Sedgwick County KSGenWeb
Portrait And Biographical Album of Sedgwick County, Kan.
Chapman Brothers 1888
Pages 404 - 405
DR. J. J. STONER, a leading physician and surgeon of the homeopathic school of medicine, resides at Wichita, where he has practiced his profession since 1884, having his office at No. 127 North Main street. He has secured the confidence of the people by his success in dealing with serious and chronic cases, and by his careful and considerate treatment of his patients.
He was born in Quincy, Erie Co., N. Y., Jan. 12, 1847, and is the son of Jacob and Hannah (Webb) Stoner, natives of New York. His father owned a large farm in Erie County, where for many years he was very successfully engaged in various speculations. He was quite prominent in public affairs, and at one time was Postmaster. His wife now makes her home in Grand Haven, Mich., where the father died in the month of February, 1888. They have six children now living, namely: Charles D., Isaac W., Fred, J. J., Frances and Frederic F. Charles is editor of the Bellevue Gazette, and is also engaged in the clothing business in Bellevue, Ohio; Isaac is Marshal of Butte City, Mont., where he owns a large stock ranch; Belle is the wife of Prof. Ewing, now teaching in one of the Eastern colleges, with his residence at Grand Haven, Mich.; Frances is now Mrs. G. D. Sandford, the present Postmaster at Grand Haven; Frederic is engaged in the wholesale candy manufacture at Muskegan, Mich. Mr. Jacob Stoner was the son of Dr. John Stoner, a native of Germany, who came to America and settled in Philadelphia, where he was engaged in the practice of his profession until his removal to New York State, where he spent the remainder of his life. Mrs. Stoner, the mother of our subject, was a daughter of John Webb, a native of New York. To him and his wife were born five children, three of whom are living, as follows: Howard, John and Hannah. Howard and John are capitalists and oil speculators.
Dr. Stoner, of our sketch, as a lad was very fond of his books, and at the age of fifteen he commenced the study of medicine under the skillful guidance of his grandfather, Dr. John Stoner, in his native town. He afterward entered the Medical University, of Philadelphia, Pa., from which he was graduated with an honorable record as a student in the year 1870. He returned to his father's home in Grand Haven, Mich., whence he went shortly after to Mt. Pleasant, Isabella Co., Mich., and there commenced his career as a physician. He did not, however, cease to be a student when he entered upon his professional duties, but made a thorough study of the cases that came under his observation, and his leisure hours were devoted to the perusal of the best medical works of the day. To still further fit himself for his calling he finally took a course of instruction at the Hahnemann College and Hospital at Chicago. After his graduation from that institution in 1880 he returned to Mt. Pleasant and resumed his professional duties, and in succeeding years built up a large and extensive practice. During his residence there he made a trip to Wichita, and being much struck by the beauty of its situation and the salubrity of its climate, he solved to make his permanent home here, and since that time has been in active practice in this city.
The marriage of Dr. Stoner with Miss Hattie A. Barron took place in the year 1870. She is the daughter of L. K. and Hattie M. (Fowler) Barron, of Milwaukee, Wis., where Mr. Barron is engaged in the business of buying and selling grain. Of this union one son has been born, George DeWitt, who is now a student of the Southwestern Commercial College, of Wichita.
Dr. and Mrs. Stoner have a beautiful home on the corner of Tenth street and Emporia avenue, to which many friends are attracted by the genial wit and conversation of the charming hostess and the courteous host. Dr. Stoner is connected with the Wichita City Medical Society, of which he is Vice President, and the Southern Kansas Medical Society. In politics he is a Republican.
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