Genealogy Volunteers for Rice County KS

Look up volunteers needed!  If you have any records or books about Rice County and are able to volunteer to do look ups, please contact me so that I may put you on the list.

The following people have volunteered to do limited lookups (a single item for one individual).  Please do not ask them for lookups for all of a surname, more than one thing, (i.e.. marriage, census, obit or 'everything you have on this person or surname').  Remember, these nice people aren't volunteering to do your research, but rather to lend a 'helping hand'.  Therefore, when contacting these folks, please observe the following:

Note:  An underscore has been added after the first character of each e-mail address below.  This is to prevent robots from gathering e-mail addresses for spamming purposes.  If you wish to contact one of the persons below, be sure to remove the underscore after the first character before sending.


Lookup Volunteer
Obituaries and special newspaper articles  
All Rice County Federal Census Records (not special).  One head of household in one census year only please.
Kansas State Census, 1855-1915 (every 10 years)  
Chase, America by Kloxin  
1865 Kansas State Census Index  
1875 Kansas State Census Index (A-D) only