Sedgwick County KSGenWeb

Portrait And Biographical Album of Sedgwick County, Kan.

Chapman Brothers 1888

Pages 483 - 484 

MRS. CHARLES E. SULLIVAN, a resident of Wichita, came to Kansas in October, 1880, arriving here on the 18th of the month with her sister, Miss Alice R. Graham, who afterward married Thomas Hunt, of Kechi Township. The latter was a resident there until her death, which occurred three years later, in 1883, when she left one son, Herbert G., who is now living with his aunt, Mrs. Sullivan.

            The subject of this history, formerly Miss Emily Graham, became the wife of Charles E. Sullivan on the 3d of November, 1880. Her husband was the son of Thomas and Adeline (Rude) Sullivan, natives respectively of Ireland and Massachusetts. The wedding took place in the Bay State, and Mr. Sullivan carried on his trade of cabinet-maker there for a time. Subsequently they lived in Maine and Canada, removing from the Dominion in 1870, arriving in Kechi Township on the 1st of May. Here they spent the remainder of their lives, the father dying in December, 1872; the mother is still living.

            Charles E. Sullivan in 1869 located in Kechi Township in company with two brothers, each of them taking up land. Mr. S. became possessor of eighty acres, which he brought to a good state of cultivation, and upon which he effected good improvements. He had previously owned considerable real estate. Here he spent the remainder of his life, and departed from the scenes of his earthly labors on the 25th of November, 1886, in Kechi Township. The parents of Mrs. S. were William and Jane (Kent) Graham; her father was a native of Scotland, and her mother of County Cavan, Ireland. His people subsequently moved to County Cavan, Ireland, where they were reared and married, and crossed the Atlantic in 1852, locating in Canada, where the father engaged in farming. He only lived until the following year, however, and at his death left a family of six children, of whom five survive. Jane, Mrs. Riley, is a resident of New York City; Mrs. C. F. Jarvis, Mrs. Eliza Graham and Mrs. William Murray live in Toronto, Canada; Alice, Mrs. T. Hunt, died in Kechi Township, March 18, 1885; James lives in Toronto.

            Mrs. Sullivan was born June 30, 1851, and spent her early years under the parental roof. After the death of her husband, and as soon as suitable arrangements could be made, she rented her farm and purchased property on North Water street, in Wichita, where she has a pleasant home. She is a lady greatly respected among a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and a member in good standing of the Episcopal Church.

            Mr. Charles E. Sullivan during the late war enlisted in Company L, 2d Colorado Infantry, and was wounded in battle in the right ankle, which confined him in the hospital a year. He was not entirely disabled, however, but served in the position of steward. This wound subsequently healed, but he was always partially lame until his death. Mr. S. was a very intelligent man and remarkably kind-hearted, an excellent letter writer, and served in this capacity for his comrades while in the service. As one of the pioneers of Kechi Township, he assisted in the organization of the Old Settlers' Association in 1869, and was a member of the G. A. R., belonging to Garfield Post No. 25, of Wichita. In politics he was a stanch Republican.

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