Sedgwick County KSGenWeb

Portrait And Biographical Album of Sedgwick County, Kan.

Chapman Brothers 1888

Pages 505 - 506 

MRS. MINNIE RITTER, widow of the late John Ritter, of Wichita, is the owner of considerable real estate in the city. She is a lady who has led an active and busy life, spending very few days in useless idleness, and is amply entitled to the comforts by which she is now surrounded and the enjoyment of her pleasant home.

            Mrs. Ritter is of German birth and parentage, her infant years having been spent in Germany, where she was born near the city of Berlin, Feb. 23, 1851. Her parents were William and Dora Welhimer, who were also natives of the fatherland, and emigrated to the United States in 1853. After setting foot upon American soil they proceeded directly southwestward, and crossing the Mississippi, located on a farm near California, Mo. In 1870 Miss Welhimer came with friends to Leavenworth, Kan., and there met her future husband, John Ritter, with whom she was united in marriage in October, 1870.

            To Mr. and Mrs. Ritter there were born four children—Christie F., Gustie, William and Dora. The father was a musician of rare merit, and three years after their marriage they removed to Wichita, where Mr. Ritter purchased property and successfully followed his profession. He departed this life April 23, 1884, at the age of sixty-three years. He had been connected with the Lutheran Church, with whose doctrines he was always in accord, and politically, identified himself with the Democratic party. He was born in Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 7, 1821.

            Mrs. Ritter since the death of her husband has become the owner of considerable real estate, purchasing several lots and putting up five houses. The lots which she purchased in 1883 for the sum of $1,500 have now increased many times in value. She is now practically independent, financially. Her eldest son, Christie F., is a carpenter by trade, an enterprising and industrious young man, respected by all who know him. Her eldest daughter, Miss Gustie, in 1886 became the wife of Napoleon DeMarias, who conducts a meat market in Wichita on East Oak street. The balance of the children are living at home with their mother.

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