Scott County, Kansas
Letter List
and a few other items of interest:
from Scott County News
August 5, 1886
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                    copyright: Kathy Hoeme 2002
Andres A D Lough Elmer
Anderson L Martin Page  3
Beeman Austin Mitchell James
Bean Harriett Monro Geo
Balk E E Pawl   Scott  2
Coveney W R Pawl J   S  2
Conoway Elmer   2 Parker O F
Catlir Moris Ruiner Jacob
Cheney Wm Roscal Wm W
Dewitt Wm A Roberts James
Davis F R Roberts James B
Davis  Scott Robinson Geo W
Davis John Smith Frank E
Drake John Smithdeal H M
Dunn Geo  2 Smith Edith  1
Essex James  1 Sellars John W
Essex Caroline Sanders Laura
Elnker Miss Lottie Sloan R
France E L Story E S
Fisk Lewis Temple Chas
Foare Alexander Tankeralley W B
Fudley James Updike A D
Fansher Laura B Ullom Thos
Goss w C  4 Varmen will
Garison Mrs Maggie Vanarsdale Artie
Gallagber Daniel Vanarsdale J H
Hearman Earnest  3 watts Libbie
James Geo E wilkinson E E
xuhimire (?) Fred williams S L
Latham Evie williams F A
"In calling for the above letters please pay advertise, w.w. Threlkeid, P.M."

   For a good cigar go to the post-office.

   At the post-office is the best place to buy dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc.

   The little five-year-old daughter of E. M. Bell of Velley Township, was bitten by a centipede last Saturday while playing, and died Sunday morning from teh effects of the bites.  (Another newspaper in Scott County, "The Western Times", reported the death from rattlesnake bites)

   Patrick Riley of Girard kansas, arrived here this week with twelve head of fine livery horse, he will soon commence the erection of a large livery stable on east De Geer Ave.

   DIED. - wednesday morning at 7 o'clock one hour old baby of J.w. and _____Golloday, the funeral took place from their residence wednesday evening.  They have the sympathy of their friend in this their hour of affiction.

   Since our last issue, there has been another loan company located in our midst, it is the Southwestern Farm Loan Co. with Tom xendey as agent.  This is one of the largest loan companies in the state, with an unlimited capital, they are prepared to meet any competition in the loan business, and Mr. xenedy will be found a thorough business man to deal with.

   Infant son of A. S. and Mattie Tyler, Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock, it was sick but a few day of nervous prostration, was buried Thursday at 10 o'clock.  Mr. and Mrs. Tyler have the sympathy of their many friend and neighbor.