Sedgwick County KSGenWeb

Index to 1910 Federal Census, Sedgwick County, Kansas

Note: Ages under 01 were all simply entered as 00 in this index.  Every attempt was made to preserve spellings of names exactly the way the census-taker entered them.  If you find any corrections that need to be made, please contact Bill Pennington (Rebecca Maloney ), Sedgwick County KSGenWeb Coordinator.

If you find a name/age of interest, click on the link (Enumeration District and page number) to view the census page image in the USGenWeb Archives for the complete information on the household.  Then click the Back button to return to this index.

Last Name                  First Name                  Other names      Age  Enumeration District-Page Number

Tabb             Charles                      24  101-13b
Tabeling         Cecil                        22  141-13a
Tabeling         Minnie                       21  141-13a
Tabeling         Myrtle                       20  141-13a
Taber            Andrew                       17  131-09a
Taber            Eva              L           42  116-09a
Taber            Mary                         72  116-09a
Taber            Mollie           R           45  131-09a
Taber            Winnie           L           06  131-09a
Tabler           Clara            J           65  136-04a
Tabling          William                      45  112-10b
Tabor            Athois                       23  116-01a
Tack             Catherine                    50  108-06a
Tack             Geo                          19  108-06a
Tack             Gertrude                     23  108-06a
Tack             Irma                         30  108-06a
Tack             Joe                          54  108-06a
Tack             Joseph                       24  108-06a
Tackett          Eck                          33  124-08a
Tackett          Mary                         25  124-08a
Tackett          Rhea                         02  124-08a
Tadlock          Arthur           J           36  107-10a
Tadlock          Martha                       30  107-10a
Tadlock          Melba                        01  107-10a
Tadlock          Merle                        10  107-10a
Tadlock          Myron                        07  107-10a
Tadlock          Thelma                       05  107-10a
Taft             Irwin            A           37  145-08a
Taft             Lolla            H           37  145-08a
Taft             Sarah            A           68  123-08b
Taft             Theron           S           74  123-08b
Taft             Vera             E           28  123-08b
Taggart          Albert           L           02  113-11b
Taggart          Albert           V           39  113-11b
Taggart          Albert                       66  121-01a
Taggart          Albert                       09  122-15a
Taggart          Anna             I           46  086-08b
Taggart          Anna             V           09  113-11b
Taggart          Edith            M           05  113-11b
Taggart          Elizabeth        M           05  122-15a
Taggart          Elizabeth        S           68  121-01a
Taggart          Eva              A           18  098-06a
Taggart          Francis          E           11  113-11b
Taggart          Henry            H Dr        35  121-01a
Taggart          Ivory            E           22  098-06a
Taggart          James            W           03  122-15a
Taggart          Jocie            A           35  122-15a
Taggart          Margaret                     06  121-01a
Taggart          Martha           E           35  113-11b
Taggart          Mary             C           14  098-06a
Taggart          Mary             E           45  098-06a
Taggart          Mary                         30  121-01a
Taggart          Robert           M           56  086-08b
Taggart          Thomas                       07  122-15a
Taggart          Warren           H           07  113-11b
Taggart          Warren           H           42  122-15a
Taggart          William          T           49  098-06a
Takahasha        F                            27  113-02b
Talbot           Alberta                      06  127-03a
Talbot           Artelia                      26  127-03a
Talbot           C                B           20  120-11b
Talbot           Clarence         V           20  119-10a
Talbot           Hattie                       17  120-11b
Talbot           Hershel                      00  120-11b
Talbot           Joe                          27  127-03a
Talbot           Roscoe                       07  127-03a
Talbott          Alberta          I           03  109-12b
Talbott          Alberta                      29  109-12b
Talbott          Allen            W           08  109-12b
Talbott          Benjamin         G           17  113-07b
Talbott          Dora             W           00  113-07b
Talbott          Flora            M           25  135-11a
Talbott          Homer            T           40  113-07b
Talbott          Luretta                      00  141-13a
Talbott          Minnie                       36  113-07b
Talbott          Nellie                       30  141-13a
Talbott          Roy                          17  086-02a
Talbott          Ruby             A           03  113-07b
Talbott          Ruth             E           10  113-07b
Talbott          Samuel                       03  141-13a
Talbott          Susie                        29  109-12b
Talbott          Theodocia        F           13  113-07b
Talbott          Thomas           G           16  113-07b
Talbott          Thomas           M           32  141-13a
Talbott          Virgie           A           06  113-07b
Talbott          Wallace          P           00  135-11a
Talbott          Wiliam           A Jr        01  135-11a
Talbott          William                      24  135-11a
Talburt          Frank                        49  124-12a
Talburt          Mary                         43  124-12a
Talcott          Bertha           E           15  098-02a
Talcott          Claudine         E           01  098-02a
Talcott          Della            M           13  098-02a
Talcott          Eugene           S           41  098-02a
Talcott          Irene            S           38  098-02a
Talcott          Juanita          M           05  098-02a
Talcott          Neale            E           19  098-02a
Talent           Colman                       22  131-16a
Talkington       Jennie                       24  102-02b
Talley           Ernest                       42  109-12a
Tallman          Cassius          C           10  146-07a
Tallman          Charles          E           36  146-07a
Tallman          Charles          L           02  146-07a
Tallman          Charles          W           64  091-18b
Tallman          Earnest          R           12  146-07a
Tallman          Harry                        26  119-11a
Tallman          Helen            E           18  091-18b
Tallman          James                        37  120-01a
Tallman          Lizzie           M           34  146-07a
Tallman          Mary             E           14  146-07a
Tallman          Nellie           A           53  091-18b
Tallman          Nellie           P           05  146-07a
Tallman          Samuel           P           28  091-18b
Tallman          William                      29  120-01a
Tallman          Zoetta           E           01  146-07a
Tally            Alice            M           55  118-05a
Talmage          Chas             M           53  117-07b
Talmage          Grover           A           23  091-01a
Tambling         Edward           B           17  131-07a
Tambling         John             G           19  131-07a
Tambling         Lizzie                       42  131-07a
Tambling         Samuel           M           52  131-07a
Tambling         Samuel           M Jr        15  131-07a
Tamboer          Cornelia         W           44  080-03a
Tamboer          Harry                        46  080-03a
Tamboer          Maurice                      06  080-03a
Tame             J                H           26  118-09a
Tammany          Alice                        26  078-07a
Tammany          David                        35  078-07a
Tammany          Elmer                        01  078-07a
Tamura           M                            40  108-01b
Tan Ordstrand    Will                         27  118-04b
Tandall          Rose             O           49  135-07a
Tandall          William                      40  135-07a
Tandy            Beatrice                     04  122-03b
Tandy            Dora             A           18  122-03b
Tandy            Edith                        08  122-03b
Tandy            Ethel            F           15  122-03b
Tandy            Hazel            M           13  122-03b
Tandy            James            E           49  122-03b
Tandy            Kate             A           40  122-03b
Tandy            Lela             J           21  122-03b
Tandy            Madge                        06  122-03b
Tandy            Robert           E           29  140-09b
Tandy            Willis           G           10  122-03b
Tangnary         Cora                         42  125-03a
Tangnary         Lavena                       11  125-03a
Tangnary         Levi             J           46  125-03a
Tangnary         Ora                          15  125-03a
Tangnary         Ralph                        20  125-03a
Tanigblood       Effie                        19  120-08b
Tanigblood       Odie                         25  120-08b
Tanis            Aaltje                       02  146-09b
Tanis            Bosma                        28  146-09b
Tanis            Klaas            E           03  146-09b
Tanis            Klaas                        31  146-09b
Tanis            Peter                        00  146-09b
Tankeraley       Ella             L           16  122-02a
Tankeraley       Laura            E           46  122-02a
Tankeraley       Lawrence                     56  122-02a
Tankeraley       Leslie           E           19  122-02a
Tankeraley       Odessa                       23  122-02a
Tankersley       Claude                       39  093-05b
Tankersley       Gertrude                     28  093-05b
Tankersley       Harold                       08  093-05b
Tankersley       Virgil                       06  093-05b
Tanksley         Rose             V           37  116-09a
Tanksley         Wheeler          I           38  116-09a
Tanner           Charles          E           43  095-06a
Tanner           Charles                      42  116-09b
Tanner           Cordelia                     05  090-07a
Tanner           Emma             L           45  095-06a
Tanner           Ethel                        20  119-01b
Tanner           Fred                         37  090-07a
Tanner           Fred                         48  144-06a
Tanner           Harry            W           40  115-09b
Tanner           Ida              M           44  091-05b
Tanner           Irvin                        01  090-07a
Tanner           Leland           E           11  090-07a
Tanner           Lester           F           09  090-07a
Tanner           Myrtle           M           03  090-07a
Tanner           Oliver           A           20  086-05a
Tanner           Orville          P           07  090-07a
Tanner           Rosa                         32  090-07a
Tanner           Susan            A           44  144-06a
Tanner           Zachariah        T           44  091-05b
Tanning          Emma                         44  121-07a
Tanning          Floyd                        19  121-07a
Tanning          Hazen            B           17  121-07a
Tanning          Roy                          22  121-07a
Tanning          V                            45  121-07a
Tanquary         Clarence                     32  130-09b
Tanquary         Jennie                       37  130-09b
Tanyer           George           L           24  101-10b
Taplan           E                            21  106-10b
Taplan           Sam                          20  106-10b
Tapp             Albert           B           14  136-11a
Tapp             Benjamin                     47  112-01a
Tapp             Bertha                       20  124-09a
Tapp             Clarence                     17  112-01a
Tapp             Cora             I           26  092-05a
Tapp             E                Delos       19  136-11a
Tapp             E                Otton       17  136-11a
Tapp             Edith            M I         42  136-11a
Tapp             Edna                         14  112-01a
Tapp             Ernest           L           26  092-05a
Tapp             Ethel                        16  112-01a
Tapp             Flora                        12  112-01a
Tapp             G                Dewy        11  136-11a
Tapp             George           B           46  136-11a
Tapp             Harry            L           21  136-11a
Tapp             J                Leonard     22  136-11a
Tapp             John                         31  118-09b
Tapp             Lee              E           07  092-05a
Tapp             Lillian          P           04  092-05a
Tapp             Martha                       50  124-09a
Tapp             Martin                       52  124-09a
Tapp             N                Irine       09  136-11a
Tapp             Pearl            M           23  124-10a
Tapp             Ray                          12  124-09a
Tapp             Robert                       26  124-09a
Tapp             Susie            K           22  124-10a
Tapp             Violet           M           02  092-05a
Tapp             Wasley           M           38  118-07b
Tardine          Arcadia                      40  124-09b
Tardine          Lorence                      35  124-09b
Tarelo           Espita           Mrs         18  140-10b
Tarelo           Jesus                        30  140-10b
Tarin            Jesus                        26  131-02a
Tarnnany         Lester           M           31  135-02a
Tarr             David            W           38  131-16b
Tarrance         Parry            A           48  144-06a
Tartar           Ella                         20  137-02b
Tartar           Fanie                        13  107-07b
Tartar           Frank                        48  107-07b
Tartar           Mildred                      02  137-02b
Tartar           Minnie                       44  107-07b
Tartar           Pearl                        20  107-07b
Tartar           William          J           21  137-02b
Tasco            Harriet                      70  130-10a
Tasco            Lazres                       72  130-10a
Tasel            Philipp                      45  126-03a
Tate             James            R           19  142-10a
Tater            Mort                         43  110-20b
Tatman           Elizebeth                    33  101-12b
Tatman           Georgie                      46  099-03a
Tatman           John             H           17  099-03a
Tatman           Joseph                       68  131-08b
Tatman           Lela                         20  099-03a
Tatman           Miniolia                     22  099-03a
Tatman           Wilbert          C (Jr)      10  101-12b
Tatman           Wilbert                      46  101-12b
Tatman           William          J           51  099-03a
Taubold          Edward           H           33  085-09b
Taubold          Lidian                       24  085-09b
Tavender         Earnest                      25  078-04a
Tavender         Emma                         45  078-04a
Tayer            Adaline                      61  123-06a
Tayer            Alma                         39  083-02a
Tayer            George           A           36  083-02a
Tayer            Jennie           N           66  114-02b
Tayer            Marie                        10  083-02a
Tayer            Oscar            F           73  123-06a
Tayer            William          H           71  114-02b
Taylo            Claud            B           30  143-02b
Taylo            Laura                        22  124-08a
Taylo            Mabel                        24  136-10a
Taylo            Mary                         05  143-02b
Taylo            Nevada           D           31  143-02b
Taylor           A                D           30  100-06b
Taylor           A                            25  143-05a
Taylor           A                            49  104-04b
Taylor           Ad               A           45  141-05a
Taylor           Albert           D           43  125-05b
Taylor           Albert           F           09  095-05b
Taylor           Albert           P           49  105-05a
Taylor           Albert                       04  100-05a
Taylor           Alex                         24  131-15b
Taylor           Alfred                       04  100-05a
Taylor           Alma                         42  141-05a
Taylor           Alta             C           15  123-05a
Taylor           Alvena                       24  116-03b
Taylor           Amy              G           05  081-04b
Taylor           Anna                         62  083-02b
Taylor           Anna                         67  117-01b
Taylor           Anna                         26  118-03a
Taylor           Anna                         36  120-11b
Taylor           Anthony                      61  127-02a
Taylor           Any                          35  125-05b
Taylor           Arden                        14  115-04b
Taylor           Arthur                       12  141-05a
Taylor           Arwod                        40  135-12a
Taylor           Bell                         50  145-05b
Taylor           Benie            L           31  103-10a
Taylor           Bertram                      09  141-05a
Taylor           Bruce                        16  137-03a
Taylor           Carmen                       01  141-05a
Taylor           Carrie           C           16  142-13b
Taylor           Catherine        W           82  132-11b
Taylor           Cecil            A           20  139-04b
Taylor           Charles          D           36  107-14a
Taylor           Charles          L           21  145-10b
Taylor           Charles                      49  145-10b
Taylor           Charles                      50  110-01b
Taylor           Charles                      40  140-08a
Taylor           Clara            B           42  115-04a
Taylor           Clara            B           35  115-13a
Taylor           Clara            G           51  089-06a
Taylor           Clara                        47  085-11a
Taylor           Colin            R           27  082-05b
Taylor           Cordie                       11  080-12b
Taylor           Cyntha           J           53  118-03a
Taylor           Cyrus                        29  137-11b
Taylor           Dan                          50  124-06b
Taylor           David            T           21  089-06a
Taylor           Delilah          N           21  131-05a
Taylor           Dewitte          C           71  119-10b
Taylor           Dorothea                     08  106-08b
Taylor           Dorothy                      17  089-06a
Taylor           Earl             B           23  112-05b
Taylor           Edd                          45  098-03b
Taylor           Edna                         31  118-04a
Taylor           Edwin                        48  126-06a
Taylor           Effie                        32  101-10a
Taylor           Elizabeth                    48  095-05a
Taylor           Ella             B           67  119-10b
Taylor           Ellen                        46  132-11b
Taylor           Emma             E           17  145-10b
Taylor           Emma                         26  121-03a
Taylor           Emmett                       22  136-14a
Taylor           Erwin                        03  106-08b
Taylor           Essia                        67  135-07b
Taylor           Ethel            H           23  123-05a
Taylor           Ethel                        22  118-03a
Taylor           Ethel                        14  141-05a
Taylor           Eugene                       29  110-12a
Taylor           Everett          Ray         06  140-02a
Taylor           F                Ervoy       21  104-04b
Taylor           Fannie           W           19  105-05a
Taylor           Fern             Marie       08  140-02a
Taylor           Fey                          16  085-11a
Taylor           Floyd                        06  115-04b
Taylor           Francis          W           09  142-13b
Taylor           Fred             S           15  139-04b
Taylor           Garver           W           25  132-11b
Taylor           Geneveive                    08  141-05a
Taylor           George           W           54  095-05a
Taylor           George                       42  112-01b
Taylor           Gertie                       22  135-04a
Taylor           Gertrude         S           21  095-05a
Taylor           Gertrude                     18  089-06a
Taylor           Gladys                       12  107-14a
Taylor           Gladys                       06  118-03a
Taylor           Gordon                       20  085-11a
Taylor           Grace            E           12  089-06a
Taylor           Grace            N           27  082-05b
Taylor           Grace                        26  110-05a
Taylor           Grace                        35  124-06b
Taylor           Grover                       23  085-11a
Taylor           Gustavus         A           45  129-04b
Taylor           H                F           38  100-05a
Taylor           Harly            M           29  106-08b
Taylor           Harold                       15  139-06b
Taylor           Harriett                     34  109-09a
Taylor           Harrold                      06  106-08b
Taylor           Harry            B           08  139-04b
Taylor           Harry            M           06  145-10b
Taylor           Harry                        18  085-11a
Taylor           Harry                        09  125-05b
Taylor           Harry                        35  101-10a
Taylor           Hazel                        13  085-11a
Taylor           Helen                        04  141-05a
Taylor           Hellen                       34  117-01b
Taylor           Heneritta                    30  115-14a
Taylor           Henrietta        M           58  086-02b
Taylor           Henry                        25  110-08a
Taylor           Hester           M           18  095-05a
Taylor           Hettie           Ann         23  112-05b
Taylor           Hilen            B           47  139-04b
Taylor           Ida              G           16  132-11b
Taylor           Ilah             E           05  080-05a
Taylor           India                        00  106-08b
Taylor           Isabelle                     54  080-12b
Taylor           Jacob            B           65  081-02b
Taylor           James            D           58  080-12b
Taylor           James            E           18  118-04a
Taylor           James            S           61  118-04a
Taylor           James            W           36  116-03b
Taylor           James                        33  115-14a
Taylor           James                        26  118-03a
Taylor           James                        76  141-05a
Taylor           Jared                        10  089-06a
Taylor           Jeremiah                     65  135-07b
Taylor           Jess                         18  104-04b
Taylor           Jessie                       13  118-03a
Taylor           John             B           46  120-11b
Taylor           John             W           47  142-13b
Taylor           John                         03  125-05b
Taylor           John             C           26  116-04b
Taylor           Josie                        32  112-01b
Taylor           Juanita          W           25  123-05a
Taylor           Judge                        22  131-11b
Taylor           Julia            T           47  126-06a
Taylor           Julia                        18  141-05a
Taylor           June                         76  114-01b
Taylor           Kate             C           30  080-05a
Taylor           Katherine        E           40  145-10b
Taylor           Katie                        20  134-02b
Taylor           L                R P         64  117-04a
Taylor           Laura                        60  081-02b
Taylor           Leilla                       03  080-04a
Taylor           Lela                         24  110-12a
Taylor           Lena                         00  137-11b
Taylor           Lenore                       09  085-11a
Taylor           Les                          13  140-08a
Taylor           Leta             Idell       09  100-06b
Taylor           Lewis            G           68  085-11a
Taylor           Lola                         30  140-08a
Taylor           Loring           L           34  080-05a
Taylor           Louis            B           50  091-09a
Taylor           Loyd                         15  135-12a
Taylor           Lulu                         02  137-11b
Taylor           Luther           S           18  142-13b
Taylor           Mabel            E           12  145-10b
Taylor           Mable                        27  106-08b
Taylor           Maggie                       26  080-04a
Taylor           Mamie                        31  107-14a
Taylor           Manuel                       08  121-03a
Taylor           Margarette       L           74  129-04b
Taylor           Marie                        12  105-05a
Taylor           Marie                        14  125-05b
Taylor           Marion                       39  121-03a
Taylor           Marvin                       10  140-08a
Taylor           Mary             E           51  123-05a
Taylor           Mary             Louise      00  104-04b
Taylor           Mary                         16  118-03a
Taylor           Mary                         28  102-12a
Taylor           Matilda                      50  123-07a
Taylor           Mattie           F           42  085-01b
Taylor           Maude                        22  114-02b
Taylor           Melisa           P           12  085-01b
Taylor           Michael                      32  102-12a
Taylor           Minda                        28  100-06b
Taylor           Minerva                      18  132-11b
Taylor           Minnie           A           46  139-04b
Taylor           Myrland                      25  080-04a
Taylor           Nancy            E           57  118-04a
Taylor           Nancy                        36  100-05a
Taylor           Neal                         17  139-06b
Taylor           Nettie                       26  116-04b
Taylor           Norma                        07  118-03a
Taylor           Oliver           J           56  123-05a
Taylor           Orie                         26  110-05a
Taylor           Orph             V           29  081-04b
Taylor           Otlin                        05  115-04b
Taylor           Otto                         08  116-03b
Taylor           Patience                     51  110-01b
Taylor           Pattie                       33  117-09b
Taylor           Paul                         16  115-04b
Taylor           Pearl            E           30  117-04a
Taylor           Ray              A           20  146-11a
Taylor           Ray              L           38  103-10a
Taylor           Richard                      00  100-05a
Taylor           Richard                      41  103-08a
Taylor           Robert           C           12  095-05a
Taylor           Robt             H           44  085-01b
Taylor           Rosco            R           08  085-01b
Taylor           Ruth             E           15  145-10b
Taylor           Sadie                        21  137-11b
Taylor           Sadie                        33  103-08a
Taylor           Sarah            E           43  142-13b
Taylor           Sarah                        65  142-04b
Taylor           Shelby                       18  080-12b
Taylor           Shyrlet                      10  118-03a
Taylor           Stella           M           00  131-05a
Taylor           Theron           T           18  145-10b
Taylor           Thomas           D           39  131-05a
Taylor           Thomas           M           63  118-03a
Taylor           Tom                          28  116-02b
Taylor           Vera             B           18  139-04b
Taylor           Verna            E           04  139-04b
Taylor           Viola            M           31  135-12a
Taylor           Walter           U           40  081-04b
Taylor           Walter                       12  125-05b
Taylor           Walter                       21  132-11b
Taylor           Wesley           U           00  081-04b
Taylor           William          H           65  083-02b
Taylor           William          L           29  110-10b
Taylor           William          Lee         22  140-06b
Taylor           William          S           51  089-06a
Taylor           William                      07  112-01b
Taylor           William                      25  134-02b
Taylor           Willie                       09  100-05a
Taylor           Willis           L           56  132-11b
Taylor           Zelah                        71  115-12a
Teachout         Delia                        30  091-04b
Teachout         Earl                         04  091-04b
Teachout         Elmer                        28  091-07a
Teachout         Ethel                        05  091-04b
Teachout         Eugene                       07  091-04b
Teachout         Harold                       01  091-04b
Teachout         Henry            E           65  091-04b
Teachout         Lawrence                     00  091-04b
Teachout         Martha           J           22  091-07a
Teachout         Paul                         03  091-07a
Teachout         Pauline                      06  091-04b
Teachout         William                      36  091-04b
Teague           Abijah                       22  131-04a
Teague           Ada                          26  110-20a
Teague           Essie                        29  110-20a
Teague           Gilbert          H           27  120-07b
Teague           Josephine                    25  120-07b
Teal             Albert                       10  104-02a
Teal             Bille                        34  104-02a
Teal             Edna                         09  143-03b
Teal             Eunice                       25  101-10b
Teal             Imo                          13  143-03b
Teal             James                        36  101-10b
Teal             Logan                        43  143-03b
Teal             Millicent                    35  143-03b
Teal             Minnie                       07  104-02a
Teal             O                B           40  104-02a
Teal             Opal                         01  143-03b
Teal             Vergil                       15  143-03b
Teamer           Eliza                        25  142-06a
Teamer           Fred                         22  142-06a
Teamer           Hazle            I           19  142-06a
Teamer           Leal                         24  142-06a
Tear             Agnes                        32  141-02a
Tear             Danl                         08  104-04a
Tear             Grace                        30  141-02a
Tear             Hettie                       45  104-04a
Tear             James                        48  104-04a
Tear             Lee                          05  104-04a
Tearney          Daniel                       59  099-12b
Tearney          Matilda          C           49  099-13a
Tebbin           Alfred           H           21  137-06b
Tebbin           Sarah                        55  137-06b
Tedde            Grace                        18  106-07b
Tedde            Malissa                      52  106-07b
Tedde            Pearl                        26  106-07b
Tedman           Arthur                       40  085-06b
Tedman           Bernice                      08  085-06b
Tedman           Lizzie                       37  085-06b
Tedman           Pauline          J           16  105-08a
Teese            John                         52  086-08b
Teetz            Charlie                      23  098-07b
Tefler           Au               Mary C      53  139-05a
Tefler           William                      19  139-05a
Teghler          Adda                         17  123-07a
Tell             Dave                         21  118-10a
Telles           Eugenor                      35  090-01a
Tellesson        Andrew                       43  117-04b
Tellesson                                     43  117-04b
Tempelton        Guy              M           38  140-12a
Temple           Charles          M           10  098-02a
Temple           Daisy            A           30  081-06b
Temple           Floyd            A           19  098-04a
Temple           Frances          M           02  111-01b
Temple           Frank            A           26  102-07b
Temple           Galen            C           09  098-02a
Temple           George           P           38  098-01b
Temple           George           R           11  126-06b
Temple           Grace                        20  081-06b
Temple           Harry            R           29  102-09a
Temple           Hettie           F           34  126-06b
Temple           Ivan             B           00  081-06b
Temple           James            T           24  081-06b
Temple           John             F           49  098-04a
Temple           Julia            B           42  098-04a
Temple           Maria            B           46  113-09b
Temple           Mary             A           29  098-02a
Temple           Mary             E           16  126-06b
Temple           Mary             F           16  113-09b
Temple           Mary             E           00  111-01b
Temple           Maud             F           30  111-01b
Temple           Maud                         25  102-09a
Temple           Minnie           A           18  102-07b
Temple           Orville                      03  081-06b
Temple           Price            F           04  098-02a
Temple           R                Clarke      28  111-01b
Temple           Robert           B           50  126-06b
Temple           Robert           C           04  111-01b
Temple           Thomas           H           53  113-09b
Temple           Verna            A           01  081-06b
Temple           Vernon           R           01  081-06b
Temple           William          T           60  081-06b
Temple           Wilma            A           03  081-06b
Tenant           Geo              N           50  102-08a
Tenant           George                       17  102-08a
Tenant           Jesse                        14  102-08a
Tenant           Lizzie                       27  102-08a
Tenant           Willie                       01  102-08a
Tenibaugh        Fred             A           19  105-02a
Tennant          Alice            A           37  102-06b
Tennant          Geo              W           37  102-06b
Tennessen        Arthur                       05  083-02a
Tennessen        Henry            J           46  083-02a
Tennessen        Julley                       08  083-02a
Tennessen        Mary                         32  083-02a
Tennessen        Pauly                        04  083-02a
Tennessen        Romy                         02  083-02a
Tennissen        Joseph                       27  083-07a
Tennissen        Mary                         74  083-07a
Tenorio          Juan                         35  140-11a
Tepfer           Bernice                      23  117-07b
Tepfer           Catherine        L           37  132-10b
Tepfer           Delois           G           18  132-10b
Tepfer           Mena                         57  132-10b
Teresa           M                (Sister)    34  117-02a
Terhune          Clara                        27  104-12a
Terhune          John             R           01  104-12a
Termant          D                L           69  121-06a
Termant          Mary             J           69  121-06a
Ternes           Albert                       18  083-07b
Ternes           Annie                        48  083-04a
Ternes           Antony                       09  083-04a
Ternes           Barbara                      22  083-07b
Ternes           Clara                        13  083-07b
Ternes           Herman                       07  083-04a
Ternes           Joseph                       60  083-04a
Ternes           Katie                        24  083-07b
Ternes           Leo                          03  083-07b
Ternes           Lucy                         43  083-07b
Ternes           Mathias                      11  083-07b
Ternes           Micheal                      15  083-07b
Ternes           Peter            J           43  083-07b
Ternes           Peter                        55  083-07b
Ternes           Susie                        16  083-07b
Ternes           Sybilla                      09  083-07b
Ternis           Anna                         13  099-06a
Ternis           John             P           50  099-06a
Ternis           Martin                       15  099-06a
Ternis           Mary                         39  099-06a
Terpaning        C                C           69  093-03a
Terpaning        Ella                         23  093-03a
Terpaning        Florence                     56  093-03a
Terrell          Clifford         H           40  138-04b
Terrell          Effie            J           38  138-04b
Terrell          Horace           C           07  138-04b
Terrell          Martha                       20  103-04b
Terrell          Pauline                      08  138-04b
Terril           Vernon           R           21  106-10b
Terrill          Gerlnide                     18  120-11b
Terrill          Jesse                        28  120-11b
Terrill          Mary                         33  121-07b
Terrill          Russel                       04  121-07b
Terrill          Wm               T           37  121-07b
Terrington       John             S           22  128-03b
Terrington       Mary             B           56  128-03b
Terrington       Mary             L           12  128-03b
Terrington       Robert           E           60  128-03b
Terrington       Thomas           S           19  128-03b
Terrington       William          Jr          17  128-03b
Terry            Alice            B           21  123-05a
Terry            Alva             L           07  090-06b
Terry            Bertle           E           32  090-06b
Terry            Cecila                       08  119-04b
Terry            Charles          W           60  123-05a
Terry            Claud                        38  128-14a
Terry            Clyde            F           14  119-04b
Terry            Emma                         40  119-04b
Terry            Eva              F           19  123-05a
Terry            Eva              M           04  090-06b
Terry            Fannie           L           53  123-05a
Terry            Floyd            C           17  123-05a
Terry            Helen            F           10  090-06b
Terry            Joy              M           11  090-06b
Terry            Lily             F           33  090-06b
Terry            Margaret                     00  090-06b
Terry            Walter                       70  119-04b
Tesan            Albert                       19  121-03a
Tesan            Clarence                     03  121-03a
Tesan            Doris                        02  121-03a
Tesan            Maude                        23  121-03a
Tesan            Vera                         00  121-03a
Tesan            W                F           24  121-03a
Tessenden        Arthur                       27  140-12a
Tessin           Fred             M           22  142-12b
Tessin           Hester           P           53  142-12b
Tessin           John             W           50  142-12b
Testard          Charles                      41  123-08b
Testard          Elizabeth                    05  123-08b
Testard          Fay              P           33  123-08b
Testen           Leora                        17  134-05b
Testen           Roy              W           23  134-05b
Tester                                        55  108-07a
Tetirick         A                F           28  120-06b
Tetirick         Claud            A           01  120-06b
Tetirick         Florence                     26  120-06b
Tetrick          Gladys                       13  137-14b
Tetrick          Thelma                       10  137-14b
Tetz             Carl                         17  110-11a
Tetz             Emil             Jr          22  110-11a
Tetz             Emil                         59  110-11a
Tetz             Katy                         51  110-11a
Tetz             Maude                        24  110-11a
Tetz             Russel                       19  110-11a
Teufel           Joseph                       40  100-05a
Teufel           Leonore                      32  100-05a
Thaber           Mary                         23  120-01b
Thacher          Thomas                       30  140-05b
Thacker          Ada                          21  101-03b
Thacker          Charles                      73  101-03b
Thacker          Charles                      24  101-03b
Thacker          Irene                        03  124-15a
Thacker          Jean                         31  101-03b
Thacker          Jesse                        28  116-10a
Thacker          Mary                         60  101-03b
Thacker          Sadie                        24  124-15a
Thacker          Thomas                       27  124-15a
Thackery         Florence         M           19  131-04a
Thackery         Joseph           N           53  131-04a
Thackery         Olive            M           13  131-04a
Thackery         Sarah            E           47  131-04a
Thackery         William          W           16  131-04a
Thalman          Melvin           A           25  118-09a
Tharp            Alice                        01  090-08b
Tharp            Blanche                      14  090-08b
Tharp            Elmer                        17  090-08b
Tharp            June                         12  090-08b
Tharp            Mattie           M           07  090-08b
Tharp            Mattie                       42  090-08b
Tharp            William          L           10  090-08b
Tharp            William                      44  090-08b
Tharp            William                      35  135-11a
Tharsilla        Mary             Sister      28  126-02b
Thayer           Cora                         35  121-08a
Thayer           Emily            D           23  145-08b
Thayer           Emily            F           66  145-08b
Thayer           Henry            E           54  133-02a
Thayer           Logan                        24  085-05a
Thayer           Louise           S           53  133-02a
Thayer           Miles                        40  121-08a
Thayer           Wm               Henry       21  133-02a
Thayer           Wm                           40  103-05b
Theapston        N                S           60  131-15b
Thehould         Alfred                       09  136-03a
Thehould         J                Frank       39  136-03a
Thehould         Maynard                      14  136-03a
Theime           Joan             B           24  103-12a
Theis            August                       23  097-07b
Theis            Elizabeth                    20  097-07b
Theis            Laurence                     00  097-07b
Theiss           George           Jr          44  126-14b
Theiss           Jennie                       34  126-14b
Theiss           Otto                         23  126-14b
Theker           Pearl                        23  102-03b
Theker           Thomas                       29  102-03b
Theodosia        Mary             Sister      37  126-02b
Therler          William          A           22  108-04b
Therlow          George                       29  116-10b
Thiel            Walter                       28  091-09a
Thiess           Frederick                    68  132-04a
Thimae           William                      55  134-12a
Thimmesch        Annie            M           17  083-12a
Thimmesch        Annie                        29  083-06b
Thimmesch        Annie                        40  083-12a
Thimmesch        Annie                        37  083-12a
Thimmesch        Annie                        13  083-12b
Thimmesch        Carl                         11  083-12b
Thimmesch        Cecilia                      02  083-12b
Thimmesch        Dizzie                       11  083-12a
Thimmesch        Dora                         09  083-12a
Thimmesch        Frank                        42  083-06b
Thimmesch        George                       09  083-12b
Thimmesch        Johanna                      10  083-06b
Thimmesch        John                         08  083-06b
Thimmesch        John                         50  083-12a
Thimmesch        John                         14  083-12b
Thimmesch        Katie                        11  083-06b
Thimmesch        Maggie                       05  083-12a
Thimmesch        Mary                         14  083-12a
Thimmesch        Mathias                      03  083-12a
Thimmesch        Mathilda                     01  083-12a
Thimmesch        Minnie                       16  083-12a
Thimmesch        Nicholas                     45  083-12a
Thimmesch        Rosa                         04  083-12b
Thimmesch        Susie                        07  083-12a
Thinbe           N                J           59  103-07a
Thoman           Ed                           25  095-05a
Thoman           Emma             E           45  095-04a
Thoman           Ethel                        08  095-04a
Thoman           Harry            W           06  095-04a
Thoman           Ida              E           13  095-04a
Thoman           Lillian          M           14  095-04a
Thoman           Maude                        21  086-01a
Thoman           Myrtle           E           11  095-04a
Thoman           Ora              L           22  095-05a
Thomas           Ada                          14  087-08b
Thomas           Addie            M           34  128-04b
Thomas           Agnes            E           31  113-10b
Thomas           Albert           A           41  135-08a
Thomas           Albert           N           40  136-12a
Thomas           Alberta          E           04  136-12a
Thomas           Alice            M           43  128-12a
Thomas           Alice                        26  141-13a
Thomas           Allen            J           20  102-11b
Thomas           Andrew           S           65  098-09a
Thomas           Anna             L           28  138-07a
Thomas           Anna             R           46  113-10a
Thomas           Anna             R           21  113-10b
Thomas           Anna                         16  137-14b
Thomas           Benjamin                     19  080-12b
Thomas           Benjamin                     19  113-10b
Thomas           Benjamin                     19  138-07a
Thomas           Bert             O           31  103-11b
Thomas           Bert             O (Jr)      03  103-11b
Thomas           Bertha           M           23  098-09a
Thomas           Blance                       27  117-03a
Thomas           Blanch                       18  117-08a
Thomas           Blanche                      19  108-04a
Thomas           Carl             E           26  102-09a
Thomas           Carl             K           06  136-12a
Thomas           Catherine        A           01  138-07a
Thomas           Charles          C           03  107-07b
Thomas           Charles          H           36  144-03a
Thomas           Charles                      22  110-09a
Thomas           Charles                      05  119-06b
Thomas           Charley          W           44  082-05b
Thomas           Chas             E           30  117-03a
Thomas           Chas             M           27  103-06b
Thomas           Chase            S           21  109-01a
Thomas           Christopher      C           59  085-05a
Thomas           Clark            R           05  136-02a
Thomas           Cora             H           30  080-12b
Thomas           Cora                         21  137-08a
Thomas           Corkery                      25  108-04b
Thomas           Craig                        28  127-07b
Thomas           Daniel                       26  099-01a
Thomas           David                        27  138-07a
Thomas           Dora                         01  141-13a
Thomas           Dorothy                      02  107-07b
Thomas           Dot                          27  107-07b
Thomas           E                B           54  143-01b
Thomas           Eawies                       23  091-07a
Thomas           Edrie            E           04  091-02b
Thomas           Edward                       38  119-05b
Thomas           Edward                       42  142-05a
Thomas           Elizabeth                    32  116-05a
Thomas           Ella                         44  082-05b
Thomas           Elmer            A           15  099-02b
Thomas           Elsa             L           29  091-02b
Thomas           Emma                         32  145-06a
Thomas           Emma                         69  137-05b
Thomas           Ernest           J           21  082-05b
Thomas           Ernest                       21  079-07a
Thomas           Ethel                        28  103-11b
Thomas           Etta                         24  127-07b
Thomas           Etta                         25  102-09a
Thomas           Evat                         65  117-08a
Thomas           F                M           27  118-10b
Thomas           Fany                         69  080-07a
Thomas           Floyd            A           23  110-14b
Thomas           Forest           L           17  090-06b
Thomas           Forest                       19  137-08b
Thomas           Francis                      24  136-04a
Thomas           Frank            F           03  136-02a
Thomas           Ganrela                      19  112-02a
Thomas           George           W           24  099-06b
Thomas           George                       45  093-03a
Thomas           Glen                         06  127-07b
Thomas           Grace            M           18  113-10a
Thomas           Grace            W           11  136-12a
Thomas           Grant            T           09  135-08a
Thomas           Hattie                       24  110-09a
Thomas           Hazel            M           18  082-05b
Thomas           Henry            C           08  119-05b
Thomas           Herbert          M           24  102-07a
Thomas           Homer            O           23  080-12b
Thomas           Homer                        31  087-06b
Thomas           Hophni                       29  091-02b
Thomas           Hubert           R           00  110-12a
Thomas           Ida                          10  093-03a
Thomas           Idris                        15  080-09a
Thomas           Irvin                        19  081-05a
Thomas           Isaac                        28  137-08b
Thomas           Jacob                        51  087-03a
Thomas           James                        31  113-10b
Thomas           James                        53  116-05a
Thomas           Jennie           J           20  110-14b
Thomas           Jennie                       17  135-08a
Thomas           Jesse                        09  110-06a
Thomas           John             A           30  136-01b
Thomas           John             W           56  128-16a
Thomas           John                         36  145-06a
Thomas           John                         76  093-01b
Thomas           John                         76  093-02b
Thomas           John                         21  109-12a
Thomas           Joseph           C           67  102-05b
Thomas           Joseph           F           69  133-09a
Thomas           Joseph           L           00  144-03a
Thomas           Josesph                      11  135-08a
Thomas           Katherine        M           00  110-14b
Thomas           Katherine        V           04  128-12a
Thomas           L                M           29  117-01a
Thomas           Lela                         29  087-06b
Thomas           Lelah                        14  136-12a
Thomas           Lena                         35  093-03a
Thomas           Lena                         00  093-03a
Thomas           Leon             W           21  113-10a
Thomas           Leoni                        03  141-13a
Thomas           Lester           G           14  144-03a
Thomas           Lewis            L           18  099-02b
Thomas           Lewis                        28  112-01a
Thomas           Lillie           M           57  109-02b
Thomas           Lincoln                      10  127-07b
Thomas           Loise            R           09  082-05b
Thomas           Lora             I           28  110-12a
Thomas           Lovie            E           37  136-12a
Thomas           Loyde            L           03  136-04a
Thomas           Lucile                       00  138-07a
Thomas           Lucille                      15  110-02b
Thomas           Lyman                        63  137-08b
Thomas           Mabel                        13  127-07b
Thomas           Mabel                        22  104-03a
Thomas           Mable            R           26  136-01b
Thomas           Margaret                     34  116-05a
Thomas           Margarite                    03  120-06b
Thomas           Marguerite                   02  103-06b
Thomas           Marie                        06  145-12a
Thomas           Marie                        16  082-05b
Thomas           Martha           B           40  132-03a
Thomas           Mary             B           22  128-16b
Thomas           Mary             E           07  091-02b
Thomas           Mary             F           57  128-04b
Thomas           Mary             F           04  135-08a
Thomas           Mary             V           00  107-07b
Thomas           Mary                         52  080-09a
Thomas           Mary                         42  099-02b
Thomas           Mattie                       55  143-01b
Thomas           May                          35  144-03a
Thomas           Melissa          A           35  128-04b
Thomas           Merrell          L           01  136-04a
Thomas           N                L           39  117-01a
Thomas           Nathan                       63  109-08b
Thomas           Nell             M           20  103-06b
Thomas           Nellie           L           53  128-16a
Thomas           Noah                         44  099-02b
Thomas           Oakley                       25  109-01b
Thomas           Ola              M           29  131-01b
Thomas           Ottis            A           26  136-04a
Thomas           Otto                         19  118-10a
Thomas           Pansy                        02  109-01a
Thomas           Paul                         23  143-01b
Thomas           Pearl                        17  127-07b
Thomas           Pembroke         S           50  128-12a
Thomas           Phrona                       22  091-07a
Thomas           Randolph         F           45  132-03a
Thomas           Raymond                      01  117-03a
Thomas           Rebecca                      64  137-08a
Thomas           Robert                       04  119-06b
Thomas           Ronald           E           02  110-12a
Thomas           Rosetta                      37  135-08a
Thomas           Roy              K           22  133-10a
Thomas           Ruby                         21  109-01a
Thomas           S                Marie       09  136-12a
Thomas           Sadie                        23  119-05b
Thomas           Sara                         18  142-13b
Thomas           Sarah            E           56  133-09a
Thomas           Stella                       27  124-08a
Thomas           Susan            C           59  085-05a
Thomas           Susan            S           59  137-08b
Thomas           Thelma           R           00  103-06b
Thomas           Thomas                       08  093-03a
Thomas           Tiera            R           07  144-03a
Thomas           Truman           A           23  109-03a
Thomas           Vernon           H           24  113-10a
Thomas           Vivian           E           06  080-07a
Thomas           W                O           64  127-07b
Thomas           Walter           E           19  135-08a
Thomas           Walter           H           28  107-07b
Thomas           Whitney          P           07  128-12a
Thomas           Will                         26  110-09b
Thomas           Willet           R           02  091-02b
Thomas           William          A           49  113-10a
Thomas           William          E           27  110-12a
Thomas           William          E           34  141-13a
Thomas           William          J           33  119-08b
Thomas           William          M           68  109-02b
Thomas           William          W           53  080-09a
Thomas           William                      16  089-04b
Thomas           William                      20  110-09a
Thomas           William                      24  138-07a
Thomas           Willis           T           02  091-02b
Thomason         Shella           A           19  146-11a
Thomason         Shella           E           01  146-11a
Thomason         William          D           27  146-11a
Thomberry        Belle                        48  130-13a
Thomberry        Paul                         22  130-13a
Thomberry        W                            50  130-13a
Thome            Clara                        27  083-06b
Thome            Frank                        16  083-06b
Thome            Gertrude                     02  079-06a
Thome            Gudula                       13  083-06b
Thome            Johanna                      52  083-06b
Thome            John                         54  083-06b
Thome            Joseph                       26  079-06a
Thome            Katie                        23  083-08a
Thome            Mary                         21  079-06a
Thome            Math                         20  083-06b
Thome            Mike                         21  083-06b
Thome            Peter                        24  083-08a
Thompkins        Gordon           V           24  119-09a
Thompkins        Hal              W           42  119-09a
Thompson         Abert            H           23  099-03b
Thompson         Ada              H           41  099-03a
Thompson         Ada                          24  090-09b
Thompson         Adaline          W           62  125-01a
Thompson         Agnes            L           18  121-01a
Thompson         Alma             E           28  123-04a
Thompson         Alma             E           29  094-02a
Thompson         Ames             R           28  099-12a
Thompson         Aneto                        07  116-08a
Thompson         Anita            M           08  115-05a
Thompson         Ann              B           77  123-08b
Thompson         Anna             C           12  082-05b
Thompson         Anna             L           38  135-09b
Thompson         Anna             M           53  094-02a
Thompson         Anna             N           34  105-07a
Thompson         Anna             S           36  105-04b
Thompson         Anna                         34  082-08b
Thompson         Anna                         83  109-07a
Thompson         Arthur           J           19  110-16b
Thompson         Astella                      03  141-15a
Thompson         Barbara          N           16  120-03b
Thompson         Benjamin         F           62  110-14a
Thompson         Berta            H           33  110-16b
Thompson         Bertha           B           29  121-01a
Thompson         Bessie                       09  137-04a
Thompson         Beulah           M           15  135-09b
Thompson         Beulah           W           19  126-12b
Thompson         Birdie                       13  104-06a
Thompson         Blanche                      20  099-03b
Thompson         Caroline                     52  130-05a
Thompson         Carrie           L           29  105-03b
Thompson         Catharine                    36  124-06b
Thompson         Cecile           O           00  099-12a
Thompson         Charles          B           45  109-01a
Thompson         Charles                      28  116-10a
Thompson         Charley          B           38  082-08b
Thompson         Charlotte        E           70  136-05a
Thompson         Chas             L           07  084-02a
Thompson         Chas             W           28  134-02a
Thompson         Christopher                  03  120-04b
Thompson         Clara            A           47  124-08b
Thompson         Clara            E           45  084-01b
Thompson         Clara            M           12  110-16b
Thompson         Clara            W           27  138-04b
Thompson         Clarence         P           18  135-09b
Thompson         Clement          H           10  110-14a
Thompson         Clifford                     03  099-12a
Thompson         Clyde            L           17  099-03a
Thompson         Cora             B           55  126-03b
Thompson         D                A           50  120-03b
Thompson         Dallas                       35  116-08a
Thompson         Della            E           28  094-01b
Thompson         Della                        22  130-05a
Thompson         Donald           E           08  099-03a
Thompson         Dorcas           L           54  113-07b
Thompson         Doris            F           08  094-01b
Thompson         Dorothae         M           04  136-02a
Thompson         Dorothea         M           26  123-08a
Thompson         Douglas                      50  084-01b
Thompson         Earl                         03  108-05b
Thompson         Earl                         06  133-05b
Thompson         Edgar                        39  139-03a
Thompson         Edna                         26  116-06a
Thompson         Edna                         00  141-15a
Thompson         Effie                        40  109-01a
Thompson         Ellen                        59  112-01a
Thompson         Elmer            N           30  133-05b
Thompson         Elmer                        19  121-01a
Thompson         Elmo                         10  135-09b
Thompson         Elsie                        19  085-06b
Thompson         Elsie                        18  100-02a
Thompson         Elwane           W           30  107-14a
Thompson         Emeral           F           11  089-03b
Thompson         Emma                         22  099-12a
Thompson         Emmall                       52  110-14a
Thompson         Ernest           E           31  123-08a
Thompson         Ernest           M           56  123-04b
Thompson         Estelle                      21  108-05b
Thompson         Ethel                        16  105-08a
Thompson         Etta                         21  120-04b
Thompson         Eugene                       24  090-09b
Thompson         Eva                          39  105-08a
Thompson         Evaline                      60  123-04b
Thompson         Evaline                      55  123-12b
Thompson         Fannie           Z           53  087-03b
Thompson         Faye             D           09  084-02a
Thompson         Faye                         21  094-02a
Thompson         Fern             E           03  123-08a
Thompson         Fern                         06  107-14a
Thompson         Floyd            D           09  089-03b
Thompson         Fred             M           38  115-05a
Thompson         Fred                         35  140-05b
Thompson         G                G           32  120-04b
Thompson         G                W           49  117-04a
Thompson         Garette          W           30  119-02a
Thompson         George           S           20  118-07b
Thompson         George           W           24  091-13a
Thompson         George                       64  084-02a
Thompson         Gertrude                     02  120-04b
Thompson         Glenn            S           14  115-05a
Thompson         Grace            E           40  128-02b
Thompson         Grace                        25  116-08a
Thompson         Grace                        13  130-05a
Thompson         Grant                        42  105-08a
Thompson         H                R           22  120-04b
Thompson         Harold           T           06  115-05a
Thompson         Harry            C           41  128-02b
Thompson         Hattie           D           55  113-02b
Thompson         Hazel            L           01  138-04b
Thompson         Henry                        37  137-04a
Thompson         Homer                        16  110-01a
Thompson         Hortence                     05  128-02b
Thompson         Ida                          52  110-16b
Thompson         Ida                          21  110-19a
Thompson         Ilis                         36  112-01a
Thompson         Irene                        06  130-05a
Thompson         Isaac            E           36  094-01b
Thompson         Isaac                        79  107-13a
Thompson         J                H           35  124-06b
Thompson         J                Walter      25  112-01a
Thompson         J                            27  108-05b
Thompson         James            D           48  126-12b
Thompson         James            H           42  120-03b
Thompson         James            W           32  136-02a
Thompson         James                        58  108-04a
Thompson         James                            103-11a
Thompson         Jas              F           33  121-07b
Thompson         Jasn             L           05  128-11a
Thompson         Jeff                         35  110-01a
Thompson         Jesse            E           24  087-03b
Thompson         Jesse            T           62  125-01a
Thompson         Jesse                        32  121-01a
Thompson         Jessie           B           26  136-02a
Thompson         John             D           44  122-11a
Thompson         John             G           64  094-02a
Thompson         John             H           60  087-03b
Thompson         Joseph           C           27  138-04b
Thompson         Joseph           P           50  126-03b
Thompson         Joseph                       29  134-03b
Thompson         Joseph                       60  138-06a
Thompson         Joseph                       68  099-12a
Thompson         Kate                         23  141-15a
Thompson         Laura            B           36  084-02a
Thompson         Lela             N           07  128-11a
Thompson         Leoline          M           20  125-01a
Thompson         LeRoy                        38  105-03b
Thompson         Lester           A           57  134-12b
Thompson         Lillie           O           56  138-06a
Thompson         Lily             M           40  142-05b
Thompson         Lloyd            A           16  135-09b
Thompson         Lloyd                        15  137-04a
Thompson         Lottie                       18  128-02b
Thompson         Lovina                       62  134-02a
Thompson         Luther           C           42  105-04b
Thompson         M                A           56  134-12b
Thompson         Mabel            E           09  128-11a
Thompson         Maggie           E           42  082-05b
Thompson         Maggie                       36  137-04a
Thompson         Marian                       10  128-02b
Thompson         Martha           L           65  105-04b
Thompson         Martha                       30  119-02a
Thompson         Mary             E           02  105-03b
Thompson         Mary             E           20  087-03b
Thompson         Mary             H           55  126-12b
Thompson         Mary             J           57  090-01b
Thompson         Mary                         78  109-07a
Thompson         Mary                         13  137-04a
Thompson         Matilda                      88  126-03b
Thompson         Matison                      59  123-12b
Thompson         Maud             M           27  133-05b
Thompson         Max                          05  105-04b
Thompson         Millis           S           02  120-04b
Thompson         Minnie           K           25  107-14a
Thompson         Minnie                       34  110-01a
Thompson         Murl             D           18  084-01b
Thompson         Myrtle           S           25  120-04b
Thompson         Myrtle                       25  121-07b
Thompson         Nancy                        76  105-07a
Thompson         Nellie                       48  100-09b
Thompson         Nettle                       32  121-01a
Thompson         Olive            M           11  115-05a
Thompson         Ora              M           11  084-02a
Thompson         Oscar            Austin      00  136-02a
Thompson         Pat                          36  118-03a
Thompson         Pearl            M           33  115-05a
Thompson         Pearl                        32  139-03a
Thompson         Pete                             108-07b
Thompson         Ralph                        04  119-02a
Thompson         Ray                          24  101-02b
Thompson         Richard                      01  108-05b
Thompson         Richard                      02  133-05b
Thompson         Robert           B           35  128-11a
Thompson         Roy              H           23  141-15a
Thompson         Roy                          12  146-02b
Thompson         Roy                          12  137-04a
Thompson         Roy                          07  139-03b
Thompson         Roy                          22  143-08a
Thompson         Roy                          23  104-06a
Thompson         Ruth             R           79  084-02a
Thompson         Ruth                         15  130-05a
Thompson         Ruth                         10  139-03b
Thompson         Safford          E           58  113-02b
Thompson         Samantha                     75  120-03b
Thompson         Samuel                       44  110-20a
Thompson         Smith                        64  110-16b
Thompson         Stella                       24  109-04a
Thompson         Susan            M           04  122-11a
Thompson         Taylor           G           10  082-08b
Thompson         Theadore         R           11  099-03a
Thompson         Thelma                       09  105-04b
Thompson         Theo             C H         08  136-02a
Thompson         Thomas           G           46  082-05b
Thompson         Thomas           J           19  099-03a
Thompson         Thomas           L           43  099-03a
Thompson         Thomas           R           16  086-03b
Thompson         Tillie           S           48  126-03b
Thompson         Tillie                       11  100-05b
Thompson         Togack                       43  135-09b
Thompson         Vada                         30  120-03b
Thompson         Viola                        50  105-07a
Thompson         Viola                        30  128-11a
Thompson         Virgil           E           03  107-14a
Thompson         W                A           57  130-05a
Thompson         Warren                       58  108-04a
Thompson         Wayne            D           24  113-02b
Thompson         Wayne                        13  121-01a
Thompson         Weldon                       03  109-01a
Thompson         Wesley           M           40  109-07a
Thompson         Wilber                       24  103-11b
Thompson         William          A           78  105-06b
Thompson         William          F           48  120-03b
Thomson          Blanche                      19  110-06a
Thomson          H                S           65  121-03b
Thomson          Rachel                       64  121-03b
Thomson          Robt                         26  121-03b
Thorla           Charles                      44  105-06a
Thorla           Charlie          H               105-06a
Thorla           Eunice           B           12  105-06a
Thorla           Iowa                         41  105-06a
Thorla           Westcott                     23  105-06a
Thorman          Oscar            E           11  142-16a
Thorman          William          R           55  142-16a
Thorn            Al                           45  108-04b
Thorn            Edwin            S           51  123-01a
Thorn            Elizabeth        A           80  124-14b
Thorn            Elizabeth        J           48  123-01a
Thorn            Glenn            G           05  123-01a
Thorn            Hazel            B           14  123-01a
Thorn            Lee              E           10  123-01a
Thorn            William                      10  108-04b
Thornberg        Chas             M           31  134-02a
Thorne           Catherine        J           32  142-02b
Thorne           Flora            G           44  138-01a
Thorne           Frank            T           42  102-05b
Thorne           Grace            G           17  138-01a
Thorne           Harry                        30  142-02a
Thorne           Jasper                       20  116-11b
Thorne           John                         22  116-11b
Thorne           Katie                        18  097-06a
Thorne           Lulu             May         34  102-05b
Thorne           Paul             I           18  138-01a
Thornehill       Hardy            S           28  102-11b
Thorngton        Dick                         46  140-07b
Thorngton        Laura                        46  140-07b
Thornhill        Eulies                       55  130-08a
Thornhill        Joseph                       62  130-08a
Thornpson        Saphemia                     86  126-07b
Thornquist       Edythe                       20  136-10a
Thornton         Bettie                       11  115-06b
Thornton         Cecil                        02  110-02b
Thornton         Charles                      25  130-09a
Thornton         Clara                        50  115-06b
Thornton         Dave                         27  115-09a
Thornton         Edgar                        17  115-06b
Thornton         Eliza                        15  115-06b
Thornton         Elizabeth                    51  120-03b
Thornton         Francis                      18  115-06b
Thornton         Jackson          A           55  101-07a
Thornton         John             W           50  115-06b
Thornton         Leo              David       03  115-09a
Thornton         Lillian                      24  130-09a
Thornton         Louise                       24  115-09a
Thornton         Mamie                        18  110-02b
Thornton         Marie                        00  130-09a
Thornton         Mary             E           20  120-03b
Thornton         Sarah            A           17  120-03b
Thornton         Walker                       13  115-06b
Thornton         William                      29  110-21b
Thornton         William                      30  115-06b
Thorntown        Willie                       20  127-04a
Thorp            Arlow                        16  128-06a
Thorp            Charles          O           73  134-11a
Thorp            Emele            S           62  134-11a
Thorp            Ethel                        20  090-05a
Thorp            Floyd                        18  090-10a
Thorp            Mahala                       59  124-11b
Thorp            Rolo                         14  128-06a
Thorp            Walter           R           19  082-04b
Thorpe           Anna             B           24  128-13b
Thorpe           Edgar            R           05  128-13b
Thorpe           John             E           28  128-13b
Thould           Hattie           W           32  123-11a
Thrall           Herbert                      34  116-01a
Thrall           Mabel                        25  116-01a
Thrift           Charles          A           29  082-01a
Thrift           Luella           M           03  082-01a
Thrift           Ora              J           27  082-01a
Throckmorton     Eliza                        20  126-12b
Throckmorton     Lizzie                       44  126-12b
Throckmorton     Oak                          23  126-12b
Throckmorton     William          R           46  126-12b
Throne           Ben                          23  116-11b
Thrope           Wm               G           28  117-04b
Thrush           Isaac                        90  081-06a
Thrush           Sarah                        83  081-06a
Thurin           Eva              E           45  086-07b
Thurin           Jacob                        47  086-07b
Thurin           Winnifred                    19  086-07b
Thurman          Deane                        17  139-08a
Thurman          Erma                         20  139-08a
Thurman          Grover           C           19  139-08a
Thurman          Harriet                      07  139-08a
Thurman          John             P           44  139-08a
Thurman          Miriam                       11  139-08a
Thurman          Susie            E           42  139-08a
Thurston         Charles                      15  141-06b
Thurston         Dan              Bradley     14  133-01a
Thurston         Elsie                        21  141-06b
Thurston         Emily                        10  141-07a
Thurston         Fannie                       09  141-07a
Thurston         Fyen                         05  141-07a
Thurston         Gracie                       12  141-06b
Thurston         Mattie           W           44  133-01a
Thurston         May                          17  141-06b
Thurston         Oakley           B           52  133-01a
Thurston         Paul                         08  133-01a
Thurston         Sarah            J           42  141-06b
This page created for Sedgwick County KSGenWeb by John Schunk.
Not to be reproduced or redistributed without permission.

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