Sedgwick County KSGenWeb

Index to 1910 Federal Census, Sedgwick County, Kansas

Note: Ages under 01 were all simply entered as 00 in this index.  Every attempt was made to preserve spellings of names exactly the way the census-taker entered them.  If you find any corrections that need to be made, please contact Bill Pennington (Rebecca Maloney ), Sedgwick County KSGenWeb Coordinator.

If you find a name/age of interest, click on the link (Enumeration District and page number) to view the census page image in the USGenWeb Archives for the complete information on the household.  Then click the Back button to return to this index.

Last Name                  First Name                  Other names      Age  Enumeration District-Page Number

Qimlisk          Carrie                       41  091-03a
Qimlisk          Clifford         R           07  091-03a
Qimlisk          Floyd            D           19  091-03a
Qimlisk          Leslie           A           14  091-03a
Qimlisk          Virgil           D           05  091-03a
Qimlisk          William                      47  091-03a
Quackenbush      Ralph                        19  116-09b
Quarrier         Jack                         01  118-01a
Quarrier         John                         24  118-01a
Quarrier         Maxine                       02  118-01a
Quarrier         Olive            W           21  118-01a
Quegada          Tomas                        22  125-02b
Quick            Frances                      27  121-07b
Quick            Gordon                       02  106-04a
Quick            J                F           31  106-04a
Quick            John                         59  129-07b
Quick            Josephine                    27  106-04a
Quick            Louis                        16  129-07b
Quick            Robt                         32  121-07b
Quigley          George           C           35  138-07a
Quigley          Jefferson        p           01  138-07b
Quigley          Marjorie         M           12  138-07b
Quigley          Mary             D           10  138-07b
Quigley          Mary             R           35  138-07b
Quigley          Minnie                       22  100-02b
Quigley          Minnie                       22  100-08a
Quigley          Ruth             M           04  138-07b
Quigly           Charles                      41  098-05a
Quigly           Guy              S           14  098-09a
Quigly           Howard           T           59  098-09a
Quigly           Mary             A           40  098-09a
Quigly           R                Catherine   05  098-09a
Quillen          Anna             M           16  089-03a
Quillen          Blanch           C           12  089-03a
Quillen          Carl             R           18  089-03a
Quillen          Forest           F           10  089-03a
Quillen          Frank                        47  089-03a
Quillen          Leslis           H           18  118-03a
Quillen          Murrel                       05  089-03a
Quillen          Sarah            C           52  089-03a
Quilliam         Basel                        37  115-11a
Quilliam         Edwin            S           03  115-11a
Quilliam         Lucille          H           35  115-11a
Quillin          Carl                         18  086-04b
Quin             Cozetta                      01  129-05b
Quincy           Ethel                        20  124-08b
Quincy           Lillie                       44  124-08b
Quinlick         Floyd                        19  102-12a
Quinlin          Hazel                        21  101-13a
Quinn            Bernard          R           20  119-02a
Quiring          Boyd                         05  110-07b
Quiring          Erma                         16  110-07b
Quiring          Herman                       12  110-07b
Quiring          John                         13  110-07b
Quiring          Katherine                    37  110-07b
Quiring          Leah                         18  110-07b
Quiring          Lena                         18  110-07b
Quiring          Mildred                      03  110-07b
Quiring          Walter                       09  110-07b
Quiring          William          J           20  110-07b
Quiring          William                      61  110-07b
Quiroz           Juan                         28  094-04a
This page created for Sedgwick County KSGenWeb by John Schunk.
Not to be reproduced or redistributed without permission.

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