna Ramsey, 2d vice pres., Florence Morey, conductor, Mrs. L. M. McCall, Fin. Sec., Joseph Janasek, guard, H. E. Kirk, trustee, Frank Larhman, trustee. | Anton Strnad, vice president, Mrs. M. C. Morey, prelate, H. H. Howes, Cor. Sec., Geo. Saip, treasurer, Frank Hanel, sentinel, Joseph Brokesh, trustee, |
Talmo Council Knights and Ladies of Security, No. 883, was organized July 2d, 1901, with 15 members, by H. N. Boyd, national deputy.
W. H. Bottomley, president, | Mrs. S. Y. Bottomley, Cor. Sec |
Republic Supreme Court of Honor, No. 690, was organized April 22d, 1898.
Officers and charter members:
R. W. Polley, chancellor, A. M. Johnson, past chan., Lydia E. Myers, treasurer, C. A. Remy, conductor, R. E. Myers, sentinel, D. A. Davies, director, W. M. Thomas, medical Ex. | John W. Ambrose, vice chan., Jessie Craft, recorder, O. A. Throop, Chaplain, Mary Myers, guard, H. H. Smith, director, F. M. Baxter, director, |
Members to date 34. Present officers:
F. W. Craft, chancellor, D. A. Davies, past chancellor, Mary Myers, treasurer, Mrs. John Counzelman, con., John Counzelman, sentinel, A. L. Counzelman, director, Dr. D. E. Foristal, Med. Ex., | Lydia B. Myers, vice chancellor, Geo. H. Cundiff, recorder, Maude L. Cundiff, chaplain, H. E. Myers, guard, J. I. Horkman, director, F. M. Baxter, director, Dr. W. M. Thomas, Med. Ex. |
Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month.
A Court of Honor Lodge was instituted at Cuba, on June 27th, 1901, by District
Deputy, W. S. Rowley, with 25 charter members, with the following officers:
Frank Barnett, chancellor, | Edith M. Cashwan, recorder. |
History of Republic County. | 293 |
A Court of Honor lodge was instituted at Belleville on June 1st, 1898, by
District Deputy W. H. Remy, with 27 members, with the following officers:
Ole Sorenson, chancellor, D. Y. Wilson, recorder. |
They now have a membership of 75.
Republic City Lodge, No. 203, Degree of Honor, was organized March 3d, 1898,
with 22 charter members. The first officers were:
Daisie Jones, P. C. of H., Laura Goodrich, L. of H., Mary E. Myers, recorder, Lillie Rockho]d, receiver, Bert Myers, O. W., | Lydia E. Myers, C. of H., Nannie Throop, C. of C., Nellie Elliott, financier, Aggie Shaver, usher, Salina Kelley, I. W. |
The present officers are:
Salina Kelley, P. E. of H., Mary Jones, L. of H., Ethel Beck, recorder, Lydia E. Myers, financier, Wm. Kelley, O. W., | Nellie Beck, C. of H., Anna Hall, C. of C., Winnie Chappell, receiver, Ida Kelly, usher, Delpha Fogelberg, I. W. |
The present membership is 35. Meets every first and third Thursday of each month at the I. O. O. F. hall, Republic City, Kansas.
Ziz Kuv Dub Lodge, No. 109, a Bohemian fraternal and benevolent insurance order was organized June 29th, 1884, in Cuba, Kansas, where it meets every second Sunday in each month, in a fine commodious hall owned by the lodge. This lodge is in a flourishing condition and has a membership of 57. Joseph Barton is president and John M. Marsicek, secretary.
The Bohemian Benevolent Society was instituted April 2d, 1894, by J. J. Houdek, at Narka, Kansas, with 24 members. The first officers were John Marsicek. chairman, and Fred Novak, secretary. Re-organized July 4th, 1897, when ladies were made eligible to membership. The organization is now known as Western Bohemiam Society Z. C. B. J. Meets every second Saturday of each month in Odd Fellows' hall in Narka. Present membership: males, 28: females, 11. The present officers are: C. Jensek, chairman, J. M. Marsicek, secretary.
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Abbey Orrin, of Freedom township, enlisted in the naval service on the seventh day of November, 1864, and served as a seaman on the gunboat, Paw Paw, on the Ohio and Tennessee rivers for one year, when he was discharged by reason of expiration of term of enlistment. Enlisted again as a private on the fifteenth day of February, 1865, in company E, 38th regiment, Wisconsin volunteer infantry, to serve one year or during the war. Was in the battles before Richmond, just prior to Lee's surrender. Was honorably discharged at Washington, D. C., July 26th, 1865, by reason of special orders, headquarters department of Washington.
George D. Bowling was born at Rock Island, Illinois, in 1847, where he lived until eighteen years of age, when, with his parents, he moved to Henry county, remaining there about three years, when he came to Kansas, locating in Atchison county. In 1870 he came to Republic county, and homesteaded the NE 1/4 of section 25, in Scandia township, being one of the earliest settlers in this part of the township, there being only one house in sight when he moved on his place. Was elected State Senator in 1892, on the Populist ticket, over one of the most popular candidates ever nominated in the district by the Republican party, by a plurality of 158.
Ex-State Senator 32 District.
T. C. Bales, enlisted August 7th, 1862, at Michigan City, Indiana, and was enrolled as a private in Co. K, 73d Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Took part in nearly all of the fights in which the regiment was engaged. Was honorably discharged at Indianapolis, Indiana, in July, 1865.
Wm. A. Brown was enrolled as a private August 13th,
History of Republic County. | 295 |
1862, at Indianola, Iowa, in Co. C, 34th Volunteer Infantry. Was in active service with regiment and in thirteen general engagements, besides skirmishes. Was wounded at Atchafalaya Bayou, in October, 1863, but was never in a hospital. Was mustered out at Houston, Texas, August 15th, 1865.
L. W. Bethards enlisted on the third day of July, 1863, for three years or during the war. Was mustered into the service on the tenth day of July, 1863, and assigned to Co. K, 88th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Was promoted to corporal and placed on detached duty, and served in that capacity almost the entire time. Was mustered out on the third day of July, 1865, by reason of the war coming to a close.
Jacob Beck enlisted at Atchison, Kansas, in September, 1862, and was enrolled as a private in Co. D, 13th Kansas Volunteer Infantry. Served under General Blunt in the seventh army corps. Was mustered out and honorably discharged at Leavenworth, Kansas, in July, 1865. Settled in Big Bend township in June, 1872.
I. L. Bullen, known by his comrades as Leo, enlisted October 7th, 1861, at the age of seventeen, at Florida, Ohio, and was enrolled as a private in Co. F, 68th Volunteer Infantry. Served with Grant from Donelson to Vicksburg; was in Gen. Logan's third division, 17th army corps. Re-enlisted at Vicksburg in the summer of 1863. Served under Gen. Sherman the remainder of his term, and was in the grand review at Washington, D. C. Was in all the engagements in which his regiment took part. Was mustered out and honorably discharged at Louisville, Kentucky, July 9th, 1865.
Chester L. Babcock enlisted September 17th, 1861, at Utica, New York, and was enrolled as a private in Co. B, 26th New York Volunteer Infantry, it being a two years regiment. Served in the army of the Potomac and took part in the battles of second Bull Run, Chantilly, South
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Mountain, Anteitam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. Was mustered out and honorably discharged at Utica, New York in May 1863. Settled at Manhattan, Kansas in 1865, moving to White Rock, in this county, in the spring of 1870 and settling on section 7, town 2, range 5.
John R. Bowersox enlisted as a private on the 11th day of September, 1861, and served in Co. E, 5th Ohio Cavalry and was mustered out as a corporal on the 29th day of November, 1864, at Columbus, Ohio. Participated in the battles of Pittsburg Landing, seige of Corinth, Iuka, Chattanooga and the engagements through Georgia to Atlanta.
Horatio N. Boyd was born in Wilmington, Delaware, July 29th, 1845; enlisted in July, 1861, in the 7th regiment Illinois Cavalry, and served until December, 1865; was twice severely wounded and once a prisoner of war. Entire service of four years and four months before he was twenty-one years of age. Moved from Iowa to Kansas in 1877.
Charles A. Campbell enlisted in July, 1862, at Perry, Illinois, and was enrolled as a private in Co. F, 99th regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry; served in the western army under McClernand and Canby, and was on duty with the regiment during the entire period of his enlistment; was in the battles of Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Champion Hill and in the Vicksburg campaign; served in Texas and the Red River campaign, and Spanish Forts and Fort Blakesley; was mustered out and honorably discharged at Baton Rogue, Louisiana, after serving three years.
Adam Dixon was born in Cumberland county, England, July 4th, 1827. He emigrated to America in 1851, arriving at New York, April 20th. He soon after located in Livingston county, New York, where he remained until the war broke out. He enlisted as a private in October, 1861, in the Wadsworth Guards, at Geneseo, New York, and was mustered into the United States service with the
History of Republic County. |
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104th regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, November 2d, 1861, and was in active service with the first corps, army of the Potomac from Cedar Mountain to Gettysburg. He was promoted to first sergeant and commanded Co. G, at the second battle of Bull Run. Was promoted to second lieutenant September 12th, and to first lieutenant October 21st, 1862, and to captain May 23d, 1863, for meritorious conduct while before the enemy; was captured at the battle of Gettysburg and held as a prisoner of war in the prison pens of the south for twenty months; was mustered out and discharged at Elmira, New York, July 28th, 1865. He came to Kansas in 1870, taking a homestead on section 3, in Freedom township, this county, April 12th; was the first trustee of that township, being appointed July 11th, 1871. He held the office of brigadier general in the Kansas National Guards for several years, which position he filled with distinguished ability.
John W. Duskin enlisted August 13th, 1863, at Centerville, Iowa, and was enrolled as a private in Co. H, 8th Iowa Cavalry; served in the department of the Mississippi, under Gen. Wilson. The regiment was captured July 30th, 1864, at Noonan, Georgia, but Duskin being on detached service at the time, was not captured; took part in the battles of Franklin and Nashville and any number of skirmishes; was mustered out at Macon, Georgia, and received final discharge at Clinton, Iowa, after having served two years.
William K. Dixon enlisted at Caroll, Ohio, was mustered in the U. S. service at Camp Dick Robison, Kentucky, on the 30th day of August, 1861, to serve three years or during the war and was enrolled in Co. I, 17th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as a private. Served three years and twenty-six days. Was honorably discharged at Camp Denison, Ohio, on surgeon's certificate of disability, September 26th, 1864. Was badly wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia, on September
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20th, 1863; was paroled on the Chickamauga field, September 29th, 1863, and conveyed by ambulance to the Union line at Chattanooga, Tennessee. Saw two years and twenty days constant service in the ranks and participated in all the battles and skirmishes that the regiment was engaged in to the 20th of September, 1863. Took part in the battles of Wild Cat, Kentucky; Mill Springs, Kentucky; Corinth, Mississippi; Perryville, Kentucky; Stone River, Tennessee; Tullahoma campaign, Tennessee; Hoovers Gap, Tennessee, Chickainauga, Georgia. Served in the 14th army corps.
I. G. Donaldson enlisted July, 1862, at Troy, Kansas, and was enrolled as a private in Co. H, 13th Kansas Volunteer Infantry. Served in this regiment about two months and was discharged for disability. Re-enlisted in August 1863 in Co. H, 14th Kansas Cavalry, as corporal. Served under Generals Steele and Blunt; was in the fight at Jenkins Ferry and a large number of skirmishes. Was on detached duty a part of the time as clerk in the quartermaster department. Served with this regiment until the close of the war. Received final discharge at Lawrence, Kansas.
D. C. Eldridge enlisted November 7th, 1861, at Berlin, Wisconsin, and was enrolled as a private in Co. A, 16th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Served in the department of Tennessee under General Sherman and marched with him to the sea. Was mustered out and honorably discharged at Louisville, Kentucky, in February, 1865.
S. L. Everts enlisted ih Allegan county, Michigan, January 2d, 1863, and was enrolled in Co. F, 8th regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, as a sergeant. Served under Burnside in the 23d army corps, was all through the Morgan raid and in most of the fights in which the regiment was engaged; was captured at Athens in east Tennessee, September 27th, 1863, and was held as a prisoner of war for seventeen months in Andersonville and other prison
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pens of the south. Was mustered out and honorably discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio, June 14th, 1865.
David H. Ferguson enlisted as a private in Co. C, 118th regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, August 2d, 1862, at Hamilton, Illinois. Was mustered in as a corporal in that company which he held for a short time, when he was promoted to sergeant major of the regiment, which office he filled in a most satisfactory manner until the close of the war. Served in the 13th army corps, taking part in Sherman's first attack on Vicksburg; was in active service during the entire period of his enlistment and was in nearly all the fights and skirmishes in which his regiment was engaged. After serving three years and two months was mustered out at Baton Rogue, Louisiana, receiving final discharge at Springfield, Illinois.
George Fritzinger enlisted August 28th, 1862, in Jay county, Indiana, and was enrolled as a private in Co. H, 100th regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Had served seven years in the French army before coming to America. Was in the 15th army corps under General John A. Logan and took part in the battles of Vicksburg, Jackson, Missionary Ridge, Knoxville and marched with Sherman to the sea. Received no wounds during the whole ten years service, the nearest approach of it being bullet holes through clothing and knapsack. Was mustered out at Washington, D. C., June 8th, 1865.
N. E. Gile enlisted February 1st, 1861, at Newport barracks, Kentucky, and was enrolled as a private in Battery G, 4th U. S. Artillery; was in the West Virginia campaign in 1861 under Generals Rosecrans and McClellan; was wounded at Greenbriar, West Virginia, and again at Malvern Hill and again at Ringgold, Georgia, this time severely. Took part in 57 engagements including Gettysburg and Antietam; was employed in the secret service of the government about 18 months; was mustered out and honorably discharged from the battery at Bridgeport, Alabama,
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February 1st, 1864, was discharged from the secret service at Washington, D. C., September 11th, 1865, having served in all, a little over four years and a half.
William Glasgow enlisted in Co. F, 4th Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, in September, 1861, at Oskaloosa, Iowa, and was enrolled as a private, but was mustered in as fifth sargeant in the same company and served in Missouri and Arkansas. His company was on detached service most of the time, being detailed to procure subsistence supplies from the enemy's country. In the first skirmish in which he was engaged, the lieutenant in command of the company was killed and one man wounded. Served later in the western army under Curtis and took part in many of the fights and skirmishes in which his regiment was engaged; was a comrade and messmate of the late George A. Burnham, of John Brown Post; was discharged at Helena, Arkansas, by reason of surgeon's certificate of disability, in September, 1862.
Noah H. Griffis, of Belleville township, enlisted in Co. C, 15th regiment Iowa Volunteers in 1861 and served four years and two months; was in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Vicksburg, Iuka, Atlanta, Ezra Church; Bentonville, North Carolina, and marched with Sherman to the sea; was first sargeant of the company, afterward promoted to lieutenant and was in command of the company for one year.
John C. Griffith enlisted in August, 1861, at Laporte, Indiana, and was enrolled as hospital steward of the 29th Indiana Infantry and served as such for eighteen months, when he was promoted to first assistant surgeon of the regiment, which position he held until discharged by reason of disability at Chattonooga, Penn., August 29th, 1864. Was in eighteen general engagements and several skirmishes. The last eighteen months of his service he had entire charge of the medical department of his regiment. He died at his home in Belleville.