Sedgwick County KSGenWeb

Portrait And Biographical Album of Sedgwick County, Kan.

Chapman Brothers 1888

Pages 416 - 419

SAMUEL F. KRIEGER, a prominent stockraiser of Sedgwick County, can justly be numbered among the pioneers of Southern Kansas, as his residence here dates from February, 1871, at which time he took up a homestead claim, comprising the northwest quarter of section 11, Union Township.  He was born in Adams County, Ill., Dec. 23, 1849.  His father, John C. Krieger, was born in Germany, and came to the United States with his parents when seventeen years old.  His first wife died leaving him with three children.  His second wife, mother of our subject, was Mary Sink, a native of Indiana.  Her marriage with Mr. Krieger took place in Brown County, Ill. Subsequently they settled in Adams County, where they engaged in agricultural pursuits.  In 1859 they removed to Knox County, Mo., where they were engaged in the same occupation.

      In 1861 Mr. Krieger, the father of our subject, enlisted in the 2d Missouri Infantry, and served throughout the entire war.  After his discharge he returned to his home in Missouri, and resumed farming.  In 1875 his wife died, but he still continued to reside there until 1887, when he came to Kansas to live with his son, of whom we write.  He is now sixty-five years old, and in the sunset of life enjoys the reward to which he is justly entitled as an honest upright and patriotic citizen of this country.  To him and his wife were born eight children, six of whom are now living, our subject being the eldest of that number.

      The early life of Samuel F. Krieger was passed on a farm, the first ten years of it in Illinois, and after that in Missouri, whither he went with his parents.  He was but a boy at the breaking out of the late Civil War, but he responded to the last call for volunteers, although he was not mustered into service.  At the age of eighteen he commenced earning his own bread by following the occupation to which he had been reared.  In 1871 he came to Kansas, and as before mentioned, took up 160 acres of land in this township.  He has devoted the greater part of his time and attention to the lucrative business of buying and selling live stock, and his name is well known throughout the county, where his reputation for fair dealing, sound judgment, and systematic business methods make him a desirable man to deal with.

      Mr. Krieger was married, in 1876, to Miss Mary J. O'Dell, daughter of Thomas and Lydia O'Dell.  To Mr. and Mrs. Krieger have been born five children, namely: Amanda; Mabel, now deceased; Arthur, Addie and Minnie.  Our subject and his wife occupy a strong position among the intelligent and thrifty inhabitants of Union Township, and during their long residence here they have made many warm friends.  In politics, Mr. Krieger is a Republican.

      We present a view of Mr. Krieger's residence in this volume.

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