Sedgwick County KSGenWeb

Index to 1910 Federal Census, Sedgwick County, Kansas

Note: Ages under 01 were all simply entered as 00 in this index.  Every attempt was made to preserve spellings of names exactly the way the census-taker entered them.  If you find any corrections that need to be made, please contact Bill Pennington (Rebecca Maloney ), Sedgwick County KSGenWeb Coordinator.

If you find a name/age of interest, click on the link (Enumeration District and page number) to view the census page image in the USGenWeb Archives for the complete information on the household.  Then click the Back button to return to this index.

Last Name                  First Name                  Other names      Age  Enumeration District-Page Number

Rabenstein       Clara            O           29  109-06b
Rabenstein       Lucy                         34  109-06b
Race             Andrew           L           70  085-02b
Race             Clara            J           51  115-01a
Race             Columbus                     42  085-02a
Race             James                        23  142-07a
Race             Ruth             A           57  085-02b
Race             Sally            M           38  085-02a
Race             Walter           A           17  115-01a
Racer            Clarence                     22  102-12b
Racer            Edwin            J           30  102-12b
Racer            R                C           24  124-01a
Racha            Mauro                        23  094-04b
Radabaugh        William                      49  087-04a
Radenbach        Clara            M           38  117-08b
Rader            Bessie           J           09  102-06a
Rader            Carrie           K           22  144-02a
Rader            Charles          W           20  144-02a
Rader            Clavin           W           17  115-03a
Rader            Earll            H           14  115-03a
Rader            Eugene           V           12  115-03a
Rader            Iva                          19  103-04b
Rader            Ivy              A           19  102-06a
Rader            John                         25  116-09a
Rader            Joseph           G           07  115-03a
Rader            Laura            E           36  102-06a
Rader            Margurite                    50  115-03a
Rader            Sarah            M           51  125-02a
Rader            Vinnie           F           15  102-06a
Rader            William                      55  115-03a
Raderers         Frank                        32  140-09a
Radford          Ada                          28  142-06a
Radford          Agnes                        31  129-04a
Radford          Cassie           U           05  142-06a
Radford          Charles          A           61  128-13a
Radford          Charles          W           15  128-13a
Radford          Gertie           W           03  142-06a
Radford          Guy              W           32  123-04a
Radford          Hazel            I           07  142-06a
Radford          James            William     07  123-04a
Radford          Lawson           W           38  142-06a
Radford          Lettie           B           25  128-03a
Radford          Nora                         32  123-04a
Radford          Sophiie          A           48  128-13a
Radtke           Frank                        32  100-08b
Rafael           M                (Sister)    35  117-02a
Raffety          Mary             A           57  109-04a
Raffety          William          O           58  109-04a
Raffner          Charles          P           39  084-06a
Raffner          Eunice           L           04  084-06a
Raffner          Gladys           E           08  084-06a
Raffner          Magdalena                    33  084-06a
Raffner          Mildred          L           07  084-06a
Raffner          Ruth             A           01  084-06a
Raffner          Vernon           M           03  084-06a
Ragan            Chester          R           23  081-06b
Ragan            Flossie          B           10  081-06b
Ragan            Grace            A           08  081-06b
Ragan            John                         31  102-03a
Ragan            Maggie           B           47  081-06b
Ragan            Thomas           M           52  081-06b
Ragens           Frank            M           54  101-03a
Ragland          Jessie                       12  122-13a
Rago             Walter                       52  086-01b
Ragsdale         Jennie           M           58  094-03a
Ragsdale         William          T           52  094-03a
Raguez           Trauqulino                   24  094-04b
Rahn             Fred                         37  102-09a
Raifeh           Charles                      18  134-03b
Rainer           James                        68  136-09a
Rains            Al                           30  086-03b
Raiser           James            W           46  134-12a
Raiser           Jesse                        15  134-12a
Raiser           Lola             May         12  134-12a
Raiser           Lousi                        37  134-12a
Ralf             Marquis                      78  078-06a
Ralf             Wallace          A           75  078-06a
Ralls            Bessie           M           07  123-06b
Ralls            Emmet            F           14  123-06a
Ralls            Everett          B           05  123-06b
Ralls            George           W           35  123-06a
Ralls            Ida                          37  123-06a
Ralls            Lydia                        62  123-06b
Ralls            Richard          F           70  114-03a
Ralls            Royal            G           13  123-06a
Ralls            Waddie           L           10  123-06a
Ralph            George           W           67  079-03a
Ralstin          Flora            C           44  134-01b
Ralstin          Forhanie                     07  134-02a
Ralstin          Harry            Jr          21  134-13a
Ralstin          Henry                        63  134-01b
Ralstin          Myrtle                       14  134-02a
Ralstin          Winnie                       18  134-02a
Ralston          Alicia                       60  143-07b
Ralston          Clayborn                     38  109-05b
Ralston          Clifford                     03  083-14a
Ralston          George                       38  118-03b
Ralston          Lena                         41  109-05b
Ralston          Mattie                       29  083-14a
Ralston          Max                          01  083-14a
Ralston          Myrtle                       34  118-03b
Ralston          Rolland          W           30  083-14a
Ramaito          Lorenzo                      24  110-03b
Rambo            Ada              E           35  131-10a
Rambo            Alvin            J           14  131-02b
Rambo            Beull            H           24  113-06b
Rambo            Christia         E           07  128-16b
Rambo            Dora                         30  127-01b
Rambo            Edith            M           16  131-02b
Rambo            Ellinore                     08  127-01b
Rambo            Geneva                       12  128-16b
Rambo            Geneva                       13  127-01b
Rambo            Helen            G           09  142-10b
Rambo            Ida                          23  124-11a
Rambo            Ira              O           35  124-11a
Rambo            Jackson                      40  131-10a
Rambo            James            M           39  131-02b
Rambo            James            M           39  142-10b
Rambo            Jessie           O           02  142-10b
Rambo            John             H           64  113-06a
Rambo            Lafayette        L           13  131-10a
Rambo            Lucile           M           07  142-10b
Rambo            Marion           E           01  131-02b
Rambo            Mary             E           50  113-06b
Rambo            Mary             H           36  131-02b
Rambo            Minnie           E           30  142-10b
Rambo            Onie             L           32  128-16b
Rambo            Piccola          L           11  131-10a
Rambo            Rosco            L           06  131-02b
Rambo            Thurman          M           22  113-06b
Rambo            Viola            B           09  131-02b
Rambo            Warren           L           12  131-02b
Ramero           Firmin                       35  140-10a
Ramey            Mary                         24  143-08a
Ramey            O                A           20  143-08a
Ramey            Opal                         02  143-08a
Ramey            Talmage                      18  143-08a
Ramey            Virgil                       27  108-03a
Ramiez           Pedro                        25  146-04a
Raminz           Bouno                        25  140-10b
Ramires          Asencion                     30  140-11a
Ramires          Jose                         19  131-14a
Ramires          Juan                         29  140-11a
Ramirez          Gesus                        28  091-13b
Ramirez          Gesus                        28  091-14a
Ramirez          Mociva                       29  094-04b
Ramirez          Refujio                      34  091-13b
Ramirez          Refujio                      34  091-14a
Ramirses         Bonijaies                    19  140-10a
Ramoiz           Juan                         22  112-10b
Ramp             Addie                        35  103-04a
Ramp             F                E           42  103-04a
Ramp             Wilber                       11  103-04a
Rample           Daniel           W           36  142-13a
Ramsay           Stella                       33  116-09a
Ramsburg         Charles                      19  116-12b
Ramsdale         Agnes            E           14  111-01a
Ramsdale         Agnes            M           12  082-09a
Ramsdale         Eunice                       45  082-09a
Ramsdale         Joseph           A           23  082-09a
Ramsdale         Joseph           A           22  111-01a
Ramsdale         Mable            L           13  082-09a
Ramsdale         Mary             A           17  111-01a
Ramsdale         Russell          J           20  082-09a
Ramsdale         Samuel           A           16  082-09a
Ramsdale         Samuel           J           49  082-09a
Ramsdale         Walker           B           12  111-01a
Ramsdale         William          F           21  111-01a
Ramsdale         William          M           47  111-01a
Ramsey           Anie                         16  121-04a
Ramsey           Bertha                       22  118-05a
Ramsey           Bertha                       22  118-08b
Ramsey           Carl                         17  121-04a
Ramsey           Denzal                       06  121-04a
Ramsey           Dollie                       29  101-10a
Ramsey           Ella                         36  121-04a
Ramsey           Emma             A           43  113-01b
Ramsey           Fatima                       30  102-04a
Ramsey           Francis          M           42  082-06a
Ramsey           Francis          M           02  082-06a
Ramsey           George           T           60  084-01a
Ramsey           George                       32  124-11a
Ramsey           Gladys                       08  121-04a
Ramsey           Gladys                       09  101-10a
Ramsey           Harry                        42  118-05a
Ramsey           Harry                        42  118-08b
Ramsey           Hazel            M           13  082-06a
Ramsey           John             B           72  145-04b
Ramsey           John             G           32  102-04a
Ramsey           Langdon          P           44  113-01b
Ramsey           Lawrence         R           11  082-06a
Ramsey           Leroy            H           19  145-04b
Ramsey           Leslie                       30  101-10a
Ramsey           Lucy             E           54  084-01a
Ramsey           Ludlow                       30  101-13b
Ramsey           Mammie           E           47  102-09b
Ramsey           Mildred                      03  121-04a
Ramsey           Mildred                      02  101-10a
Ramsey           Milton                       27  110-02a
Ramsey           Nancy            H           62  145-04b
Ramsey           Nellie           J           13  084-01a
Ramsey           Nora             M           31  082-06a
Ramsey           Pearl                        06  101-10a
Ramsey           Richard                      35  091-11a
Ramsey           Rosalied                     28  126-14a
Ramsey           Russell          L           18  113-01b
Ramsey           Stella           S           31  091-11a
Ramsey           Thos                         46  121-04a
Ramsey           Walter           C           33  145-04b
Ramsy            Ben              E           02  098-07a
Ramsy            Clera            E           32  098-07a
Ramsy            Georgie          A           04  098-07a
Ramsy            Jed              R           51  098-07a
Ramsy            Orvil            S           06  098-07a
Ramsy            Otho             L           33  098-07a
Ramsy            Paul             A           00  098-07a
Ranch            Helen            S           49  128-04b
Ranch            William          H           55  128-04b
Rand             Gladys                       20  120-02b
Rand             Roy                          28  120-02b
Randall          Alonzo           E           47  124-03b
Randall          Alonzo           E           48  095-06a
Randall          Alta             M           29  143-01a
Randall          Amanda                       62  136-06b
Randall          Arthur                       25  141-03a
Randall          Charles                      25  104-01b
Randall          Chas             F P         26  085-06a
Randall          Clyde            L           05  133-04b
Randall          D                            30  104-01b
Randall          David            H           69  136-06b
Randall          Edmond           A           56  132-06b
Randall          Edna             M           22  095-06a
Randall          Elen                         03  104-01b
Randall          Ella                         21  141-03a
Randall          Estella          E           20  132-06b
Randall          Florence         V           53  144-06b
Randall          Franklin         L           11  132-07a
Randall          Geneva                       01  133-04b
Randall          Harry            D           23  095-06a
Randall          Harry            G           28  133-04b
Randall          Ida                          26  104-01b
Randall          Jennie           M           47  124-03b
Randall          Jennie           M           48  095-06a
Randall          John             P           06  143-01a
Randall          John                         05  104-01b
Randall          Lorin                        35  143-01a
Randall          Martha           J           65  085-06a
Randall          Mary             H           06  107-07b
Randall          Nellie                       13  137-13a
Randall          Ralph            A           15  132-06b
Randall          Ray              A           20  095-06a
Randall          Ruth             L           28  133-04b
Randall          Thelma           W           01  095-06a
Randel           William                      33  087-09b
Randle           Carl                         44  092-05a
Randle           Fannie           G           40  123-05a
Randle           George           S           42  123-05a
Randle           Grace                        31  092-05a
Randle           Harry            F           39  110-03b
Randle           Harry            K           16  123-05a
Randle           Klon                         12  123-05a
Randle           Minnie           A           25  110-03b
Randle           Thearle          K           04  123-05a
Randolph         George                       21  131-10a
Randolph         Joseph                       62  144-04a
Ranez            Vassiallas                   21  098-05a
Rangamorst       Albert           W           35  109-12a
Rangel           Jose                         30  091-06a
Rankin           Bessie           H           21  090-02b
Rankin           Charles          E           55  090-02a
Rankin           Clyde                        06  133-03a
Rankin           Elizabeth                    93  090-05b
Rankin           Ernest                       35  133-03a
Rankin           Hull             G           63  090-02b
Rankin           J                R           51  100-09a
Rankin           Kate                         45  119-07b
Rankin           Lucille                      10  133-03a
Rankin           Malinda          F           54  142-17a
Rankin           Mildred                      29  133-03a
Rankin           Millie           A           56  090-02b
Rankin           Miriam                       03  083-13b
Rankin           Nellie                       25  083-13b
Rankin           Sarah            W           53  090-02a
Rankin           William          H           29  083-13b
Rankin           William          P           09  133-03a
Rankin           William                      48  116-11a
Rankins          Dora                         19  120-07b
Ranse            Mary             S           50  144-02b
Ranse            Ruth             M           13  144-02b
Ranse            Saunders         H           20  144-02b
Ranse            Thurman          W           15  144-02b
Ranse            Wallace          T           50  144-02b
Ransey           Clinton                      06  081-03a
Ransey           Edna                         04  081-03a
Ransey           James            C           27  081-03a
Ransey           Lucinda                      03  081-03a
Ransey           Nellie           M           23  081-03a
Ransom           Edward           L           40  101-11a
Ransom           Effie                        28  104-07a
Ransom           Ethyl                        23  104-10a
Ransom           Everett          I           05  104-07a
Ransom           Frank                        35  102-09b
Ransom           Izma             R           11  094-08b
Ransom           J                C           29  104-07a
Ransom           Leroy                        25  101-01a
Ransom           Mary                         72  101-11a
Ransom           Marymargaret                 03  102-09b
Ransom           Melvin                       15  101-11a
Ransom           Myra                         28  101-11a
Ransom           Naomi                        10  101-11a
Ransom           Rose             S           34  102-09b
Ransom           Thomson          M           21  101-01a
Ransom           William          A           19  094-08b
Ransome          Clara                        54  088-07b
Ransome          Emma                         16  088-07b
Ransome          George                       26  088-07b
Ransome          Mildred                      17  088-07b
Ransome          Minnie                       24  088-07b
Ransome          Russell                      19  088-07b
Ransome          William                      52  088-07b
Ranson           Charles          Emmet       15  127-08b
Ranson           Lena                         36  141-12b
Ranson           Lucy             E           39  131-06a
Ranson           Mary             E           66  141-12b
Ranson           Mary             J           57  131-06a
Ranson           Robert           B           63  131-06a
Ranson           Sarah                        39  127-08b
Ranson           William          H           70  141-12b
Rapl             Geo                          21  103-07b
Rapl             Margaret                     20  103-07b
Rapper           Charles                      40  101-09b
Rapple           Anna                         27  085-09b
Rapple           Francis                      59  085-09b
Rapple           George                       23  085-09b
Rapple           Maggie                       21  085-09b
Rapple           Martin                       24  085-09b
Rasen            Baumonet         D           10  121-01b
Rasen            Jerry                        43  121-01b
Rasen            Russella                     33  121-01b
Raskan           Albert           S           32  138-01b
Raskan           Arthur           J           04  138-02a
Raskan           Bertha           G           33  138-01b
Raskan           Chester          R           06  138-02a
Raskell          Larry                        34  103-12a
Rasmussen        Ora              L           34  132-05b
Rassom           Frank                        19  140-08a
Ratcliff         Louisa           A           64  103-11a
Ratcliff         Rufus            H           59  103-11a
Rathbone         Ardeline                     11  110-18a
Rathbone         Carrie           E           16  110-18a
Rathbone         Clarence                     21  110-18a
Rathbone         Flora            D           24  110-18a
Rathbone         Howard                       61  110-18a
Rathbone         Nellie           A           50  110-18a
Rathbun          Ed               B           46  128-02b
Rathbun          Ed               H           29  123-10a
Rathbun          Ernest           E           04  123-10a
Rathbun          John             S           42  128-02b
Rathbun          Laura            S           66  128-02b
Rathbun          Lola             M           30  123-10a
Rather           Adelle                       26  140-06b
Rather           Buford                       07  140-06b
Rather           Clara                        08  140-06b
Rather           Eugene                       30  140-06b
Rather           Lucille                      04  140-06b
Rather           Maggie           B           19  102-03b
Rather           Sebina           E           02  102-03b
Rather           Wm               S           32  102-03b
Rathman          Augusta                      49  130-01b
Rathman          Clandina                     16  130-01b
Rathman          Fred                         23  130-01b
Rathman          Fred                         26  130-15a
Rathman          George                       22  130-01b
Rathman          John                         55  130-01b
Rathman          John                         14  130-01b
Rathman          Louise                       10  130-01b
Rathman          Memorie                      25  130-01b
Rathrock         Andrew                       11  121-02a
Rathrock         C                            54  121-02a
Rathrock         Ellen                        16  121-02a
Rathrock         Jarlia                       19  121-02a
Rathrock         John                         13  121-02a
Rathrock         Louisa                       37  121-02a
Rathrock         Robert                       17  121-02a
Rathwell         Helen            E           04  101-04b
Rathwell         Nillie           A           08  101-04b
Ratley           Cora                         35  110-10b
Ratley           Fred                         18  110-10b
Ratley           Zella                        20  110-10b
Ratliff          Amanda           D           44  105-08b
Ratliff          Burton                       09  141-05b
Ratliff          Carter                       08  105-08b
Ratliff          Grant                        41  141-05b
Ratliff          James                        14  105-08b
Ratliff          John             A           58  104-10b
Ratliff          John             E           49  105-08b
Ratliff          Junsan                       17  105-08b
Ratliff          Lizzie                       12  105-08b
Ratliff          Lyle             W           03  105-08b
Ratliff          Martha           R           59  104-10b
Ratliff          Mary                         28  141-05b
Ratliff          Mary                         07  141-05b
Ratliffe         Charles          R           18  144-03a
Ratliffe         Charles          T           57  144-02b
Ratliffe         Chester          A           16  144-03a
Ratliffe         George           T           23  144-02b
Ratliffe         Hazel            H           13  144-03a
Ratliffe         Mary             E           48  144-02b
Ratliffe         Mildred          M           06  144-03a
Ratzell          Charlie                      15  107-02b
Ratzell          Frank                        55  107-02b
Ratzell          Lewis                        11  107-02b
Rau              Agnes                        01  083-08a
Rau              Albert                       04  083-07a
Rau              Alex                         03  083-08a
Rau              Annie                        27  083-07a
Rau              Elenora                      02  083-07a
Rau              Eva                          67  083-08a
Rau              Lizzie                       22  083-08a
Rau              Mary                         05  083-07a
Rau              Paul                         26  083-08a
Rau              Rosa                         01  083-07a
Rau              William          J           30  083-07a
Rauch            Amos             L           53  117-01a
Rauch            Charlotte        A           50  115-07a
Rauch            Clara            L           49  117-01a
Rauch            Elizabeth        H           16  115-07a
Rauch            Harry            J           24  115-07a
Rauch            Virgil           M           22  115-07a
Rauch            William          E           47  115-07a
Rauch            William          E           15  115-07a
Rauk             Alton                        05  114-10a
Rauk             Bessie                       07  114-10a
Rauk             Della                        37  114-10a
Rauk             Fern                         12  114-10a
Rauk             LeRoy                        02  114-10a
Rauk             Pearl                        09  114-10a
Rauk             Samuel                       42  114-10a
Rausch           Agnes                        14  083-07a
Rausch           Anna                         46  083-07a
Rausch           Anna                         20  119-04b
Rausch           Anton                        10  096-06b
Rausch           Arthur                       06  083-10b
Rausch           Barbara                      42  096-06b
Rausch           Barbare                      21  083-07a
Rausch           Bernard                      11  083-07a
Rausch           Bernard                      37  083-10b
Rausch           Bertha                       02  083-07a
Rausch           Edward                       12  083-07a
Rausch           Eleanora                     04  096-06b
Rausch           Elizabeth                    54  083-06b
Rausch           Henry            E           55  083-06b
Rausch           Henry                        18  083-07a
Rausch           Hilda                        03  083-10b
Rausch           Johnie                       16  083-07a
Rausch           Josef                        14  096-06b
Rausch           Lizie                        22  096-06b
Rausch           Lizzie                       31  083-10b
Rausch           Margret                      10  083-10b
Rausch           Mathilda                     00  083-10b
Rausch           Micholas                     49  083-07a
Rausch           Nichlos                      20  083-07a
Rausch           Oscar                        01  083-10b
Rausch           Peter                        09  083-10b
Rausch           Peter                        47  096-06b
Rausch           Sebastian                    17  096-06b
Rausch           Walter                       06  096-06b
Rausch           WIlliam                      26  083-07a
Ravenstein       Belle                        23  142-11b
Ravenstein       William          A           20  142-11b
Rawlee           Byron            E           57  126-13a
Rawlee           Ella             D           54  126-13a
Rawlee           Floyd            B           20  126-13a
Rawlee           Imogene                      12  126-08b
Rawlee           Marian                       39  126-08b
Rawlee           Maud             A           25  126-13a
Rawlee           Nelson           H           40  126-08b
Rawles           Francis          S           17  109-07a
Rawles           Laura            H           19  109-07a
Rawles           Sallie                       52  109-07a
Rawlings         Joe                          26  116-10a
Rawlinson        Dora             B           26  121-08a
Rawlinson        Margaret                     01  121-08a
Rawlinson        W                W           34  121-08a
Rawson           Allen            H           07  095-05b
Rawson           Lawrence         E           02  095-05b
Rawson           Mabel            A           05  095-05b
Rawson           Olive            J           28  095-05b
Rawson           Pern             N           28  095-05b
Ray              Albert           H           63  080-13a
Ray              Alton            C           11  090-06a
Ray              Amelia                       59  145-09b
Ray              Bertha                       53  080-13a
Ray              Carrie                       31  137-01a
Ray              Clarence                     03  137-08a
Ray              Claude           K           12  080-13a
Ray              Clementine                   57  091-01b
Ray              Cletha                       04  137-01a
Ray              Clyde            B           27  115-11b
Ray              Daniel           H           61  091-01b
Ray              Della            F           35  090-06a
Ray              Eddie                        50  115-04a
Ray              Edith                        08  137-01a
Ray              Edith                        11  137-08a
Ray              Elsie                        07  137-08a
Ray              Emma                         31  137-08a
Ray              Ferdinand                    18  131-16a
Ray              Flory                        26  115-11b
Ray              Floyd            J           13  090-06a
Ray              Gilbert                      07  137-01a
Ray              Henry            C           28  131-04b
Ray              Ida                          45  115-04a
Ray              Jacob                        63  100-07a
Ray              John                         22  126-04b
Ray              Josephine                    32  122-13a
Ray              Lindley          E           06  120-10a
Ray              Loyd             W           26  105-02a
Ray              Mildred                      20  131-04b
Ray              Minnie           M           37  120-10a
Ray              Nancy            L           70  101-13b
Ray              P                M           35  120-10a
Ray              Philip           C           10  120-10a
Ray              Russell          L           13  145-09b
Ray              Sherman          G           35  137-08a
Ray              Sophia           M           14  098-03a
Ray              Thelma           S           07  090-06a
Ray              Wade                         38  137-01a
Ray              Wade                         10  137-01a
Ray              Warren           W           44  090-06a
Ray              Warreta                      01  137-01a
Ray              Winifred                     25  112-06b
Ray              Zella                        23  105-02a
Raybourne        Vinis            E           24  122-05b
Rayburn          Ann              M           83  106-01b
Rayburn          Bessie                       36  090-11a
Rayburn          Justin                       35  090-11a
Rayburn          Lillian                      10  090-11a
Rayes            Juan                         30  131-16b
Raymond          Ada              M           32  084-06b
Raymond          Charles          A           07  144-05b
Raymond          Charles          R           22  084-02b
Raymond          Charles          R           33  119-05a
Raymond          Daisy            M           18  084-02b
Raymond          Dorothy                      06  119-05a
Raymond          Edna                         35  119-05a
Raymond          Emma                         07  100-03b
Raymond          Essie                        27  113-11b
Raymond          Florence         G           12  144-05b
Raymond          Frank            R           43  145-02a
Raymond          Hattie           B           20  084-02b
Raymond          Henry            H           62  084-02b
Raymond          James            B           32  084-06b
Raymond          Mary             A           42  144-05b
Raymond          Millard          F           10  144-05b
Raymond          Ole              J           42  144-05b
Raymond          Ole              J           17  144-05b
Raymond          Sarah            R           64  084-02b
Raymond          Sarah                        39  145-02a
Raymond          Torrance         E           03  119-05a
Raymond          Virginia                     23  101-11b
Raynen           William                      38  116-11a
Raynolt          Charles          T           40  142-04a
Raynolt          Louis            E           12  142-04a
Raynolt          Margurite        L           14  142-04a
Raynolt          Viola            B           36  142-04a
Raynolt          Willis           G           09  142-04a
Razook           Adena                        24  134-08b
Razook           Farres                       04  134-08b
Razook           Josephine                    01  134-08b
Razook           N                R           32  134-08b
Rea              Donald           A           09  128-06b
Rea              Francis          M           60  136-02a
Rea              Francis          M           02  136-02b
Rea              George           E           28  118-09a
Rea              Lelia                        24  136-02b
Rea              Lora                         12  136-02b
Rea              Mary             E           45  136-02a
Rea              Mary             H           34  128-06b
Rea              William          A           34  128-06b
Reace            William                      40  089-05a
Read             Arta                         31  103-06b
Read             Myrtle                       11  103-06b
Read             Olive                        58  102-07a
Read             Wm               R           41  103-06b
Readfish         Chas             F           70  134-08b
Reagan           Louisa                       20  127-03a
Realms                            Sister M    41  137-14a
Ream             Ethel            B           22  109-02a
Ream             Hannah           M           53  109-01b
Ream             Mary             M           21  109-02a
Ream             Mattie           L           17  109-02a
Ream             Norman           A           18  109-02a
Reamsy           Floyd            E           17  123-12b
Reamsy           Ina              M           10  123-12b
Reamsy           Jasper                       35  123-12b
Reamsy           Maud             I           15  123-12b
Reamsy           Roy              Ray         05  123-12b
Reamsy           Sybil                        34  123-12b
Reardon          Mike                         40  116-11a
Rears            Anna                         17  146-12a
Rears            Henry                        51  146-12a
Rears            Henry                        10  146-12a
Rears            Joseph                       14  146-12a
Rears            Lottie                       50  146-12a
Rears            Mary                         07  146-12a
Rears            William                      20  146-12a
Reary            Robert                       36  110-08a
Rease            A                L           29  103-05a
Rease            Laura                        23  103-05a
Rease            Loma                         06  103-05a
Rease            Myrtle                       04  103-05a
Reathaford       Kate                         42  116-05a
Reaves           Annie            I           32  115-04b
Reaves           Eddie            L           31  145-01a
Reaves           Elmer                        35  108-04a
Reaves           Estell           F           25  145-01a
Reaves           Robert           W           27  115-04b
Reber            Birtha                       35  106-02a
Reber            Chas                         35  106-02a
Reberger         Elizabeth                    42  100-05b
Rebhan           Blendeania                   26  114-03b
Rebhan           Edward           A           32  114-03b
Rebstein         Nancy            H           65  109-06a
Recklebe         Carl                         38  146-12b
Recklebe         Charlotte                    66  146-12b
Recklebe         Fred                         20  146-12b
Recklebe         Henry                        27  146-12b
Recklebe         Herman                       34  099-10b
Recklebe         Louise                       26  146-12b
Recklebe         Mary                         19  146-12b
Recob            Alice                        21  133-04b
Recob            Paul                         04  133-04b
Recob            Victor                       25  133-04a
Recob            Victor                       00  133-04b
Rector           Alford                       78  142-14a
Rector           Jessie           E           18  113-09b
Rector           T                Arthur      28  113-09b
Redarte          Rassha                       20  102-11a
Reder            Mark                         21  107-04a
Redfearn         John             D           20  115-01a
Redfield         Benjamin         B           15  111-02a
Redfield         Frank                        43  111-02a
Redfield         Gertrude         C           13  111-02a
Redfield         J                Agnes       25  117-09a
Redfield         Jessie           M           37  111-02a
Redfield         Wm               Ray         25  117-09a
Rediguez         Carmen                       28  091-06a
Rediguez         Pauline                      27  091-06a
Redleaf          W                M           40  136-13b
Redman           Fardice          J           30  109-03a
Redman           Percilla                     25  109-06b
Redman           Will                         25  109-06b
Redmond          Andrew                           142-01b
Redmond          Bertha                       14  080-09a
Redmond          Margaret                     19  080-09a
Redmond          Mary             E           43  080-09a
Redmond          Mary                         12  080-09a
Redmond          Owen                         21  080-09a
Redmond          Rose                         17  080-09a
Redo             Eda              Louise      25  116-01a
Reds             Eda              L           26  125-03b
Reece            Alice            L           49  079-05a
Reece            Arlie            W           14  079-05a
Reece            Earl             S           18  079-05a
Reece            Joyce            A           09  079-05a
Reece            Lila             P           19  079-02a
Reece            Mevel            W           23  079-04b
Reece            Mossie           S           20  079-04b
Reece            Sylvester        C           64  079-05a
Reece            Virgil           A           25  079-02a
Reed              Roy                         27  120-13a
Reed             Aaron                        02  135-01b
Reed             Alberta                      06  110-06a
Reed             Alice            H           40  123-06b
Reed             Amos                         11  105-08a
Reed             Anna             B           38  130-06a
Reed             Anna             L           36  084-04b
Reed             Arthur           B           26  144-06a
Reed             Arthur           E           16  122-01a
Reed             Arthur           J           33  116-09b
Reed             Arthur                       07  135-01b
Reed             Belle            C           35  102-08b
Reed             Bernice          P           15  102-08b
Reed             Bert             M           38  104-08b
Reed             Bessie           B           30  135-04a
Reed             Beulah                       18  132-03a
Reed             Bitha            E           49  104-08b
Reed             Buelah                       18  103-12a
Reed             C                I           34  117-03a
Reed             Carl             R           16  128-02b
Reed             Carl             W           40  087-02b
Reed             Carrie           L           30  136-08a
Reed             Charles          A           62  091-17b
Reed             Charles          A           08  104-08b
Reed             Charles          S           39  104-08b
Reed             Clara            V           02  105-02a
Reed             Clarra           P           50  128-01a
Reed             Clyde                        33  136-08a
Reed             Cynthia          Mrs         33  140-09a
Reed             Dora                         57  136-13b
Reed             Dorothy                      08  105-08a
Reed             Earl             J           22  128-01a
Reed             Edd                          25  115-09a
Reed             Edna                         25  110-06a
Reed             Edward                       16  122-14b
Reed             Elizabeth        C           25  144-06a
Reed             Elizabeth        E           59  124-01b
Reed             Eloce                        19  110-20a
Reed             Elsie            F           25  124-11a
Reed             Elza             F           29  109-01b
Reed             Emma                         48  110-06a
Reed             Emry                         04  135-01b
Reed             Esther           M           13  142-16a
Reed             Ethel                        09  135-03b
Reed             Eu               G           34  117-07a
Reed             Eula             A           18  142-16a
Reed             F                M           43  120-05a
Reed             Flora            E           11  122-01a
Reed             Flora                        30  128-02b
Reed             Frank            A           48  122-01a
Reed             Frank                        43  119-09b
Reed             Fred             H           49  105-08a
Reed             Frederick        W           38  123-06b
Reed             Genevieve        J           01  084-04b
Reed             George           E           56  128-01a
Reed             George           W           48  095-03b
Reed             Glenn                        07  135-03b
Reed             Grace            L           03  123-06b
Reed             Grace                        31  138-08b
Reed             Harold                       10  140-09a
Reed             Harry            A           25  124-11a
Reed             Hazel            F           07  135-08b
Reed             Helen            M           24  128-01a
Reed             Helen            M           09  104-08b
Reed             Herman                       62  117-03a
Reed             Howard                       42  140-06a
Reed             Hull                         08  102-08b
Reed             Hyatt                        10  104-08b
Reed             Ida                          40  119-09b
Reed             Jacob            W           52  140-03b
Reed             James                        38  110-20a
Reed             Jenie                        20  120-13a
Reed             Joe                          51  110-06a
Reed             John             A           35  105-02a
Reed             John             C           16  142-16a
Reed             John             F           00  110-20a
Reed             John             H           59  136-14a
Reed             John             L           43  084-04b
Reed             Josephine                    20  109-01b
Reed             June             R           24  122-01a
Reed             Laura            A           49  132-11b
Reed             Laura                        09  140-03b
Reed             Lena             E           37  104-08b
Reed             Leora            V           08  084-04b
Reed             Lewis                        37  135-01b
Reed             Lizzie                       32  117-07a
Reed             Lola             M           13  104-08b
Reed             Louis            G           64  122-08a
Reed             Louisa           F           50  091-17b
Reed             Lucile                       11  136-08a
Reed             Lula                         42  120-05a
Reed             Lulu             A           41  123-06b
Reed             Mabel                        30  105-08a
Reed             Mable            E           18  136-13b
Reed             Margaret         L           10  105-02a
Reed             Martha           A           40  135-03b
Reed             Martha           J           59  117-03a
Reed             Mary             A           42  142-16a
Reed             Mary             E           52  146-11a
Reed             Maud             M           31  105-02a
Reed             Melvina          M           07  105-02a
Reed             Mona                         11  102-08b
Reed             Nettie           G           41  140-03b
Reed             Nettie           K           16  104-08b
Reed             Newell           W           12  128-01a
Reed             Olive                        11  135-08b
Reed             Opal                         16  104-08b
Reed             Oscar            H           36  135-03b
Reed             Pearl            W           35  135-04a
Reed             Pleasant                     26  135-01b
Reed             R                T           24  117-03a
Reed             Ray              E           27  128-01a
Reed             Raymond          H           06  136-08a
Reed             Raymond          I           13  122-01a
Reed             Reason           K           63  132-11b
Reed             Reece            T           31  090-01b
Reed             Riley            M           36  104-08b
Reed             Robison          L           23  102-09b
Reed             Roland                       23  128-03a
Reed             Sadie                        33  140-06a
Reed             Sallie           B           46  095-03b
Reed             Susie            L           28  090-01b
Reed             Sybil                        23  130-08b
Reed             Thomas           C           45  138-08b
Reed             Thomas           V           73  138-08b
Reed             Vern             E           11  146-11a
Reed             Vernie                       09  135-01b
Reed             Vivian           F           02  104-08b
Reed             Walter                       20  108-07a
Reed             Walter                       09  140-06a
Reed             William                      49  130-06a
Reed             William                      27  112-01b
Reed             Wm               L           51  104-08b
Reeder           Alva             E           24  115-02a
Reeder           Anna             L           16  115-02a
Reeder           Chalkley                     51  116-02a
Reeder           David                        55  117-06a
Reeder           Della            E           24  101-02a
Reeder           Edith            C           29  115-02a
Reeder           Edith                        36  086-03a
Reeder           Enos                         16  116-02a
Reeder           Harrison                     75  109-03b
Reeder           Harry                        43  086-03a
Reeder           Henry            C           59  115-02a
Reeder           James            E           26  101-02a
Reeder           Lena                         40  116-02a
Reeder           Mary             E           73  090-06b
Reeder           Mary             E           23  115-02a
Reeder           Mary                         47  090-02a
Reeder           Mattie           A           59  115-02a
Reeder           Mildred                      04  116-02a
Reeder           Nancie           J           69  109-03b
Reeder           Nellie           M           20  090-02a
Reeder           Ray                          14  086-03a
Reeder           Rilla            P           18  115-02a
Reeder           Robert           E           00  101-02a
Reeder           Theodore                     53  090-02a
Reeds            John             W           06  134-02b
Reedy            Cleveland        G           25  116-06a
Reel             Ava                          46  085-05b
Reel             Jonas            M           61  085-05b
Reers            Catherine        C           22  142-12a
Reese            Alonda                       22  145-08a
Reese            Charles          F           26  120-13a
Reese            Chester          A           11  113-12a
Reese            Claud            E           16  113-12a
Reese            Della                        36  113-12a
Reese            Edith            V           13  113-12a
Reese            Elmer                        31  145-08a
Reese            Harry                        19  108-06b
Reese            Jane             E           71  138-04a
Reese            John             F           63  145-08a
Reese            Louis            B           47  113-12a
Reese            Martin           V           08  113-12a
Reese            Mary             E           56  145-08a
Reese            Minnie           V           05  113-12a
Reeside          Alexander        A           51  115-05b
Reeside          Arnold           A           20  115-05b
Reeside          Carol            D           15  115-05b
Reeside          Cora             M           51  115-05b
Reeside          Delburt                      12  115-05b
Reeside          June                         10  115-05b
Reeve            Andrew           B Jr        01  128-04a
Reeve            Andrew           B Sr        36  128-04a
Reeve            Monte                        33  128-04a
Reeve            Paul             Thomas      12  128-04a
Reeves           Amy                          31  080-04b
Reeves           Atha             J           58  136-11b
Reeves           Bell                         25  089-05a
Reeves           Bell                         17  146-04b
Reeves           Ben              V           19  136-11b
Reeves           Bernice                      16  093-04b
Reeves           C                J           50  100-05b
Reeves           Cecila                       11  093-04b
Reeves           Clara            J           24  136-11b
Reeves           Clarence                     03  093-01a
Reeves           Claude                       10  093-04b
Reeves           Elmer            E           39  080-04b
Reeves           Emma                         37  093-04b
Reeves           Emma                         30  128-12b
Reeves           Ethel            J           20  126-10b
Reeves           Frances                      05  093-04b
Reeves           Garland                      02  093-04b
Reeves           George           W           01  136-11b
Reeves           Gladys                       01  094-13a
Reeves           Hazel                        00  130-09a
Reeves           Homer                        07  093-04b
Reeves           James                        30  094-13a
Reeves           Jesse                        25  115-08a
Reeves           Joe                          50  088-06b
Reeves           John             W           63  136-11b
Reeves           John                         68  089-05a
Reeves           Lawrence         W           13  146-04b
Reeves           Lottie                       00  080-04b
Reeves           Loubell                      15  100-05b
Reeves           Mary                         37  094-13a
Reeves           Mattie                       35  100-05b
Reeves           Mosyleen                     26  093-01a
Reeves           Opal                         03  094-13a
Reeves           Owen                         41  093-04b
Reeves           Phoebe                       70  089-05a
Reeves           Ralph            H           21  142-07b
Reeves           Ralph                        33  093-01a
Reeves           Robert                       20  100-05b
Reeves           Roy                          29  136-11b
Reeves           Royse                        13  093-04b
Reeves           Ruth                         02  113-05a
Reeves           Ruth                         17  130-09a
Reeves           Sam                          22  130-09a
Reeves           Stella           E           42  126-10b
Reeves           Thomas                       18  100-05b
Reeves           Tom                          25  113-05a
Reeves           Victor                       23  080-07a
Reeves           Virgie           R           19  146-04b
Reeves           William          E           54  126-10b
Reeves           William          O           29  134-07a
Reeves           William                      05  094-13a
Reeves           Winnie                       23  113-05a
Regan            Carrie                       37  081-05a
Regan            Freda                        19  097-08b
Regan            Joseph                       75  097-08b
Regan            Peter                        25  097-08b
Regan            William                      34  081-05a
Regier           Robert                       51  097-01a
Regina           M                (Sister)    36  117-02a
Regmalda                          Sister M    20  137-14a
Reibd            Edward                       09  120-10b
Reibd            F                            44  120-10b
Reibd            Mary             A           47  120-10b
Reibinspices     Andrew                       25  134-06a
Reibinspices     Anthony                      17  134-06a
Reibinspices     Elizabeth                    55  134-06a
Reibinspices     George                       27  134-06a
Reibinspices     John                         66  134-06a
Reibinspices     Joseph                       21  134-06a
Reibinspices     Margaret                     19  134-06a
Reibinspices     Peter                        18  134-06a
Reichenberger    A                Marie       55  096-03a
Reichenberger    Alfons                       00  096-03a
Reichenberger    Barbara                      48  096-03a
Reichenberger    Barbara                      07  096-05b
Reichenberger    Dora                         12  096-03a
Reichenberger    Edwin                        05  096-05b
Reichenberger    Esther                       03  096-10a
Reichenberger    Esther                       03  096-05b
Reichenberger    Frank                        00  096-10a
Reichenberger    Frank                        00  096-05b
Reichenberger    Leo                          19  096-03a
Reichenberger    Marcelus                     01  096-03a
Reichenberger    Margaret                     17  096-03a
Reichenberger    Marten                       13  096-05b
Reichenberger    Martha                       15  096-03a
Reichenberger    Nikolas          J           25  096-03a
Reichenberger    Peter                        33  096-05b
Reichenberger    Regina                       25  096-03a
Reichenberger    Rosa                         33  096-05b
Reichenberger    Theodor                      08  096-03a
Reichenberger    Timodeus                     04  096-03a
Reichenberger    William                      09  096-05b
Reid             Arminda                      48  080-04b
Reid             Bena             B           12  106-05a
Reid             Clarence                     10  080-04b
Reid             Edward                       16  106-05a
Reid             Emma                         48  106-05a
Reid             Ethel                        14  080-04b
Reid             Everett                      07  080-04b
Reid             Fred                         38  124-05b
Reid             George           W           54  107-05b
Reid             Henry                        19  080-04b
Reid             Imogene                      44  107-05b
Reid             Iva              A           03  089-05a
Reid             Jennie           M           34  089-05a
Reid             Jerry            K           45  123-12b
Reid             Jim              W           44  118-03a
Reid             John             E           42  106-05a
Reid             Joseph           D           59  080-04b
Reid             L                B           24  085-10a
Reid             Leora                        25  085-10a
Reid             Lillian          M           05  089-05a
Reid             Loyd             W           13  107-05b
Reid             Nettie                       17  080-04b
Reid             Sarah            E           48  132-05b
Reid             Thomas                       42  134-12a
Reid             Veda             May         10  089-05a
Reid             William          P           37  089-05a
Reid             Wilma            L           00  089-05a
Reid             Winnie           P           08  089-05a
Reid                                          34  124-05b
Reidell          John                         24  118-04b
Reidy            Anna                         22  128-10a
Reiff            Anna                         82  115-09b
Reiff            Elmer            A           38  128-08a
Reiff            Elmer            A Jr        01  128-08a
Reiff            Emma             A           34  128-08a
Reiff            Joseph                       65  115-09b
Reiff            Mabel            A           14  128-08a
Reihl            Harry                        20  120-13a
Reilly           A                M           27  126-03b
Reilly           Clifford         E           23  124-02a
Reilly           Eugene           A           33  124-01b
Reilly           Genevieve        E           18  124-02a
Reilly           George           W           58  124-01b
Reilly           George           W (Jr)      27  124-01b
Reilly           Herbert          H           25  124-01b
Reilly           Irene            M           21  124-02a
Reilly           J                T           25  126-03b
Reilly           Regina           L           10  124-02a
Reilly           Regina                       45  124-01b
Reiman           H                I           32  118-10b
Reiman           Henry            T           29  118-09b
Reiman           Susan            E           56  087-06a
Reimer           Carl                         18  093-03b
Reimer           Claus                        65  093-03b
Reimer           Delbert          G           01  134-07a
Reimer           Floy             B           18  134-07a
Reimer           Marie                        59  093-03b
Reimer           Sydney           E           20  134-07a
Reimer           Wosing                       03  134-07a
Reimers          Ema                          03  096-01a
Reimers          Lena                         11  096-01a
Reimers          Margora                      05  096-01a
Reimers          Martha                       31  096-01a
Reimers          Sadie                        13  096-01a
Reimers          William                      40  096-01a
Reinbold         Mary                         60  100-01b
Reiner           Chas             W           20  103-06a
Reiner           Florane          A           42  103-06a
Reiner           Florence         E           19  103-06a
Reiner           Fred             L           17  103-06a
Reiner           G                E           49  103-06a
Reinhaidt        Louis                        50  131-15b
Reinhardt        Bertha           F           43  102-12a
Reinke           Edward           J           53  081-07b
Reinke           Homer            E           14  081-07b
Reinke           Rachel           M           11  081-07b
Reinkie          Earl                         18  085-11b
Reisbeck         Grace                        16  125-03b
Reischman        Anna                         42  146-07b
Reischman        John                         49  146-07b
Reischman        Lester           J           18  146-07b
Reischman        Ralph            J           15  146-07b
Reischman        Roy              J           05  146-07b
Reischmen        Albert                       23  116-06a
Reischmen        Grace                        22  116-06a
Reithover        Berdina                      13  096-08b
Reitober         Berdina                      14  078-03b
Reitober         Frankie                      11  078-03b
Reitober         Gertie                       46  078-03b
Reitober         Ignatius                     52  078-03b
Reitober         John                         20  078-03b
Reitober         Katy                         18  078-03b
Reitober         Leo                          04  078-03b
Reitober         Regina                       22  078-03b
Reitober         Rufina                       08  078-03b
Reiz             Charles                      39  110-19b
Reiz             Edward                       04  110-19b
Reiz             Mattie                       27  110-19b
Reiz             Minnie                       02  110-19b
Reiz             Ruth                         00  110-19b
Releford         Bell                         54  085-05b
Releford         Bernard                      01  085-01b
Releford         Hallie                       20  085-01b
Releford         Harry                        12  085-05b
Releford         John             V           30  085-01b
Releford         Milie                        53  085-05b
Releford         Opal                         15  085-05b
Remer            Arthur           E           02  082-03a
Remer            Audrie           M           19  082-03a
Remer            Bessie           L           14  082-03a
Remer            John             H           47  082-03a
Remer            Lawrence         E           17  082-03a
Remer            Maude            A           38  082-03a
Remich           Bertha           M           23  094-10a
Remich           Etta             A           41  094-10a
Remich           Florence                     32  094-10a
Remich           William          L           64  094-10a
Remick           Olive            O B         70  128-09b
Remington        Clarence         M           06  132-05a
Remington        Cora             M           32  132-05a
Remington        Earl             E           04  132-05a
Remington        George           M           32  132-05a
Remspear         Carrie           D           38  123-01b
Remspear         Hallie           E           30  123-01b
Remspear         John             A           55  123-01b
Remspear         John             F           04  123-01b
Remspear         Opal             A           18  123-01b
Renand           Herald                       09  109-07b
Renand           John             L           29  110-04b
Renand           Mary                         60  110-04b
Renand           Mildred                      07  109-07b
Renand           Mollie                       21  110-04b
Renand           Napoleon                     24  110-04b
Rencasu          Ellen                        38  126-07a
Render           Isaih                        18  117-07a
Render           Wm                           28  117-07a
Rendskopf        Fred                         22  103-05a
Rendskopf        Louise                       19  103-05a
Reneke           James            M           21  109-02a
Renfrew          Addie            F           67  085-03b
Renfrew          Harvey           N           68  085-03b
Renfro           Bertha                       24  124-08b
Renfro           Glen             E           05  136-08b
Renfro           Howard           R           04  136-08b
Renfro           Minnie           M           31  136-08b
Renfro           William                      36  136-08b
Renfrow          Anna                         17  146-01b
Renfrow          Bonnie                       08  146-01b
Renfrow          Charles          E           11  146-01b
Renfrow          John             E           46  146-01b
Renfrow          Mary             E           43  146-01b
Renfrow          Pearl                        06  146-01b
Renkart          William                      34  124-13b
Renner           Allenora                     00  083-07b
Renner           Arthur                       06  083-01a
Renner           August           J           24  083-07b
Renner           Harley           E           05  090-09a
Renner           Harry                        21  083-07b
Renner           Helen            F           07  090-09a
Renner           Ignatius                     69  083-01a
Renner           John             O           30  090-09a
Renner           Josie            M           30  090-09a
Renner           Mary                         67  083-01a
Renner           Mary                         23  083-07b
Renner           Minnie                       28  083-01a
Rennick          Dora             I           09  094-10a
Rennick          Edith            E           33  094-10a
Rennick          Ethel            F           07  094-10a
Rennick          Georg            L           02  094-10a
Rennick          George           M           59  094-11b
Rennick          Hattie                       20  131-12a
Rennick          Howard           L           11  094-10a
Rennick          James            J           50  131-12a
Rennick          Lawrence         W           06  094-10a
Rennick          Mary             G           01  094-10a
Rennick          Rachel                       60  094-11b
Rennick          William          F           42  094-10a
Rennick                                       00  131-12a
Reno             Mary             E           47  142-04b
Renolds          Carrie                       24  124-04a
Renolds          Frank                        25  124-04a
Renyolds         Lyna             L           50  107-06b
Renyolds         William          P           53  107-06b
Reon             Aline                        17  112-06b
Reon             Eva                          18  110-03a
Reon             Paul                         26  110-03a
Replogle         Carrie                       24  112-02a
Replogle         Charles                      30  112-02a
Repp             Theodore                     20  108-07a
Repstine         Joseph                       28  120-13a
Rerbinspice      Hattie                       26  137-02b
Rerbinspice      John             C           27  137-02b
Reschke          Frederick        W           63  145-03b
Reschke          Pauline                      57  145-03b
Reschke          William          F           27  145-03b
Resing           Addie            A           25  139-03b
Resing           Dale             A           26  107-14b
Resing           Ethyl            R           29  107-14b
Resing           Harey            L           13  139-03b
Resing           Henry            L           57  139-03b
Resing           Rita             J           17  139-03b
Resing           Susan            S           53  139-03b
Resnick          Annie                        20  106-04a
Resnick          Harry                        08  106-04a
Resnick          Hien                         12  106-04a
Resnick          Rosie                        14  106-04a
Resnick          Tillie                       44  106-04a
Resnick          Wm                           50  106-04a
Resser           Charlie          H           04  094-05b
Resser           Ethel            B           23  094-05b
Resser           Herman                       28  094-05b
Resser           Julia                        70  094-07b
Resser           Laura            B           02  094-05b
Rethorst         Amelia           M           22  142-05b
Rethorst         Henry            D           41  142-05b
Retter           Carl             R           15  135-10a
Retter           Edith            L           09  135-10a
Retter           Margaret         R           37  135-10a
Retter           Orval            C           16  135-10a
Retter           William                      38  135-10a
Reusch           Albert                       07  083-09b
Reusch           Arnold                       04  083-09b
Reusch           Ervin                        01  083-09b
Reusch           John             N           36  083-09b
Reusch           Lena                         08  083-09b
Reusch           Martha                       06  083-09b
Reusch           Rosie            C           28  083-09b
Reuter           Herman                       49  100-08b
Reveley          Alexander        M           60  101-03b
Reveley          Almira                       55  101-03b
Reveley          Bess                         19  101-03b
Revelle          Anna                         36  109-02a
Revelle          Elizabeth        J           63  109-02a
Revelle          John             C           70  109-02a
Rexroad          Ida                          42  100-07b
Rexroad          Minor                        17  100-07b
Reyer            Florence                     00  143-03b
Reyer            G                W           39  143-03b
Reyer            Leon             N           11  143-03b
Reyer            Minnie                       41  143-03b
Reyer            William          E           62  142-10a
Reyer            Zoe                          52  142-10a
Reyes            Jose                         35  140-10b
Reyes            Juaria                       40  140-10b
Reyes            Margarito                    26  090-01a
Reynold          Charles          S           11  135-12b
Reynold          Eugene           C           05  135-12b
Reynold          Maude                        37  135-12b
Reynolds         Ada              R           38  122-03a
Reynolds         Addie            M           46  094-11b
Reynolds         Addie                        25  118-07a
Reynolds         Albert           W           47  140-06a
Reynolds         Albert                       19  140-06a
Reynolds         Angeline                     75  098-02b
Reynolds         Anna             M           41  080-05a
Reynolds         Anna                         39  101-05b
Reynolds         Annie                        38  116-06a
Reynolds         Arthur                       28  100-06b
Reynolds         Austin           W           15  122-03a
Reynolds         Benjamin         F           43  080-05a
Reynolds         Betta                        42  120-09a
Reynolds         Blanche                      13  122-03a
Reynolds         C                N           21  120-09a
Reynolds         Carrie                       40  122-08a
Reynolds         Cecil            H           00  124-08a
Reynolds         Claire           W           09  107-14b
Reynolds         Clara            B           12  094-11b
Reynolds         Clarence                     45  084-03a
Reynolds         Daniel                       73  110-08a
Reynolds         De               Etta        48  144-02b
Reynolds         Edward                       04  101-05b
Reynolds         Elias                        77  098-02b
Reynolds         Elizabeth                    54  140-02a
Reynolds         Emma                         29  141-11a
Reynolds         Flora                        41  116-05a
Reynolds         Flossie          M           21  094-11b
Reynolds         Ford             N           39  106-10b
Reynolds         Frank            I           17  094-11b
Reynolds         Frank                        21  124-08a
Reynolds         Frank                        22  130-12a
Reynolds         Frank                        22  102-08b
Reynolds         Fred                         31  141-11a
Reynolds         Garfield         R           28  141-13b
Reynolds         Gertrude                     34  126-03a
Reynolds         Goldie           M           04  107-14b
Reynolds         Harold                       05  141-11a
Reynolds         Harvey           F           50  094-11b
Reynolds         Harvey           T           47  110-19b
Reynolds         Homer            I           14  142-05b
Reynolds         Horace           E           60  140-02a
Reynolds         Irene                        15  101-05b
Reynolds         James            C           40  122-03a
Reynolds         James            E           03  145-07a
Reynolds         James            M           29  145-07a
Reynolds         Jessie           L           04  107-11a
Reynolds         Joe              A           25  104-05b
Reynolds         John             A           45  122-08a
Reynolds         John             H           52  144-02b
Reynolds         John                         59  120-09a
Reynolds         Junita                       22  102-08b
Reynolds         Kenneth                      00  145-07a
Reynolds         Lavelle          H           39  107-14b
Reynolds         Lela                         44  140-06a
Reynolds         Leo              M           15  142-05b
Reynolds         Lin              O           01  107-14b
Reynolds         Lucinda                      69  137-07a
Reynolds         Lulu             H           29  107-14b
Reynolds         Lydia            P           77  145-04a
Reynolds         Mabel            C           30  119-02a
Reynolds         Mable                        21  112-04a
Reynolds         Margarite                    08  101-05b
Reynolds         Mary             A           68  084-03a
Reynolds         Maud             F           21  104-05b
Reynolds         Maud                         09  122-03a
Reynolds         Max                          14  116-04a
Reynolds         Max                          14  101-05b
Reynolds         Mellie                       53  143-08b
Reynolds         Mildred                      06  122-03a
Reynolds         Mildred                      09  106-10b
Reynolds         Morgan                       03  122-03a
Reynolds         Myrta            A           35  107-11a
Reynolds         Nettie           L           28  145-07a
Reynolds         Ocie                         22  124-08a
Reynolds         Pauline          L           01  141-11a
Reynolds         Rachael          C           45  110-19b
Reynolds         Roy              P           37  107-11a
Reynolds         Ruth             D           67  141-13b
Reynolds         S                L           60  143-08b
Reynolds         Susie                       331  106-10b
Reynolds         Velda            H           11  142-05b
Reynolds         Viola                        07  107-14b
Reynolds         Walter                       25  128-07b
Reynolds         William          B           74  141-13b
Reynosa          Vicante                      19  094-04a
Reyrsolds        Astynolz                     22  125-06a
Reys             Edward                       40  133-07a
Reys             Jennetta                     38  133-07a
Reys             Merle                        15  133-07a
Rhatigon         Harry                        29  101-13b
Rhea             Isabella         G           50  133-10a
Rhea             Rob              D           55  117-04a
Rhea             Robert           M           61  079-04b
Rhea             Sarha            E           61  079-04b
Rhinehert        Lillie           N           32  128-12b
Rhinehert        Marguerite       J           60  128-12b
Rhinehert        Minnie           F           30  128-12b
Rhinehert        Sylvia           J           27  128-12b
Rhinehert        Theodore         J           63  128-12b
Rhinehold        Louisa           A           10  097-01a
Rhoads           Blanche                      13  096-05b
Rhoads           Earl                         16  096-05b
Rhoads           Eddessa                      09  099-10b
Rhoads           Flora                        47  096-05b
Rhoads           Frank                        50  096-05b
Rhoads           George                       06  099-10b
Rhoads           Jacob            H           66  079-01a
Rhoads           Jennie           I           24  099-10b
Rhoads           John             I           33  099-10b
Rhoads           Rettie           J           50  079-01a
Rhode            Francis                      59  092-07b
Rhode            Lewis                        62  092-07b
Rhoden           Arthur                       21  127-06b
Rhoden           Bertha                       16  127-06b
Rhoden           Flora                        43  127-06b
Rhoden           Lewis                        19  127-06b
Rhodes           Agnes                        03  128-14b
Rhodes           Allen                        33  128-14b
Rhodes           Alta             R           24  128-14b
Rhodes           Amanda                       47  097-09a
Rhodes           Anna                         16  097-09a
Rhodes           Annis                        35  080-09a
Rhodes           Arthur                       17  133-02a
Rhodes           Bartlett                     65  130-12b
Rhodes           Bartlett                     22  130-12b
Rhodes           Bertha                       21  092-07b
Rhodes           Bessie                       22  092-08b
Rhodes           Birdie                       28  134-05b
Rhodes           Carrie                       02  097-09a
Rhodes           Chas             G           30  102-10a
Rhodes           Clarence         E           44  118-03a
Rhodes           Della                        16  092-07b
Rhodes           Earl             H           24  116-10b
Rhodes           Edward           S           37  080-09a
Rhodes           Edward                       70  132-11b
Rhodes           Edwin            W           24  092-07b
Rhodes           Effle                        06  134-05b
Rhodes           Elmer            N           05  122-07b
Rhodes           Elva                         23  122-07b
Rhodes           Emmeline         J           20  130-14a
Rhodes           Ethel                        18  087-04a
Rhodes           F                W           22  120-13a
Rhodes           Frances                      58  133-02a
Rhodes           Frederic                     17  097-09a
Rhodes           Fuller                       39  134-05b
Rhodes           Glen             A           07  144-08a
Rhodes           Glen                         20  097-09a
Rhodes           Grace            L           32  132-11b
Rhodes           Harley                       21  092-08b
Rhodes           Henry            I           31  087-04a
Rhodes           Hortense                     02  092-05a
Rhodes           Ida                          18  092-07b
Rhodes           Inzomann                     17  144-08a
Rhodes           Jacob            M           66  144-08a
Rhodes           James                        49  097-09a
Rhodes           John             A           29  130-14a
Rhodes           John             A           35  132-11b
Rhodes           John                         04  134-05b
Rhodes           Lewis                        58  133-02a
Rhodes           Lon                          29  078-09a
Rhodes           Lora             O           43  144-08a
Rhodes           Louisa           J           50  132-11b
Rhodes           Lydia                        19  097-09a
Rhodes           Lynn             M           07  144-08a
Rhodes           Mabel                        05  128-14b
Rhodes           Marie                        28  092-05a
Rhodes           Mary                         25  133-02a
Rhodes           Oris             C           26  122-07b
Rhodes           Oris             W           03  122-07b
Rhodes           Porter                       20  130-12b
Rhodes           Rebecca                      44  092-07b
Rhodes           Rolla            A           06  128-14b
Rhodes           Roy              H           30  092-05a
Rhodes           Roy                          04  092-07b
Rhodes           Susan                        55  130-12b
Rhodes           Thomas           J           40  137-10a
Rhodes           Vaneesa                      13  080-09a
Rhodes           William          W           50  092-07b
This page created for Sedgwick County KSGenWeb by John Schunk.
Not to be reproduced or redistributed without permission.

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